47| the help

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"Y/N did you make sure you made the little cucumber sandwiches Ms. Elizabeth likes?"

"Yes ma'am I did along with the pimento cheese and chicken salad."

Y/N is a sixteen year old maid working for the Russells in Jackson, Mississippi. She's been working for them ever since she was fourteen due to her mother moving on to take care of Mr. Russell's mother and father. By day she's a maid and by night she is a school girl. At times like in 1960 when you're a colored girl living in poverty, your dreams of going to school are non existent.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell are truly some nice they do not treat Y/N bad whether or not there is company in the house. They basically view her as their own daughter, even their kids look up to her as a sister. Now there's Ricky, Eugene, Sherri, Johnny, and little Dean. Now Ricky has his own family and Eugene is off at school, so Y/N just stays at home tending to the younger three. There is one child that is missing. Keith. Keith is a product of Mr. Russell messing around with one of the maids that his parents had working around the house. When the baby was born, which caused Keith's mother's death, the Russell's took him and raised them as their own. They didn't hide him in the shadows because they did not believe is that segregated nonsense that was going on.

Y/N likes Keith a lot. He would always help her with her school work and helps her improve her reading and writing. He would always say, "you have real potential to going to college." Keith always made her feel good and knows how to make her smile. Mrs. Russell was having her monthly wives meeting as Y/N would call it and also Keith is coming home. He's currently attending at Howard University in plans of becoming a doctor. Keith always wanted to help people when he grows up and Howard was the best choice for him because their medical program is really good.

"Y/N honey can you please bring out the sweet tea?"

"Yes ma'am."

Hearing the back door open, she pays no mind to it concentrating on cutting Lennon's for the tea. She feels a pair of strong hands wrap around her waist and lips connect to her neck.


"Hey piglet."

When her mother was working for the Russells, she would bring her daughter to play with Keith and that was his little nickname for her because her pigtails always use to bounce around.

"You promised you would stop calling me that I'm becoming a promising young lady to society."

"You have got to stop letting my mother fill your head with that stuff, she's only preparing you to become a member to her little club."

"Now you know I can't join because you know."

"Yeah I know."

The young man takes an apple off of the table sitting standing next to Y/N as she fix the tea for this afternoon. You would say he always had feelings towards her I mean she is so beautiful and all. He developed these feelings once he started high school and she was in middle school.

Smiling at Keith she brings the tea out to the table and Mrs. Russell smiles.

"Why don't you got take a break I got it from here."

"You sure Mrs. Russell you don't want me to serve y'all or anything?"

"No it's fine sweetheart", she place a kiss on her forehead and gave her a hug, "besides I think you and Keith have a lot of catching up to do."

Copulation 2 | Keith Powers Imagines (DISCONTINUED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя