Chapter 48 part 2.

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Third person POV..

2 days later..

*Today is the day, the day they turn Darla into human.

*Yesterday, all the kids and teens of christian's pack including his own children went to Enzo's pack, they made all of them go.
This way they won't see what's going to happen.. not even by mistake.

*Someone can never be too sure, You never know what could happen, something could lead to another and a child might see the ritual.

*And that is what they are trying to avoid, they don't want the children and teens to see or experience this. It's the first time ever it will be done so they don't really know what will happen during and after it.

*The only one who is under age that stayed is kay.

*Nati knew about this kind of punishment because the moon goddess herself told her, but she don't remember that it was her who told her.

*Zafre and the witches thought that she came to know this because she died and came back. They thought that maybe it's something only someone who died would know.

*They think this because Zafre has a lot of centuries on this earth and she herself didn't know that this ritual excited.

*Zafre had asked her father, but he told her that he had never heard of such thing, so Nati is the only one alive who knows about this.

*It must be really ancient and only a few people must of knew about it. And maybe the ones that knew this took it to the grave with them.

*At least that's what they think.



*when Selene came back looking for an answer.

Selene: I think it's a shame you won't take me up on the offer.

*She say smiling sadly at Nati.

Nati: I don't mean any disrespect but I would rather stay with my family, what you offer me isn't really what I want, for the time that I might come back everyone I know will still be around but I would have missed so much. And I got a second chance well a third chance if you count being possessed. And I wanna spend this chance with my family. Forgive me.

*Nati finish saying with a sad tone.

Selene: don't you worry child, if I were you I would have done the same, being a goddess is not a fun job it's a very lonely and heavy work.
now before I leave for good, I will tell you something very important, something no one on this earth knows is even possible.

*Nati look at her with curious eyes.

Selene: A werewolf could lose it's wolf and become human by doing a certain ritual, at certain hour and at a certain time in the month.

*Nati was surprised and in shock by this.

*She explain and tell her everything about it. After Selene was done explaining, Nati ask her.

Nati: Why are you telling me this?

*Selene say.

Selene: listen to me, you will only be remembering this. And you'll know why this is so important when the time is right.

Nati: ohKay?

*She say unsure.

Nati: but why are you telling me this?

Selene: because, there is something about you that I like.
I will be seeing you around child.
Take care.

*She smile at her and With that she disappears.

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