Chapter 9

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*Natasha's Pov*

*Its been a month now since I started coming here. Christian and I are getting closer each day that pass by.
He told me what happened with Darla and that she's living in his house again, to don't think that it will change anything between them because it won't and that he's just helping her out till she gets better.

*I've been seeing her around and for me.. she looks just fine, being a bitch to everyone and ordering people around, but of course in Christian's presence she fake it all. She plays the innocent victim that's sick, she just wanna get Christian's attention.. drama queen.

*In other news.. Nati and Enzo has been going out a lot, and there dating now. The same goes for Annette and Andres. Apparently I'm taking things to slow with Christian, well that's what they said. We go on dates together too, including Melody and Derek.

*Sometimes when a guy flirt with one of us the guys get so mad that we have to leave and go to another place otherwise they'll most likely hit someone.

*And don't even let me get started on when a guy do touch us in any way, it can be a simple hand to hand touch and they'll hit the guy knocking his lights off.
Maybe it's a little to much and violent but they look so cute when they are jealous, especially Christian, so we don't mind it at all.

*Christian has been so good and caring to me.. he's considerate, thoughtful and also romantic, but as I already said.. sometimes he acts to possessive and gets jealous if other guys come near me, he doesn't mind Andres, Enzo or Derek but if it is another man.. it's caos.

*But beside all that he never ever been disrespectful to me, it's good that he gets jealous that means he likes me. I know for sure now that I'm falling for him, and hard.

*Nati, Annette, Chandrely and me were supose to go on a trip together that we had planned a year ago. We even got our jobs to give us 2 months vacation.

*But Nati and Annette doesn't wanna leave anymore, at least not without the guys, so we told them to come with us but they said they can't for now because they have a lot of work to do that maybe next month would be better.
So they can leave things in order for the whole month we would be gone.

*So the girls decided they are gonna stay and Chandrely and I doesn't wanna go without them. So we cancelled it. And so our plans were cancelled and we have 2 months free a whole month with nothing to do till next month comes.

*That brought an idea to the girls.. they talked to there boyfriend's and they decided that Nati is gonna be staying at Enzo's place for the vacation and Annette is gonna stay with Andres. Chandrely just took the chance and went to visit her grandma and she'll be staying there for a few weeks.

*I don't mind that they wanna be with there man, they look happy and that's important.. I'm happy for them. But they still owe me and Chandrely a trip.


*Today is Monday and Nati left to Enzo's place over the weekend, she's been calling me every night. Yup I have a new phone, Nati bought it for me.

*Annette is already staying here at the village but I almost never see her, she's always with Andres. Only when we eat lunch and Andres is working I see her, besides I'm always working too. Sometimes she comes to the office and we talk.

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