Chapter 18

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(((This chapter is short, but I hope you enjoy it anyway)))

*Now, let's start this chapter shall we...

*It wasn't Christian.. it was Cristina. She comes in our room, she smirks while she shake her head.

-Me: What the hell do you think you're doing? What are you doing here? Get out.

*I say furious while grabbing a robe to cover my body. She looks at me with disapproval.

-Cristina: Oh hon.. can't you be more desperate?

*She laughs as she say the last word. I hate her.. I hate her do much. Stupid bitch. Maldita asarosa.

-Me: Excuse me?

*I say raising an eyebrow. She just looks at her nails bored.

-Me: Are you crazy or what? Perra, who do you think you are coming in here like that without even knocking? You have no rights to come in here just like that.

And let's be clear about something.. if we talk about desperate, that defines you. Trying to get a man who doesn't wants, who isn't yours, that doesn't love you or is interested in you at all.. hell he's not even attracted to you.

And let's not forget the part that you want his money too.
What is more desperate than that?

*I smirk and she looks at me throwing daggers.

-Me: You aren't mates, so what is your fucking deal? Just leave us alone already

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-Me: You aren't mates, so what is your fucking deal? Just leave us alone already.
And I asked you.. what are you doing in here? In this house and in our room?

*I say the last sentence mad but also tired, tired because, I'm really tired of dealing with bitches already. She doesn't look bothered for what I said.

-Cristina: I got a room here, I'm staying in this house cause it's mine too. I can enter my husbands room whenever I want.. I wanted to pay him a visit.

*She say it like if she doesn't care that Christian is with me. UGH MALDITA. I'm so tired of this. I am furious.. if I had a knife now I would slit the bitch throat.

-Me: You have nothing here, and especially nothing with Christian. Besides who give you permission to stay here? I know that Christian didn't, and neither did I.

*She laughs. And I only get more and more mad.

-Cristina: Oh honey please.. I did.. I give myself permission. I do have rights because I am his wife, and you aren't.

*She says giving me a duh look. I glare at her.

-Me: I am more than that, I'm his soulmate. It's not my fault that you are delusional, besides.. whatever you say or do will not change the fact that you're an intruder, money hungry, gold digger slut.
It won't change the fact that MY Christian doesn't want you.
He only has eyes for me.

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