Chapter 32

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Yoongi P.O.V

It was a new day, filled with busy work, but I didn't mind this time. I'm just really relieved that Jimin woke up two days ago after being knocked out for three days. Once Jimin woke, Jin texted in our group chat of us seven and relied the great news that Jimin finally woke up. Everyone immediately showed up at Jin's house after seeing the text, and we all crowded around Jimin, sobbing.

It's strange how we all formed such a strong bond within a few weeks of knowing each other.

Jin had also called doctor Marcus the same night and told him that Jimin up. He was surprised to say the least but said that Jimin should take the medicine just in case and said he still had to look at Jimin's blood but was really busy.

Jin understood and told him he would make sure Jimin takes the medicine.

I'm going to go see Jimin again once I finish my work load here at the pack house. Jimin is still in Jin's house. Jin refuses to let Jimin leave his house until he recovers fully, but I know the other reason is to protect him from that bastard of a monster. I actually really hope Jin is able to keep him there for a week, and I know Jimin wouldn't dare disobey Jin.

Hell I wouldn't even do it, even if it was for a prank.


"Come in" I say, looking up. Jungkook waltz in and sits down on the chair in front of me. "Hey Yoongi, whatcha doing?" he asks me. "Hey kook, nothing much, I'm just signing and looking over some contracts and papers as per usual" I explain.

He hums.

"Is something on your mind kook?" I ask. "yeah, I feel bad for Jimin and Taehyung" he sighs. "They don't deserve to go through this". "I agree, I don't understand why Jimin had to be the one to be hunted by some mad man" I click my tongue, feeling displeased. "Jimin is an angel in my eyes, and maybe that's because he literally is one". "Yup, and Taehyung is such a cutie. He's like a soft, sleeping bear" he expresses.

I chuckle.

"Sound's like someone is struck in love" I hint at him. "W-well, I-i, um-" he sputters, blushing. "I'm going to go take a walk" he rushes, hurrying out the door.

"Aish, this younger one" I laugh.

"What's got you laughing? And why did Jungkook run out of your office all red faced?" Namjoon pointed out as he walked in my office. "Oh nothing, just that I might have teased him a bit" I laughed. "Taehyung?" he asks. "You got it" I give him a thumbs up. He laughs along with me and we ended up talking a bit about them two obvious lovers before talking serious business regarding that lunatic and the guy that's been able to get on the pack grounds without being detected.

-Later at night-

I was at Jin's house to check on Jimin to see how better he's gotten. I brought Namjoon along with me, and as we entered Jin's house, he was setting up dinner on the table and looked dumbfounded for a moment.

"Oh you brought Namjoon along, great" he says. "Of course, anything to help you two out" I smirk and walked away quickly to Jimin before Jin could say anything.

I knocked on the door before entering and saw Jimin on his phone watching YouTube. He looked up from his phone and his face brightened up instantly. "Yoongi, you're here!" he wraps his arms around me. "Yeah, sorry I couldn't come sooner, I was busy with papers, documents, everything basically" I sighed, tired. "It's okay, I understand your busy" he replies.

I hug him a little more tighter, and inhale his sweet scent that I've dreamed about this whole day.

"You smell so nice" I say. "Thank you, you smell very nice too" he cuddles into me. I smile and grab his face gently. We wonder into each other's eyes before our lips touch. It's a slow, loving pace before intensifying. Jimin's hands roam my hair and mine roam his back.

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