S7E8: Atone

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       What does it mean to fight for what you love? How does someone know when initiating a violent act is required for the people you love? It's something that no one ever has an answer to, simply going with the flow as they submit to any wild emotion that comes before them.
       However, instead of contemplating about these unanswered questions, their feelings typically taking control in the heat of the moment, they rise to the challenge. For although there's no perfect explanation for what exactly the morally correct option is, it won't matter in the end.
       Right now, as they stand in front of this secret hatch that scales down into their personal hell, all their hardship leading up till this very moment, the only thing that forces them to continue that plunge down below is family. To hell with these bewildering philosophical elements of what's ethical and unethical when it comes to protecting the ones you love. After all, that was an issue in the modern world, not in this disheveled one.
       The intensity of this situation has yet to affect the group, descending down this rusted and decrepit ladder one by one. As they lower into uncharted territory, little by little, rung by rung, the recognizable light of the complex fades away as a darkness ensues them all. It's at this moment where their final stage is a go, that revelation being surreal to the group.
       This was a moment they've been talking about since their journey began, wanting this horrid landscape to suffer a drastic change, resorting back to what life used to be. At the time, that was what everyone told themselves to merely get by, wanting a picture perfect fantasy to appear out of thin air as if this was all a fairytale.
       Perhaps, they wanted this to all be some dark, twisted dream, waking up in the safety of their beds, family beside them as they worry about what clothes to where that day. However, they soon realized that their desires weren't logical. Their way of life had vanished without a trace. Gone. Forced to adapt to such a cruel way of living, a way that many deemed as unfit.
       But, despite all the change and grief they had to endure, a new obstacle around every corner, they found each other in the end. This experience might've mentally drained them, their only source of entertainment and inspiration being each other, but without the apocalypse, this unified force would've never assembled in the first place.
       They've pushed through misfortune after misfortune, shortcomings after shortcomings. It was numbing for them to experience it all, but at least they had one another to rely on. Even when someone was susceptible to the negative qualities of life, battling their weakened mindsets, they were there.
       For when someone's grieving, they'll rise up. If someone is in danger, they'll rise up. If someone's just simply in need of a laugh, they'll rise up. No matter what it takes, even if they have to repeat this process over and over, there'd be no hesitation. They're a family, one that not even a woman to Eleanor's caliber can remotely touch.
       So, they'll continue to descend down that hatch, not looking back at their time limit. For even if the odds are against them, their backs against the wall, they'll be okay. Although it took a while to achieve that point of awareness, all of those memories made together have only made them stronger. Just as they always do, everyone will rise up.
At last, all of them reach the floor, gawking at the sight. Yet again, another vast region is before them, nothing but a dim warlike light flickering. One would think that a place like this would remain unkept, in utter shambles as the underground hideout protrudes an ominous aura around it all.
However, that doesn't seem to be the case, a level of modernity hinted within this hidden location, the rooms rather spiffy and neat. Although Eleanor's excessively overpowering attitude won't affect this group of survivors anymore, refusing to be controlled by the fear of the unknown, they still must accept when the odds are against them.
After this hectic journey, that's something that's occurred on multiple occasions, this vibrant group iconic for overcoming these hurdles. Sure, Eleanor does have the advantage in knowing the layout of this massive hideout, but they have something that she doesn't. This very aspect that'll shift the odds into their favor is the familial, unified bond formulated by all these inspiring people.
Throughout this whole battle, Eleanor might've viewed togetherness as weak, seeing it as a liability rather than a hostile threat. In her eyes, there's nothing to worry about, this group just as well resembling a group of inept misfits to her. She isn't exactly expecting much, but that is their ultimate weapon.
Obviously she's expecting a fully derived plan, playing dumb as she's at least the slightest bit aware that this isn't the least formidable opponent she's had. After all, they've faced several interactions and lived, that's rare. Clearly there's a hidden spark in this energetic group, it's a shame that Eleanor will have to take it away.
This overconfident and manipulative nature will lead to her downfall, expecting another typical battle rather than a full-fledged war. With her ego filling her mind, it'll cause her to let her guard down just enough. All they truly need is one fortuitous bullet, nothing else. It's time for this group to collaborate, finally ending this tyrant's reign of terror.
Seeing this imagery brings Chris back to his childhood, this derived concept of a bunker symbolizing what he one thought Bunker 03 was. Granted, this hideout still lies beneath the primary scenes, still expressing the corrupt tone this place entails, but it isn't the same.
His definition of scary has changed dramatically, now viewing the bunker as their old home, filled with mixed emotions. If his old self were to come across a disturbing sight like this, no sign of light or positivity, then he would instantly lose his cool, growing overwhelmed by the looming energy.
Now, he stares there with a blank expression on his face, a room that he would've deemed as evil and petrifying a long time ago is now just the next stage of this battle. The location may be discrete, leaving the group isolated as an eeriness fills the room, but it's not enough to faze him, not anymore. All he wants is to safely flee this facility with the knowledge of Eleanor being dead, his allies following his lead as they reach their triumphant end.
"What is this place? Where are we?" Skyy asks curiously, her eyes lighting up from the mystery.
       Chris goes to answer, hesitating as he begins to realize just how little they know about this place. Obviously this was a settlement used only for the militia members, Admiral Johnson and other high generals taking advantage of their power.
       In all actuality, neither of them have a remote clue as to where they are. It's absurd to see such a seemingly endless barrage of rooms, a whole new way of life just below their feet all this time. They knew that the militia was corrupt and extremely opportunistic, but this level of secrecy is on a different level.
       "I don't know. It seems to be a secret facility of some sort. I wonder what they used it for," Myracle says in a curious tone, analyzing her surroundings.
       "It's spacious that's for sure," Jess adds on, watching Myracle grow infatuated with this enticing environment.
       As she walks down the hallway, gazing inside the rooms, she grows astonished about how well maintained this vicinity is. Each room is mesmerizing, offering something new and spectacular at every time. Although there are typical armories and training sights, even those are advanced, offering a level of versatility with new courses.
       There's an archery course, something that Tara would've dominated in. If they thought the small complex contained all the luxuries this world had left to over, then they were dead wrong. Stepping foot in an enchanting place like this is heavenly for Myracle, beginning to explore as the others struggle to fathom what they're witnessing.
       She takes a left down a hallway, proceeding with caution while examining a large double door. They might walk straight into battle, finally putting an end to all these overarching pressures, but Myracle can't help but grow fascinated by the place as some remarkable pieces of her childhood come flooding back to her.
       Her interest has peeked, glancing through the rectangular window of those double doors as her eyes light up. Excitement begins to overwhelm her, almost like a kid roaming free in a candy shop. It's baffling how she merely forgot about the sincerity of the situation. For the sight she sees is far more incredible then she could ever have imagined. Behind these doors lie a large basketball court, the floors polished as if they were just cleaned.
       Old memories of the sanctuary are reimagined in her mind, but this time, they're the positive memories. Unlike before, all she could envision was Ryan's heartbreaking death, slowly watching Chris' sanity deteriorate until she was kidnapped like the others. She couldn't even imagine how he felt after watching half his life disappear in the blink of an eye, some meeting horrid fates.
       Oddly enough, the ones who were taken might've been the lucky ones, gifted with a second chance at life while the others fought through grueling weather conditions. They just wanted a break, all those crippling deaths still fresh on everyone's mind, especially Chris'.
       However, for once, a positive recollection of the sanctuary is brought to her attention, recalling the basketball game she played with Jeannie and Chris. Only Rosie and Ryan were in the stands, but that was all they needed. For all that mattered was that they were having the best time of their lives. It was like she was a part of a beautiful family, something she would've never thought possible.
       "They even have basketball? This place has the mother-load of all things good! Right guys?" Myracle states cheerfully, looking for their responses only to reach a harsh truth.
       Everyone grants her a look of discomfort, the sparing ones trying to come up with something to say while others remain quietly to themselves. It hits her just how insensitive she's acting, frolicking about during a strenuous situation in a wonderland that no one got to be a part of.
       She can spot the troubled look in Chris' eyes, finding her improper and wired behavior to be adorable, but there's more to it. He isn't exactly thrilled to find out about yet another place where the residents were restricted access. It's demeaning to say the least, for everyone who was in this bunker.
       "Y-Yeah sweetie! It's certainly a magical place. There's so much to do here," Debbie says reassuringly, trying not to make Myracle feel lousy about the situation.
       "I mean, it is quite big. I'm surprised as to how much there is to do here, but we are talking about Admiral Johnson. There's no surprise in him making this place nice," Ricky rambles along, Myracle's eyes practically glued to Chris.
Almost immediately, Myracle begins to repent her celebratory attitude, dropping her feelings on the versatile hideout they've barged in. This change of scenery might be new for her, becoming invested with the undeniable spark this area contains, but this behavior won't be tolerated when it comes to her group members.
Chris and his other allies didn't get the chance to experience such a luxury, perpetually trapped away in the same rooms, always traveling towards the same place. Hell, it was simply a detour to go to someone's house after their lackluster day filled with mediocre education.
Their childhoods were gone, but they were content with that. However, the reason as to why they are furious is because there was a slight chance to bring this level of comfort back. With these new discoveries, it only brings up more devastating information on how tainted the militia was.
"For him," Chris utters arbitrarily, confusing the others.
"W-What do you mean?" Ricky asks curiously, sensing a rather somber presence within Chris.
Rosie takes in the awkwardness of the interaction, all spiraling from one minor reaction. It's like they're avoiding the topic completely at this point, clearly trying to atone for no good reason at all. The embarrassment distending of the two is obvious, Myracle barely blinking as she stares at Chris longingly, Ricky slurring his speech.
Upon that paining sight, she stares down at Lily, her light, her life. Everything that she stands for lies within this one innocent, brave little girl. Now that they're entering the final portion of their plan, everything needs to be perfect. Although this conversation shouldn't cause too much tension to arise, it's still a risk that she doesn't want to take.
Perfection and complete concentration is the key for their last stand against Eleanor, focusing all their resources on what's in front of them. For all it takes is for one careless mistake or moment of vulnerability to end it all, ask Matthew. She doesn't want a repeat of that poor soul's death, and she'll ensure that her goals meet the guidelines she's instilled for herself and the others.
"Oh, I just finished your sentence regarding the Admiral. There's no shock in him making this place nice for him. No one else. Just wanted to make that statement clear," Chris states nonchalantly, catching everyone off guard.
"Chris!" Rosie and Debbie state simultaneously, showcasing an agitated state.
To see such blunt and insolent behavior from Chris is odd, barely showing any sign of regret. Perhaps, he just needed to say something, let this issue off his chest. However, he knows the tension he's caused, feeling their stomachs churn as if it was immersing itself. The negative energy is just too much to handle, especially for Myracle.
She can't even begin to fathom the mindless behavior she's displayed, noticing the prolonged gazes of Chris and the others. Reminding them all about such misfortune was the last thing she wanted, solely thinking, How could I have acted so carelessly?
Although Chris is acting rather reclusive, conflicted over this topic, there's still a part of him that's looking out for Myracle's well-being. She might've accidentally brought about some negative thoughts with her uncontrollable excitement, but that isn't enough to be furious about, the others sharing a similar opinion.
However, to Myracle, she feels horrible, the thought of putting everyone in a restless state being enough to enrage her. She wasn't aware of their history with this exclusive part of her bunker, but this potential demoralizer shouldn't disrupt this fine balance that the group has established.
In a way, she can't help but feel responsible, constantly obligated to be the stern one, always on high alert as one of their best fighters. For once, she wanted to feel remotely free, exploring this vast facility to all her heart's content. Alas, all she did was make matters worse, not helping the case as they will forever have to grieve their lack of a childhood.
Chris' oceanic blue eyes are enough to enchant her, drawing closer to his charming gaze. Clearly, he's trying to reassure her that everything's superb, acting as if correcting Ricky wasn't over the top in the slightest. It's evident just how much this revelation affected him, soon choosing to forget about it for Myracle's sake.
So, she'll confront him, making the first move as she reels him in for a hug. At first, he's reluctant on what to do, noticing her flushed demeanor until he finally complies. By wrapping his arms around her warm body, it allows him to forget about the stressful situation just for a moment, getting lost in this endearing and welcoming embrace.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be inconsiderate," Myracle mumbles into his chest, barely comprehensible.
His heart skips a beat, snickering as all he can do is pat her head affectionately. Seeing Myracle's soft side is always enough to put a smile on his face, her oddly timid persona serving as a shock considering the amount of presence she has. When they're in a life-altering battle, she transforms into a warrior, bloodshed being a necessity.
However, this emotional and caring side of her is simply too much for Chris' heart to handle. It makes him want to cling onto her forever, ensuring the fact that nothing negative will ever happen to her. Even if they're relationship was rocky at first, meeting their fair share of misunderstandings, they've always cherished one another. That fact will never change.
"It's okay. You did nothing wrong Myracle. Also, you're kinda cute when you get all clingy. It's almost like you can't live without me," Chris pulls her closer, smirking deviously as that familiar blush returns once again.
       "Clingy? Are you saying that I'm not cute all other times?" Myracle hits him playfully, this flirtatious behavior growing rampant.
      A broad smile appears on Debbie's face, watching the slow process of her son grow infatuated with another girl. She thought she would never live to see it, the day where Chris found the love of his life. After all, with a world revolving around death, love remains to be a huge question mark.
A hint of normalcy is a blessing that only arrives once in a full moon, granting the group a moment to themselves. In her mind, this is an equal representation. Watching Chris' mood change from sulky to energetic, as if only Myracle and him were the last two on earth, it just further signifies how significant this girl is to him.
This reminds her of the promise she made to her children, purposefully not including herself while they think otherwise. The last thing that she wants to occur is witnessing a tragic casualty from someone in their family, let alone in the group.
After her kind, peaceful and sweet husband was killed, that's when Debbie realized just how cruel this world is, wanting to ensure the fact that an event like this will never happen again. For such a welcoming and magnificent role model to meet such a fate is belittling to her, being the reason as to why she made this promise.
Even if she must resort to drastic measures to protect her kin, then she wouldn't hesitate, even with her own life. However, it's not just her immediate family that are a part of this promise anymore. At this point, Myracle meets all the criteria, hell, everyone does. After the journey he's experienced with his allies, persevering through all sorts of obstacles, it's only natural for them to be a part of this ever growing familial partnership.
As she watches these individual spirits mesh so well with another, flourishing in their own way, it makes it that much more clear just how vital everyone in this group is. Although she originally focused on solely protecting her children, spending time with these extravagant people has just revealed that to Chris and Rosie, they're a huge portion of their family. For Debbie, that's respectable.
She observes her son from afar, acting as if he were a science experiment that she concocted from the very beginning, sculpting him into the person he is today. There's a desire to approach him, wanting to guide him through this final battle due to her impatience. It's time for them to stop living in fear. Not just for her sake, but for the sake of her children, the group! This war can't be prolonged any further.
With that on her mind, she attempts to walk out towards him, but she hesitates. It's like she's frozen in place, soon recalling the regulations she set out to her son. After their harsh interaction in that supply closet, she's due for an apology, quickly wanting to address this issue before it's too late.
Sure, she will do everything in her power to stay alive, but nothing's ever a guarantee. Chris doesn't need anymore regretful choices circulating in his brain on repeat. That's why this matter needs to be settled, but merely approaching him won't do any good, he needs to initiate the apology. If something bad were to happen to her, Chris would never forgive himself, placing this perpetual blame on himself. For even one hyperbolic thought could completely change their overall character, and that's what Debbie must avoid.
Rosie can't help but be proud of this thriving group, disregarding any negative thought or revelation that comes their way. In the past, it would've been a completely different story, the situation spiraling out of control as drama ensues then all. If there was even a slight factor that affected their sanity, it would put a damper on things, being insufficient as they grow vulnerable to mistakes and reckless encounters.
       If this group continued to remain frazzled and easily triggered, then they never would've made it this far. After all the trauma they've endured, there's been some time to assess their past actions, learning from these horrid events. The primary objective for this final battle is to never lose focus.
       Since Eleanor Hall is extremely manipulative, it might be challenging to evade her psychological attacks, but they've grown so much after the sanctuary. The team that this tyrant is facing isn't like anything she's ever seen before. Unlike last time, they come with a weapon far more dangerous than what she has to offer; that weapon being unity.
       For even if one ally potentially flounders from this woman's twisted mind games, they'll have backup to keep them from trouble. With everyone together, this plan will work, it has to. Rosie looks for encouraging words to provide for the others, hoping to raise their spirits before kickstarting the most important fight of their lives.
       Instead of resorting back to their old ways, unleashing a negative outlook based on this lousy news of being excluded yet again, they decided to focus on each other. Sure, their tempers might be flaring up, but that's acceptable. Although this revelation is hard to wrap their head around, Rosie must reassure them that everything will be alright once this battle is done with.
       However, before she goes to utter even a word, Simon explodes with rage, his quiet nature finally subsiding. Now that she thinks about it, for him to barely share a word about losing another fragment of his childhood would be an odd occurrence. This outburst was bound to happen sooner or later.
       "Damnit!" Simon shouts furiously, punching the door next to him while hyperventilating.
       For everyone to just simply brush aside this moment as if it never occurred aggravates him, disgusted with how Myracle is getting away unscathed. Although she can't really be blamed for any of this, there's just something about her that Simon was never fond of. She's definitely trustworthy, extremely capable of protecting the others, but the lack of reprimanding just showcases how much of a say she has over everyone.
       This is why he's relatively maintained his distance from her, speaking only when it's truly necessary. It's not like he hates her, but if he were to spend all day with her, some tensions might arise. After all, she didn't exactly help when it came to keeping them at ease with this troubling news.
       Now, everyone's looking at Simon as if he was a threat, his emotions being unstable as the others look for methods to calm his senses. These stares seem to be incredibly judgmental, he can tell. It's almost like he's a barbarian to them, desperately trying to put a halt to his erratic ways.
       "Simon? Are you okay?" Ricky asks worriedly, his voice cracking as he slowly walks toward his friend.
       Hearing that hesitant squeak of fear from his longtime friend stings, perplexed as to how Ricky could be nervous around someone he's been with throughout the entirety of the apocalypse. He despises being treated this poorly, as if he were an unhinged lunatic who only craved violence and confrontation.
       It almost sounds like all those foul statements his mother stated were proven to be correct, encapsulating all these negative traits in his body, inferior to the others. However, he promised that he'd never subject himself to Eleanor's critical words. He refuses to be controlled by this overbearing witch ever again.
       Simon's aware that his allies trust him, taking everything he says to heart, but the fact that he's viewed in this manner is what enrages him the most. Plus, Chris and the others feel the same way, practically sharing the exact same pitiful life as he did. He can't be the only one who's saddened by this poignant find.
       Myracle's behavior is rather demure, acknowledging Simon's displeased expression. Clearly, he isn't happy with the glee she expressed after locking eyes with such a diverse complex. Although she didn't take Simon's view into consideration, there was no foul intention present.
       "S-Sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way Simon. I didn't mean to be insensitive in the slightest," Myracle says apologetically, keeping her distance.
       Knowing Simon, he doesn't tend to grow too close to others, typically taking a long period of time to open up. What's best for both of them is to display their feelings civilly rather than having Myracle disturb Simon's space of reason, erupting a wild frenzy of mixed emotions.
       "Well, you were insensitive, and not just to me, but to everyone who lived here before it all went to shit. I can't believe that those bastards lied about a magical place like this again! Typical, when it comes to the residents, our livelihoods don't matter. Also, are you okay? Really Ricky? How could I be okay after seeing yet another reason as to why our childhood sucked? Ricky, Jess, Chris, Rosie; you all should understand what I'm talking about here!" Simon says in a disheartened tone.
       When they all first entered Bunker 03, there was a limit as to how many common civilians could refuge in a place like this. At the time, making the cut was something they deemed as unimaginable. However, the odds worked in their favor, successfully entering the safe haven as respect for Admiral Johnson and the militia grew.
       It's mind boggling to be here years later to discover that all of that was a mere ploy, a plan to gain the trust of the residents as innocent lives were sacrificed. There was room to spare, plenty clearly. However, they were too selfish and prideful to actually save a life without controlling it. The time where they were once positively viewed and worshipped has now faded, leaving behind a tainted way of life.
Instead of actually being heroes, taking people in while also granting them with the luxuries of the several complexes, they decided against it. They wanted to formulate a balanced community where everyone had a purpose, but it got transformed into a political hierarchy where Admiral Johnson had majority, if not all of the power.
Rosie stares at a defeated Simon, looking to portray some spark in this rather dull situation. What's important to know is that he's not alone. His feelings are understood by the others; it's just that they try not to talk about such topics that irritate them. After all, just like Simon said, it was the fun and amusement that was robbed from their livelihoods.
"Simon, we do understand. We were right there with you in that bunker, so I understand why you're so furious. You have the right to be after what those pricks stole from us. Although we might not show it, seeing another secret is painful for us all," Rosie states informatively, Simon growing more quiet as the others start to chime in.
"She's right. I'm just as mad as you are. We got our childhood taken away from us, but that's what we're fighting to take back!" Jess says with inspiration, Ricky sighing as he recollects the past.
"Laying eyes on two safe havens that the government kept from us was insanely challenging to witness. To know that I could've been spending my time here by making thrilling memories with everyone really hurts me. Instead, we were forced to bear premature deaths, lacking this once in a lifetime opportunity. I still find myself wondering how excited Jill would've been if these activities were open to the public," Ricky says sternly, choking up as he recalls his former flame.
Simon just stands there, utterly baffled to see such inspiring and seemingly perfect people struggle with the same issues as himself. They were there with him after all, but their behavioral patterns are just far too different. While he rants about his issues, they choose not to, their emotions building up until the time's right to simply feel something.
At first, he thought that this didn't affect them, deeming him as the unreasonable one. However, he's quickly realized that's not the case, their individual interpretations of this revelation being brought to light. Turns out, that their problems are related.
The attention is suddenly shifted towards Chris, Simon noticing a familiar glint in his eyes. Typically, whenever his eyes light up like that, it symbolizes him desiring to speak; it's something that everyone's caught. Funny enough, the only one that isn't aware about this habit is Chris himself.
"Simon, we aren't trying to undermine you in any way, shape or form. In fact, we all agree with you. Trust me, I'm not fond of finding out this heart wrenching fact. Besides the fact that we didn't get a proper childhood, innocent human beings were left out in the open, completely vulnerable to mutants while this open space served as the biggest disservice this bunker had to offer. I get why you're furious, but the past is the past. We're here now to atone for what happened all those years ago, so if you focus on that, maybe it'll distract you from the horrid history of it all. That's what I'm going with," Chris says with a warm smile, bestowing his wisdom upon the group.
That's right. The horrid deed has already been done. There's nothing Simon could do to rewrite history, that's impossible. So, for now, he'll take Chris' advice, continuing their journey in hopes that this awful feeling will subside as his rage is presented on the battlefield. Perhaps, defeating his mother will partially suffice for all the pain and torment he's been through, even if complete happiness is utterly unobtainable.
Simon gives off a mere nod, now aware of what needs to be done. For all that they can do, is finish this grueling war once and for all. Eliminating the cause of the apocalypse would be their gift to the world. So, they'll wander out towards the main threat, prepared to make Eleanor's life a living hell. No matter what she throws their way, it won't be enough, not this time.
A couple of minutes pass as the group collectively marches through the complex, disassociating themselves from any of the extravagant activities this facility has to offer. After all, they're fighting the clock, racing to achieve their goals, Eleanor's death being the start of something glorious.
Oddly enough, the further they explore, the wider the hallways get, rooms growing more sparse as the hidden safe haven begins to open up. It's rather peculiar to see a layout as confusing as this one. Maybe, this is a sign. A sign that they're growing closer towards Eleanor, a sentence no one would've expected to be excited to hear.
Chris spots a vast entrance up ahead just on their right, practically giving away Eleanor's location. There's a clear shift in the artistry of the complex, containing an elegant flare with marble flooring. Clearly, this is the sort of opulence that only Eleanor Hall would gloat about during an apocalypse, this style being all too familiar for Simon.
Even as a kid, his mother was extremely authoritative, becoming the definition of a stingy and power hungry rich woman. There was not even an ounce of respect in her body, caring only about her own desires as she would soon cover their already luxurious house with the most expensive materials money could buy.
At the time, Simon fell in love with the thought of having a ravishing and superior house, Eleanor always informing him about how presenting oneself is of the upmost importance when it comes to earning success and recognition. Now that he thinks about it, that's the only advice she ever gave him, already setting her mind on what Simon's career would entail.
Flash forward several years later and this polished, fashionable style continues to follow him, practically flooding this side of the hideout in artistic pieces. After all, Eleanor's always wanted to closely relate herself to all things beautiful and enchanting.
Suddenly, Chris' pace slowly begins to fade, soon dying down as he stops completely. The others stare at him, both confused and curious as to what he's possibly thinking. After that lecture of maintaining their focus, why would he just abruptly stop right before they've seemingly found this dictator's abode?
They remain silent, waiting for him to move, to speak, to do something! This abnormal behavior isn't adding up. What exactly is he thinking in the middle of a dire scenario like this? Considering his heavily driven and motivated personality, he isn't one for stopping unless it's absolutely necessary.
"Uncle Chris? What are you doing?" Lily mutters curiously, breaking the silence as it leads to more interactions.
"Yeah Chris, what are you doing?" Rosie says with a slight chuckle, her brother still not responding.
Memories of all past events start coming back to him, the long history between these amazing people hitting him at once. If one truly thought about themselves back then, they wouldn't just see how much they've changed, but also how their friends and family changed along the way.
As he takes this moment to himself, he realizes just how much everyone here means to him. To be surrounded by his immediate family is one miracle, but to be around a good portion of his life is irreplaceable. Even though Skyy and Myracle didn't know Chris for as long as the others, he still wouldn't be the same without their endless support.
Chris would've never pictured the apocalypse to include romance as well as the comfort of family. Meeting Myracle has unleashed a soft and caring side to him that no one has ever seen before, his family and friends providing a never ending solace while also granting him the urge to stay alive and protect the ones he cares for.
The time he's spent with these magnificent personalities have been extraordinary. No matter what happens in this battle, he's just happy to have led such a prosperous group this far. With this final turn, entering Eleanor Hall's domain, there will be no going back, no redos. It's time to finally reign victorious with their freedom intact.
"C-Chris? You doing okay?" Myracle asks nervously, wondering what he's deep in thought about.
"Seriously Chris, you look like a fucking weirdo, so just tell us what's going on," Simon states bluntly, earning a couple chuckles from the others.
Although this group has their fair share of problems, drama playing a huge factor, this strange dynamic they've created has been like no other. They will always be a bunch of loud, rambunctious and opinionated characters, but it's a bond that'll never lose its spark. He smiles, laughing a bit at this odd relationship before finally unleashing his true feelings.
"I just wanna express how proud I am of all of you. If it weren't for you guys, there's no way I would've made it this far in the first place. There are times when you might not see how helpful you are, but your support always encourages to keep going despite all the hardships we face. During my highs and my lows, you guys continue to cherish me. Each one of you holds a special place in my heart. I love you all, so let's get ready and finished what we started," Chris says earnestly, capturing this inspiring scene as it will forever life with him.
This is it. This is the defining moment that makes up the group's success. With everything they've gone through, from deaths, battles and quarrels, it's all about to come to an end. These heartwarming words shared with these enriching people has just inspired them all to push through till the end. All of their training has led to this moment; the moment where they establish a state of normalcy.
Debbie admires the level of maturity her son contains, his growth being immeasurable as he transforms into a fully fledged man. As a mother, analyzing their child's fruitful life is exhilarating, an overwhelming sense of pride washing over her. That leader who melded this group together when the world seemed inhabitant was her son.
She couldn't be anymore thrilled with all the effort he's put in during such unfavorable conditions. Even when it came to the hard matters like death, he supported them, soon allowing his allies to develop into their own personalities that were strayed away from this old way of living.
There were no more pressures to become a member of society. All they had to do was be themselves, and Chris originating this escapade is what led to that independent behavior in the first place. She begins to walk towards her son, resting her arm on his shoulder while displaying a calming demeanor.
"You've grown so much Chris. The amount of change you've enacted upon the world is astonishing. It's like I'm watching you become a man right before my eyes. Plus, you're my youngest! I'm so blessed to have spent some quality time with you all. I'm so proud of how far you've come in this world. I'll always love you," Debbie says warmly, embracing her son as they get lost in this tranquil moment.
Right now, it feels like nobody could beat them, as if they were invincible against whatever threat was thrown their direction. As he's surrounded by his cheerful, fun loving allies and family members, he forgets about all the soon-to-be combative nature that's about to commence.
However, one task still remains, a rather simple one. The thing his mother has been looking for since their rash dispute in the supply closet. All Chris needs to do is apologize. Everyone must be on a clean slate if they plan on tackling someone as precarious and fickle as this tyrannical beast who only cares about obtaining complete world domination.
He can't have anything on his conscience right now. For even if Debbie were to slightly get injured, he'd be devastated to not have cleared the air. That meaningless dispute must be dealt with once and for all. With that, then they can finally step in through that marvelous looking entrance.
"Mom, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for my poor attitude when we were battling the skull crusher. I wasn't in my right mind," Chris exhales, letting go of a burden that could've potentially depleted his morale drastically.
He can feel his mother's grip tighten, her body shaking as she reminisces over the family beside her currently. There's no way she could ever forget the impact her daughter Jeannie and husband Jimmy left on this world. However, she must ensure that nothing like that will ever happen again.
She still has her son, accompanied by her eldest daughter as well as Lily, the new generation that will shape the world. Perhaps, they can obtain peace in an environment filled with negativity. After all, if anyone could achieve such an ambitious task, it's her family.
"It's okay my love. It's okay," Debbie says with a slight chuckle, occasional teardrops falling.
Finally, she's gotten the apology. All that remains is watching everyone pursue their dreams of obtaining a life worth living. In order to keep her promise, she must protect her kin, especially Lily. If there's even a scratch on her arm after this altercation, there will be hell to pay, Eleanor Hall taking the brunt of it.
Karma withholds a sly and mysterious aura about her, not even sharing a word with the others. For although she's agreed to this little alliance, this isn't permanent. As soon as an opportunity to flee reveals itself, she'd gladly take it, dumping them in a heartbeat. Moreover, there isn't much left in their battle, impressed with how far they've come.
However, she still remains to be curious as to why she's taking the risk of relying on these people anyways. Yes, they could hold a grudge from past events, but besides that startling fact, the question still remains. Could they take out someone as powerful as Eleanor Hall?
After a moment to herself, she rejoins reality, wanting to skip the affectionate parts of it all and get to the killing. Making up with one another isn't what they came here to do, but why is this so infatuating to watch? It's not like there's anything significant going on. In Karma's mind, Debbie and Chris are just wasting perfectly good time on hugging, disgusting.
Although she was never a fan of sentimental and sensitive people, watching Debbie and Chris come to an understanding is calming in a way. It's as if this sole mother's wish has already been granted, this fight only instilling this fiery passion to conquer their demons.
It's odd. The thought of being close to someone never even crossing Karma's mind. However, time and time again she's found herself starstruck by Debbie's actions. It's almost like she admires the plain and basic woman in a way, a despicable thing to admit. Perhaps, the welcoming and accepting presence of hers is what Karma always wanted in their life.
Swiftly, she brushes aside any recollection of her past, establishing their focus back on the task at hand. In this final stage, she must remain wary, prepared to either pick a side or stick to the same side. When it comes to their own survival, anything is fair game.
"Hate to interrupt whatever this is, but we should probably get this over with. You're wasting time anyways," Karma says blatantly, Debbie smirking as she catches this wildcard's conflicted emotions.
Trust is not guaranteed, but with the interest Karma's shown in this group, Debbie's extremely confident that she'll serve as a vital asset to their last stand. They finally decide to follow the already assigned path, ready to initiate change as they turn into the extravagant location.
       Lord and behold, there she is, standing in the center of this grand ballroom-like area while giving off a devious expression. She's awaiting for their arrival ever so patiently, like a predator waiting to pounce, locating a particulate time of vulnerability. Although she puts on this joyous facade, her smile alone holding a plethora of lies and deceitful acts, they know her mannerisms far too well.
       Chris takes a deep breath before entering the walkway, leading to a broader area as the others follow. This vast amount of space might be intimidating, knights lined up around Eleanor, practically circling her, but the group is prepared for the aspect of the unknown. With someone as cynical as Eleanor, they're aware as to how sly she acts.
       They cling onto the rails of the long walkway, down below being a far drop. If anyone were to remotely slip, it'd instantly signify the end. It's shocking as to what lies beneath their once simple bunker, expanding further into the depths of Hell, Eleanor being the divine leader of all things evil.
       The layout of this soon to be battlefield is peculiar, this long walkway leading to a massive amount of barren space. Just behind Eleanor however lies a cylindrical pillar surrounded by rails like the walkway. Considering the rest of the atmosphere is ravishing and breathtaking, to have an arbitrary pillar in a odd place rubs them the wrong way. Plus, she hasn't moved from that sole spot.
       Simon takes a notice to his mother's behavior, noticing the arrangement of knights being closer towards the walkway. In his mind, this would be a perfect opportunity to set up an ambush, the multitude of knights charging at them. However, he knows that Eleanor is an attention seeker, a bigot who likes drawing out conversations in attempts to psychologically infringe one's conscience before partaking in a series of difficult battles.
       She could order them to attack on sight, but even if she was successful, it wouldn't grant her with much satisfaction. No, she must torture them, slowly deteriorating their confidence, their undivided concentrations withering away until she gains the element of surprise. It's worked every time she's used this tactic, why fix something that's already been so effective?
       Finally, the group steps onto the main platform, nearing Eleanor as the knights peek up, clearly waiting on a specified order from their leader, their dictator, their master. The amount of control this one woman has continues to frighten Simon, but that won't throw him off his game this time. Now, he's ready to fight.
       Oddly enough though, something's off, Eleanor acting rather fidgety. Her aggravating smile isn't as intrusive, almost looking awkward during this conversation. Typically, she would be greeting them upon first sight, but she hasn't yet. It's just a waiting game, expressing an antsy attitude.
       Jess catches a glimpse of the same disturbing sight, sharing a glance with Simon as she ponders about what exactly Eleanor could be thinking. The only thought that comes to mind being, Is Eleanor Hall actually nervous? This abnormal behavior could very well ensnare them, tricking the group with this ploy to set their attentions elsewhere.
       Seeing her in such a fragile state is almost more terrifying than previous interactions. It feels like perhaps even her life is on the line, but they didn't even do anything yet. Just what did this woman do that even got her all frazzled? Shouldn't she be the one in complete control?
       Chris and the others reach a halt, waiting for Eleanor to kickstart a conversation, used to her normal antics of delivering a speech. At that point, they really must stay focused. For when it comes to this ambiguous and wicked force, staying alert is always a necessity.
       "Well, well, well, it looks like we meet again! How are you? I see you're short another member, that's disappointing," Eleanor states in a condescending tone.
       Myracle begins to tense up, the thought of Tara's mutilated corpse still fresh on her mind. Anyone mentioning her cousin's name pains her enough, these belittling words spewing out from this vile creature only making matters worse. She still is having trouble accepting how such an amazing soul could receive such a heinous fate.
       After sacrificing herself for Myracle, that's how she was treated. No matter how heroic or brave someone is, this world doesn't have favorites, clearly. To hear such disrespect coming from the very person who took the world by storm with this apocalypse, both directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of their people, it just makes Myracle question if there's any good left in this world.
       Why should they hold onto to the possibility of faith, simply hoping that there's someone up in the heavens shedding more power than Eleanor who will look after them? With the traumatizing things they've seen, it's hard to decipher whether or not Myracle should blindly believe in the afterlife.
       For while they suffered, going through their own personal hell to reclaim the old world, Eleanor sat back on her pedestal, continuing to inflict harm on innocent people. She continued this manipulative and controlling nature while getting praised by her followers. With that attention coursing through this egomaniacal woman's veins, stopping her seemed to be impossible. How could Myracle still be positive with all this carnage surrounding their every move.
Now, the group faces her, prepared for any amount of bloodshed that comes from this altercation. After all the widespread of pain and misery she caused, leading to Tara's demise, Myracle will stop at nothing to get revenge. Perhaps, if she can get through this with her tenacious allies, then that could possibly prove that there can be avenging moments in this fallen and forgotten world.
       "Thanks to you, my cousin is dead. My only family member left in this world was killed by the likes of you. I don't care if it was the mutants that ripped her apart limb from limb because it was you who was responsible. Don't you dare disrespect Tara. I'll make sure you pay after all the horrid crimes you've committed," Myracle spits furiously, tightly gripping her katana in preparation to what's about to come.
       Witnessing this sudden transition in Myracle's tone is intriguing, going from calm and timid to stern and enraged in a heartbeat. Considering the fact that the person she's dealing with is Eleanor, it makes sense as to why she would lose her cool.
       "You're running out of luck Eleanor. You think that you're in control, but you aren't. Your karma has officially caught up to you, so prepare yourself. It's gonna be one hell of a fight," Chris states confidently, taking Myracle's hand as remainder of the group stands proudly behind them.
       Unlike prior encounters, the group remains calm and collected, this woman's mind games not affecting them any longer. They might've been terrified of her back then, but after defeating that gargantuan creature, anything is possible. If they can conquer a beast like that, then Eleanor Hall should fall in line rather easily.
       Suddenly, she begins to laugh maniacally, these bold claims enough for tears to swell in her eyes. However, these aren't normal tears. No, these are tears of joy, these ignorant folks walking in to wreak havoc on an operation that no one can stop. There's so much to be done to these determined brats, but who will crack under the pressure first she ponders? Either way, it'll be amusing to break someone's will.
       She'll start with wordplay, edging them on until they crack, soon initiating in combat. Oddly enough, there are some threats present in this little game she's concocted, these conversations serving as tests to locate the weakest member of the group. Once she knocks over one peg, the rest will follow, leaving her with more power than ever before.
       "Oh Myracle, Chris, such emotions you're revealing upon me! It's almost like you actually believe that defeating me is a viable option. Breaking you two apart, piece by piece will by far be one of the most enjoyable moments in and my marvelous life, and I've had a triumphant life. Furthermore, there are some other people I'm interested in catching up with," Eleanor says menacingly, calling out a specific member to pick on.
Judging by the history she has with certain people, her targets are infinite, trying to locate which one she could demoralize. Hopefully, with enough instigation, they'll snap. She can't help but smile, pacing back and forth while the others still maintaining their complete concentration. Clearly, their goal is to outlast Eleanor Hall's iconic psychological mind games, remaining levelheaded before partaking in the most dangerous battle of their lives.
Waiting to be called on causes the suspense to heighten, almost as if they were all back in high school, the teacher looking for an example to set their lesson upon. They'd sit in their desks quietly, heads down, only containing the power to hope that the dreaded scenario of the almighty teacher calling on them doesn't occur.
If they were even to move a muscle, maintaining eye contact being incredibly risky, it could alert the predator. It's an image that everyone has experienced, but no one ever thought that a classroom environment would be related to a moment like this.
Debbie meets Eleanor's gaze, the tyrant's choice becoming clear. Who else would she confront besides the person who watched all the mayhem commence at the compound? After all, it is one of the more simple decisions, the deaths of Jimmy and Jeannie serving as her overarching motive to seek revenge.
"Debbie! It's been a while since we've last talked. How ya been? Sorry about our last interaction during your idiotic escape attempt. Unfortunately, Jimmy got in the way," Eleanor states daringly.
She can feel her temper rising, her blood boiling as the sound of her husband's name leaves a bitter taste in her mouth. Now, whenever she thinks of him, the memory that's the most distinct is staring at his corpse, feeling her soul contorting. Losing him was the beginning of the worst day of her life, news about her daughter's demise following shortly after.
For this woman to take advantage of that crippling weakness for her personal gain, showcases her selfish and opportunistic nature. There's absolutely no way she's letting this slide; she can't! This is her family, and no one gets to belittle her loved ones.
There's a strong desire to speak her mind, allowing a sense of relief amongst all this stress, but would it be worth it? She can't help but wonder, If she were unleash all this pent up aggression, what would the consequences be? Normally, she'd bite her tongue, disregarding any hurtful statements.
However, this dismissive attitude that Eleanor is portraying is simply unforgivable, not even showing a hint of remorse. It's as if other people's lives don't matter, only hers. As this horrible creature has proven time and time again, she'd partake in any act if it guaranteed her survival. If dehumanization of the human race would be a part of her reign to glory and total control, then so be it.
So, Debbie won't bite her tongue, deciding not to hold herself back. For if she continues to push her feelings deep down, it'll just erupt in utter chaos anyways. Why not just assess the mayhem while they're all prepared? Finally, she steps forward, looking to speak up until the others jump in for backup.
"Back off. We aren't here for chit chat you know," Skyy interrupts as the others follow the trend.
Debbie stands there stunned, surprised to see Skyy stepping up out of all people. After all, she was never one for backing down when an obstacle was before, constantly looking for new ways to adapt to any situation. When it came to her leg, she was the exact same way, motivated to do whatever it takes to regain as much mobility as possible.
Even though she isn't a part of Debbie's immediate family, she still stood up for what was right. That trait is extremely admirable, especially in the apocalypse. It goes to show just how gutsy Skyy is when it comes to last minute decision making. If it weren't for her demanding words, that interaction could've endangered the lives of everyone involved in this affair.
"Exactly, it's evident that no one is in the spirits to talk to a villainous bitch like yourself. So, leave my mother alone," Rosie says sharply, barely giving this mongrel the time of day.
"If you're trying to look for a moment to strike, then I'd suggest you stop. Trust me when I say that it won't get you anywhere. With the way you treated us, you should already be dead," Chris states coldly, leaving a moment of silence, their attention to detail refusing to fade.
Even when the tensions begin to rise, they mustn't fret, fear and anxiety only causing a larger ordeal in the process. Before, they would provoke this off putting woman, getting lost in a sea of thoughts as it would grant Eleanor the time and satisfaction to continue this endless cycle of trauma at least a little longer.
"I hear you. How could I not hear those insolent tones of voice coming from you peasants? Anyways, I want to hear what Debbie has to say about all this. I'm really looking forward to catching up with a longtime friend, so enlighten me!" Eleanor states merrily, this facade growing to be intolerable.
This lifeless, merciless woman sets her full attention onto Debbie, Eleanor's eyes alone practically piercing her heart. Oddly enough, all she wants to do is dishonor her, craving the satisfaction of engaging in a task as simple as spitting in her face. However, she must handle the situation accordingly for the others.
Throughout her whole life, Eleanor Hall has been one step ahead of her, taking away the people she loves one by one. A fragment of her identity has been stolen, never to be replaced. Something as simple as maintaining eye contact is a challenge for her, solely longing for Eleanor's death.
Before she found her family, the thought of facing Eleanor terrified her, having perpetual nightmares of this wicked demon discovering where she was sheltered after fleeing the compound. It was something that had control over her, leading to Debbie's refusal to step foot outside the sanctuary.
At the time, she never felt safe, the news about her children granting her the encouragement to keep fighting. Even if it hurts, even if it takes forever to achieve one's goal, she has to keep moving. In order to receive a rewarding life surrounded by her loved ones, she needed to keep moving.
After all those years of hiding away, holding this deep hatred for this egocentric tyrant, a chance to let out her feelings has revealed itself. She's wanted this for so long, waiting for her moment to go ballistic on the monster who ruined her life. Instead, the result differs, surprising herself as the words come spewing out her mouth.
"I have nothing to say to you. I shouldn't be wasting my breath on someone like you anyways, so piss off," Debbie states harshly, keeping her confident posture.
In that moment, Debbie was incredibly proud of herself, overjoyed from simultaneously taking the high road while dismissing this controlling wench. All she wanted was to share her piece, but when it came down to it, she did something even better.
Disregarding anything from Eleanor is legendary, typically setting up for disaster. However, there's no regrets, thrilled to have finally wiped that devious grin of that selfish woman's face. With all the sinister acts she's committed, there's no way in hell Debbie would waste her time talking to the bane of her existence.
Eleanor just pulls away, desperately trying to conceal the frustration and disappointment in her eyes. It would appear that one of her pawn's has officially escaped their cells, marking the first official time this has ever occurred. Debbie isn't bound to Eleanor's will, forever fearing for her life while facing the persistent mutants.
Finally, she's free. Free from all the stress, establishing a solid relationship with everyone in her life while also handling the biggest hurdle, Eleanor Hall. Those final words said it all, officially breaking the chains, left to wander the world in harmony.
"Ok then, on to someone else," Eleanor says defeatedly, met with bewilderment as a volunteer reveals themselves.
       "What about me? Do I not meet your standards? After all, you've ridiculed me my whole life, so this task seems fitting for you. Please, ask me anything," Simon says vehemently, standing up to his abusive mother.
       The time has finally come for him to prove Eleanor wrong, aiming to deplete this hubris she contains, revealing that yet another one of her subjects have teared the bond between them. He isn't scared of this vicious woman anymore, longing for their day of retribution to end this monster's reign of terror.
       Eleanor Hall is not Simon's mother, not anymore. For even before the apocalypse was created, this woman did nothing but degrade him. Now that he's had some time to himself, gaining the confidence to believe in his own abilities, he knows that being related to this wickedest beast isn't a representation of his character.
       In fact, the reason why he's gotten this far is because of the period of isolation from Eleanor, growing more independent as normal and stable relationships started to blossom in the group. So, Simon will continue to prosper on his journey, following Debbie's footsteps as he breaks away from her looming presence. At that point, he'll finally feel free, no longer tainted by deluding and crude thoughts originated from this dictator.
       "Oh my child, there's nothing to discuss between us. There's no use in talking to someone who's so easy to manipulate. You truly are a disappointment Pai—," Eleanor gets cut off, a wave of fearlessness crashing into her seemingly foolproof plans.
       "My name, is Simon you disgraceful bitch. Learn it. Study it. Once you get it locked in your mind, then perhaps I'll let you finish a sentence. I know how stubborn you are though, I could very well be free of your obnoxious attitude due to one of your many negative personality traits," Simon states forcefully, driving home this message of independence.
       In that moment, something changes in Eleanor's demeanor, realizing that for the first time, she's suffered a loss. She remains to be speechless, unaware of how to dwindle this once weak soul's spirits. All she can ponder about is, What happened to my weak, controllable subject? This level of insubordination is of the likes that she's never witnessed before. Just what happened these past couple of years that gave Simon a voice.
       Suddenly the realization comes to her, the truth conflicting with her emotions as her heart sinks to the floor. While she enacted the apocalypse, attempting to achieve her goal of dominating the world with her violent creations, Simon continue to live. Only this time, he had a support system, Eleanor no where in sight to keep this pawn in check. What was seen as her greatest accomplishment was the defining factor in this very moment, causing their own kin to disobey them with no hesitation.
       "You heard the man. Either comply to his terms, or shut the fuck up. The choice is yours Eleanor," Chris says briskly, energized from this position they're in.
       He locks eyes with his friend, the person who was there for him during his lowest moments, Ryan and Jeannie's deaths controlling his every move. In that fragile moment of time, that's where Eleanor took control over him, corrupting his mind to make reckless and life threatening decisions. It was where he felt the most vulnerable, broken from all that's occurred.
       However, Simon was there to assist him, keeping Chris motivated to stay alive. Despite encountering the woman that treated him like an outcast, he chose to not let it faze him, temporarily shoving his emotions deep down and focus on their friend. If he didn't provide comfort, the only person who managed Chris to utter a word, then it'd leave their leader susceptible to all things negative.
       Although he's gone through his fair share of trauma, his self-deprecating thoughts anchoring him from prospering in this life, he's finally made a breakthrough. At long last, this period of preventing personal growth has come to a halt, embracing his true identity as a worthy and more than capable survivor. For Chris to compare Simon back then to now is just astronomical. They've both changed so much, and this altercation proved that.
       "Well? Aren't you going to say something Eleanor? You always have something to say," Ricky chimes in impatiently, curious as to why Eleanor is behaving differently.
       Normally, she'd instantly rebuttal any argument with some sort of sly comeback, mentally affecting her prey before striking them down. It's her signature move, distracting her enemies in order to trap them in her well-devised plan.
       Oddly enough, she still remains to be quiet, showcasing a puzzled expression. She's almost like a deer caught in the headlights, completely frozen, her mind drawing a blank. Ricky can't help but remain optimistic, wondering, Did we just beat Eleanor at her own game? What was once her psychological tool used to wear down her opponents has now lead to her downfall. It's reversed back on her, clearing her mind as she looks for something, any piece of information to use for her advantage.
      Jess begins to grow meticulous, catching every minor mannerism of Eleanor, clearly frazzled from this group of driven survivors. She wasn't expecting this much unity in a team primarily made up of young adults, all harboring different opinions that'll conflict one way or another. She thought that there was no possible way for her to lose that manipulative touch of hers.
       After analyzing these members individually, she could've sworn that the weaknesses she picked out were still present to this day. However, it seems like they have changed overnight, solely concentrating on accomplishing their goal once and for all. For the first time, she legitimately feels threatened.
       Jess' eyes grow wide, a fraction of hope revealing itself as she makes an extraordinary discovery. They thought of Eleanor to be as tough as nails, unbeatable when it comes to physical and mental strength. However, they just got the upper hand on her, sending her mind in a wild frenzy to be this distraught over this empowering group. If they just keep this up, perhaps, it'll be enough to throw her for a loop.
       "She'd say something if she could, but it would appear that she's speechless. Isn't that strange? The one, the only Eleanor Hall is speechless! That's just rich! Nothing you reveal will throw us off our game. Just accept it already, you lost," Jess instigates, exuberant at the thought of wiping that smirk of the devil reincarnate's face.
       "She's right you know. Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe you aren't invincible?" Skyy adds on to the chaos, causing Eleanor to get an idea.
       Her words might hold no affect anymore, but that isn't the only trick up her sleeve. After all, with the equipment that she has, the world is her oyster. Although her usual methods have been trampled on, practically thrown right back at her, she isn't discouraged. In fact, things are just heating up.
       It's time to bring out the heavy artillery, motioning one of her knights over discreetly. In an instant, she can feel their celebratory thoughts slowly drifting away, resorting back to their heavily concentrated demeanors. When it comes to Eleanor, they should be as cautious as possible.
       They watch as the knight hands off a mysterious object to her, hiding it behind her back as that subtle tremor in her hand returns. The observation strikes Jess, Eleanor resembling the same petrified expression as they walked in the grand entrance, her devious plans fusing in her twisted mind. Clearly, she's thought of something, and judging by her own concerning looks, this weapon of mass destruction might just be enough to eradicate them all.
       "What are you planning? I saw that handoff!" Jess barks at her, skeptical about what exactly this ultimatum entails.
"Stop hiding behind your barrage of men and just come out with it. We don't have all day as you're well aware of," Ricky says blatantly, thinking about just how much time they have left.
They were prepared enough to know that this woman would try her absolute best to stall the fight, interacting with the others in hopes of getting a negative reaction. The more antsy they get, the more idiotic their chooses become, growing erratic while driven by paranoia. If she could limit their timeframe, then victory is definite.
Although Ricky's aware as to what this cruel woman's approach, he can't help but be at least a little bit nervous. This is their lives that are on the line, needless conversation only prolonging this process. What she's looking for is a careless mistake derived by one of the many enraged members, that sole slip up taking away one less threat.
Eleanor doesn't speak, letting her actions tell the story. Almost instantly, she reveals the items, odd considering their secretive behavior a few seconds prior. Just what exactly is she planning? She dangles a set of keys in her right hand, acting as if she just won this ordeal.
However, what's in the left hand is another story, Ricky drawn to the mysterious device. It almost resembles a controller or remote of some kind, only a few buttons scattered about. He can't make out the rest, but Eleanor seems to be concealing that one religiously, ensuring the fact that no one takes that away from her.
"Fine! You all got me. I definitely didn't expect you to handle this so well, but I'd stop whatever celebratory mood your in. I don't think you'll keep that grin on your face after this," Eleanor states vaguely, aiming the gadget towards the abnormally placed pillar.
Clearly, that pillar is of value to Eleanor, explaining the abnormal placement at the center of the vast room. With one click of the mysterious device, it'll reveal just why the Eleanor Hall was fidgeting from her own plan. Finally, all the twists and turns will be revealed.
She presses the button, their hearts sinking to the floor as their fears come to life, all accompanied by Eleanor's malicious smirks. One click of a button just made their jobs that much more challenging, cutting their original time in half with an intimidating thirty minutes counting down to their doom.
Rosie becomes hypnotized, drowning out any statements that come flooding out of Eleanor's mouth. All she can do is watch each second fade away, faster and faster. It's almost like the more she looks at the menacing clock, the quicker the time passes. It hurts to think about, fearing for Lily's life as her grip tightens on her hand.
"Mommy! You're hurting my hand!" Lily complains, Rosie whipping her hand back.
"S-Sorry baby. I didn't mean to," Rosie says hesitantly, her motherly tone interjecting while brining Lily in for a comforting hug
The sound of her daughter's distressed voice caused her to jolt back, looking down at her hands in a guilty way. She never wanted to hit Lily in any way, aggravated by losing her focus. Even now, she forgets that shes even embracing her daughter, this hug going on for far too one until Lily signals her to stop.
Rosie can't just simply stay quiet, outraged that her four year old daughter has to bear another life or death scenario. This isn't something a child should witness. How could a human being act so evil, willing to sacrifice a child for their own gain?
"You're a fucking monster! How could you do something like this with a child present? Have you no mercy? Everything is just a game to you, craving the need to feel praised even though fear is driving it all. I can't wait till this operation implodes on you. You deserve every ounce of pain you get," Rosie snaps, the others having her back as apprehension encapsulates their every move.
"You won't get away of this. I'll make sure of it you ruthless bitch!" Debbie states confidently.
"I can't wait to put my hands on you. This time, I'll win our duel, embarrassing you as I dismember you limb from limb. You'll at least get a taste of what Tara went through. After that, I'll slit your throat, soon decapitating you afterwards. However, I'm still comparing my options. Don't fret though, we will get our time together," Myracle says in a calm yet cynical tone, this assembly line of threats being thrown in Eleanor's direction.
Despite all these hostile forces wanting her dead, willing to partake in any task to do so, she keeps that disturbing smile. For this reaction was what she wanted, their prey coming to them out of pure animosity. The hatred fogging their brain won't even allow them to think, swinging blindly until Eleanor quickly handles the situation.
As more and more of his allies enter a screaming match, Chris begins to assess his surroundings, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary. Plus, he needs to say something. Otherwise, this could result poorly, another premature death being possible. The only question is, what will set the attention on him?
He gazes at the pillar, noticing a series of wires tracing down it. Clearly, it's leading to an unknown location, being a completely separate entity from the series of bombs above them. However, the worst part is that even if they escape this underground hideout, attaining their goal of slaying this cruel tyrant, they aren't in the clear.
For if they finally defeat this persistent woman, handling her army of knights in the process, there still might not be enough time to escape. Even if they were to successfully kill Eleanor, ending this stress inducing battle once and for all, there's no way that this order will be executed in a quick manner.
Eleanor's primary weapon might be her deception and manipulativeness, catching the others off guard to make their move, but she is still a remarkable fighter. Although no one wants to admit that, especially Myracle and Simon, it's a valid statement that needs to be taken into consideration. They'd need a miracle to swiftly assess this urgent manner while fleeing the bunker with time to spare.
Chris continues to scan his surroundings, finally gazing at the obvious choice of skepticism, Eleanor Hall herself. He has a bigger picture of what's at stake, aware that evading one set of bombs won't matter unless they're outside of this hellhole just in the nick of time.
We've seen her practically put the remote display, hiding it last minute to merely taunt his crew, only adding fuel to the fire. However, it's time to take in account the obvious, the set of keys she's been dangling this whole time. If he could just get her to talk about those particular set of keys, they wouldn't just be gaining information, but he'd also prevent any more havoc from ensuing with this seemingly endless bantering.
"Eleanor, what are the keys for?" Chris asks abruptly, the mood changing as she sets her attention on him.
Her eyes light up, evidently planning something malicious, awaiting for someone to ask that question aloud. Sure, Chris might've avoided any unnecessary injuries from occurring, but at what cost? Just what did this woman do while their backs were turned?
"I was waiting for someone to ask that, so thank you Chris! It makes the reveal much more thrilling. While you all first entered this complex, admiring all there is to do, I had my men shut the hatch. You're trapped down here, and I have the key," Eleanor says cunningly, a mixture of emotions arising within them all.
The group's responsibilities are immeasurable, the tasks practically never ending with a dangerous time limit above them. Although there this urge to lunge at this woman, praying that they're lucky enough to catch this attentive woman off guard, they decide to suck it up and mentally prepare.
With all this knowledge stored in their minds, it might've just made this more simple, knowing what issues await them. Instead of wasting more time with meaningless confrontations, only satisfying Eleanor, it's time for them to step up and fight. Nothing else.
"Even so, I know that we'll beat your sorry ass. So, let's begin shall we?" Simon states boldly, the final battle officially beginning.
He stands proudly, his friends encase him as they wait for Eleanor to make a move. For once the order is active, there will be a bloodbath. No one is safe. Although these knights had lives before Eleanor stripped them of their humanity, they're still in the way, pursuing them at every which turn.
Finally, the horde of lost souls come charging at the group, the armor practically serving as an accessory while Eleanor watches the chaos commence. At that point, the impetus drives Simon forward, the group splitting as they handle different affairs.
Rosie desperately wants the satisfaction of harming Eleanor, gaining both revenge and amusement out of taking this horrible woman's life. However, that isn't her main objective. Although numbers are significant when it comes to an alteration like this, her priority lies on her daughter.
Everyone here can protect themselves, she can't, forced to witness all these traumatic events while perpetually questioning whether or not she'll survive. In all actuality, Rosie's surprised as to how Lily hasn't developed much post traumatic stress disorder, all the death and creatures outnumbering the positives of this barren world.
To her, taking care of the knights is just as significant as taking on the beast, her daughter symbolizing her life. She remains there with Lily, allies like Simon and Skyy assisting her. To be surrounded by amazing souls like these is what keeps her motivated, forcing herself to stay alive no matter how challenging it might be.
After losing members of her family, a piece of herself fleeing with them, she now knows that they'd want her to keep pushing. Even if it's painful, she must inch it out. She survived this long, battling through the odds on multiple occasions. Surviving while both pregnant and alone at times is astonishing, portraying her charisma.
So, she'll stay right where she is, the place she's need most. After all, no one messes with her kid. If any of these knights even come close to her precious angel, there will be hell to pay. In her past life, living virtuously was important to her, honoring her own set of morals each day. However, right now, she couldn't care less. When it comes to her own daughter, she'd commit any level of savagery to keep her safe.
The amount of gore has grown to be repulsive, the others pushing through this sea of mediocre fighters with no voice. It's a shame to take the life of someone, but it doesn't even feel like their own. Every time they swing their sword, that's Eleanor. Anytime they move around, that's Eleanor.
These knights are the epitome of puppets, forever bound to these strings that Eleanor masters fluently. There's no escaping this permanently sealed fate of torture. For all that lies in store for them, is a life filled with heinous duties, nothing more.
Ricky takes a notice to just how little self-respect these knights contain, causing him to grow experimental. If her were to aim at Eleanor, what would these slaves do? They've been treated poorly their whole lives, forced to bear any burden for their despicable ruler. If they were to leap in front of the bullet, taking the hit for this monstrous being, the they've been dead for a while.
With that fresh on his mind, he aims at Eleanor, zero hesitation in his eyes as he prepares to fire the gun. Oddly enough, there's also no sudden movement on her side either, simply maintaining eye contact as if there was no problem to be had. He finally begins to brush away his thoughts, firing the gun.
Soon after, what comes next is enough to frighten him, the slight pivot of his pistol drawing the knights over towards the danger. In the blink of an eye, they went from battling in a war to sacrificing themselves. Just like that, they put their lives on the line for the likes of this maniac.
Ricky looks up in shock, Eleanor alive and well while one of the minions die instantly. Such praise even though she never bat an eye for the soldier's death, viewing it as a requirement for inflicting change.
For the first time in long time, Ricky's technically missed his shot, killing another soul in place of Eleanor. He gets mesmerized by the blood flow for a moment, watching the small pool grow larger and larger. If it wasn't clear on how much dominance this tyrant contains, that dead body says it all.
Meanwhile, Karma strays on her own path, looking to initiate her side of this alliance. Lately, she's been rather quiet, observing this team of survivors while constantly under their supervision. Now that she's fighting for her life, this is where they really have to trust her, unable to watch over this wildcard.
       Typically, she'd be interrupting their sentimental conversations, irritating Simon to all his heart's content. It was comical to say the least, feeling like she still held psychological power over her enemies from long ago. In the beginning of this journey, all Karma could really do was instigate, seeing what her options were.
       Originally, she kept thinking about how she was going to escape, merely using this alliance to help her in the long run. She was waiting for the right time to drop the bomb, abandoning them with little regard to their safety. After all, she's always looked out for herself, barely shedding any emotion if someone were to meet their demise.
       As time progressed though, her feelings grew more conflicted, that selfish behavior about her still sticking however. She will never stop prioritizing her own needs over someone else's, she isn't one to get pushed around. Even though she's their pawn, in her mind, she's still in charge.
       It's up to her whether or not she should betray them or stay with this group. She'd do anything to have them fear her, replenishing that overwhelming power she contained all those years ago. To have that glory, that adrenaline rush would be delightful, showcasing how unstoppable Karma truly is.
       If anything, Chris and the others should be worried about what her next action is. After all, they always were aware as to how unpredictable she could be, Sarah being a prime example of that fact. Oddly enough, several opportunities of personal gain have revealed themselves time and time again, either joining Eleanor or just departing the bunker back when they were battling the skull crusher.
       Eleanor Hall is clearly a powerhouse, uniting being the clear choice in the matter. That high of being in constant control is something both wicked beings adore, infatuated by the petrified demeanors of their enemies. If they were to team up, they would be unstoppable.
       However, although it might be the easy way out of this conflict, she's already been a part of Eleanor's infantry. She knows just how abusive and commanding this woman is, taking away all her liberties and freedom to simply fit the part as her second in command.
       She might've gained a high pedestal on the hierarchy while bearing imprisonment, but Karma isn't the second best. Hell, this tyrant is lucky if they share the glory, having that royal power while demanding orders to their submissive subjects. It's something that sounds so enthralling, a world fit for Karma herself, but she knows that it can't happen. If Eleanor has anything to say about it, her dream of total control is out of the question.
       Suddenly, Karma snaps back into reality, unknowingly slaughtering the knights as their murderous cries numb her ears. With that inner monologue, she just exterminated a large portion of Eleanor's troops. She stands next to Eleanor, gifted with an impressed look on her face.
       "That was remarkable, but I'm still so disappointed Karma. You decided to join these weaklings rather than join my powerful army. I know that with you on my side, establishing our dynamic duo, we'd be unstoppable! It's up to you whether or not you want to make that dream-like scenario a reality," Eleanor states persuasively, the others' eyes darting towards the two.
       This was the moment they've all been waiting for, their livelihoods on the line from this one decision. They were skeptical before, but if Karma could just make the right decision, then this task is doable. With an excellent fighter on their side, it makes victory that much more attainable. All they have to do is wait for her response.
       She takes into consideration Eleanor's offer, her gun pointed at her out of habit. With one glance at the group, she's reminded of Sarah, the conflicted feelings of that event relived right in this very moment. For what she once found exhilarating, the thirst of blood driving her lust for power, was soon tampered with.
Admiring this group raised a peculiar feeling, as if the time spent with them was been rather enjoyable, especially with Debbie. In a way, the solace she provided felt motherly, something she'd wanted to feel for her whole life. There's this welcoming and tranquil atmosphere whenever Debbie's around, practically hypnotic.
However, an easy way out has presented itself, survival being a definite with these two strong personalities. With all to keep in mind, Karma has finally made her decision, smirking maniacally while walking towards Eleanor, her weapon lowering. Watching the equalizer side with Eleanor leaves them befuddled, the tides turning against.
She stands side by side with Eleanor, chuckling sinisterly while aiming her pistol towards the group. Chris starts to get riled up, displaying an angered expression as the others copy him, almost as if there was an unknown system going on here.
"You fucking traitor! You'll pay for this Karma!" Chris shouts angrily, Simon adding on.
"I knew it. I knew someone like you couldn't change! We should've never even considered keep that godforsaken bitch alive. You're better off dead! I guess we'll just have to kill you both," Simon says menacingly, Eleanor keeping a close eye on what's happening.
Karma keeps her sadistic tone of voice on, her superiority complex shining through as poor courses through her veins. She saw a chance at freedom and she took it, predictable for Karma's character. In fact, so predictable and simple minded that Eleanor is surprised that she pulled this off in the first place.
She's aware that the group is made up on imbeciles, but never did she thought that it was this bad. Something even more intriguing is that they're brushing off this massive turn of events as if it's nothing, their reactions being weak while their responses are portrayed normally.
Eleanor doesn't see any suspicious nature occurring with Karma's mannerisms, but that doesn't mean that something's off about this whole interaction. It feels too easy, too abnormal for an event like this to unfold. However, she'll give the benefit of the doubt, for now at least.
"Wow, I can't believe that actually worked! I can't believe how stupid you all had to be to actually trust me. You trusted me, Karma, the person who killed one of your own! Honestly, you should've killed me when you had the chance, but I'm certainly glad you didn't. I clearly overestimated you guys; it's pitiful as to how badly you were tricked," Karma rambles along prestigiously, acting as if she had just won this war.
Suddenly, Eleanor spots something out of the ordinary, looking closely at Karma's stance. Firstly, she's holding the gun with one hand, differing from her usual stance. All the while her arms start trembling, almost like she's hesitant to fire the weapon.
Although it would appear that Karma's verbal confidence is undoubtedly perfected, potentially portraying an assigned role moreover, her subconscious displays a different side of the story. It's as if she's indecisive on how to act around Eleanor, never once seeing a woman of Karma's caliber to showcase any obvious signs of fear.
She continues to observe meticulously, paying attention to every small action she takes. For if she simply takes her word on the matter, granting her with trust, it'll put her own life in danger. That's the last thing she wants to happen.
Finally, after exploring her thoughts she finds a questionable accusation, noticing her dominant hand giving off peculiar signals while her weak hand holds the weapon. It's almost as if she's faking this change of allegiance, alerting the others of her intentions. Perhaps, this is a trap, a plan to excise Eleanor from the equation. What a shame, she had such high hopes for this young disciple.
All this evidence is just too critical against Karma. However, Eleanor has a backup plan. With this, it'll confirm where this woman's loyalties and priorities lie. Will she partake in this sinful act, or will she cave under the immense pressure? Time will only tell, receiving her answer either way.
"Glad to have you on board Karma! Now, for your first task, kill Chris," Eleanor says nonchalantly, causing the others to panic.
Karma goes to respond, failing almost instantly. If she were to be asked that three years ago, there'd be no hesitation, watching the group crumble being the highlight of her life. However, times have changed, establishing an irritating yet confusing relationship with these people. It's almost as if she loves to pick with them, playfully hating on them for sport.
She tries to rebound from her slow response time, noticing how driven these people are to succeed. So driven in fact that they aren't even looking up at Karma, well aware of what Eleanor just ordered. Perhaps they didn't hear, but to see such trust coming from a group she's wreaked havoc on is bewildering to stand.
On one hand, she's disgusted, thrown off as to how easy it was for them to brush this information aside after their history together. Plus, in doing that, it'll also cause Eleanor to grow more suspicions, noticing their delayed reaction time
However, the other part of her is touched, pleasantly surprised to not be treated as an inmate. Granted, some of them probably didn't hear the proposition Eleanor suggested, but they should've gotten the general gist of what was happening. To watch them fight in such a coordinated and situated state after all that they've heard causes Karma to disregard her feelings, refusing to admit the fact that she's taking a liking to this odd mix of people.
"L-Let's allow them to suffer a little bit! That'd make it so much more fascinating in my personal opinions," Karma tries to rub her sudden pause off as if it were nothing, the matter growing more and more pressing.
"Oh darling, they've already been suffering with the lives they've had, might as well get it over with shall we?" Eleanor states forcibly, continuing to push for this action to be done.
Karma chooses not to answer, doing a double-take to make sure that Eleanor was serious about this. Naturally, her face is stone cold, showing not even an ounce of mercy. It's like this precarious woman contains no soul, willing to do it all just to succeed.
He begins to aim at Chris, earning a barren look from the leader, barely responding as everyone looks at him questionably. They're aware that this was a part of the plan, but they didn't expect Chris to go full the length. After all, they're backed in a corner, officially in Karma's court as she can decide on firing that gun, or initiating premature combat.
Seeing these concerned looks from the others is enough to reveal the answer, Eleanor letting it at happen. It's obvious that this was concocted to catch Eleanor by surprise, ultimately failing. Now, it's just turned into a test, deciphering just what side Karma is on here.
Just like before, gazing at the horrified expressions of the group reminds her of Sarah, recalling that although she claims to have enjoyed the rush of taking her life, that was clearly a point of time where she wasn't in the right mind space. In reality, Sarah's death was an accident, slitting her throat in the process of shifting personalities. For in that slight second, Karma envisioned her father, acting on a whim just like in the past.
That day, she lived in a completely different story, struggling all those years to accept that even in death, her overbearing father managed to sneak into her thoughts. She was manipulated, resorting to violence without getting a grasp of the situation.
What she saw as a knife was actually a hammer, Sarah's corpse being her father's. What happened that day with Sarah was just a severe lapse of judgement, nothing more, nothing less. Her main goal was for personal matters, bending their will to meet her needs, but never did she plan on killing them.
In that moment, Karma knows what to do. This time, she'll act on her account, nobody else's. For this is the fighter that she truly is. Not one single entity will prevent her from unleashing all the immense force that she brings to the table.
Swiftly, she whips her body around, quickly firing the gun at Eleanor only for her to evade the attack. That was to be expected with someone of her caliber. Karma is well aware that this altercation won't be easy, but that doesn't mean that she can't enjoy the thrill of the chase.
Her gun empties rather quickly, the shots that should've hit actually killing the sacrificial knights instead. Now, they are on even terms, both resorting to melee as they leap into action. Their movements only get more erratic, swinging and dodging becoming second nature to them.
The others fight in unison, focusing on keeping the knights away from Karma's battle. After all, they don't want any insurance policies hanging around Eleanor to give the opposing side a better chance. Right now, they just have to keep up this tedious, repetitive process.
Never would they have expected to rely on someone like Karma, the same person who inflicted such hardship all those years ago. From what started as constant animosity has now evolved to unity. Back then, they wouldn't even have left this woman alive after the horrid crimes she's committed, still shocked as to how they were so lenient with her return in the first place.
However, they're all glad that they gave Karma the second chance to prove herself, to make up for all her past actions. Their journey started with despising this woman. Little did they know that all this torment would end with them on the same side. They've set aside their old feelings, joining forces to abolish a threat greater than the entirety of this apocalypse.
       Exuberance floods throughout Karma's body, a typically dreary knife fight that lacks a creative spark soon developing into a fluctuating battle. As soon as one person gains the upper hand, the opponent quickly stabilizes, turning to the offensive side of things. It's this perpetual back and forth action that she finds so engaging, waiting for the right opportunity to pounce.
       "Not bad, but your lucky streak is about to run out," Eleanor says intently, ducking below Karma's attack.
       At that moment, she's located a weak spot, gaining complete access to her abdomen. With one lucky jab, she could end this battle in yet another victory. However, Karma lifts her knee, walking away with a mere cut to the knee as she slices Eleanor's face in one swift motion.
       For a split second, they part ways, Eleanor wiping the blood off her cheek as Karma does the same with her knee. They're definitely hurting, the two wounds surely leading to a scar, but that isn't their primary concern right now. When it comes to a close of a fight as this one, they must remain on point for the whole battle.
       "Are you sure that it's not your luck that's running out?" Karma says shrewdly, inciting Eleanor to make a move.
       It took a while for Eleanor to realize it, but Karma is someone to look out for, using this psychological warfare against her. That's the only reason why she's instigating her, being so persistent about it in order to lead to a reckless reaction. It's almost like she's versing a lost twin, replicating a similar twisted and deranged mindset at heart.
       On those words, both gladiators propel themselves into action, their agility boding well in these dodges. Karma can practically feel the force of Eleanor's swing, a gust of wind formulating above her from the excessive dodging. If they both continue this repetitive emotion, it'll turn into an endurance competition, seeing which one breaks first.
       Now that she thinks about it, their movements are growing more labored. Karma takes a glance at the clock, nearly ten minutes already having passed. This isn't good. She shouldn't rush success, but there might not be another choice, time begin such a fragile factor.
       The more time they shed on this battle, the less time they have to flee in a safe manner. God forbid something goes wrong, Eleanor being the almighty warrior to conquer a beast like Karma. A decent chunk of time has already past, this multitude of minutes being long and exhausting in a fight to the death.
       It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that their strength is fading, each injury hurting more than the last. Whenever Eleanor would land a blow, Karma would do the same, covered from head to toe in scrapes and bruises. At this point, they're just hoping that the blood won't get in their eyes affecting their vision.
       Suddenly, she gets an idea, planning on tricking Eleanor to go for a huge attack. For if she can just have one more push, then she could barely escape her grasp, having the upper hand. All that's left to do is make Eleanor lose balance, lunging at her hungrily to take the win. It's foolproof!
       With some more instigating, she mentally prepares herself, Eleanor finally lashing out with a huge swing. Instantly, Karma does a combattive roll, springing up to her feet to deliver the final blow. From the looks of it, Eleanor has lost her balance, just as she predicted.
       Her back faces Karma, practically begging to get punctured by her knife. After such a long battle, it feels good to gain this leverage upon the person who took away her liberties not too long ago. With this last move, they'll claim the victory that's been on their mind for so long. Finally, they can live in harmony, taking comfort in the fact that Eleanor will be gone for good.
       Karma begins to grow enthralled, inching closer and closer towards her inevitable triumph. It's like she's on top of the world, slaying the biggest enemy known to mankind. As the blade just about to reaches the destination, glory ensuing them all, the unthinkable happens.
       "Got ya," Eleanor says wickedly, the tone of voice startling her as she gets frazzled.
       Eleanor's footing stabilizes, yanking Karma towards the floor just before she could pierce her skin. She tries to move, but there's no use, unable to move as her life flashes before her eyes. The momentum makes it impossible to recover, trapped under her solidified hold.
       Karma's in utter disbelief, perplexed as to how a flawless execution could go so poorly, almost as if Eleanor predicted it from the beginning. She refuses to believe that she's lost, in denial as her limbs get interlocked with Eleanor's.
       That's when it hits her. This was all done purposefully, forcing Karma to speed up this process while Eleanor merely played along. It was a ploy to lead her in, catching her by surprise as false hope becomes the driving force in her demise.
       It feels like she's free falling in slow motion, taking her time to wonder just what exactly she sacrificed herself for. For in reality, that was her overarching weakness, growing too close and personal with these group members, willing to put her life on the line without even knowing it.
       For a second she thinks that all of this was meant to happen, the group using her as bait to simply wear down this tyrannical figure for them to handle. However, these speculations soon begin to simmer with one glance at Debbie, the one who made her feel at ease amongst this vengeful posse.
       That's the moment. The instance where Karma has finally figured out what it means to have a support system. For majority of her life, she's lacked that feeling of unconditional love, longing for someone to lose track of time with. She'll never forget that moment in the supply closet with Debbie, allowing her to be more open about the idea of relying on others
       Spending time with this group has been a peculiar experience, revealing the factors of her childhood that were left out. Although some of this information is seen as common sense, Karma never really had anyone else.
       She might not have completed her assigned task, Eleanor gaining control of the situation, but Karma did everything she could. Atoning for past sins is easier said than done, the life she took away being irreplaceable. At least she's meeting her end in attempts to partake in a good deed rather than the alternative.
       Thanks to this inspiring group, she now knows what it means to be brought together, nothing being enough to interfere with the bond they share. For even if careless mistakes are made, with the efficient amount of effort, atoning is still possible. This feeling of caring for others was a new occurrence, but she's grateful to have been stuck with them rather than partnering with Eleanor.
       Karma gets shoved onto the hard concrete floor, the rest of the group stunned to witness such a sudden turn of events. They try to reach her, but it's already too late, Eleanor driving the knife in the back of her head. Just like that, Karma is dead, her body motionless as her limbs grow limp.
       All that fight and strength harbored in that hardwired body has dimmed out, not stopping Eleanor from repeating this stabbing motion chronically, attacking the neck over and over again like a ruthless psychopath. Although Karma died instantly, Eleanor refuses to stop, practically bathing in her victim's blood.
       Finally, she stops, yanking the mangled head off of Karma's body as if it were a memento. Her clothes are torn, body battered while bloodstains encase her from head to toe. She stands pridefully over the decimated body, holding the decapitated head by the hair as knights cheer in response.
       This form of disrespect stuns the group, no one having to bear a death that belittling. Even after death, Eleanor's actions were cruel, granting the group with yet another reason to be alert. Karma died honorably, no one can take that away from her even if she's imperfect.
       It'll be up to the original allies to finish what they started, putting an end to their final stand against this merciless woman. There may be some predicaments along the way, but with their family and friends, success is obtainable. They've been waiting for the right time to avenge the death of the fallen, their deaths having not been in vain. That glorious moment of relief will soon be upon them; they're certain of it.

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