S7E7: Make Amends

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       Second guessing herself, the feeling of this overwhelming shadow crashing down on Jess being a rather new occurrence. Regret practically coursing through her veins as she watches the collapse of the group's sanity commence, left in utter awe as this new sentiment rots her to the core with guilt. Clearly, informing the others about the bombs could've been handled with much better care.
       Typically, she's always extremely levelheaded, never compromised by a complication. Even if everyone's behaviors are erratic, frantically pacing back and forth out of fear, she would be able to step up and handle the situation. After all, it's in her nature to be the best possible caretaker she can be. With the heartbreaking death of her mother, that's what served as the driving factor for her desire to succeed.
       Seeing this group left in shambles, bantering about the right move can be fixed, but why can't she speak? It's as if her voice was viciously taken away, this strenuous scenario breaking her will piece by piece as the others look for answers. However, nothing pains Jess more than to see the disheveled and bitter expression of Chris.
       With the instillment of this ever-so-familiar scene, wreaking havoc on any form of weakness, Chris is left in a rather fragile state. Not just him moreover, everybody. Everyone was affected by the aftermath of the sanctuary one way or another. No matter who's perspective one's viewing, loss and grief is imminent. This is a revelation that won't sit well with anybody, especially with Chris' family.
       "Two hours! We only have two hours to find Rosie, Lily, Myracle, and Tara? Just two hours?" Debbie chants hyperbolically, the threat factor only increasing from here on out.
       She can't imagine spending another second without her beloved family, this time limit proving so. This is why she's always been terrified of dispersing on her own path, leaving her children on their own as a test for their survival. Even back in the old, prosperous world, sending her kin off to college would be shattering enough.
       So, picture what's going on in this neurotic woman's mind, being separated from their family during a crisis like this one. With a huge penalty presented before her, how else is she supposed to react to such an impactful statement? If only they had more time to devise a concise plan to search for the others, then perhaps, their time wouldn't have been wasted to this degree.
       "Y-Yes, we only have two hours, so we should get moving right away in order to find the others," Jess states hesitantly, uncertain with how to manage such strong emotions from someone like Debbie.
       "How? How are we even going to find everyone, defeat Eleanor, and make it out in time? There's barely any time to think for Christ's sake!" Debbie shouts frantically, others joining in on the heated debate.
       Her emotions grow more complex, the sincerity of it all causing Debbie to grow aggravated. As soon as it comes time to step up, Jess backs down, subsiding her confident presence as every precious second is wasted. With her enclosing this vital piece of information from their fellow peers, the nerves overflowing in her body, it's only given the group less time to act.
      Hearing that sinister ticking of the clock is enough to send shivers down Debbie's spine, afraid to go through another devastating loss. In fact, experiencing yet another traumatic death isn't an option. After their promise was originated, that can't be broken. If they have trouble locating these lost members, she doesn't know how she'd react. They're all she has left, nothing else. Even if she had to die for them, there'd be no better way to go out.
She can't help but feel discouraged, wishing to have been aware of the situation preemptively. Now, there's no telling how much time it'll take to find the others. It could take a few minutes, or the full two hours. With a bunker as big as this one, locating their lost survivors won't be an easy task. So, in that case, they need to start moving, immediately. There's no point in bantering about aimlessly while they have business to attend to.
"Excellent timing Jess! Leaving this tormenting news for all your allies was definitely the right call, truly!" Karma states sarcastically, attacking her fragile ego.
Witnessing such a careless action like this sends Karma over the edge, despising the thought of being stuck with people like them. Sure, Jess might've felt like introducing a topic as daunting as that would've distracted them from their duties, leading to an inevitable downfall.
However, leaving out that portion left them with false hope once it was over, failing to process the lengths of the situation due to Jess's ineptitude. Knowing how stubborn and persistent this group is, this sudden information wouldn't just brush right by them. They would want answers, having difficultly spotting a worthwhile idea to successfully manage their lack of time.
Since Jess decided not to inform the others about the bomb sooner, it left them in an unstable place. Even if the news might've come as a surprise during that exhausting battle, it would've just inspired them to pick up the pace. So, of course Karma will deliberately enrage the others; she doesn't care. They've already decided that she's a mere pawn to be toyed with and controlled anyways.
Simon grits his teeth, met with confusion as the logistical and reasonable side of Karma has quickly faded. The new side that he witnessed in that storage closet has already fled, the chance to be free and attack bringing back this vehement sense of violence. How could she resort from being so engaging and helpful to acting like an outcast with ulterior motives?
"Why are you even roaming about? You don't have a say in this situation you worthless scum! So, stop being so reprimanding and get over your authority complex for once in your pitiful life," Simon states ferociously, Karma looking to rebuttal until Debbie intervenes.
"Oh my— can you guys kill each other later? The longer we wait, the harder it'll be for us all to get out of here in one piece. So just get a fucking grip already," Debbie spits harshly, silencing the two as Simon scoffs with dissatisfaction.
       They've never seen this pugnacious and aggressive side of Debbie, growing accustomed to her easy-going methods and gentleness. It's the type of optimism and joy that others embrace, almost like taking in the sunlight as it starts to shift to nighttime. Receiving an answer like that from someone as kind as Debbie is new for all of them.
       Karma on the other hand, trembles, confused as to why this confrontation is affecting her so much. Besides the obvious mystery of actually feeling sorry for these weaklings, there's something else that seems to be irking her. Why would she be listening to someone else's orders?
She never got flustered in the past, serving as the bane of their existence as this high level psychological warfare twisted their mental states. Karma was a manipulator, and that was never going to change. However, with what Debbie just said, her mind draws a blank, obviating her urge to inflict chaos.
There's just something about her that seems to tame her previous rebellious and malicious tendencies. She doesn't know why this mature, collected woman is acting this way, but one thing is for sure. Although Karma's having a hard time accepting it, she's taken a liking to Debbie.
For the first time in what seems like forever, their bantering has come to a drastic halt. The complex so silent that all that can be heard is the ticking sound of the clock, symbolizing the very challenge that will either make or break this group's will.
Jess hasn't spoken a word, eyes drawn to Ricky and Skyy, choosing to remain neutral as they avoid anyone's gaze. This situation has escalated out of proportions. She might've made a mistake in not telling them, but they need to get moving right away. As Debbie keeps expressing, there's no time to waste.
"Let's just get moving," Jess says in a melancholy tone, the others merely nodding as they mentally prepare themselves for the search.
Chris analyzes the corrupted balance of the group, solely thinking about Jeannie. Just when he started to catch a glimpse of his old self, those startling images have made yet another reoccurrence. It seems that no matter how hard he tries to move forward from all his past trauma, one way or another, it catches up with him.
       Jeannie's face that day continues to scar him, apprehensive of the fact that she won't make it through this. However, despite the high percentage of death, she smiled, trying to remain calm for Chris' sake. He knew right away that his sister was in trouble, Jess' distraught expression solidifying that heartbreaking fact.
       Her legs were charred, unable of mobility as the very concrete slabs that were crushing her was also the very increment that kept her alive. For if Chris were to remove the rubble, she would've just bled out at a faster rate. Potentially, the only option would've been amputation of both legs, granting Jeannie with a slight chance of survival.
       However, with the lack of medical equipment they contained, the writing was on the wall. They all knew that Jeannie was going to die, even Chris did. Now, he stands here, utterly perplexed as this last minute information is bestowed on him ever so suddenly. The worst part being that history may be repeating itself, Rosie, Lily and Myracle all missing in action while Tara could very well be in a discrete location.
       Where he normally would be erupting with his handful of emotions, getting into heated debates over these precarious circumstances, he finds himself to act reclusive. Getting involved in an unnecessary confrontation won't do their lost allies any good. If anything, it'd just cause disorder and a buildup of negative energy in the process.
       All he needs, is for Jess to understand his level of dissatisfaction. Perhaps, that'll be enough to distract him from this potentially damaging decision. He might not agree with Jess' tactics, wanting to express his point across, but that'll only waste their time. His mother's right, they need to get moving as soon as possible.
       "Wait, lemme just ask you one thing," Chris states in a high level of iciness, acting cold and dismissive towards his friend.
       She chooses not to answer, motioning for Chris to speak. In her mind, it's obvious that he's not happy with her decision to keep this information for herself. She eventually did reveal it to the others, but this world is unpredictable. Given such an inadequate amount of time to process a plan might've just costed them some time.
       "Why didn't you tell us this beforehand? You could've simply called it out to grant us with some time to think. It might not seem that significant, but every moment here counts," Chris says with a blank expression, sending shivers down Jess' spine.
      Seeing Chris in a confusing state like this one is always an interesting sight. He's straying away from his normal argumentative tendencies, maintaining an emotionless tone of voice as he speeds the conversation up. He's aware that this could very well be considered as "wasting time", but Jess needs to know his perspective for a second.
       "I-I t-thought it would be a better choice to tell you after the fight," Jess answers nervously, gulping from Chris' pestering.
       "Interesting. Well, you better hope that we find everyone quickly then. We wouldn't want this on your conscience," Chris says bluntly, walking out from the larger crater the skull crusher created, stepping over the broken double doors.
       The rest quickly follow behind, Ricky and Skyy conflicted with how to act. During that awkward conversation, they felt sorry for Jess, wanting to stand up for her. However, they froze, not wanting to waste anymore of their leader's time. Plus, its understandable as to why Chris acted out in such a harsh way.
       Skyy gazes at Chris, noticing him carefully assessing the situation as his eyes remain forward. Clearly, he's motivated to find the people he cares for. Although his maltreatment of his fellow ally was totally uncalled for, he still possesses all this undeniable and unconditional love for everyone in the group. Once they find the others, then maybe this pressing matter will be settled once and for all. After all the blood, sweat and tears that they've shed, they're due for a happy ending.
       Jess on the other hand evades the group's persistent gaze, wanting to hide her embarrassment while simultaneously unleashing her pent up rage on Chris. After that needless confrontation, she finds herself to be dumbfounded, thinking, How could Chris say all those belittling things to me? To think that someone she has trusted and looked out for time and time again just trampled over like that, sets her mind ablaze.
       Oddly enough, she doesn't know how this got so out of hand. All of this demeaning commentary just happened so fast, completely putting the group's unity on hold. No one is in the right mind space to deal with this much complexity in one sitting. However, they now don't have a choice.
       The glory they feel is immaculate, Jess stunned to have reigned victorious over such a foul and demented beast. This is a moment that happens once in a lifetime, watching her family gather around as they reminisce about all their fond memories together. After conquering such an obstacle like this one, it feels like nothing could disrupt their peace.
       "Oh my god. Did we actually just do that? Is it dead?" Ricky says in utter awe, the others laughing at his priceless reaction.
       "We sure did Ricky. However, I was the one who lit that motherfucker on fire! He ain't no match for my one-legged self," Skyy states with superiority, imitating a pretentious tone while the others enjoy one another's company.
       This is such a rare sight that it even makes Jess forget about the bomb for a moment, getting lost in the joy of it all. Even Chris, someone who's so intent on completing this mission as quickly as possible has succumb to all the happiness that encases him.
       "See? I told you guys that we could do it!" Chris says cheerfully, soon embracing his mother during their time of victory.
       After the horrid way he left things with his mother, it feels comforting to be by her side. With such a mind boggling altercation like this, they completely disregarded all the negative emotions that went down behind the closet door. Although Debbie might want a heartfelt apology from her son over that dispute, that can wait. For right now, she just wants to enjoy this moment with her son.
       However, amongst this time of tranquility and peace lies a greater evil that has yet to be unleashed. The only problem is, should Jess disrupt this once in a lifetime feeling of pride and cheerfulness? What was viewed as this irreplaceable period of time spent with their loved ones has now completely changed. If Jess must reveal this awful news for their survival, then she'll do it. They deserve to know what's in store for the rest of this journey.
       They might be happy. They might be overwhelmed with energy from such a thrilling task, but she has to tell them. For if she doesn't, this is their last moment of peace they'll ever encounter. In order to achieve a life filled with wonder and happy ever afters, she needs to plummet their morale.
       She takes a deep breath, applying her calm and collected facade as her lips quiver from the fear. Seeing this sea of smiles is such an uncommon sight to witness, despising the thought of watching all these hopeful and enchanting expressions fade away. But, it must be done.
       "Guys," Jess says bitterly, failing to catch their attention.
       They're invested in their conversations, enthralled with what they've accomplished in this final battle. She hates the thought of raising her voice, but this needs to stop. Once they're all aware of the problem at hand, then hopefully, it'll all go accordingly.
       "Guys!" Jess shouts impatiently, everyone coming to an abrupt stop as they glance at Jess in a confused state.
       She's on the verge of tears, something clearly bothering her. This is rather abnormal for her character, typically portraying a levelheaded state while shoving her emotions deep down. Whatever she has to say must be serious, but how can they know for sure?
       "J-Jess? Are you ok?" Ricky asks nervously, others chiming in.
       "Yeah you look upset. Sorry if we were loud. It's all kind've emotional once you really think about it," Skyy says apologetically, everyone displaying a concerned look.
       It soon transforms into an overwhelming amount of support, trying to give her their undivided attention while holding no knowledge as to what she's about to say. At this point, she can't bear to listen to their buoyant attitudes, immediately getting right to the point before anyone else could speak.
       "Theres a series of bombs behind the shooting range. It says that we have around two hours left," Jess says in a serious tone, watching her fear come alive.
       Their joyous and flattering tones have now vanished, their cheerful smiles gone in a blink of an eye. Just like Jess originally thought, once it was all out there, that moment of peace would vanish, typical. They clearly want to challenge what they've just learned, remaining in denial, but they can't. It's like they're just forced to accept it, the celebratory nature viciously ripped away as their survival skills regain control.
       Jess just stands there, quietly, waiting for someone to move, to react, to do something! All she can find herself thinking is, Why did this have to happen to us? They've gone through their personal hell that was similar to this. Now, they might have to do it again. She notices a spark in Debbie's behavior, awaiting for her negative reaction. That's all Jess can do, wait for the endless barrage of questions to disappear, finally leading to their search.
       The group continues along the hallway back towards the main hub, Chris leading the pack like old times. Only the dynamic was different, everyone used to be so engaging and full of life. However, with the recent conflict of Jess and Chris, awkward tension has been stirring in the air.
       "Who was the last person to see Myracle and Tara?" Chris asks hastily, acting as if nothing occurred just a few minutes ago.
       "T-They were near the main hub before we left. If we keep going straight, we would probably be able to find something," Skyy says hesitantly, answering for her small posse.
       Chris gives a mere thanks before picking up the speed, almost to the point of jogging. It's been rather challenging to decipher what Chris' next move is, hence the reason why Skyy responded to him so quickly. Besides the fact that they're in a hurry to find the others, she also doesn't want to irritate someone as intense as their leader.
       Although he's one of the most trustworthy and selfless person Skyy's ever met, there's no reasoning with him whenever he's in a troubled state. With a side of pros comes their cons, but when it comes down to it, Chris will be the one to successfully get everyone to safety. He might be battling his own conflicted emotions while maneuvering about, but they're aware as to how much he admires the people surrounding him.
      Simon goes to speak, looking to break this unnatural silence. If he could just distract everyone from their individual worries with a hint of humor, then it could bode well for their teamwork. However, at an additional glance at Chris, he pauses, realizing that speaking won't do them any good.
      Besides the fact that Chris just signaled them to stop, the time limit they have won't favor them in the slightest. Although Simon might've portrayed his comedic commentary amongst the others during long walks in the outside world, there are times like these where everyone must remain focused. For all it takes is one moment of vulnerability to catch you of guard.
       "We're almost near the main hub, so stay alert. The closer we get towards the center of the bunker, the higher chances we have of running into other mutants," Chris whispers sternly, the others nodding in response.
       They proceed with caution, weapons out as Chris continues this mass expedition with great poise. Even though there's personal issues that need to be settled, that'll have to wait. For in this moment, all that matters is finding their lost comrades. In order to do so, they need Chris's guidance.
       Debbie accompanies Chris, still deep in thought over all that's happened in such a short amount of time. Originally, she was left distraught about her son, waiting to discuss their share of harsh words back in the supply closet. It absolutely pains her to have this incomplete feeling when it comes to their relationship. This world is already cruel enough; she will not let this go until this dispute is finally solved.
       There's no time to partake in needless arguments that only get drawn out. She's learned that in an environment like this, it's better to say your piece than wait for the right moment. For if one chooses the latter, there's a solid chance that there won't be a resolution in a hostile world like this one.
       She turns the corner a little after Chris, surprised to watch her son jump out of fear. For majority of this battle, he's displayed courageousness, giving up not being an option when it comes to family. There hasn't even been a chance for him to catch his breath
       However watching him grow startled is new for Debbie, his friends showing the same distressed look as herself. For what he's so taken aback by is a trail of blood, leading towards the last door before entering the main lobby. Few crawlers remain by the blood trail, soon revealing an entire pool on the deteriorating floor.
       Clearly something horrid occurred here, Debbie instantly turning towards the others. Chris is in no condition to have to suppress his emotions for other people's sake. There's a strong likelihood that this pool of blood belongs to the love of his life, possibly his own family.
       Although they share the same family, Debbie barely hanging on by a thread, she must resist the urge to succumb to all her speculations. Right now, her son is incapable of easing the others, that job now relying on Debbie.
       However, that doesn't mean that these thoughts won't go away. She may be moving, but that's the fear talking. In order to stay afloat, she must keep herself busy, finding ways not to think about her daughter and granddaughter. There's nothing that comes close to the sweet warmth of family. There isn't a life without them, that's why she's taken on this task of calming the others.
       For when they see that demeaning pool of blood, they'll automatically assume the worst. Debbie might be hurting on the inside, begging for sweet relief as all her feelings spews out uncontrollably, but she must grow accustomed to keeping a straight face. After all, she's the last adult that's present in this group of warriors. It's up to her to keep them contained, all the while their leader, her son regains his senses.
       "What's going on? Why have we stopped?" Ricky asks curiously, finally spotting the blood as it all starts to make sense.
       Noticing Chris' frozen demeanor is enough to send Ricky in a wild frenzy, realizing that they don't have complete control over this situation. He isn't ready to encounter yet another deceased ally, the countless amount of death all starting to become a blur as they all fuse into one. Judging by the group's collective stares, they're just as discouraged as he is.
       "Yes, this might seem scary, but you're surrounded by your people. Right now, we need to stay focused because anything can happen. It might suck what we see, but it might not. However, we'll be going through this together, as a team," Debbie says reassuringly.
       The attention sets on her, Ricky and the others growing prepared while Simon disregards it all. What this woman is doing is admirable, bold even. To say that everything will be alright while her family is in severe danger takes a lot of faith. Despite all the negative connotations derived from this sight, Debbie chooses to remain optimistic. Not just for the group's sake, but for hers.
       In reality, she can't bear all this torment and terror that she feels deep down. Chris and Debbie are in a vulnerable state, afraid to look down at the pool of blood and recognize a family member that they'll never see again. Someone who has completely vanished without a trace.
       Just like that, they left you, alone. Nothing but a limited source of support to pass the time. You'll start to hate yourself, despising them for dying while also despising yourself for not being there, for simply hating them for one's mistake. That's what they're afraid of; they don't deserve this misery, no one does!
       Simon decides to walk past Debbie, eyes facing Chris' back as his whole body begins to tremble. However, he doesn't portray the look of sadness. Instead, he's angry. He's angry at the fact that his body won't let him move, prolonging this process even further.
      He rests his hand on Chris's shoulder, tensing up from the sudden touch. All Simon could think was, poor Chris. The amount of pain and suffering he's endured has been far too much. They say that leaders are the most prepared for a crisis, always stepping up when others aren't able to. That isn't solely what encompasses a leader though.
       Chris is different, containing that similar drive to overcome the odds while others can't, yet he offers this undeniable love and compassion for everyone he meets. Not only does he protect, but he also values every small detail of their allies. After all, he's only human, it's okay to be sensitive once in a while.
       He doesn't need to conquer this obstacle, for he has these incredible people beside him to help him adjust to any inconvenience that comes his way. There's no need to be perfect, but when it's someone like Chris, he would persevere for the greater good. With just a little push, he'll reestablish his rhythm, soon escaping this treacherous bunker accompanied by his group.
       "Chris. I can handle this you know. You're not the only one who has to deal with all the tough decisions," Simon states suggestively, Chris' eyes still fixated on the pool of blood.
       He glances at the crawlers, barely seeing them as a threat. The only thing that stands in his way being the ultimate reveal of who this pool of blood belongs to. However, he must take care of the matter. Not just because he's the leader, but because he needs to in order to successfully move forward. With the weight of the atmosphere crashing in on them from the bombs, it's a necessity to move at a consistent pace.
As the leader, it's his duty to take charge during these challenging situations. Sure, the result might scar him for life, but he's prepared. Plus, with the friends that surround him, he's positive that he'll never be alone again. So, he must take this leap forward, gaining the courage to face his fears while the others can't.
"It's okay Simon, I got this. There's no need to fret. I have you guys after all," Chris says cordially, providing a comforting presence before he dives into the action.
He lunges at the mutants, using his rage to his advantage as he listens to Debbie's yelps of paranoia in the background. There's an awareness as to why she's acting this way, scared for them both if her son were to come across a dead family member. However, this is a risk that he's willing to take.
His movements are rather swift, coordinating an effective attack as he pierces the nearest crawler's cranium, it's rotting corpse falling to the floor as the others become alerted. Oddly enough, it doesn't seem to affect his concentration, merely stunning the closer mutants with a kick while striking down the remnants of this gruesome scene.
Black blood begins to splatter on his clothes, barely affecting him as their cries of agony come to a halt, leaving a bloody massacre upon the original mess. One of the crawler's bodies practically shield the deceased person, clearly one of their own.
Based on the stature, it can't be Lily and Rosie, their whereabouts still unknown. With his foot, he slowly starts to nudge the corpse off of his unknown ally, disheartened from what he's about to witness. Either Myracle, his former flame has met a brutal demise, or it's her cousin, leaving everyone in a lousy state.
No matter who the victim is, the reveal won't be tame, the others soon joining Chris as they stare at their dead team member. Upon further inspection, Chris's demeanor doesn't change, showing a lifeless expression as Jess begins to slowly breakdown.
The corpse that they've come across is Tara, her body utterly butchered as one of her arms seem to be missing. Her abdomen is pierced, almost an instant death sentence on top of all the other carnage that took place here. Just like that, this lovely, vibrant and energetic girl has met a demise so inhumane, that even Karma looks away.
Normally, she'd be wreaking havoc, the dead never having an affect on her. Considering the history of this group, it feels different to her, as if a piece of their identities were taken away. After all the memories they've made with one another, that now ceases to exist. Karma can't help but feel pity for this poor girl's horrid fate.
"Damnit!" Chris mutters to himself, groaning as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
Jess's uncontrollable cries pierce his ears as he tries to recollect himself, troubled by what they just witnessed. The worst part is, there's barely any time to stop. Tara deserves a proper burial, everyone sharing their piece as to what she brought to this collapsing world, but there's nothing they can do.
Ricky and Skyy accompany Jess during this moment of weakness, both of them starting to grow saddened themselves. In a way, Ricky relates to Jess in this scenario, the issue of time ultimately resulting in leaving behind one of their own. In an instant, Tara is a reminder of Jill, Ryan. All the people who didn't get the funeral or ceremony that they deserved.
Watching his friend crack under the pressure is almost like looking in the mirror, reminding himself of what it felt like to be in this situation. However, during this time of vulnerability, he had his allies by his side, supporting him through every step of the way. So, while Jess experiences this crippling moment, he'll be right by her side for as long as it takes, just like how she was for him all those years ago.
Moreover, Skyy seems to be conflicted as well, partially feeling guilty over the whole situation. One of the last confrontations she had with Tara resulted in utter chaos, eternally belittling their characters after Matthew's death. It was one of her lowest points throughout this journey, sparking her to apologize to Tara.
Although the slate might seem clean, the air clear as all those foul words shared with one another that day finally depleted, Skyy still feels horrible. She never had the opportunity to grow close to Tara, rooting for her to get involved with her ex without ever sharing a heartfelt conversation. It almost seems like she used Tara in a way, her affection towards Matthew being enough for Skyy to finally move on to bigger and better things. That's why she's so upset.
She stares at Jess, tears practically racing down her cheeks as if they were athletes sprinting towards the finish line. As Skyy takes in her friend's expression, she begins to feel connected to Jess in a way. After all, this overwhelming amount of emotion seems odd for someone like Jess, barely sharing much history with Tara. Perhaps, now that's she's gone, Jess has realized just how magnificent and inspiring Tara Johnson was, and that, Skyy understands.
They all begin to gather around Jess, Simon watching over Karma as he tries to avoid this numbing situation. He's never been one to handle emotions very well, growing incredibly awkward while remaining speechless in front of a seemingly broken spirit. Right now, the best thing he can do is let the others calm her down the best way they know how.
The pack of perplexed allies swarm around her as if they were bees attracted to honey. She wants this to stop, the embarrassment that she feels to finally come to a halt, but nothing's working. In fact, this emotional breakdown just snuck up on her out of nowhere; it's no wonder that her allies are in utter bewilderment.
"Jess, I know it's hard, but you have to get up. Let us help you," Chris says endearingly, Jess baffled as to why he's acting so respectful after all that commotion before.
She knows that there's no time to waste, but this moment is just so disparaging. This horrendous act being done to such an angelic soul is what aggravates her, knowing how much torment Tara's been through just to meet a morbid demise like this. No one deserves the pain that she went through.
Although they shared a sparse amount of time together, those few interactions were enthralling to say the least. Her fruitful and captivating commentary distracted Jess from the extremities life has to offer. It was like she was on a getaway whenever Tara was around. Considering the amount of loss she experienced, she was supposed to breakaway as victorious, being the sole survivor of the sanctuary.
However, life doesn't work that way, her virtuous nature coming to a halt. She resembled hope during the time of darkness, motivating Jess to keep moving no matter what hardship they encountered. It was what her mother taught her, and now, Tara recited the same old story.
"No. No! She can't be gone. I refuse to believe that! After all the ridicule and horrid events she lived through, she managed to get back up on her own two feet. As soon as she slowly started to regain control, she d-died," Jess begins to lose herself, the others growing silent.
Jess continues her crying, struggling to face reality as her hope dims out. Tara was supposed to be the miracle, living through all this carnage to still find family and a happy ending. How come the people who deserve to live always die? It's a question that she asks herself time and time again.
Chris looks down at Jess, her mindset becoming a cloud of negativity. Right now, despite their differences from before, he needs to help his friend. She's having trouble accepting the truth, so he'll help her through it; they all will. He squats down to eye level, holding her hands as he gives off an earnest smile, enough to catch Jess's attention during this troubling time.
"This will be hard to overcome. Trust me, I understand that, but just picture how you think Tara would go out. Knowing her, she probably took on the brunt of the danger for someone else that she really cares for. That's something to remember. She may be gone, but thanks to someone as amazing as yourself, Tara's life will never be forgotten. So, don't be defeated by this harsh discovery. You need to get up, and fight this battle with the rest of us. It's what she would've wanted," Chris says enthusiastically, Debbie getting ready to back him up.
"I understand that you guys didn't have enough time with Tara, but I knew her. Judging by the time I spent with her in the sanctuary, she wouldn't just give up. I'm positive that she did everything in her power to keep both herself and Myracle alive," Debbie says reassuringly, Jess's tears slowly dissipating.
Chris reaches out to Jess, looking to help her up with that same, trusting smile from before. All of these life-scarring images probably will never leave her conscience, but with the help of the group, she can finally wipe the tears away from her eyes and get up. Now, she can finally continue their last battle together. There will be a fair share of rough moments, but if she's surrounded by her loved ones, it'll make those perturbed times that much more tolerable.
She grabs onto Chris' arm, meeting him at eye level as all of their former baggage melts away. With that, she thanks him, as well as making amends for all the discomfort they provided one another not too long ago. For she can't stay made at her family for long, they're all she's got now.
They look to enter the main hub, ready to leave this cold, lifeless place behind them until something catches Chris' eye. He stares at the door just outside where Tara's mangled corpse remains, feeling an odd sensation to search this room. There's no way Myracle and Tara would separate, aware of just how little numbers they contain. If anything, they would stay together.
Finally, he walks toward the door, slowly pushing it open as a loud squeak coincides the action. The others look over at Chris, curious as to why he felt the urge to check this random room. Wouldn't he want to flee from this gut-wrenching sight after what happened with Tara?
As he glances in the dark room, he gasps, covering his mouth as he begins to grow overwhelmed. For what he found is far more remarkable than anything he's ever experienced. He spots Myracle and Lily sleeping as Rosie guards over them, the whole brigade in one remote location. At the sound of the door, they come alive, lunging towards each other as they meet a very much needed embrace.
       "Chris!" Myracle says excitedly, her emotions coming to light.
       He meets Myracle, wrapping his arms around her as she begins to cry on his shoulder. For just a moment, it seems like time freezes, sharing this sweet sense of relief with his former flame as his real feelings begin to emerge. Their hug is affectionate, providing a warm and protective nature about it. In this second, nothing could pry Chris away from Myracle.
       She can feel him brushing his fingers through her smooth, velvety hair, turning this hug into a passionate and loving one. Chris can't help it, being without her combined with their limited amount of time made him spontaneous. Staring at that pool of blood petrified him, worried of losing the person who granted him so much solace and love.
       Back in the sanctuary, he thought that he finally moved on from Myracle, that one misunderstanding being enough for him to officially move past the idea of romance. After all, in this cruel world, it's better not to get attached. That level of intimacy and affection that he once craved slowly started to dim out.
       However, the day she was kidnapped symbolized the moment where his true feelings finally came to light. It took him a while to realize that he still loved her, Jeannie's death making him believe that acquiring happiness was out of his reach. Why should he focus on love when there are bigger matters to solve?
       For a while, he secluded himself, denying the mere thought of having romantic feelings for another person. Although from time to time he dreamt of her, fiddling with her ravishing crimson-like hair as those emerald eyes caused his heart to skip a beat, he rejected those feelings. It's like he was shutting out that affectionate part of himself that he deemed as weakness.
       However, that day where he reunited with Myracle in the compound, those feelings made a return, getting lost by her enchanting touch. At that point, he grew well aware that he rekindled some feelings for her, continuing to push it deep down as if it was a bottomless pit of anguish and sorrow.
       Now, imagining a world where Myracle met Tara's fate instead frightens him, being separated yet again revealing just how much he cares for this resilient woman. The fact that she feels comfortable to cry around him, acting completely vulnerable, says it all. It's like she's his personal miracle, granting him life with every intimate touch. He's going to ensure that this time, he doesn't let go of her. Life is too short to disregard one's feelings, Chris is in love with Myracle.
       Rosie and Lily meet up with Debbie's warm embrace, sensing this touching moment develop from the two. Chris has never focused on his love life, shutting down any thought of spending eternity with their significant other. To him, it's something that seemed impossible, childish even. Now, with this heartwarming and compelling interaction, his original stance on the matter might change.
       "I missed you," Chris whispers into her ear seductively, the two flushing almost instantly.
      Hearing those three words from Chris is everything to her. She didn't have the opportunity to mourn the loss of her cousin, holding in her tears as the mutants devoured Tara just beyond the door. Remaining in that isolated room never felt more lonely and degrading.
       In reality, the only aspect that saved her was Rosie and Lily wandering into the room, allowing Myracle to at least distract herself from all the repenting. It felt calming to have people in her corner. For if she was still alone, she would've eventually lost control of her emotions, alerting the mutants instantaneously.
       Finally, the group has found her, Chris condoling her while in this fragile state. It reminds her just why she fell for him in the first place, disheartened by any scrape or bruise that she spots on his body. With him by her side, she can finally breakdown.
       "S-She's dead. Tara's dead. Even though we were in control for majority of the battle, she pushed me out of harms way. She died for me. It's my fault!" Myracle opens up, remorseful over the fact.
       The tears continue to fall as she wraps around his defined body, nuzzling closely to his rock hard chest. She feels at home when she's with him, as if all her troubles could be melted away just by meeting his face. Surprisingly, his grip begins to tighten, developing a tremor in his hands as his nerves lose control.
       "It's not your fault. Tara would want you to keep moving, so don't beat yourself up over this. It's okay. I'm here. I'll always be here for you Myracle. I-I love you," Chris states fiercely, blushing at his own sentiment.
       After all this time, he's finally said those three words. He went from being afraid of commitment, to accepting his feelings, realizing that all it takes is a little courage to claim the things you want. This was all Myracle ever wanted, growing mesmerized as she can practically see the red tint of his cheeks, her head still pressed to his chest.
       Suddenly, she can feel her chin tilt up, her heart fluttering as she locks with Chris' sky blue eyes. There's a hint of awkwardness implemented, but they don't care, growing infatuated with one another as their hearts beat a mile a minute.
       In that moment, Chris knew that if he kissed this girl, there would be no going back. He wouldn't be able to hide his emotions anymore as his worries for her safety only become more radical and irrational. With this everlasting kiss, it ties them together in a blessed and unbreakable relationship.
       She caresses the side of his face, feeling his stubble as his enchanting eyes draw her in like a fish swimming towards the bait, taking one last breath before he grabs a hold of her and leans in. The kiss is soft, sweet, containing an endearing flare as the taste of her lips is enough to warm both their souls.
       However, it doesn't stop there, further progressing as Chris fiddles with her red hair, deepening the kiss as it grows more passionate and intimate. The feeling can't be described in words, as if they're levitating while the inhalation of their partner entwines their love exponentially. Nothing could ruin this enriching moment between the two, forever binding their love for one another with this kiss.
       Eventually, the kiss comes to end, serving as an electrifying feel as they both act like they managed to walk on water. It took a lot of effort to develop their relationship to this point, experiencing their fair share of ups and downs while this twisted world kept tampering with their once normalized mindsets.
       "You finally said it. You said that you loved me back!" Myracle states cheerfully, earning a chuckle from Chris as the others start listening in.
       Instinctively, Chris whips his head around, his face a crimson red as embarrassment fulfills him. He didn't even mean to confess his undying love in front of everyone, his lack of impulse control clearly making a scene. The smirk on his sister's face says it all, followed by occasional bursts of laughter from outside the door.
       "Well, it took ya long enough," Rosie states playfully, the group members laughing at his expense.
       "Finally, I was waiting for you guys to eventually get together. I guess you can call it mother's instinct. However, next time just don't make out in front of me, thanks," Debbie makes light of the situation, Chris' friends laughing their worries away.
       Myracle hides away, both flustered and thrilled for what just occurred. To think that Chris would be warm-hearted and overtaken by joy to act without thinking is baffling to her. Typically, he was never one for including much people in his personal life. However, clearly, this is something that his friends and family will never let him live down.
       Chris rolls his eyes, helping Myracle to her feet as he gazes at the people around him. Although they were the brunt of a huge joke, it serves as an unforgettable moment, a moment where time didn't matter. Now more than ever, they need to make sure that every second is worth something. To watch everyone acting so frivolous is a trait that's comparable to their world, signifying that a state of normalcy is in reach.
       "S-Sh-Shut up and give me a hug," Chris stutters, embracing Rosie and Lily as his abnormal timid nature is revealed.
       Rosie reels Chris in for a hug, Lily tugging at his shirt as her innocent aura shines through. This is what he missed the most, fond memories like these that'll last a lifetime. Hopefully, this will mark the last time they're separated from one another. From now on, he will have eyes on the situation at all times.
      "Real smooth Chris. Real smooth," Rosie whispers deviously, causing her brother to grunt from the comment as he pulls away.
       He steps in the hall, only to receive questionable expressions from his friends. Of course, how could he forget? With allies like these, they may be supportive and extremely reliable, but there'll be no hesitation when it comes to dawdling.
       "Damn! Is the love session over already? You were really going in there," Skyy says jokingly, causing Chris to blush yet again.
       Although this group is rambunctious, chaos being a part of their daily routine, they're still his family. Reality might be slowly creeping in on them, but sparking some fun here and there never hurt anyone. Plus, with the amount of stress they encounter, a carefree attitude like this is incredibly rare for them.
       Rosie admires the growth of this group, enjoying the wild frenzy that is this team's odd dynamic. She soon goes to grab her daughter's hand, wincing in pain as a numbing feeling rushes over her. Figures, the cut from the escape attempt effecting her complete mobility.
       She tries to hide her wound, looking down to see a rather concerning cut as a steady blood flow continues to pour out. Even now, the cause of this scrape is a mystery, solely focused on getting Lily and herself out of that hellhole of a dormitory as swiftly as possible. Perhaps, the injury sparked from slicing the palm of her hand on a broken hinge of the door, but she never thought this wound would become this serious.
       Ricky spots Rosie's abnormal behavior, watching the blood drip onto the floor just behind her. Clearly, she's trying to hide this injury. He understands as to why she's being so secretive about the matter, afraid that everyone will overreact, but this isn't probable. Whether she likes it or not, that wound will be treated.
       "Rosie, are you bleeding? It looks like you might've hurt your hand," Ricky asks curiously, all the attention setting on her as Debbie instantly grabs ahold of her.
       "See mommy! I told you that you had a boo boo," Lily butts in, causing Debbie to grow neurotic.
       Naturally, her daughter couldn't keep her mouth shut, nothing shocking there. She appreciates the fact that they care for her well-being, but they can all simply be too much at times. After dealing with her mother's neurotic nature, she's grown accustomed to this reaction however.
       "Are you serious? Did you actually try to hide this from us? From me? I knew you were acting weird," Debbie says scoldingly, Myracle soon getting lost in her thoughts.
       Although she spent the most time with Rosie, locked in the same room, she didn't notice her wound. Maybe, if she had noticed, they could've done something to prevent it. Instead, she rambled on about her emotional baggage, catching no signs of Rosie's peculiar behavior. She's usually so observant, so vigilant, how could she be so careless?
       Granted, she did fall asleep relatively quickly, exhausted from the mixed emotions running through her head. After all, there wasn't much to do in that situation besides sleep and think. At that point, she was completely fed up with thinking. Still, in her mind, that's no excuse to be so oblivious and clueless towards their own ally's health.
       "You were hurt? H-How could I not have noticed?" Myracle states in utter shock, Chris wrapping his arm around her shoulder for support.
       It's evident that Myracle's feeling guilty for Rosie's injury, already remorseful over what's happened with her cousin. To have yet another misdemeanor occur around her without bearing knowledge just reveals how reckless and selfish she truly is. However, the only person that genuinely believe that, is herself.
       "Well, you've gone through a lot in such a short amount of time. You also fell asleep rather quickly, so I didn't want to disturb you. It's not like I did nothing though. I did try to stop the bleeding from becoming erratic, but clearly, it wasn't enough," Rosie explains accordingly, Chris jumping in.
       "Ok well, we don't have much time to lose, so let's hurry up and get back to the complex. I'll show you the way. Plus, Jess can patch up your hand once we're out of harms way," Chris rambles on, causing Rosie and Myracle to grow suspicious.
       Usually, he would be more invested with an injury regarding his sister. Come to think of it, everyone's been behaving differently during this confrontation, almost like their speeding up this process. It's almost like they all have something on their minds, unaware on how to reveal this seemingly convoluted concept up to them.
       "Is there a reason as to why you're all in such a rush?" Rosie asks curiously, growing concerned as the hallways grow silent.
       For the first time, everyone in the group is speechless, tension arising in the air as the sincerity of the situation seems to reveal itself right then and there. It's like Rosie's watching a sea of uncertain glances, rolling in all at once like a tidal wave as the tides begin to crash into one another.
       Upon further inspection, Myracle seems to be noticing it too, even Debbie evading eye contact. Just one look at Chris says it all for her, noticing how conflicted he is as a wave of fear rushes over him. It's almost like something has taken ahold of his sanity, withering away his morale as his past begins to catch up with him.
       In fact, everyone shares the similar expression, displaying a stunned look as if they saw a ghost. It's shocking how Rosie's sole question related to their abnormal fast pace completely shut them down. This implies that nothing is what it seems. There must be more to this than what meets the eye.
       Jess struggles to find the right words, looking to end this confusing silence. After all, they deserve to know, but not right now, not here of all places. Once they secure a safe region, that's when she'll bestow this infuriating information on them. Just like with her conjoined group, Jess will be yet again breaking the terrible news. Hopefully, this time around, she'll be more prepared to handle whatever outcomes may present themselves.
       "A-A lot has happened, but just follow me. I'll fill you in on the way. Just hurry, time is officially a factor now," Jess says sternly, the others obliging.
       "Well, you're all in for a treat," Karma says sarcastically, her superior tone being enough to enrage Simon even further.
       He knows that there's no controlling a personality like Karma, but it still rubs him the wrong way whenever a single world is uttered from her dirty mouth. However, for the others, he'll restrain from resorting to violence. After all, they have much to go over with less than two hours remaining; there's important tasks to take care of.
On the way back, time seems to pass them by, working under the pressure as this menacing clock slowly counts down to its inevitable doom. Being efficient is now more vital than ever before, the group establishing a temporary hideout in the same location where their glorious battle took the world by storm. After taking care of a high threat like that, it's uplifted their spirits, causing them to believe that they could accomplish anything.
Barricades cover the entrance of the complex, preventing any other mutants from coming in as everyone thinks of a plan. With very little time to work with, everything has to be near perfection. The skull crusher's charred body remains near the shooting range, the smell utterly revolting as the group tries to shut that out of their minds.
Jess begins to zone out, practically hypnotized by the lightly dimmed countdown, each second going by quicker than the last. Although it serves as their will to end this battle, she can't help but fear for their lives in this dire state. After all, this has happened before, leaving behind a pathway for misery and a series of misconduct. It's logical as to why she's so paranoid, practically reliving every painful moment from that dreaded day of the sanctuary's demolition.
Soon enough she begins to grow invested with the doomsday clock as she calls it, controlling their every move even during a revolution. The thought is kind've hysterical to her, longing for an era where fighting isn't a part of their daily schedule. In reality, she knows that won't be the case, even if Eleanor Hall's reign of terror finally disappears. For this is still an apocalyptic world, and facing life threatening combat will always be a factor.
Suddenly, she's awoken from her dazed state, Chris, Simon and Ricky gathering around her with a bewildered expression on their faces. That's right, she forgot. She's assisting them with the barricades, ensuring their safety while they explore their best possible options.
"Jess you alright? You seem out of it," Chris says with concern, removing his hand from Jess' tense shoulder.
"She's probably just disgusted from you kissing Myracle earlier. Oh wait sorry, that's just me," Simon teases Chris, earning a chuckle from Ricky as Chris dismisses them both with a mere eye roll.
Jess reevaluates her surroundings, watching this playful nature commence with her lifetime friends. In that moment, she disregards the pressure of the countdown, realizing how lucky she is to have gotten this far with these phenomenal human beings beside her.
If she didn't have this endless support, this journey would've been excruciatingly difficult. At that point, she would've just given up, reuniting with her mother in heaven. Even if she wanted to tough it out, persevering through the grueling elements of this mutant-filled environment, there's no possible way she would've made it this far. Hell, she might've died in that bunker, just another victim of Admiral Johnson's wicked ways.
"S-Sorry! I was just thinking I guess," Jess says nervously, timidly fidgeting with her strands of hair.
The others nod, choosing not to delve further deeper into the topic, continuing this rather tedious work repeatedly. That is until Ricky grows curious, knowing that his speculation is already correct. After all, what else could she be thinking about in this case besides the bomb?
However, considering the very little time they have to interact in a normal conversation, now is a greater time than any. Plus, it'd feel relieving to vent about their fears, their worries to people who they trust with their lives. What harm would it be to partake in one last stress free confrontation before the main event?
       "You're thinking about the bomb, aren't you?" Ricky asks abruptly, disrupting the silence as Simon signals him to be quiet with a playful thwack on his shoulder.
       Jess catches Simon's behavior, chuckling as Ricky rubs his arm. Originally, she was planning on just keeping her memories of the sanctuary in the past, but it might beneficial for her mental health to share some of these issues with the group. They've all been through it, so why not discuss this matter with the people who can relate the most?
       "Don't worry it's fine. It's just traumatizing in a way, you know? Like I thought that was finally behind us, and now, that damn bomb is back. I just don't want it to be a repeat of what happened last time at the sanctuary," Jess says openly.
       In a way, they all understand how each other feels about this conflict, containing their own interpretation on how the bomb affected them. For Jess, she not only lost a close ally, she also remains haunted from the derailment of Chris' character. At the shoreline, she was certain that their leader, her friend was gone, meeting a tragic fate just like Ryan. What would make them both similar is the fact that she deemed them as dead.
       Considering Simon and Ricky's reaction on that belittling sight of Chris's cold, lifeless and pale complexion, they probably share the same horrid memories as well. In reality, the lost two friends at the sanctuary, one physically, the other mentally. It was Jeannie's death that kickstarted this cycle of negative energy within the group, constantly wishing for things to return to a more normalized state.
       Declaring someone as dead is the most painful thing Jess has done. That's why that one extra attempt to save Chris' life will forever live with her. Even though she was left distraught and angered at him for trying to take his life, for a split second, it seemed like God was watching over them. Despite all the tears, all the mayhem, he survived. It was at that moment where she decided to always go the full length before giving up.
       "We won't let it be a repeat of the sanctuary. Let's make a promise, right here, right now. No matter how bad the situation gets, we don't give up, we don't panic. I'm not letting my past define me, not again, so you guys shouldn't either," Simon states boldly, their others smiling cheerfully from this pleasant surprise.
       "Nicely put Simon, and I agree. What happened at the sanctuary was life-altering, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it'll happen again. Instead of expecting the worst, we need to do everything in our power to ensure our success," Ricky says with a newly founded confidence, growing inspired by his own words.
       Watching this form of growth before Chris' eyes is enough to encourage him to listen to them, finally overcoming his inner demons. However, the vivid imagery of Jeannie's demise won't seem to go away. He knows that time has passed, but it probably will take longer to grow accustomed to this feeling of her being gone.
       However, that doesn't mean that they aren't right, tired of being controlled by this overbearing feeling of guilt. He has survived in a world where the odds were always against him, all the while leading a team made up of primarily teenagers. That's something to be proud of, showcasing his dedication, his drive to do better even in the worst instances.
       His fear of losing yet another family member or friend is something that will never go away, perpetually looking out for their safety by any means necessary. However, he will certainly try to limit the damage on his sanity resulting from these debilitating issues. After all, he did make a promise. Not just to his good friends, but also, to his mother after his father's death. It's up to him to fulfill their wishes by surviving any obstacle that's comes his way.
       "Those heartbreaking memories definitely broke me, making me feel small and useless, but I have grown since that horrible day. It's just like you guys said, it's up to us to define our future. Regardless, I'm surrounded by people who care for me. There's no way I'm going to lose you guys too," Chris says sincerely.
       From all their foolish games to all their significant battles, ultimately testing their survival skills, the history he has with these extraordinary individuals is irreplaceable. As they prepare for this last stand in reclaiming their old livelihoods, it's comforting to know that he'll be fighting alongside the people who were with him from the beginning. To him, that's what a future entails, a vibrant family to forever cherish.
       They all start talking while building upon the brigade of reinforcements, Jess quickly reminded of her duties. How could she forget? After Rosie revealed her wound, they never did anything to treat the affect area. She quickly whips her head around, spotting Rosie talking with Myracle and Debbie, her wound still open.
       The last thing they need if for that injury to get infected, resulting in the ineffectiveness of their own ally. Having this wound uncovered is a liability for them, putting Rosie's life in jeopardy. It might sound like a stretch, but Jess doesn't want to waste anymore time as she darts towards Rosie as if she were late for a scheduled appointment.
       "Yo Jess! Where the hell are you going?" Simon calls out for her, looking for an answer.
       "I gotta do something really quick!" She responds vaguely, finally pulling Rosie aside.
       She awaits patiently for her "patient's" arrival, setting up her medical equipment in a clean and sanitary room. Clearly, out of all the other rooms in the complex, the bedding arrangements were far more untouched. Luckily for them, this is a good location to be handling something like this, Jess managing to find gauze as well as other helpful medical tools and equipment.
       Although she's gotten accustomed to remaining on the frontlines, handling the endless barrage of mutants, she still bares some medical knowledge. Plus, she's always prepared, carrying a first aid kit at all times. No one can ever be too careful in this apocalyptic world filled with savagery.
      "Sorry, I kept you waiting. We're just trying to formulate some idea on what we could do considering all that's been going on," Rosie states apologetically, signing with relief as she finally finds time to rest.
       "It's fine, I totally understand. Anyways, how are you holding up with everything? Is Lily scared, or is she as innocent and precious as always?" Jess says charmingly, a genuine and heavenly smile putting both of them at ease.
       Although Jess portrays this giddy and positive persona, she can't help but feel bad for both Lily and Rosie. This young girl's understanding of life is so bare, so desolate where death roams around every corner. The amount of pressure that Rosie must feel to serve as an amazing mother must be wearing her down, this introduction of the bomb causing her to enter a downward spiral.
       This brave, inspiring woman might be putting on a smile, carrying along a pleasant conversation, but she isn't exactly thrilled to e in this situation. That's something that Jess can relate to, the concept of putting on a facade becoming the norm for her as the world implodes around her. It's no wonder why Rosie's incredibly stressed.
       "Well, it obviously isn't great, but we gotta make do with the time we got. Lily is the same as always. Except, she just won't stop bugging me about wanting to leave," Rosie rants, earning a chuckle from Jess as she starts to effectively clean the wound.
       "That's understandable. This place is dangerous after all. By the way, to what extremities did you use to stop the bleeding?" Jess asks informatively, her professional essence kicking into high gear
       "I didn't want to alert Myracle, so when she fell asleep, I just looked around for rags and paper towels. I tried to locate a string or something to tie around makeshift bandage to apply pressure, but I couldn't find anything," Rosie reveals, Jess merely nodding as she works rather properly, resembling that much skill as a regular doctor.
       Conversation grows slim as Jess begins to concentrate on her work, carefully yet swiftly treating the laceration as she tries to keep the pain as minimal as possible. The last thing she wants is to be invasive, causing Rosie to grow uneasy as she winces from the pain.
       Rosie admires this strong-willed survivor, Jess' advanced level of professionalism proving to be spectacular. She's never seen someone so steady, controlling every little factor. If Rosie's being honest, she can't contemplate as to why Jess is being so careful by not hurting. Stitches aren't supposed to feel pleasant anyways, pain being implemented in her daily regimen.
       Even though it may hurt, it's nothing compared to the mental strain that comes about when losing a loved one. For when someone experiences that, there's no running away from it. No matter where you go, it'll follow you, till the end of time if need be.
       Maybe, that's why Jess is so exact, always acting accordingly, especially whenever it includes other people. After all the animated, life scarring images she's tried to change, the mistakes made along the way is what stays with her. Her initiating this protocol isn't just for the best care of the "patient", it's for herself.
       The deeper Rosie dives into this thought process, the more interested she becomes. It must be hard to remember all those scared faces of the deceased, feeling what they feel, that look they get in their eyes when they're aware the end is near. Immediately, Ryan and Jeannie come to mind, sensing the tension surrounding them. It felt like their time was here, leaving Jess and the other there's to witness it all, merely trying to get by.
       She was there for Sasha, deceased. Skyy's amputation, success. Rosie's pregnancy, success. Chris' multiple injuries, success. Ryan, deceased. Jeannie, deceased. Chris' suicide attempt, success. Matthew, deceased. If all those success stories are enough to make her unsettled, terrified of feeling that way ever again, imagine just how low Jess felt whenever she lost an ally, a friend!
       It's not like this was her calling, desiring the satisfaction of becoming a doctor to save lives. No, all this was, was an obligation, a distraction even. Originally, it was to understand what went wrong during her mother's surgery, combining the resources she's learned to conjoin a well argued thesis. Little did she know that the act of saving lives would make her feel numb, slowly getting more used to death.
       So, Rosie takes a long look at Jess, realizing just how much traumatizing moments she's lived through, face to face with the problem as bystanders wait on the sidelines, impatiently waiting for the news. In all those moments, she felt like a doctor, having a whole party of people relying on her to simply do her role. However, instead of operating on patients, she had to operate on her family.
       "Jess," Rosie begins suddenly, catching her attention as she grunts, signaling for her to speak.
       The amount of negative energy that's stirring in her soul must leave a bitter taste in her mouth, struggling to find her purpose. If anything, taking on this daring medical profession has only hurt her, forced to sit back and watch her friends suffer. Most of her cases were on the verge of death, wondering if they'll pull through or succumb to this demeaning fate. Perhaps, Rosie can alter Jess break this mindset of hers.
       "You are one of the most dedicated and brave souls I've ever met, taking on the job to look after your friends despite how terrifying the situation may be. I'm sure you've felt overlooked at some points, feeling like you were undervalued, as if all of that effort and dedication was put to waste. Well, I'm about to erase that feeling. I want to personally thank you for all the help you've been to Chris alone. No matter how many injuries he sustained, you were in his corner, helping him out. You saving Chris didn't just save one life, it saved a lot more than that. So, I'm going to say it again, thank you Jess for all that you do," Rosie says reassuringly, her sweet and tender words being enough to tug at Jess' heartstrings.
       Validation. It's something that she hasn't really received before, not even from herself. There's an awareness of how useful and vital she is to this group, but it's like there was a voice in the back of her head fluttering every negative connotation.
       To hear someone so earnest and inspiring call her honorable and admirable means everything to her. She's aware that at times she relatively flew under the radar, serving as their backup plan if things were to go haywire. However, she's far more than an insurance policy.
       Although it might've taken her a while to believe in her own capabilities, catching a true glimpse of her excellent poise and charisma, she finally feels that her mother would be smiling down upon her from up above. Jess merely smile, continuing the suturing process as she gazes at Rosie, thankful for her endearing attitude.
       "Thank you," Jess chokes up, trying to bottle in her emotions.
       All Rosie can do is smile, sensing a bit of herself in this young fighter. The group is extremely lucky to have someone as coordinated and versatile as her. She might feel like her words weren't that impactful, truly believing that validating Jess was the humane course of action, but to the recipient, it's what she's been waiting for all this time.
       Back with the others, Chris and Ricky work on finishing up the barricades, Simon growing enraged as he locks eyes with Karma's devious expression. She might've assisted the group in that one altercation, teamwork being surprisingly sufficient, but there's still too much history behind it all. Just because she partook in one good deed doesn't mean she gets to roam around freely.
       Whenever, he spots her from afar, all Simon can see is Sarah. He'll never forget that paining day where he laid beside his best friend's lifeless corpse, completely stuck, unaware of what's next. The blood began to soak his shirt, the sight only getting more disturbing, but Simon didn't care. All he wanted, was to spend more time with his friend.
       Now, shifting gears from Karma to Jess and Rosie is a different story. It went from a toxic relationship filled with vengeful tendencies, to a scene of two calm and collected individuals, reminding Simon that there's still good left in this world. The only thing is, why can he get past the pure hatred that seems to corrupt his heart.
       "Hey guys! Need a hand?" Skyy comes frolicking over, helping Chris and Ricky as he notices Simon's peculiar behavior.
       She watches two different perspectives play out, Simon either embracing his cheerful side or his side filled with animosity. Just at a glance, Skyy can tell that he isn't feeling like himself, not one degrading joke being uttered from his mouth. It's like that original spark of his personality fades from time to time, getting caught up in all the crude comments emerging from his head.
       This normally wouldn't be much of an issue, but instead of merely zoning out, he gazes at Karma in a menacing way. His knuckles turn white as he clenched his fists, teeth gritting as the mere sight of this vile creature breathing the same air as them makes him sick. With someone like Karma, he's still uncertain as to what their purpose will be in this meaningless alliance.
       Skyy begins to walk towards Simon, deciphering on how to not trigger him from acting unusually. The last thing they need is a brawl in the middle of all this chaos. It's up to her to tame the beast that is Simon's aggression. With a proper and direct approach, it should divert him from partaking in a reckless decision.
       "You know, your problems won't be fixed by staring into blank space," Skyy initiates conversation, snickering at her own comment.
       Simon chooses not to answer, still fixated onto someone who manipulated everyone for their own personal gain. He can't help it, the hate he feels for this obnoxiously powerful force. To see someone who's so stubborn, devaluing others to meet their own standards is what he despises about her character. It's almost like she bears no empathy, forever being the soulless vessel who killed Sarah.
       He told himself that we would stop resorting to this old habit, thinking about something that inflicts pain on his already defeated soul, soon applying his typical trend of self-loathing that his mother sparked at such a young age. After all, one's past always comes back to haunt them, just like at where they are now, in a battle to the death with Eleanor Hall as the main antagonist.
       "Listen, I know it's difficult to put aside your hatred against Karma. Trust me when I say that no one is exactly enthralled to have her in our group. However, there's need to worry. You're not the sole person keeping her in check, so it might be hard, but try taking it easy," Skyy says reassuringly, catching Simon's attention.
       What Skyy suggests is easier said than done, letting his worries slip away could very well signify the end. After with what happened to Matthew, he doesn't feel comfortable expressing any form of vulnerability. In all fairness, how's he expected to simply forget the past?
       A part of Simon is taking Skyy's words into consideration, the other side merely brushing it aside, adding even more responsibilities to his plate. To put it simply, he doesn't want a repeat of Sarah, not allowing anyone to be alone with someone as dangerous as Karma. If there's someone who should face this wildcard, it's Simon, the person who wasn't around for their friend when they needed it most.
       "B-But, how am I expected to just let my guard down with the sinful crimes she's committed? I can't watch her walk around without being reprimanded for her actions. I'm not letting anyone die from the likes of her ever again," Simon mutters angrily, this recollection of past events paining him.
       His once fired up and angered tone has now subsided, becoming rather bashful as his Skyy realizes just what this really is. Despite the obvious fact of Sarah's murderer walking around the group with absolutely no punishment, there's more to this than what originally meets the eye.
       This hatred is far more than what Simon bargained for. He doesn't just hate Karma because of those unforgivable actions of the past; he places this malice on Karma since he's in need of someone to blame. It's not a question that Karma was the direct culprit, earning enjoyment from the act of slicing this innocent bystander's throat, even if it was accidental in its own right.
       Although Simon is aware that Karma is the villain in this scenario, he still feels involved in some way, placing this distasteful guilt on his own conscience. For he should've looked out for Sarah that day, catching her abnormal behavior before it was too late. However, because he didn't catch all the odd signs, it led to his best friend's demise.
       "Your anger isn't about Karma. Sure, you despise her for the foul deeds she enacted, but I think you're being extremely unfair to yourself. You know that we're all capable of handling Karma, but you still place pressure on yourself. You shouldn't feel guilty about what happened that day, it wasn't your fault. The only person who needs to see that is you," Skyy states bluntly, trying to end this cyclical wave of self-loathing.
       Simon begins to grow lost in thought, realizing just how much his relationships with these people have developed over the years. At first, he wasn't fond of Skyy, Myracle as well, thinking they were typically over the top while containing an overwhelming amount of superiority. It bothered him, their bodies just naturally exuding confidence.
       What he once pictured as hatred is now who he admires to be. The reason why he acted like that is because he never had that confident attitude about him, always second guessing himself while envying the others who had it all. Even when Skyy lost a leg, she tried as best as she could to remain useful. The trait of determination being another one that Simon lacked not too long ago
       Spending time with Skyy at the compound really brought about a new perspective, realizing just how harsh he was to these kind, gentle people. Yet, even after this history of maltreatment, they still treat Simon like family. It was on that day where he finally discovered how caring Skyy truly was. Now, she's the one supporting him through another mental block.
       He scans from across the room, watching Rosie and Jess part ways as his eyes glue onto Chris' intelligent sister. Come to think of it, he never truly apologized for the careless behavior that took place at the sanctuary, putting her brother's life on the line multiple times. After he had just a breakthrough with Skyy, he wants to keep the trend going, finally making amends for his idiotic actions.
       Almost immediately, he begins to dash over  towards Rosie, Skyy not needing a response to know what Simon is thinking. He's finally leaving his old mindset in the gutter, embracing this new, fruitful way of living. By confronting Rosie about his mistakes at that dreaded sanctuary, it'll help him evolve into the best version of himself, Skyy is sure of it.
       "Where's he going now?" Chris asks in a slightly agitated tone, this being the second time someone's left without warning.
       "He's going to talk to Rosie. I think he just wants to let something off his chest," Skyy answers Chris, ultimately quieting him down as he watches Simon run off.
       If he's planning on talking to Rosie, clearly there's been something he's been pondering about. Normally, he would have no business with her, just serving as another useful ally to him. However, he's already decided. His mind is made up, finally planning on releasing some excess steam.
       Although his occasional depressive episodes have drastically impacted his life, developing his self deprecating ways as it intrudes with his rehabilitation process, Simon's finally realized that enough's enough. Instead of being controlled by these crude thoughts that were instilled in his mind at such a young age, he's going to rebuttal, gaining full access to his own life.
       Once he clears up his past actions, he'll continue this evolving phase, becoming independent against her mother's wishes. Simon's tired of sulking to himself, being alienated from his true allies due to his trauma induced life. It's time break away from this barrier he sets around himself, the barrier that Eleanor created, and flourish by moving on to bigger and better things.
       So, he'll march towards Rosie, this apology although it's late, will signify just how far he's come in this world. Now, he'll start taking responsibility for his actions, proving to his mother that she was wrong about his grit and determination. This uplifting process, starts right now.
       "Rosie, can I talk to you for a second?" Simon asks intently, noticing her treated hand, carefully wrapped in an orderly fashion.
       She gives off a simple nod, following Simon into a private area. Clearly, she sensed the sincerity of his voice, inspired to talk to her. Although she doesn't know much of what this interaction is about, this confident and prideful aura practically flooding out of him is a pleasant surprise.
       They wander into the sleeping quarters where Rosie just came from, watching her immediately flop on the bed. To get a request from Simon certainly was a surprise, shocked to see him so eager to start a conversation. After they got kidnapped, she can barely remember the last time they interacted individually.
       "So, what's up? Are you alright?" Rosie asks worriedly, still speculating about what this is exactly about.
       With some time to think, she recalls their last interaction together, a rather poor one at that. The endless rage that snuck up on her was utter insanity, taken aback by Simon's decision to simply not run. Even if damaging Chris' fragile body wasn't intentional at the time, it was an event that scarred Rosie. After all, no one messes with her family.
       Reliving that moment in the sanctuary brings about an uncomfortable feeling, realizing just how mentally unstable Simon was, regret fulfilling her body. She never wanted to resort to all that panic, that rage. It's something she wishes she could take back.
       "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. What I did at the sanctuary with Chris was out of line. I wish I could give myself an excuse, but there was none. I know that this is all probably just water under the bridge, but I just wanted to finally say it," Simon states apologetically, sighing with relief as the weight is lifted from his shoulders.
       There. He's done it. It felt so easy, but he's finally moved past this crippling feeling. For his whole life, he's felt deep grief and remorse after each negative incident, perpetually blaming himself one way or another. This symbolizes him turning a new leaf, reborn into the best version of himself. With this off his mind, he ready to take down his overbearing mother.
       "It's alright Simon, you weren't in the best place which is totally understandable. There's no need to feel guilty about that day. I mean I was upset with myself as well since I treated you poorly, so I owe you an apology just as much. Also, if it weren't for your friendship with Chris, I don't think he would've survived all this torment, so thank you," Rosie states cheerfully, earning an honest smile from Simon.
Never would've Simon even suspected that he helped Chris stay alive, the image of him in the sanctuary longing for the sweet satisfaction of death returning to him. He thought that he hurt Chris more than he helped, but hearing such heartfelt words from someone as trustworthy as Rosie makes him believe that. After all, he wouldn't have been able to make it this far if he wasn't good for something.
They share a moment together, both of them making amends as they look towards the future. Back in that sanctuary, they all hit their low points, ultimately changing their old, optimistic personalities. For what was once looked at as a stellar three years has now been tainted due to that those final few days.
However, even if most of their memories are negative, reminding them of the damaging deaths that left them speechless, they will continue to persevere. They have all their allies around them for support, the people who've shared these experiences with them. Now with everything settled, they can finally move past this old way of thinking once and for all.
Suddenly, they hear the sound of rapid footsteps from outside the room, Skyy in the doorframe as she catches her breath. Clearly, they've come here bearing news, a sense of urgency in her eyes as she catches their undivided attention.
"Guys, Myracle is gathering everyone together, supposedly it's urgent," Skyy informs them, Rosie and Simon instantly on the move.
Perhaps, they finally figured out their next course of action, but with the time they're working with, all they can do is hope that it'll be enough. The last thing they want is to take unnecessary risks. This battle has been going on for far too long, it's time for them to officially wipe that sadistic, authoritative grin off her face
They all gather by the shooting range, ignoring the gargantuan beast as Myracle and Debbie have the floor. Oddly enough, Simon notices something else, spotting Karma just beside them. Instantaneously, he's conflicted, not wanting to put his faith in a plan that this deceptive creature made up. For all they know, she could be leading them into a trap.
"So what's this all about?" Rosie asks curiously.
"I've gathered you all here to discuss about the plan we've decided to proceed with," Myracle says vaguely, leaving a long awkward pause as an odd tension begins to grow.
Simon's instantly skeptical of the situation as a whole, wondering why everyone's acting strangely. It isn't even just Myracle, it's his friends, giving off questioning expressions as they solely look at Simon. It's almost like they know what's in store. Judging by their reactions, maybe this plan isn't what they bargained for.
"Alright, if we plan on getting out of here, we'd all want to ensure the fact that Eleanor is dead. However, we're having trouble locating her, but I believe we just found our solution. Now, I'll be handing the floor to Karma," Debbie elaborates, soon dropping the bomb as Simon prepares to revoke.
His fears have just become a reality, having to rely on the very person that killed his best friend. Although he wants to improve upon his character, becoming less cold and distant, this is far too much to accept. There's no way he's putting his life on top of everyone else's in the hands of a murderer.
"Wait, we aren't seriously considering this are we? Why would we put this condescending low life in charge of our every move? I don't give a shit about this alliance, this idea is too far fetched. There has to be something else we can do," Simon rambles, aggressively shooting down the idea as the other expected.
"Oh Simon, you could leave or join. I don't care otherwise. However, I will allow a dimwit like yourself to get the bigger picture. Once you see what I'm talking about, I highly doubt that you'll walk out that door," Karma says with her typical high and mighty attitude, causing Simon to grow frustrated as he approaches her.
As soon as he walks toward the back of the shooting range to meet Karma, his suspicion fades, jaw dropping from the sight. For what lies in the back is far more intriguing, a secret hatch descending down to an unknown location. In that moment, he's all ears, keeping his guard up while also listening to the plan. With this new habit of making amends for past decisions, perhaps, he should be the bigger person, and grant Karma this chance.

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