23 | scandalous

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I was listening to the song last night I said oh no I need to write about this❤

Y/N pulls up to her house after a long day at school. She didn't feel like dealing with any bullshit, all she wanted to do was take a nap to cool her head. As she was walking through her gate she heard the cat calls that were being called on a daily basis. The teenager didn't like it, but she didn't have time to fuss at some boy she already had her problems to take care of.

Just across the street Keith was sitting on the porch steps with his cousins.

" Aye ain't that Y/N?"

" Yeah she done grew up. I've been trying to hit for the pass couple of months, but she act like she can't give the nigga time of day."

" Maybe because she can see through that bullshit you be spitting ", Keith giggled.

Keith remembers going to school with Y/N and she didn't look how she look now. Although Keith was twenty and Y/N was eighteen he wanted to shoot her shot with her.

" I wouldn't bother trying to get with her. She rejects every boy, dude, man that comes her way. I bet if Morris Chestnut said drop them panties she would say aren't you going to take me to dinner first."

" Maybe she just don't like what she see. It wouldn't hurt to try right."

" And I'm telling you as your cousin don't waste your time. I've been working on that for months and look at me, pussy deprived."

Keith laughs running his hand over his low cut.

• • •

Y/N was sitting on her bean bag when she heard the doorbell ring. Opening the door she sees Keith standing there awakardly with his hands in his pocket.

" Can I help you with something?"

" Um I don't know if you remember me, but we went to school together a few years back."

" Keith Powers right?"

Y/N didn't know why she was acting dumb of course she remembers Keith and how much all the girls wanted him.

" Yeah I just came over to see how you doing. My aunt still lives in the house across the way."

" I've been doing good and you?"

" I'm hanging in there just trying to get any job that will pay the bills."

" Oh ok well it was nice seeing you."

" Wait ", Keith stuck his foot in the door.

" I wanted to see if you would like to get something to eat with me? We could go down to that new chicken and waffles spot around the corner."

" Hold on one minute."

Keith stood outside of her door anxious if what she was about to do. Seconds later she cama back out with her keys and jacket.

Copulation 2 | Keith Powers Imagines (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now