Chapter 44

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*Natasha's pov*

*It was really late in the night when Christian came to me and told me that they handle the situation and I shouldn't worry or stress about it anymore. I asked him how he did it, but he just said to don't worry. After that she appeared to us again, she was pretty pissed, she said that we had deceived her and that she doesn't like that. To that Christian told her that they did the same to me first.

*The discussion went on till a moment when she just started to  laugh for no reason and say that it doesn't matter anymore if I got away with this, because something else was going to happen. Something we won't expect and that we can't do anything about it or to stop it. After saying that she dissapeard.


The next day..

*In the afternoon after we ate, Christian said that we had been through so much that we all needed a break and relax, he said he prepared something for me, he took me to the get together room, I got surprised when I saw the room, he turned it into a mini spa.
All our friends are here, and there are also masseuses.

Natasha: I'm not complaining, but why didn't we just go to a spa?

Christian: Because here is safer, since Zafre enchanted the house so no harm can come to you in here.

Natasha: the threat is gone.

Christian: one can never be sure.

*He motion to one of the masseuses, she comes to me and he told her.

Christian: treat her like a queen because she is the queen of this house and my heart.

*I look at him shocked and I blush furiously, the masseuse said of course to christian and smile at me friendly, she took me to a massage table and I lie down. She started to massage me and the massage was out of this world, soon I started to drift into sleep, and not long after I was out, I fell asleep.

*I slowly open my eyes and yawn, that was a good nap I finish  woken up and I notice that I am in his room and in his bed. I turn my face and see him sleeping next to me.

*One of his arms was on my belly

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*One of his arms was on my belly. I had just a little bump, a bump I confused it to be fat at first, but now I know it's because of my babies.

*Soon I will have a huge belly to show. The good thing about these pregnancies is that they last only 4 to 5 months, 2 weeks is like a whole month in normal pregnancies, With junior I didn’t have any complication while giving birth, I hope these 2 go easy on me.

*I suddenly had the urge to pee, I slowly move away from him to stand up but he groans and pull me closer to him. I didn’t want to wake him up but I’ll need to do it now otherwise I will pee on his bed.

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