35 | the hate u give part 5🐝

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People always say that death always brings your love ones together, when in reality it separates them sometimes.

Ever since that news report, Y/N fell into a dark space and isolates herself from everyone. She quit her job feeling the need that she needs to come back home to Sacramento. Her family and Keith's went down to Los Angeles and moved everything out of her apartment for her.

Almost every day since the funeral she has cried and spends most of her day in her son's room. It didn't help the fact that with cut his hair almost looking identical to their son. Y/N cried so much to the point that Keith has to walk around the house with a hood on. He was hurting too but he imagined Y/N being the strong one...she always was.

Knocking on their bedroom door, Keith opens the door with breakfast he made for the both of them.

" Good morning baby."

" I'm not hungry."

" Come one baby you haven't eaten anything in two days."

" Yes I did I had that apple pie you got me from McDonald's. "

" That's not a meal. Baby....its fucked up that we lost our son, it's fucked up how we lost him....but please eat something for me you don't have to eat all of it."

Y/N slowly removes the cover off herself and sits up against the headboard. He gives her a sweet kiss on her head placing the big stand up tray over her lap. Crawling into his spot he sits beside her grabbing some potatoes with his fork. Y/N lays her head on his shoulder as they are in silence.

• • •

While Keith went to go hang out with some friends, Y/N went to the cemetery to visit her boy. Walking up to his headstone, Y/N covers her mouth as they tears came sooner than she thought.

" Come on you have to stay strong."

She takes a seat down on the grass placing the flowers she got him into the vase that was off to the the side of his stone. It was filled with pictures of him as a baby and as he grew up.

" I don't what to say or where to start....hi baby. Mommy was struggling to sit down, I'm getting old but knowing you you would try to say I still look sixteen...which is true ", she laughs a little bit after her statement.

" Your father is going to give me grey hair soon just from doing stupid stuff. The other day he almost burnt the house down because he forgot he had something in the toaster. He misses you too. You know dad hasn't always been the one to be that open to show his emotions but I can tell he's breaking....and he's trying so hard to be strong and you know I tell him it's ok we can cry together. I just don't know what I'm going to do, you are my whole world and you're not with mommy I just don't know what I'm going to do. I hate the fact that you had to go for me to pack up and move in. I hate myself for it because it was something that should have been done...i probably would've had you and your dad come down to Los Angeles. I think it's time for me to settle down maybe take a break from being a lawyer who knows. I miss you so much my junebug....I remember when you use to hate when I called you that. It hurts that you're not here with mommy or dad....and it's all my fault."

Y/N wipes the tears with her sweatshirt sleeves looking up at the sky.

" Mommy loves you and I'll see you later."

• • •

Keith walks into the house excited to see his baby girl laid out on the couch asleep. He place his jacket down in his recliner before heading into the kitchen to get him a drink. Popping open a Modelo Keith walks out to the backyard just to give him sometime to think. As his attention was to the gravel steps he hears laughter instantly looking up. A bright pictures almost like a memory replays is of him and Jr playing on the playground set he had built for him when he was five.

" Daddy push me on the swing!"

Keith makes sure that her settle before pushing him.

" Higher!"

Keith adds a little force to the push making him go higher.

" Higher higher!"

He pushes him a little harder seeing him almost reach the same height as the house. His son's goggles filled his ears making a smile appear on his face.

Once the swinging died down, Jr ran inside the house to eat the lunch that his mommy made.

" Wait because lord knows you are going to get stains all over your shirt."

She tucks a napkin in his shirt making sure it covered the majority of his clothes. Keith kisses her cheek thanking her.

The memory dies down and he wipes tears from his eyes. He misses his son and he doesn't even know how he's functioning.

His anger grew at how he never shed a single tear after the funeral and just start working again like he just didn't loose his son to police brutality.

Keith didn't even realize he was crying until he felt Y/N wipe his tears away.

" Its ok."

" I just hate the fact that I haven't been grieving ya know."

" People grieving in different ways."

" But the way I've been grieving just hasn't been settling with me."

They both sit down on the steps while engulfing each other in their arms.

" I went to the cemetery today."

" How did that go?"

" If I'm being honest...terrible. I can't help but not think that I'm the reason why our son is dead."

" Baby you are not-"

" Yes I am because if I would have never called him then he wouldn't have reached in his pocket, the cop wouldn't have thought he was getting a weapon.....OUR BABY WOULD HAVE STILL BEEN WITH US RIGHT NOW IF I DIDN'T CALL HIM."

Keith constantly kisses her forehead rocking her back and forth as a few tears shed down his face as well.

• • •

The next morning Keith and Y/N were awaken from their sleep by the doorbell. Slowly walking to the door both Keith and Y/N find a lady in a pant suit and briefcase in her hand.

" Hi my name is Shanice Riley and I am a lawyer working with Hope for Justice."


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