S5E1: The Truth

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       The mutants' snarls reverberate through the halls, harmonizing with the bloodcurdling screams of the residents. The room they take refuge in is cluttered with old storage boxes and medical equipment.
       There's an uproar of chaos as Jess desperately tries to stop Chris's bleeding, her hands covered in his blood. She's surrounded by a bunch of frightened individuals who're in awe of Chris's condition.
       The room is filled with terror and animosity as Myracle and Simon share the same menacing look. They believe that Tara and Mattie are untrustworthy, especially Mattie considering how Eleanor managed to control her every move.
       "Is he okay?" Rosie asks nervously while following Jess around.
       "I need to stitch him up and stop the bleeding before he's beyond repair. Barricade the entrance!" Jess shouts impatiently.
       They all spring into action; Rosie assisting Jess with Chris's wounds. Everyone is in constant worry for the safety of their group. Matthew and Jeannie barricade the door just in time, barely locking the mutants out.
       They viciously scratch at the door as the survivors rethink all their previous encounters. They might've grown soft ever since they found this place, but they're still breathing. They're still alive amongst this cruel environment.
       Their willing to fight their way through another treacherous battle. Although this challenge seems impossible and demeaning, all their journeys in the past have showcased the same level of torment.
       They must keep surviving for all the friends they've lost along the way. They may be mentally drained and exhausted, but they're still here. They're still alive. They must unite in order to survive.
       The odd pairing of Simon and Myracle watch Tara and Mattie like a hawk, noticing their every action. To think that these people who are practically strangers being locked in a room with their group is enough to petrify them. They have no clue on who's trustworthy.
       Myracle's mind races as she solely focuses on Mattie and Tara. Why are they here? Can we even trust these strangers? Are they easily tempted to rat us out if they get the opportunity? Myracle thinks to herself worriedly.
       Simon has the same expression on his face. However, he seems to be more hostile. He's fed up with all the torment he's endured. Seeing his mother right before him was the last straw. All that work on rebuilding his tainted life has just been shattered. He's completely broken now.
Instead of helping the rest of his allies, he stares at the two significant leaders of this soon-to-be demolished sanctuary, contemplating their intentions. Why didn't the rest of the group force them to leave? Aren't they aware of how these people kept this secret from us? How can they simply forgive them? Simon thinks to himself in frustration.
"Why the hell are you guys in here. I don't want you anywhere near us," Simon says bluntly.
"Yeah, what're you truly after? Do you wanna get the upper hand on us just to cater to Eleanor?" Myracle questions them, treating this encounter like an interrogation.
They look around awkwardly, stumbling over their own words. Tara wants to guarantee her loyalty to them, but she knows it won't go anywhere. Simon alone has trust issues, so his trust won't be easily obtained.
Simon is still trying to get over the betrayal he feels from his group. They practically shut him out these past three years when he desperately needed the affection the most. Although he won't admit to wanting people to care for him, it's completely evident.
This sanctuary has only brought mental strain and hardships in his case. He's fed up with this horrid treatment that he's supposedly destined to receive. He just wishes to return to his true identity, the presence of his mom is bringing back old memories. Those memories being the vessel of Paige.
"L-Listen. I'm sorry about all of this, but I want to get out just as much as you," Tara says calmly.
       "Cut the crap Tara! You just care about yourself like your incompetent mother. However, I guess we have that in common," Simon roars, tempted to walk out the front doors amongst the danger.
       Jeannie and Ryan watch this argument unfold as they look for any reason to simply breathe. Chris means so much to them; it'll absolutely destroy them if anything were to happen to him. Fighting won't help this problem.
       "Are you guys serious? You would rather focus on your stubborn desires than on the well-being of Chris. Get the hell over yourselves. They're here now, and we just have to accept it," Jeannie shouts, silencing the room.
       She took the words right out of Ryan's mouth. He can barely pull himself together with the constant revelations of his mother and Chris's worsened state. He's not one grow emotional over these types of experiences, shoving those feelings deep down is preferred in his eyes.
Ryan avoids eye contact with the rest of the group, thinking about this sudden life-changing scenario. Will Chris live through this? Will I ever see my mother again? How would I move on without these people in my life? Ryan thinks to himself worriedly as he gazes at the bloodied balled up gauze that lies on the floor.
It looks like Jess is in the middle of an intense procedure, the end result being completely unknown. Ryan can tell that Jess is scared despite her calm look. Chris's accident has caused havoc as everyone worries for the group's survival.
Although they are all aware of their own abilities, Chris provides a level of reassurance and confidence to their everyday moves. He allows them to keep battling through these painful endeavors.
Everyone stabilizes from their bickering, acknowledging the situation at hand with Chris. Jess is dealing with his lacerations while Rosie monitors his vitals continuously. The pieces of debris are still lodged in his body, causing the room to grow quiet.
"We're gonna need to stop the bleeding. Rosie, the laceration is pretty deep, but we can stitch him back up in no time. I just need you to hand me tools while holding Chris's hand," Jess rambles confidently.
Myracle notices Jess's formality from afar. However, she's clearly feeling the immense pressure. As she gazes around the room, all the others know something strange is occurring. This may be the serious side of Jess that we don't typically see.
"Got it Jess. Let me know if you need anything else," Rosie says optimistically, solely focusing on Chris.
Although Chris is her brother, she tends to act tranquil and well-mannered under pressure. Typically, she starts to get nervous once the more obvious threat has passed.
Jeannie on the other hand struggles with the occurrence of the unknown. She absolutely despises her emotions and these aching moments. She wishes that this accident could be wiped out of her memory.
"Guys, we shouldn't crowd around Jess like this. Let's give her some time alone, so she can focus," Jeannie says without looking back at Chris.
Everyone can see the fear in Jeannie's eyes. This is a rare moment in her life where she doesn't have control over her brother's safety. She hates when there's a task she's unable to accomplish, especially when it correlates to Chris's life.
An hour passes before Jess finally stops the main issues with Chris, finishing the procedure. She sighs with relief and gives off a slight smile. She managed to save Chris's life.
Ricky sits quietly to himself, Matthew and Skyy not too far from him. He notices Jess taking off her gloves from the opposite side of the room. He's filled with anticipation, desperately craving the information of Chris's status.
He gets lost in his thoughts for a moment, contemplating on whether or not he should confront Jess. Should I ask Jess about the procedure? Is she satisfied with the results? Will Chris be able to wake up soon? Ricky thinks to himself curiously.
Skyy notices Ricky's hesitation as he constantly battles his impulse to walk over to Jess. However, Skyy has been thinking about the procedure as well. She needs confirmation on Chris's health.
When they first met, Skyy felt comfortable around Chris instantaneously. She was tired of the same surroundings and the same people. There was a time where she craved variety and adventure.
Chris pushed her to learn more about the world as well as acquire new allies in the process. He's been a trustworthy, useful leader throughout all their encounters. This cannot be the end of their journey together, it'll diminish her morale.
Although she likes Chris's tenacity and serious attitude, she absolutely adores his personality and humor. There's always a rare chance where the group can share a comforting laugh with one another. They're like a family.
They've all been through hell together. It's time for her to be there for Chris. This procedure provides a large amount of significance for their futures in this world. They need Chris to stay alive.
"Ricky? Are you okay?" Skyy asks curiously, getting Matthew's attention.
He can tell when Ricky's nervous. Well, in all honesty, it's hard to miss. His body starts to twitch, and he frequently mumbles his own rapid thoughts to himself.
"You want to find out about Chris too right?" Matthew says casually, awaiting Ricky's response.
He still hasn't answered. This whole experience has been rather taxing on his mindset. He doesn't want to spend one more moment in this death trap of a hospital.
Skyy starts to get up, Matthew immediately catering to her every need. She stabilizes, reaching out for Ricky's hand while offering a solace smile.
"Come on! Let's go see how Chris is doing," Skyy says positively.
"A-Alright. Let's go see," Ricky stutters before finally forcing his body to move.
He's happy that Skyy noticed his uncertainty, but he's still scared of the negative outcome. He appreciates the company, but he simply cannot stand another death, especially one of his friends.
Matthew pushes some carts out of the way which was blocking the view of Chris's vulnerable body. He walks in to see Chris lying on the table, still unconscious. She's managed to stop the bleeding and stitch up his wounds, but he's still not awake.
Jess and Rosie sit on the floor, exhausted from the whole day. However, it doesn't look like they're upset. They look more relieved. Rosie's eyes flutter as she slowly starts to fall asleep.
"Hey Jess. How's Chris doing?" Skyy asks politely, using her typical forced smile.
"Y-Yeah! Has he recovered?," Ricky asks the question timidly.
Matthew looks over at Rosie, still asleep despite the noise they're making. It makes him wonder to what extent Jess and Rosie went through to save Chris. It seems like their mentally drained.
Seeing Rosie like this makes Matthew feel uneasy, like he was absolutely useless in this scenario. Should I have offered a helping hand? Why is Jess reluctant on answering their questions? Do I have to step up as leader? Matthew thinks to himself as his self-deprecating thoughts make a revival.
Ricky can't help his discontent with witnessing Chris's unfortified body. This incident has clearly played a role in everyone's mental state. They're in a constant state of fear as Chris's health remains to be unknown.
Ricky ponders to himself for a moment, realizing how much effort Chris puts in to keep this group standing. Why do I feel so guilty? Should I have done more to prevent this accident from happening? How can I simply move past this? Ricky thinks to himself frantically.
"There's no telling if he has recovered fully, but he pulled through," Jess says while resting her head in the palm of her hand.
They sigh with relief, satisfied with Jess's response. Jess however has clearly overexerted herself. She doesn't contain the amount of strength she once had. This challenge alone has taken all of her energy, including Rosie's.
Matthew looks back at Jeannie, noticing how optimistic she's acting while catering towards her niece. Although her brother is laying on this cold operating table, she's still controlling her emotions.
She may have to take control at one point during this escapade. There's a high chance that someone in this room will not make it out of this hospital alive. Matthew will have to be focused and rely on his other allies for help.
If one mishap is to occur, it'll lead to the destruction of this group's morale. The time they've spent together has been irreplaceable. To think how one reckless decision might end up with someone's demise is absolutely baffling.
       They start to exit Jess's working space as this weight has finally been lifted from them. However, Jess still has something to say. She's been struggling to maintain eye contact during this interaction. Her eyes have been glued to Myracle.
       Skyy takes notice of this, Matthew deciding not to utter a word about Jess's strange, secretive behavior. They can both tell that she knows something; they just don't know what. Jess acknowledges their awareness, forcing her to tell them.
       "Sorry, you guys must be confused. Do you just mind bringing Myracle over for me? There's something I need to tell her," Jess says shyly, her calm and collective facade fading away.
       Skyy doesn't answer, she just simply nods her head, wondering about Jess's sudden interest in Myracle. Why does Jess want to see Myracle? Did they seriously grow close after their singular training session? Is she hiding something? Skyy thinks to herself cautiously before informing Myracle.
       "Myracle, Jess wants to talk to ya," Skyy says casually.
       Myracle is clearly caught off guard. She looks like a criminal being founded out for their horrid crime. She instantaneously starts stumbling over her own words, desperately trying to formulate some type of sentence.
       "O-Oh! Really? Do you know what she wants to talk about?" Myracle asks nervously, clearly playing dumb.
       "I don't know. She just wants to talk to you," Skyy says more bluntly.
       She absolutely despises secretive nature like this. Clearly Myracle is hiding something. Since they're all in an unthinkable situation, the group's trust is everything. There can't be a trace of doubt amongst this group.
       Skyy will be on the lookout for any odd behavior from Myracle. For if this information falls into the wrong hands, it'll lead to chaos, possibly death. The group's survival is at the upmost importance. No secrets will interfere with their future.
       Myracle walks toward Jess, having a suspicion of what this conversation is about. Does she want to talk about my relation with the Admiral? Will she force me to tell everyone? Has she already told people? Myracle thinks to herself hysterically.
       She gazes at Rosie in the corner, growing uncomfortable to have both siblings in the room together. Considering the fact that Admiral Johnson killed Rosie's husband along with Chris's allies, news about her relation will only negatively affect her relationship with Chris and the others.
       "H-Hey Jess! You wanted to see me?" Myracle forces out a smile, only to be shushed by Jess.
       That gesture only confirms Myracle's suspicion. They're going to discuss about her bloodline. Revealing this secret of hers would be a never ending nightmare, that layer of trust all fading away into a bottomless pit.
       She can't lose Chris during a brutal time like this. However, she can't leave this problem alone either; it's time for her to finally come clean. There will be a day where she informs Chris about her upbringing, but she needs to be the one to tell him. Otherwise, their relationship is over.
       This accident has only made Myracle realize just how much she adores Chris. Life is way too short, especially in a world like this. A world without Chris isn't a world worth living. She longs for those intimate moments where she can gaze into his beautiful loving eyes.
       She craves his attention and his affection every step of the way through their journey together. Myracle tends to get lost in her thoughts, thinking about Chris's comforting embrace.
       This relationship needs to work, it's a necessity in her eyes. Chris symbolizes her chances to start over and settle down to a relatively normal life. This is the path where she can officially discover her true self.
       "We need to be quiet. We can't let Rosie hear what we're talking about," Jess whispers while looking over her shoulder in paranoia.
       This causes Myracle only to feel even more uneasy. She never knew what impact her uncle had on this group. Although she doesn't communicate with him much, she never noticed an evident problem.
       "Have you told Chris about your relation to Admiral Johnson yet?" Jess asks curiously while acknowledging her surroundings.
       "I haven't told him yet. I didn't even see him all day," Myracle says shyly.
      Jess sighs angrily, clearly feeling the pressure of containing this dark secret. She's aware of the danger that this secret can bring when it comes to the group's bond. This piece of information will pile up the stress, resulting in utter mayhem.
       Before Jess can speak, Myracle quickly cuts her off. Looking for a way to calm her down, considering all the mental strain Jess has been going through with Chris's procedure. Myracle should act more grateful for that alone.
       "Don't worry I'll tell him. I'll be the one to tell him. I just, have to wait for the right moment," Myracle says reassuringly.
       "Just don't wait too long. If you do there's no telling what madness will unfold. Inform everyone of Chris's status when you leave," Jess says wisely.
       Myracle senses an odd presence of trust whenever she talks with Jess. Typically, she's one who keeps her thoughts hidden in her abyss of a body before it implodes. However, this is a rare moment where she feels comfortable around someone.
       She knows how insightful Jess is. No matter what battle she's going through, she always manages to pull through the pain and hardship. Selfishness is not in her DNA; she's sacrificed so much to simply get to this point. The least Myracle could do is trust her newly founded friend.
       She walks out amongst the group , expecting them to be huddling over towards her. However, to her surprise, they don't move a muscle. It seems that Ricky, Skyy and Matthew have already informed everyone of Chris's condition.
       Myracle feels relieved in a way. It's been a long day that she desperately wants to end. Her only desire to sit and wait quietly until Chris finally regains consciousness. The only thing she wants to see is Chris's stunning smile that always manages to make her heart sink to the floor.
       Meanwhile, Mattie and Tara gather inconspicuously in the center of the room. Everyone clearly growing skeptical of their odd behavior, especially Simon. He has his eyes glued to them like they're dangerous inmates at a high security prison.
       Skyy inches closer towards them, trying to hear their suspicious planning. If they have any ill intentions towards their group, it'll result in bloodshed. She has to decipher what they want. If it allows her to experience some sort of future, then her suspicions should be justified.
       "Mattie, shouldn't we tell the others about the neighboring group? They're probably all wondering what this is about," Tara expresses with concern.
       Mattie looks around her surroundings before responding to Tara. She's encased by a bunch of citizens who have absolutely no hope in her leadership abilities. They all make her out to be some sort of disappointment.
       She's surrounded by such hateful and judgmental stares. There is a layer of guilt that Mattie contains, but she still has the right intentions. She wants to prove her loyalty to this neglectful group.
       "We'll tell them soon. They deserve to know," Mattie says formally, exhaustion clearly getting the better of her.
       She has bags under her eyes as well as stress building up from the never ending workload. Exhaustion has completely taken over her body. There's no aspect of life that she enjoys at this point. Every day is just like the last.
       "You're right Mattie, we do deserve to know. So, how about you just tell us now," Skyy pronounces proudly, disregarding Mattie and Tara's feelings
       She wants answers, and she needs to hear them now. They all need information about this group. Every inch of knowledge they receive will help them in the future. They plan on battling Eleanor's posse of corrupt knights.
       They will all get revenge for Chris and the ones that have been taken so far throughout this treacherous journey. This battle will never stop until the group finally achieves what they want, a normal life.
       The rest of the group members all speak their minds collectively, causing a jumble of words to formulate like a heated debate. This situation has gotten out of hand. They all want answers.
       They've sat in silence for over four hours, longing for Chris to wake up. Their leader must return to settle down this nonsensical argument. They need a motivational person like Chris to point them in the right direction.
       Simon watches the tension finally erupt as incoherent words start flying around, possibly attracting the attention of the mutants. He can't help but give off a sinister smile. In his eyes, Mattie deserves all of this backlash.
       Suddenly, the bickering comes to a surprising halt, Ryan quickly pointing the attention off Tara. He knows that she didn't partake in any wrongdoings. However, that's not the main issue here.
       Chris is finally awake. He groans from the pain as she tries to sit up, Jess quickly forced him to stop. For the first time that day, Jess smiled. All her hard work and dedication has finally paid off.
       "W-What happened?" Chris mumbles while grasping at his shoulder hesitantly.
       His voice is enough to wake Rosie up, already seeing her sister embracing Chris as for an elongated hug. She watches as Jeannie's tears streak down her face onto Chris's shoulder. Such a touching moment for the family.
       "I-I'm so glad you're okay!" Jeannie exclaims.
       "Uncle Joe!" Lily yells from behind Jeannie, finally shedding a positive light on this stressful situation.
       Rosie can barely speak. She's way too emotional to mutter a single word. She just simply wants to enjoy this moment of happiness with her family. Without her family, she would have nothing. They mean the world to her.
       She gets lost in her thoughts, closing her eyes as she rests on Chris's shoulder. Should I say something? Can I just stay like this forever? Does he realize how scared I was? Rosie thinks to herself before brushing those needless thoughts away. A realization had suddenly hit her. Because they are family, they don't need words. Their endless love speaks for itself.
       The group crowds around Chris, watching the family condoling each other, their emotions running wild. They've been living with uncertainty as they constantly pondered about Chris's health. Now, they can finally focus on escaping this hospital safely.
       "Chris! Are you okay? I was so worried," Ryan states loudly, absolutely thrilled to see his best friend.
       Tara notices Ryan's caring look as he desperately attempts to hold back his tears. She wishes that someone would care for her exponentially like Ryan does for Chris. However, she might already have someone like that.
       Ryan gazes lovingly into Tara's eyes for a moment, causing her heart to skip a beat. Despite everything they've been through, he's still willing to spend time with her and to cherish their every moment together. This is her second chance to make a relationship work between the two.
       "Are you in any pain?" Ricky asks frantically, the rest of the group muttering the exact same phrase.
       Ricky's neurotic words formulates a smile on Chris's face. It reminds him of the moment where he lost consciousness in the bunker. Those were such simpler times. However, little did they know the danger that was to come.
       Myracle grabs Chris's hand lovingly, staring at his abused body. He still puts on a heartwarming smile. She was never one to cry, but she just can't help herself. The one person that she leans on is finally back in her life. That incident forced Myracle to realize how much she truly loves Chris.
       "I love you," Myracle whispers in Chris's ear before walking away.
       She can't handle the embarrassment of the others hearing those words uttered out her mouth. This catches Chris off guard a little, knowing how reluctant she is to settle down and reveal her true feelings. He didn't get the chance to say it back, but he knows that one day he will.
       Chris chuckles to himself, wiping away his tears of joy. Satisfaction rushes over him as he enjoys the presence of everyone he cares for unconditionally. They waited patiently for Chris to awaken, hoping that he'll pull through this procedure.
       Although there have been some disputes in the past, this group is like a family. They've endured all types of battles together. They've been together through thick and thin, and now, it's time to fight once again. It's time to fight for their futures in this dystopian world.
       Chris looks for Simon, praying that he's simply amongst the crowd. He doesn't need to hear any words, all he needs is his presence. However, Chris receives something better. It's a smile. A smile that Simon was overdue for.
       These past few years have made Simon skeptical on his feelings of life. He's contemplated all different scenarios, something wishing a world where he simply doesn't exist.
       Moreover, despite Simon's recent discovery of his mother Eleanor, he still gives off a smile. Although the odds are stacked against him, he's back with his old group. They will battle this threat together. The first step was Chris living through this procedure.
       "I'm so happy you're awake Chris. Just in time too. Tara, can you tell us all about the neighboring group now that we're all together," Jess says gracefully.
       "I agree with that, but let's be civil about it this time," Matthew chuckles.
       They all look at Chris, waiting for him to speak. It's been a long time since they've heard his guidance. This is a time where they need it the most. Now that Chris is awake, he can lead the group through this troubling experience.
       Although they all contain their individual battle scars, their bond is what makes them stronger. It's the sole factor that has kept them alive this whole time. They can finally evolve into the people they've been thriving to become. They aren't just a group of survivors anymore, they're a family.
       "Let's get ready for the fight. I'll be with you every step of the way," Chris says boldly, admiring the growth of this group.
       "Alright then! Mattie, tell us the truth about this neighboring group," Rosie finally speaks, moving past her emotions.
       Mattie looks around the room, noticing how all of those previous stares of animosity and distrust have transformed into the look of tenacious soldiers. They're ready for this battle, and they need Mattie and Tara's help to escape.
       They might not see eye to eye. They might not have the same upbringing as the others in the group, but this is all they have. All they have is each other.
       "I feel somewhat responsible for what occurred today, and I'm sorry. However, with the help of Tara and I, we can lead you all to freedom once again!" Mattie states excitedly.
       Chris smiles to himself, appreciating the new addition to the group. Although she hasn't received their complete trust, it's a step in the right direction. They need her to escape this death trap of a hospital. It's time they move on from this sanctuary overrun with fear and despair.
       "Let's start. It's time to tell you guys the truth of Eleanor Hall," Mattie states, initiating their escape as a unified group.

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