11 | baby momma drama

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Keith's eyes flutter open as he felt the little hands he adored so much lightly hit his face. Looking down he sees his baby girl Mila laying on his chest.

" Hey daddy's baby."

" Say good morning daddy."

Y/N, his girlfriend walks into the their bedroom with her silk robe on and her hair a little damp. She gives him a kiss on the lips and Mila reaches for her. Y/N rest the baby on her hips causing her to grab her necklace.

Y/N was not Mila's mom, but the way she's been taking care of her says that she is. Keith and Mila's mother, Jhene, separated before she was even born. Jhene was just a stress factor to Keith and he needed to let her go. She always thought he was cheating and a lot of distrust was just circulating the relationship.

Keith and Y/N met when he accidentally bumped into her at Forever 21. She had so many clothes that he knocked out of her hands. When they reached out for the same shirt and their hands touched....a relationship was born. Despite the fact that Keith had a child on the way, Y/N still stayed with him and assist him through the journey.

" Hey daddy's other baby " , he smirked.

Y/N bends down to give him a kiss, but Mila placed her hand on Y/N's lips. She laughs giving Mila numerous kisses on her cheek.

" Baby I'm going to get started on breakfast."

" Okay ", he smiles.

He finally gets the strength to remove himself put of bed and head into the bathroom connected to the room. After doing his business, he removes his boxer shorts hopping in the shower.

▪ ▪ ▪

Keith entered in the kitchen with a well put together outfit on. Mila was sitting in her high chair munching on pancakes as Y/N finishing up her hair.

" Daddy's princess looks so pretty in her pigtails."

Mila held up a strawberry giving it to her daddy.

Today is Sunday, which means it time for Mila t9ngo back to her mother. Keith does not like Sundays because his baby girl is leaving and he has Jhene annoying ass. Every time she comes around she stay bringing drama and constantly antagonize Y/N. Now Y/N is nothing but friendly to Jhene for the sake of Mila, but sis is really pushing the limit.

Y/N is the type of girl to not lose her cool, so she is really trying to be nice to this girl. Keith sits down at the table grabbing Y/N, placing her on his lap. He stacks a few pieces of pancake on the fork and brings it close yo his girlfriend's mouth.

" Come on babe don't make me do you like I have to do Mila....here comes the airplane."

The young woman opens her mouth taking in all the pancakes that were on the fork. Removing herself from his lap, she picks the baby up from her highchair so she can be dressed by the time her mom comes by to pick her up.

▪ ▪ ▪

Mila was asleep on her father's chest as they sat in the living room. Keith put on Moana, knowing she was going to fall asleep once they start singing. Y/N was next to Keith packing up Mila's little bag, so she could be ready to go. Keith loves how Y/N takes care of his daughter and just does everything for her.

" When are we going to have a baby togther?"

" We already have a baby."

" No I mean when I place my seed in you."

" I don't know, do you think you're ready for another baby right now? Mila is not even one yet."

" But she will be in a few weeks ", he smiles.

A knock plays on the door and Keith hands his baby girl over to Y/N. She fussed a little bit but quiet down once Y/N rubbed the space between her eyebrows that connected to her nose. His girlfriend place a kiss on the baby's forehead making her smile in her sleep.

Keith unlocks the door and opens it to be met with her baby mother.

" Hey Keith ", she smiles.

" Jhene. I'll go get Mila you just wait here. "

" Or I can just come inside."

She slithered her way into the door. Y/N got up handing Jhene the diaper bag. Just when she was about to hand over Mila, the baby's eyes start to open and she instantly start a crying. Y/N gave Mila to her mother, only for her to act out even more.

" Mama ", Mila reaches her hands out to Y/N.

Keith and Y/N shared an expression, but before anyone gets mad, Keith grab a Mila tossing her in the air a few times.

" My baby said her first word!"

" So we just going to act like my child didn't just call another woman mama."

" I'm so-"

" No fuck your apologies. First you take my man, play house, and now trying to take my spot."

" First of all nobody is trying to take your place. I'm sorry that your daughter sees me more than she sees you and calls me her mother. That means that maybe you should step up and stop being irresponsible partying every night."

" Whatever, Keith give me my baby."

" Mila staying with me."

" Why is that?"

" Y/N is right, your are responsible. I basically take care of Mila through the week too because you drop her off to me every night so you can go out and party. I think it's best for Mila to stay with me."

" You stop giving me money because you claim I'm just using it for myself, then this bitch is getting inside your head manipulating you to take my child away from me."

" She's not just your baby she's mine too!"

Keith handed Mila to Y/N.

" Jhene I am tired. You constantly throw jabs at Y/N and I am tired of it. You need to respect Y/N and understand that she is my girl and that she is going to be in our daughters life. My girlfriend has been nothing but nice to you and you stay being mean yo her ass. Jhene what we had is in the past and you need to let it go."

" Alright."

" Thank you."

" Y'all can finally be the little family y'all want to be."

Jhene walks over to Y/N holding out a hand. They happily shake hands smiling at each other. Before Jhene leaves she gives Mila a kiss on the forehead rubbing her cheek.

Keith lo is the door releasing a breath he was holding in.

" I appreciate you for standing up for me."

" You're my lady, that's what I'm suppose to do."

" How about you put Mila down for her nap and me and you can do a lil something in the bedroom."

Keith grabbed Mila so fast swaddling her head as he ran to her room.

Copulation 2 | Keith Powers Imagines (DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora