Chapter 33

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                          Jimin's p.o.v

I was sleeping so comfortably underneath the comforter until Marty jumped on top of me and started purring against my cheeks. I groaned but scratched his head softly, making him purr even more.

I opened my eyes and saw his yellow eyes staring back at me. "Are you hungry Marty?" I ask him, smiling. He meowed once and layed on top on my stomach. I chuckled and grabbed my phone to see what time it was.


I guess it's time to wake up.

I grabbed Marty, sat up and yawned. I crawled out from the blanket and made my way over to Jin's kitchen as we had put the cat food in a empty cupboard. I wasn't expecting to see Jin in the kitchen as I thought he had gone to run the café as usual.

"Jin?" I ask confused. "Oh hey, good morning Jimin" he smiles at me. "I thought you had left to the café already" I say, getting Marty's bowl and food ready. "I was suppose to but I feel really tired and need a break. I let everyone off today and the café is closed for today" he explains to me.

"Oh okay, well good thing you are taking care of yourself and letting your body and mind take a break" I say. He hums, I sit next to Marty as he eats his food happily, occasionally scratching behind his ears.

Jin was making breakfast I assume, but his phone rang and he went over to answer it. As I was cooing at Marty I heard Jin shriek "WHAT?!?!". I immediately looked over at him and a feeling of nausea came into my stomach.

"Ok we'll be there right away" he tells the person on the phone and hangs up. "What happened Jin?" I asked concerned. He looked at me with worries eyes, "What's wrong, your scaring me" I say.

"Yoongi's in the hospital" he tells me.

I felt like the world crashed down on top of me. "WHAT WHY?!?!" I yelled really concerned. "Apparently that guy coming after you sent someone to Yoongi's house last night and Yoongi had a fight with him, resulting him getting stabbed in his left shoulder" he explained. Tears rolled down my face, I felt so worried and angry.

"Is he okay?" I ask in a shaky voice. "From what Namjoon told me over the phone, he's okay but lot a significant amount of blood, and Jungkook heard what was happening and helped Yoongi out but got his right arm slashed" Jin said worriedly.

"I want to see him" I tell him.

Jin shakes his head yes and we run to get ready and leave to the hospital were Yoongi was admitted. Once we made it into the parking lot, we got out and told the front desk lady the room number. His room was on the fourth floor and we scrambled into the elevator with some other people.

We got out of the elevator and walked down the hall. We saw Yoongi's room number and knock before entering. I was scared to walk in but Jin gave me a reassuring smile that calmed down my nerves a bit.

I walked in and saw Namjoon and Jungkook sitting beside the bed, my eyes fell upon Yoongi and relaxed when I saw him sitting up straight. I noticed the bandages on his shoulder and felt my heart clench. I walked to his bed and sat down next to him.

I touched his shoulder gently as I could and asked, "Does it hurt?".  "Not really, the wound is already starting to close up but it's going to take another day to finish healing completely" Yoongi responded. I hummed, circling my arms around his torso, being careful to not move his arm around. He hugged me back with one arm, pulling me against him further.

"I'm so sorry you two" I whisper loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Don't say that Jimin, haven't I told you not to feel bad about this. What happened last night wasn't your fault okay" he ensures me. "Yeah Jimin! It wasn't your fault" Jungkook spoke up. "But, but.." I try to say. "No BUTS, we already said it wasn't your fault so stop it" Yoongi angrily half-yelled. His tone sent shivers down everyone's spine and Jimin didn't argue anymore.

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