Chapter 41.

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*Natasha's Pov*

*Everything happens in slow motion for me as I saw what had just happened to Nati, the world around me froze, everything stopped moving for me.

*I see how she is falling behind, I grab her ride away, Annette help too, but even the both of us wasn't enough because the 2 of us fell to the ground with her in our arms.

*She looks bad, and all I can think about is, what if she doesn't make it? No, don't think about that, she has to make it. She can't die. It won't be fair.

*She is bleeding a lot, and she starts to look pale, I try to hold in my tears as I tell her that everything will be alright, Annette was screaming for help.

*I look around and see how everyone was fighting, I see Enzo slaughtering everyone while he is on his way here. He had screamed Nati's name when she got shot and Howled. I turn my attention back to her and I say to her.

-Natasha: Please don't die, don't you dare die on me. You are going to be ok, you have to be ok.

*Nati says weakly.

-Nati: I'm going to die, I can feel it.

*I shake my head in denial, tears started to appear in my eyes, they are watery, Annette put pressure on the wounds on her belly as I hold Nati on my lap. Annette tells nati.

-Annette: Don't say that, you will be fine.

*Nati smiles weakly at us, she tries to speak again.

-Natasha: Shhh, don't speak, save your energie.

-Nati: It won't make any difference.

*She is loosing a lot of blood, despite of what Annette is doing, Enzo and Andres comes to our side. Enzo carry her and try to take her to the doctor, but he couldn't take her anywhere because there was wolves attacking us.

*How will we be able to help her if we can't even take her to the hospital. Annette takes her phone and tries to contact the doctor but it was to no use. Maybe they are also busy fighting, helping the wounded or even hiding, who knows.

*Annette kept trying to contact the doctor as Enzo put Nati back on the ground and takes Annette's place in pressing on Nati's wounds.

*I tell Enzo frantically that we need to take her to the hospital now. Or at least get the doctor here. He answer me almost screaming that he is doing his best. But that we shouldn't move her until the doctor says so, that he is also trying to contact the doctor. Nati looks almost passed out and I tell her to stay awake. I'm afraid that if she close her eyes she won't open them again.

*I tell Nati again.

-Natasha: Do not die please.

*Nati grabs Enzo's hand.

-Nati: It's ok, dont worry.

-Natalia: No, it's not ok. You need help.

-Nati: It's for no use. I'm gonna -cough- die anyway.

*She say this almost in a whisper. Enzo looks at her desperately as tears started to stream down his face.

-Enzo: Don't say that. You will make it. You can't leave me alone.

*I grab her other hand and squeeze it.

-Natasha: Me either. I'm not supose to stay alone on this world. Not without my twin. You simply can't die.

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