Chapter 21

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-Chandrely: Lo Sabia. (I knew it).

-Pat: I'm gonna be an uncle.

*I heard them say from the bathroom.


-Pat: Hey you better make me the godfather, or we are gonna have a problem.

*They both say happily coming out of the bathroom. I stand up and go look at the tests without saying anything, all five of them are positive. I stand there looking at them not believing it.

*I decide to take the other tests too, so I use all of them

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*I decide to take the other tests too, so I use all of them. After 5 minutes, all were positive.. not even one showed negative or defected, NO.
I blink my eyes a few times, thinking that maybe it would help change the results.

*I didn't know what to think or say. I just move in silent, not saying a word.. I walk towards the bed and sit.

(((Just so you know, these were my symptoms at the beginning of my pregnancy, I thought that I was just tired because of the lack of sleep. That time we were at Colombia and I was going out, sleeping late, everyday swimming in the hotel's pool.
But my friend who's name is Chandrely like the character suggested that maybe I was pregnant.

She was there with me. It was just the 2 of us.
I told her that she's crazy but then she kept telling me the same, till I thought about it.. and I took a lot of tests, like 7 😂.
All of them came out positive.

My friend got happy but I cried, I didn't want to have a baby. She told me that babies are a blessing that I shouldn't cry but be happy.
I still couldn't believe it after all of those tests that I took.

Then when we fly back to our country, I went to the doctor.
I found out that I was about 2 weeks and a few days pregnant.
I started puking after 4 weeks pregnant.
I'm telling you this, just so you know that not everyone finds out because they puke.. not everyone finds out the same way.)))

*On with the story...

*They notice my reaction isn't a happy one. They exchange looks then look at me again.

-Chandrely: Hey! It's not that bad, you're gonna have a baby, you are gonna be a mother.. you should be happy. A baby is always a blessing.

*She says as she sit beside me, I just look at her not knowing what to say. Then Pat comes and sit on the other side beside me too while he sneak one of his hands around my shoulders.

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