S1E4: A True Friend

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The air is tense as everyone is in shock to hear the news. Chris is on his knees in disbelief as Rosie is crying in Zach's arms. Jeannie is trying to stay strong for the family in order to keep it together. The rest are as quiet as can be as they await to go out into the unknown.
Why didn't she tell me this before? Are there any more secrets I should be aware of? Chris thought to himself trying to figure out what to do next. "That's why we gave you the walkie talkies. While you're building a community out there, we'll fix the community in the bunker. This is so we can keep the baby safe", Zach says.
It took a moment for Chris to answer since he had to process all the information. Finally, he begins to say, "do you promise that we'll stay in touch". Chris says almost in a whisper in fear of what's to come of his family's relationship. "Of course", Rosie said while wiping the tears away from her eyes. They sat in silence for a moment, until Chris broke the silence, "alright I'll let you know when we've found a safe place outside", Chris said.
Rosie got up, walked over to Chris, and gave him a hug. "We will meet again", Rosie said emotionally as she's about to watch her entire family leave her in the bunker. She walks over and hugs Jeannie while saying to "watch over Chris". Jeannie laughed while wiping the tears away from her face knowing that she won't see her sister for a really long time. "I'll make sure the idiot doesn't get out my sight", Jeannie chuckled.
Chris stands up and heads towards the door with his friends by his side. As he's saying a last goodbye to Rosie and Zach, he says, "I'll be back sooner than you think to get you out of here". Rosie just smiled and said "we will look forward to it". He enters the door to the airlock and walks over to the button that opens the door. He looks to his left and right at his friends. Seeing them look this serious is surprising for him. He suddenly says, "We're going to be ok. I just know it". And with that, they all nodded as he pressed the button which opened the door to the start of their new lives.
The sun shines brightly overcasting them which causes the group to squint in order for their eyes to adjust. All the group can see is rubble going out for miles and destroyed buildings. What was once their city, was now turned to rubble and ash. "Huh...I feel fine", Jill said excitedly. "For now", Paige says jokingly. "We have to find open space to build our campsite at. Ryan do you have the camping equipment with you?" Jeannie asks in order to fulfill Rosie's promise of keeping Chris and the rest of the group safe. "Yeah I still have it. Let's get moving to find a spot", said Ryan.
They maneuver their way around the rubble of the city to go west to try and find a wide open field. Their surroundings are what's left of trees and an uneven terrain that they must conquer in order to find a place to rest for the night.
During the walk, Sasha goes to Chris and says, "do you think Tamara can still be out here?" Chris is confused of why Sasha would be asking a question about someone she doesn't care about. "It's definitely a possibility since we're still alive", Chris said. "Chris...I just want to thank you again for everything you done. When my dad abused me and mom, I was in a really dark place, but you helped me out of that. So thank you", Sasha said.
Chris was surprised by how Sasha showed off her true feelings since she has been through a lot. Her real family already died in the blast before they gave her up to a new family. However, her adoptive father was an alcoholic who abused his wife and Sasha whenever he was drunk. Sasha's adoptive mother committed suicide because of her husbands addiction which resulted in Sasha's mental state depleting rapidly. Sasha was now a lonely orphan who got her parents' wealth after her adoptive dad died of alcohol poisoning. Ever since that day, Chris has been by her side and has been filling the void that her adoptive parents left her in.
Suddenly, Ricky says, "Do you guys see that". The group looks to their left and sees this humanoid figure that's on all fours on a highway eating a dead carcass. Its face is deformed and it's covered in blood. Jess starts heading over there to see if she can treat the humanoid figure. "Jess you idiot get back here. That thing isn't a human anymore", Paige angrily whispers. "I just want to check it out". Jess whispers back as she goes behind a car out of sight from the rest of the group
"Damnit", Chris mumbles. "We have to follow her. Paige go to the left side, and if that thing tries anything, than use the magnum". Paige nods and goes near the trees to get a better vantage point. Jess slowly sneaks up on the figure to decipher whether or not it's hostile. Suddenly, the humanoid starts crawling to Jess getting ready to stab her with its sharp razor blade like nails. Just before it reaches her, Paige shoots the figure first in the body than in the head to deliver the final blow.
"Hell yeah! Eat that you freak of nature", Paige shouts excitedly. Unexpectedly, another humanoid attacks Paige and tries to stab him in the chest with the sharp nails. Paige fights back and alarms the group by shooting a gunshot in the air. All you can hear on the highway, is a loud bang that makes the group run off in Paige's direction.
"Paige!", Sarah yells while running to help him. The nails keep inching closer to Paige's side, and closer, and closer, and closer until the nails just break through the skin. Paige screams in agony as the sharp razor blade nails slowly inch deeper into his body. Just as Paige is about to run out of his strength, he starts wondering if this is it. Is this how I die? By the hands of this freakish mutant with oversized nails? Paige continues to struggle to fight back, and when all seems lost, Sasha comes up behind the mutant and stabs it. However, just before Sasha stabbed the figure, it's nails sunk deep into Sasha's leg.
Paige is panting and gasping for air after the experience that he just had. He checks his wounds to see that the nails did puncture skin but nothing too deep. However, for Sasha, the nails seemed to have punctured an artery in the leg.
Chris notices their wounds and frantically looks around for Jess and Sarah. "Guys Sasha and Paige are injured! Bring your medical supplies. Chris goes to Sasha and makes a makeshift bandage out of his shirt to cover her leg since it's the most lethal wound currently. "This is gonna hurt you're going to want to have something to bite on", Chris said to Sasha in a concerned matter. "Just hurry", Sasha says in a weak tone.
Chris ties the makeshift bandage to apply pressure to the wound which results in Sasha screaming in agony. Meanwhile, Paige is being treated by both Sarah and Jess who are stitching up the wound, and they stopped the bleeding.
As the blood continues to pour out of Sasha's body, Chris says, "we need to cauterize it. Jess! Sarah! What should we do?", Chris says worriedly. They stay silent still in thought of what to do about her leg. Suddenly, Sasha tries to speak. "Ch-Chris, thanks for everything. You've b-been a t-t-true friend", Sasha says to Chris while still smiling. "N-No! You're going to be fine!", Chris nearly shouts.
Sasha starts to lose consciousness as her vision becomes blurry, and everything goes dark. "S-Sasha...Sasha!". Chris screams desperately shaking the body while the rest are looking for the proper medical supplies to save Sasha. He goes in to listen to her breathing which is quickly declining. However, when he checks her pulse, he feels nothing.

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