62 | the help 💐bonus💐

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Y/N awaited for her husband at the table while she ate a bowl of cereal. As soon as they hit DC they tied the knot and got a nice spot in a prospering black neighborhood. She had just came home from school and had some good news to tell him. Hearing the door open and close she gets up placing her finished bowl in the sink.

"Hi baby."

"Hi honey."

Keith hangs his white coat on their coat rack before walking over to his wife. He place his hands on her hips giving her a kiss. Y/N wanted him to get comfortable first before telling him the big news. She grabs a glass water handing it to him. He sort of gives her a suspicious look but drinks all of it.

"Thank you and baby can I also get a beer."

She happily grabs one out of the fridge handing it to her husband.

"How was work/school?"

"It was good dissected another cadaver, I had a man who was on the heavy side and his heart was covered in so much fat it was a amazing."

"Well I'm glad you had a good day."

Keith pays his lap and she happily takes a seat.

"I love you piglet."

"Hey you promised you stop calling me that."

"I can't help it the name has a special place in my heart."

"You better be lucky I love you", she giggles.

She heads back inside to check on dinner since it was almost finished. Keith takes a seat at the table and Y/N places her plate down in front of him.

"Fried Chicken, okra, cornbread, mac n cheese, and apple pie what's the special occasion?"

"Well I have some news to tell you?"

"You're pregnant!?"

"No I got accepted into Howard."

Keith jumps up from the table giving his wife a hug.

"I'm so proud of you baby...my little aeronautical engineer", he smiles.

"Yeah looks like I'll be seeing you around campus."

"Seeing me around please I'm going to be attached at the hip."

The two laugh it out and continue eating dinner asking about their day.

5 years later

After graduating from Howard, Y/N perused her dream and got a job at NASA in DC being head of the Mathematics department which is big. I mean she was too qualified to give her a basic desk job. Keith is now a pediatrics doctor and he loves it. Towards her last semester at Howard, Y/N gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Bernadine.

"Happy birthday to you happy birthday day to happy birthday our sweet Bernadine happy birthday to you."

The little baby giggles holding her arms up for her daddy to pick her up. She is such a daddy's girl and Y/N disliked it just a little bit.

"Beenie how old is daddy's baby?"

She holds up one finger and Keith gets all excited giving her a bunch of kisses.

"Also before you asked me yes I'm off the clock today I told no one to call me unless a somebody is dying I took the rest of the week off."

It's so good that Keith has his own practice because he has his own hours and gets to set up all the rules on how he wants to run the place. Y/N let's Beenie sit with her daddy in the living room as he cut on Sesame Street on their television for her to watch. Hearing a knock on the door he opens it to see his parents, siblings, and all his nieces and nephews.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Well we came to celebrate our grandchild's first birthday of course", Mrs. Russell explains.

Mr. Russell enters in with a bunch of gifts and Beenie's eyes went wide.


"Yes baby all of these are for you."


Dean picks her up spinning her around causing her to laugh. Those two are lie two peas in a pod because he now someone to play with that was sort of closed to his age. Y/N comes out of the kitchen and everyone attacks her with hugs. Mrs. Russell helps her set breakfast on the table and everybody joins in eating. Y/N would look over to make sure Beenie was eating her food in her chair doing her little dance she always does.

"Is my little Beenie baby happy?"

She nods her head yes continuing to eat her eggs. Bernadine was very smart for her age and it amazes Keith and Y/N everyday. Once the family was finished, Y/N pulls their daughter out from her high chair and takes her to the bathroom to get ready for her special day.

Once she was all ready Beenie got to open her presents getting excited about the clothes and toys she revived.

"Awe Beenie you are going to look so cute in this."

"Just FYI I picked it out", Dean said, "I feel like I deserve my credit."

They all laugh and head to the backyard so that Keith can start grilling and everybody can have fun in the pool. Beenie said in my float while her aunts and uncles took turns being with her.

"I can't believe she's one Keith."

"I know it felt like yesterday I was rushing home from work helping you give birth in our bedroom."

"It was too ok ate to try and make it to the hospital", she giggles.

"I know but come here."

He gives his wife a kiss in her forehead giving her a hug.

"I love you piglet."

"I love you too."

Copulation 2 | Keith Powers Imagines (DISCONTINUED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat