Chapter 8

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                         Jimin's p.o.v

The stars began twinkling against the dark canvas of the night sky signaling it was time for me to go home. I'm not good with the dark.

I'd rather watch the night sky from the safety of my home with my blanket and marty. Damn I missed that little fucker.

I have to go apologize to Jin and Taehyung, but mostly Jin. What I said was unforgivable & not right. I sighed and got up to go home.

I made my wings disappear and ran back between the forest towards my warm home that I miss. I sprinted back and made sure to shift at a few blocks from my place.

All I could think about was snuggling up next to marty with my yellow blanket. That is until Jin's house into view.He had his kitchens light on meaning he was probably stress eating.

My emotions overwhelmed me and I was completely overcomed with guilt. I argued with myself in either going inside or giving him space. But I won (over myself) and decided to brust into his home at this ungoddessly time of night.

I got my spare key from inside the vase, filled with a few rocks. I threw open the door and blasted in "JIN-HYUNG IM SO SORRY!!" I yelled dramatically falling to the ground sobbing with my hand over my heart.

I heard Jin drop something, possibly sharp metal. I heard his piercing shriek "WHAT THE FU-" but Tae cut him off and yelled "Jimin is that you?!". I heard loud stomping footsteps come from the stairs and the kitchen.

"Jimin what are you-" Jin was trying to say but I cut him off by my loud sobbing "I'm so sorry Jin-hyung and Taehyung. I acted so childish and was being unreasonable. I shouldn't have said all those hurtful things to you Jin-hyung, please forgive me!" I yelled, raising my head to meet their eyes.

I heard stirled laughter come from Taehyung. "Jimin get up you look ridiculous" Jin said not smiling. "No, I won't get up till you forgave me" I said shaking my head, pink dead strands falling into my eyes stinging them more.

"Fine then I'm coming down" Jin told me. "Hah?" I asked. I looked up but didn't have to look very far. Jin was kneeling before me, who was kneeling before him.

I stayed quiet until Taehyung blurted "If somebody walked in at this very moment, we would look very kninky". "Tae if you don't shut the hell up" Jin sighed. I stifled a laugh at Taehyung's offended look. "Look Jimin i'm not mad at you, I'm very disappointed you would say something like that to me, another omega, your bestfriend, your brother" he explained.

I saw the bitter, sweetness he hardened behind his big brown eyes. It broke my heart that I broke his heart. I immediately started crying again.

" I-I'm s-s-sorry fuck-fucking sorry Jin-hyung" I managed to choke out. "That was so fucked up of me to say. I dont even know why I was so mad. But still that's not an excuse, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me Jin-hyung" I rambled on.

He looked me in my eyes and held my gaze until he could make sure I was sincere. Then without warning he wrapped me in his warm home-like embrace. I let myself sink into his arms.

"Aww, I want to get in on this too" Taehyung whined. He plopped down on his knees and hugged me & Jin with his freakishly long arms. "Its okay Jimin, I know you didn't mean it. I was hurt I'll admit but I've had my space and I know it didn't come from you. It was the anger speaking" Jin whispers.

"Damn, someone's been watching too many hippie self-help videos on" Tae started but couldn't finsh because Jin smacked him with the spoon. "Ow, where the fuck did that come from" he complained.

"Boy, can't you see we're trying to have a serious mature conversation here? Keep being goofy" Jin scolded. I couldn't  help but giggle at this little squable.

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