68 | youngin part 4🐝

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So far Keith has been liking middle school which he thought was weird. He didn't know what changed, but kids these days are very different. He made friends with a few dudes and invited them over after school since Y/N's house was not that far at all. Y/N did some research and found out where the Zoltar machine is located at. Keith could possibly get changed back tonight and go back to his normal life.

As of lately before he even turned into a thirteen year old, Y/N's old feelings for Keith came back but she put them aside because of his wife. Now hearing that Keith wants to divorce after all of this chills out, Y/N wants to discuss with him about it. Soon she hears her door unlock and more than one voice enter in her house.

"Hey mom I hope that it was ok that I invited a few friends over", he smiles.

"Yes of course I'm just glad you're making some. I'm going to go off to the kitchen to make you guys some snacks."

Before heading off to the couch, Keith's friend Chris leans over to whisper something.

"Dude your mom is hot."

"Bro chill out."

"I can't help it man and she dragging a wagon."

Keith would be lying if he said he wasn't mad. It wasn't that he was pretending because Y/N is playing to be his mom, but the fact that he has feelings for her. He turns on his PlayStation cutting on 2k so can him and his friends can play. Before the boys even start, Y/N comes back with a tray full of snacks.

"Ok tell if you guys need anything", she smiles.

"Thank you and yes ma'am."

Y/N rushes off to her office to continue what she was doing before Keith and his friends got here. She quickly writes dials the number of the place onto her house and patiently waiting for it to ring.

"Hello this is Jack's junkyard."

"Hi yes my name is Y/N and I was curious to if you guys have the Zoltar machine from the LA county fair?"

"Yes ma'am it's sitting in our lobby right now."

"You guys aren't going to trash it or anything right?"

"No ma'am we have it there with our arcade games and candy machines in the waiting room."

"Ok thank you so much."

Hanging up the phone she quickly writes down the address on a piece of paper. She would have to take him on a weekend so he doesn't miss any school. The plan would probably be to pull him out Friday and then take him to get changed back.

"Keith come here!"

"Yes ma'am."

"Please stop it, but I found the machine and you're getting changed back on Saturday."

All of a sudden he does his happy dance and gives Y/N a big hug like he normally does.

"Ok now go back out so you can hang with your friends", she smiles.


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