Chapter 30

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                        -Jimin's p.o.v-

It was officially Taehyung's birthday today, December 30th, and I was with Jin and Hobi at Party City buying all different types of cute decorations. We wanted to surprise Taehyung so it was going to take good effort.

There really wasn't a theme, and if there was then it would have been ruined. Me, Jin and hobi were just throwing things into the cart that we thought would be perfect like, silly hats, balloons, those little umbrellas, teddy bears, plates, hanging letters, curtains, ect. The cart was just a mess of different things that we probably didn't need but we couldn't resist. At the end, we bought $105 dollars of stuff which shouldn't have happened but it did.

When Jin was paying I swear I felt a pair of lingering eyes that gave me an off put feeling but when I turned around to look there was nobody there. I ignored it as I was probably imagining it.

We went back to Jin's house to set up and figure out where to place things out. The good thing about Jin's house was that it was open and not secluded by walls. We hung up some see through purple curtains where the dining table was and also hung balloons on the sides and spelled out 'Happy Birthday Taehyung' with the letters we bought.

We were laying out the white and yellow teddy bears we bought when Yoongi, Namjoon and Jungkook came in. We all said hi to each other and they started helping us finish decorate.

Now you may be wondering when everybody met and how everyone knows each other. Well it happened on Christmas during a dinner. Jin had the brilliant idea to have a Christmas dinner with me, Taehyung, hobi and told me to invite Yoongi over with Namjoon and Jungkook too for Taehyung.

So I did just that.

I called Yoongi and told him about Jin's idea and he was down for it. He told Namjoon and Jungkook about it and they both happily agreed to the idea of having dinner at Jin's house for Christmas. I was happy to hear that they all agreed to it and called Jin to tell him that they were going to come.

Jin was also happy upon hearing the news, he thought they wouldn't agree.

He sounded super excited over the phone that day and told me he was going to prepare a extraordinary meal that was going to burst our tongues with flavor. Him saying that made me excited for the Christmas dinner.

When the day arrived everyone was dressed nicely but there was nobody wearing a black suit, thank goodness for that. Everyone was shy and awkward at first, but after a hour talking to each other we all relaxed and enjoyed each other's presence's. Jin called us to eat and we all flocked over to his long dining table. Jin had a nice black set of plates out, food spread throughout the long table, and a simple but pleasant bouquet of flowers in the middle.

We all digged in and I'm pretty sure Jin won Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jungkook over because they couldn't stop talking about how super delicious the food was. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and memories with everyone becoming comfortable with one another.

Back to now, I went to go get Taehyung and told him happy birthday and that we were going to go to Jin's house. He was happy and asked what we were going to do but I didn't say much as to not reveal that it was a surprise party with everybody waiting for us.

I pulled into Jin's driveway and we got out walking towards the front door.

Again I sensed the feeling of someone's eyes staring at me but as I looked around at my surroundings, there was nobody in sight. Geez what's up with me today.

"Are you coming Jimin?" Taehyung calls for me. "Yeah!" I respond back. I felt worry building up in the pit of my stomach and I didn't like the way it felt.

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