30 | the limelight part 3🐝

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Lately Y/N has been doing good, but she still hasn't told anyone that she's pregnant including Keith. She wants to tell him, but every time she gets ready to call him she chickens out.

He really didn't say anything about what if she does get pregnant whether he wants the baby, be in his or her life, etc. Y/N is a teenager and she is really scared at the moment. Its like she kind of already knows what's going to happen.

Her mom always said if she becomes a teen mom, she's kicking her out. Y/N feels like she's says that but she doesn't mean it.

As for her friends, they think she's just sick because she's throwing up and a lot of kids have gotten food poisoning from one of the food trucks that visits their school.

All she knows is that she needs a plan and she needs it fast before she begins to show.

• • •


Y/N had an amazing day at school, a great study session at the library, and now she is one her way home. She was still trying to create a plan on what to do about the baby and tell Keith and her mother about it.  The young girl didn't want to think about it too much, the only thing that was on her mind was sleep.

This baby had her going to bed three hours before her bedtime. Walking into the house, she place her car keys on the hook. She cut on the lights in the kitchen to be met with her mother sitting at the island. Words were going to come out of her mouth until she saw her three pregnancy test laid out of the marble countertop.

" I was doing laundry today and thought it would be nice to put your clothes up for you so you wouldn't have to come home and do it. When I opened your underwear draw I notice it was a little messy and tried to organize it and found these of these tucked under. Could you please explain these to me please?"

Her mother takes a sip of her wine waiting for her daughter's answer.

" Don't try to lie either because I'm only giving you one chance to tell me the truth."

Y/N decided to just tell her everything afraid of her mother putting her hands on her.

" The test are mine....I'm pregnant."

" It's Keith's baby ain't it?"

" Yes momma, he took my virginity the night of my birthday."

Her mother finishes the remaining of wine in her glass and pours herself another.

" How could I be so stupid. Being the nice person I am I let him stay with us so he wouldn't have to go through the trouble of finding a hotel and y'all was fucking in my house under my roof. You do understand that he is nine years older than you right."

" I know, I didn't even want to have sex in the first place and he talked-"

" Uh uh no ma'am do not try to blame all of this on him. You knew what you were getting yourself into, knew the outcomes of doing that, and you went ahead and did it anyway."

" But we used a condom ", she sniffle as tears cascade town her face.

" Honey condoms are like eighty five percent effective meaning that other fifteen percent meaning they can break and you end up pregnant."

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