Chapter 36

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(((For the ones that are still reading this story, I'm so sorry that I had take so long to update a chapter, I'm very busy with school, work and my baby. Plus I lost my phone and on it I had a lot of the scenes written.. But fear not.. I will keep updating but, not as much as I would like. I'll TRY to update at least twice in a month. I'm sorry for this inconvenience.. and I hope you like the story so far.)))

😉😉😉This is a really long chapter. Hope you enjoy it.

***Now let's start chapter 36***

*It's a massacre, wolves scratching, bitting, fighting and killing each other

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*It's a massacre, wolves scratching, bitting, fighting and killing each other. I didn't want to leave the scene that was happening right in front of my eyes, even tho I was standing at the door entrance, I could still see what was going on in the diistance. I didn't want to get my eyes of off Christian but, right at this moment.. my son needs me. I need to go check on him and see if he and the other kids are ok.

*As I got in the room I see that the kids are playing while Andrés's mom watch over all of them, the babies were sleeping. All the kids look happy, it's as if nothing is happening, and maybe that's for the best.. the kids doesn't need to feel scared or know anything bad that is going on out there. Not long after me.. Pat, Annette and Nati come into the room too.

*Annette quickly runs to Andrés's mom and she tells her what is going on, she leaves the room in a hurry.. I guess to help the others. She didn't leave earlier because she didn't want to leave the kids alone, because when the bells rang and everyone ran outside, I saw Mr Johnson, the maids and Andrés's dad run outside.

*We all try to act normal but we couldn't, we all are nervous and obviously worried too. We don't know what is going.. and we can't help but to feel helpless.

*Pat is currently pacing in here like a mad man, after a few more minutes, he couldn't take it anymore, he left the room in a blink of an eye. We called after him but he didn't mind us, he just kept going in a such a rush. The girls started saying that someone has to stop him, that he doesn't know in what he is gonna get himself into. I told them that I will go look for him.

*I ran out of the room and try to get to pat as quick as I could. I got to him, he was almost at the door when I stopped him.

-Natasha: Where do you think you're going?

-Pat: I need to make sure that they are ok.

*He says with worried as he tries to open the door. I hold his hand and stop him from doing so.

-Natasha: We all know how you are feeling, we are in the same position as you are.

-Pat: No you are not, it's different for me. I'm the man in this relationship and my girlfriend is out there fighting with wolves as I am in here hiding and cowering.

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