Chapter 39 part 2

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*Still Christian's Pov*

*I didn't move nor did I say anything, I was just speechless, Annette slowly walk towards the door and slowly reach to touch his face, he didn't move nor did he say anything. He simply stand there in silence. As Annette touch his face, she takes in a sharp breath. She turns to us and slowly nods. She started to cry but I think these are happy tears.

*Mel ran towards the door and they both jumped on him making him fall, they were now on the ground. A girl that was standing right behind Andrés, who I don't know glared at them and was about to aproach them when they tackled Andrés down.

Andres: It's fine Sophie, they are my family

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Andres: It's fine Sophie, they are my family.

Mel: Oh my God, oh my God, you are alive.

*She scream happily, Andrés chuckle and try to say something, but he couldn't blurt a word out because Annette hug him tightly and kiss him all over his face repeatedly.. to this Andrés tries to say.

-Andres: I.. missed.. you.. too.. amor. (Love)

*He says between breaths because Melody and Annette didn't give him a chance to breath. Then out of no where.

-Man: How the hell did you manage to escape?

*He asked angrily, to this I turn around and punch him hard in the face, so hard, that he fell unconscious.
I walk towards Andrés and stand in front of him, I look at him serious, he doesn't say anything he just looks at me with a guilt expression. He and the girls slowly stands up. Right now no one didn't care about the stranger that came with him, everyone was focused on Andrés.

-Andres: I'm sorry.

*He say as he looks down ashamed. Now.. why is he apologizing? What for exactly?
I just kept looking at him, without saying a word.

-Andres: I'm sorry I was so careless that they had the chance to take me away and let a stranger here in my place. You were all in danger because of my stupid impulses.. if you are mad at-

*I cut him off with a hug, I hug him tight and clap his back.

-Christian: There is nothing to be sorry about, are you kidding me? I should be the one apologizing to you, to not have found out earlier and come to your rescue. I'm really ashamed for that. And I am also so happy that you are here and alive. You can't imagine how much. You are my family, my brother. Really man, I am so happy that you're here.

-Annette: This peace of shit told us you were death.

-Chandrely: Language girl, my daughter is still in here.

*We all except for Chandrely chuckle including Daisy, Chandrely just roll her eyes.

*Everyone got closer to Andrés and start asking him so many questions at the same time.

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