60 | youngin part 3🐝

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Y/N was up cleaning after Keith while he sat on the couch playing videos games. That's all her ever does now since he has so much free time being a teenager.

"Keith I am not your momma you need to clean up after yourself."

"I mean technically you are my momma", he laughs a bit.

She walks over to the tv unplugging the game console.

"Aye what you do that for!"

"Look we are going to have some rules like first I'm giving you chores."

"Chores!? I'm a grown as man."

Y/an blinked her eyes a few times staring at the thirteen year old.

"Oh yeah I forgot."

"To continue your going to clean your bathroom, take out the trash, and help me with the dishes and laundry."

"Why I gotta-"

Keith stopped once he noticed the look on Y/N's face.

"Ok yes ma'am."

"Please don't call me that and oh I'm registering you for school today."

"What I need to go to school for?"

"Because I can't have cps once somebody notice I have a little kid just roaming free without school."

"Then just homeschool me or pretend that you are."

"Tyree how am I suppose to do that when I have work."

"But I don't want to go to school", he whines, "can't you work out something with your job?"

"I can't Keith and you know cps would want you in physical school. Go ahead and get dressed I have an outfit lates out for you and got you a backpack with everything you need."

"Man this some bullshit", he mumbled.

"What you say I didn't get that?"


• • •

Keith stood next to Y/N playing on his Nintendo switch while she filled out paperwork.

"And he has had all of his shots correct?"

"Yes I have his verification right here."

She may have edited it a little bit because of the dates.

"Ok well you're all set here is his schedule and we'll be excited to have Keith tomorrow."

"Thank you my little guy is excited as well."

Keith side eyes her putting his attention back on his game. They walk back out to the car and Keith slouches in the passenger seat.

"I hated middle school?"

"Really I don't recall that", she laughs.

"It was just an awkward time for us puberty, developing feelings for girls, and then all of a sudden your titties got bigger it was just a weird stage."

"Don't mention my titties ever again."

Y/an drives off to Walmart to get grocery to make dinner so Keith can have a good night sleep tonight.

Copulation 2 | Keith Powers Imagines (DISCONTINUED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang