Chapter 16

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*Natasha's Pov*

*I am just gonna shrug that bad feeling aside and think about positive things, like the night out in the woods that I am planning for me and Christian.

*He deserves so much more than just some date nights out, he has been so good and loving to me without even expecting anything in return, this man makes me feel special and he does things to me.. that I never felt or experience before.

*Andres has told me that he never saw Christian like this towards any other person ever before.. that made me feel even more special, well of course I am.. I am his soulmate after all.

*Christian is the sweetest, but he has his jealous and possessive side to him too.

*Yesterday we went out for dinner, and apparently the waiter was flirting with me.. I didn't think he was, he was just being nice.. but Christian saw more than just a nice waiter.

*He was growling and slamming his fists on the table.. looking at the waiter throwing daggers, he wanted to literally kill the poor guy, but he didn't even touch him.. because the guy is human. He did tell him off and was rude to him, didn't even left him a tip either.

*Christian is a lot stronger than any human.. one punch of him would be enough to have knocked the waiter out or even send him to the hospital.

*Christian even got a little mad at me, because he thought that I was liking the attention I was getting. I reassured him that I only have eyes for him.

*I even told him..
haven't you seen yourself in a mirror baby? Ure a Greek God, you are so handsome and loving and don't get me started on the sex, so please don't you ever think that I would be interested in other men's or in their attention over yours.

*To do that I have to be crazy. Besides you come with bonus Christian.. do you know what that is? He said no and then I told him whispering.. your a werewolf your powerful you can protect me like no other can and with you I won't grow old fast the biggest bonus of them all is.

*I caressed his face and continue talking.. I love you, you hear that? YOU, Christian McKinstry.. no one else, you mister.. you won my heart it belongs to you. So don't you ever doubt me. At that he relaxed.

*During dinner I decide to seduce him, so I was touching him and caressing his crotch with my feet.. doing things on purpose like letting some drops of wine fell on my chest and I would pass my finger on it and lick my finger seductively looking at him.

*He was so worked up that when we finish our dinner, we ended up having sex in the car on the restaurant parking lot.

*So that's another reason why I'm preparing a night for us, but I find his jealousy cute. We are happy and that is all that matters.


*After I finished preparing everything I went home and get ready.. I texted Christian and told him to come find me where he read me poetry the other day.

*I was already walking there.. but before i could get there Christian catch up to me. Some times I forget that he's faster than humans, I wanted to get there before he saw me.. he hugs me from behind as we kept walking.

-Christian: What are you up to baby?

-Me: You'll see when we get there, but believe me.. you will love it.

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