Chapter 34

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(Don't mind what it say)

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(Don't mind what it say)

*I woke up and I see a note laying on the pillow next to me. I take it and sit up quickly to read it, it said..

^^Morning beautiful I hope you slept good I know I did. It was the the best sleep I have had in years, having you on bed next to me was an amazing feeling. Can you stay in bed and wait for us.
And one more thing, you look gorgeous when you sleep.^^

*Minutes passed and jr come in running, as he gets closer to the bed he jumps on it. Christian stand at the door looking at me.

-Christian: May I come in?

*He ask me smiling, I smile back at him.

-Natalia: Yes you may.

*He turned back and took a tray from one of the maids, he came in and put it in front of me, breakfast in bed, nice

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*He turned back and took a tray from one of the maids, he came in and put it in front of me, breakfast in bed, nice. We ate and after that Christian asked me to spend the day with him and jr in doors, in the room, in bed, to watch TV and play some games and also eat in here or his room.

*As I was about to answer my cell phone rings

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*As I was about to answer my cell phone rings. And of course I answer it right away. How's the saying? Saved by the Bell, in this case it would be.. saved by the ringtone.

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