12 | heavyweight 🥊

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Y/N rushed to the gym because she had some exciting news to tell her boyfriend. She knew it wasn't the best time to tell him while he is training, especially for something so important to him. Entering through the doors she saw a few photographers and interviewers trying to get Keith's attention.

He was too in the zone as he was doing his combination with his father who is also his trainer. Keith felt that no one knew what was best for him when it came to boxing, except his father.

" Good. Now suit up you about to do a practice round with Leroy."

They place Keith's mouth piece and headset and they tapped his hands up.

" Keith!"

He turns around alarm because of the way she yelled his name.

" Hey baby ", he smiles.

" Hi."

He was about to say something, but it was time for him to do his thing. Leroy was the same height and weight as Keith, but did not have the skills.

Keith is notorious through out Philly ever since he was thirteen. He was lethal and still is. The boy could knock you out in the first round if he wanted to, but he liked to have a little fun with his opponents.

Keith and Y/N met when they were both sixteen. Keith was out with his friends at Max's Philly cheesesteaks and then she stepped in. She was with her friends, so of course didn't want to bother her. As soon as his friends was thinking about getting at her, he got protective and took the initiative. Ever since then they have been highschool sweethearts. Now being twenty four, the couple was just now settling in life. Y/N completed her masters in education, specifically in deaf and hard hearing. At times she will speak in sign language and Keith will have no clue of what she's talking about. They are in love and that's all that matters.

She was becoming aggravated and could not hold the news in any longer.

" Babe!"

" Wassup baby ", he said dodging Leroy' s punch.

" I need to tell you something."

" Can it wait?"

Keith blocked the punch before giving him a right hook to his rib. Y/N was starting to become annoyed and impatient.

" Keith I'm pregnant!"

" What?"

He turned around only to get punched on his left side making him fall to the ground.

Everyone was shocked that Keith Powers was down on the ground.

° ° °

Y/N and Keith sat together in the boxing ring as he held an ice pack to his head. By this time everyone had left and it was dark outside.

Keith was rubbing his hand over his girlfriend's stomach. He was excited that he was having a baby with the girl he loves.

" So there is really a baby in there?"

" Yeah, I went to the doctor after I took the test just to make sure."

" Wow ", he whispers, " if it's a boy he's defiantly boxing."

" What if it's a girl?"

" Ok well then she's boxing. About to have my baby out here fighting these little boys."

" Keith now you not about to have our maybe daughter out here fighting."

" I mean if she likes it I can't stop her."

Y/N laughs resting her head on his shoulder.

" I love you."

" I love you too."

" And I love you ", he coped at her stomach, " your mom's got me knocked out telling me about you...but it was worth it." 

Sum slight, Saw Creed II today and Michael B Jordan is daddy along with Keith

Copulation 2 | Keith Powers Imagines (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now