Epilogue, Chapter 50.

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15 years later...

Soon after Kayden took back his father pack things went pretty good in matters of love, but there was still a lot of problems and mysteries to be solved.

Kayden has got a name of his own, he brought his pack back to glory.
He is one of the most feared alphas.

He's 34 now but looking like he is in his early 20's.
That's good in a way so when he is going to be accompanied by his mate people won't look at them strange, today being her birthday she turn 18.

It was hard for him having a mate that young. She has liked him since before she turned 18, she had a huge crush on him since when she was 14, when she was 16 she came to know he is her mate.
That's why a lot of times she tried to seduce him, but he of course couldn't bring himself to look at her that way or even touch her.

This hurt her of course she being that young couldn't understand his predicament. She was a minor. So she became a bit wild, party a lot go out and stuff like that.
He did follow her everywhere she went, he didn't even allow her to have boyfriends.

He would crash parties taking her with him, he always had some extra eyes on her too, of this she did not know.
Would she think her mate is a creep for having people spying on her?

He of course let her live her adolescence life but there was no boyfriends allowed.

Now that she is legally an "adult" on paper the case can be otherwise, she is still to young, But that doesn't matter anymore, he can finally be with her and they got a whole lifetime together.

At the beginning when he took over the pack some people who knew his family would tell him stories about his family.

His aunt didn't have kids, she was still a young girl by the time.
They told him how much she loved him like he was her own child, since he was born she was always around him and would help take care of him, everywhere she go, she would take him with her, she spend more time with him than his own mother and father, now they didn't mean that his parents didn't love him, they did love him very much. But his aunt had more time in her hands than his parents, but all tree of them loved him, everyone in the pack loved his parents and aunt and because of that the day of the attack everyone stay quiet about his excistence. the maids that worked for his father helped a lot by hiding his real identity from the rogue. Till the day his aunt escaped with him.

Now you might be wondering What happened at The night of Kayden 18 birthday when Nyx appeared.

Well Believe it or not she didn't come to look for any trouble but to warn them and also apologize.

Now you see..
Nyx story is a bit complicated.

Her old lover, her true love, did still love her, he told her those horrible things the day she went to see him because the Titan Erebus told him that he would end her if he didn't leave her heart broken.

This was so he could have a chance with her.

They are gods, superior beings, superior than any other beings and especially superiors to humans.

For them a goddess falling for a human was outrageous, Nonetheless a human turn vamp, it was an abomination for Erebus.
How can a goddess this powerful settle for someone so beneath her. He couldn't understand that.

So for Erebus and other Titans and gods, a human should not be with a goddess and especially one so powerful as nyx, he wouldn't let that happen because he wants her for himself.

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