S7E3: War

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       An unspeakable silence encapsulates the bunker, not even a pin drop could be heard during a moment like this. Any form of confidence and hope has completely eroded, the shock of the vivid scene practically on repeat in everyone's mind as it captures the horror of it all. Who knew that it would only take a couple of seconds to completely change the tone of the situation?
       Nothing has yet to disrupt this painful silence, leaving the group frozen in fear as if they hit a dead end. The expressions written on all their faces contains a similar aura of defeat, personal growth being diminished as they lock themselves away in the chamber that is their harsh, crude thoughts.
       Lily stares at the veiny, muscular mutant, just one foot being enough to cover all of Stephanie's mutilated body. The only portion that remains on display is her right arm, dangling by a thread as the splatters of blood and remnants of skin practically stick onto Lily's body.
       A pool of blood outlines the massive creature's foot, the gut-wrenching sound of bones breaking still reminiscing with everyone as the brutal image draws their attention. This is a death that no one would've ever thought to have witnessed, a mere child having to bear all the gore up close.
       Lily starts to tremble, glancing around the room as everyone shares the same wide-eyed expression. It's at this very moment, where this cheerful, vibrant little girl has lost a huge fragment of her innocence. With this image that'll forever lock itself away in her mind, she's officially learned the sorrow this world has to offer.
"M-Mommy! W-W-What happened? Is that a monster?" Lily asks frantically, tears coming down like a waterfall as Rosie goes to shield her daughter's eyes.
She can feel her daughter's eyelids aggressively close, her eyebrows brushing against her skin as Rosie finally takes a closer look. A gasp escapes from her as she becomes aware as to what Lily had just witnessed up close. This was something she never wanted her child to experience.
There's no doubt about it, Stephanie clearly died on impact, sacrificing herself for Lily. Rosie knew how noble and brave Stephanie was, Debbie always informing her about the good old days filled with these fond memories. However, one never truly appreciates another until their gone; that's the sad reality.
This woman put everyone else first, setting aside her personal problems, and instead, concentrated on building a better world for the people around them. They've sparked such change in such a short amount of time. It's shocking as to how much she's truly helped the others.
Rosie wipes the excess skin and blood off her daughter's clothes, condoling her with a warm, motherly embrace. Lily should never have experienced an event so horrid as this, let alone the most gruesome, appalling death they ever laid eyes upon.
To think that such a wonderful, charismatic woman suffered from such a fate is enough to terrify the others. Watching her body being pulverized, crushed from the immense strength of the skull crusher makes them all wonder about how the world works. If someone like Stephanie could die in such a heinous way, do the others have a chance of survival at all?
"I-It's okay sweetie. I'm right here," Rosie says with a tranquil tone, turning Lily away from the vivid scene.
She looks up at the skull crusher, noticing Eleanor standing triumphantly on its back, an entourage of knights encasing them. If they wanted to escape, there's no way of doing so now. They're trapped in the main hub with Eleanor, Stephanie's corpse practically haunting them as her soul lingers.
"Well well well, did you miss me?" Eleanor says slyly, presenting a devious smirk.
They all look at her in disgust, wanting nothing more than to kill this wicked being right then and there. However, if they're going to achieve that, they'll need to remain calm and collected, organizing a well-devised plan in hopes of accomplishing their goals.
Meanwhile, Jess continues to stare at the lifeless corpse, struggling to maintain her composure as she recalls old confrontations with Stephanie. When they were by the shoreline, Jess grew skeptical of Stephanie's motives which led to maltreatment. In the heat of the moment, she wouldn't even let Stephanie get a word in.
All because of her history with Eleanor in Bunker 01, it led Jess astray, believing that Stephanie had wicked intentions. After the deceptive nature she's seen from past altercations, her mindset seemed acceptable during the time.
Now, she can't help but grow emotional as her original position completely shifts. Stephanie never wanted any of this to happen, forced to follow Eleanor's orders at the beginning of the apocalypse. There was never a craving of gaining power for her; she was simply surviving.
Realizing all this exclusive behavior only sends Jess into a deeper depression, never giving Stephanie the apology that she deserved. That night where she learned about the cryosleep, Chris nearly taking his own life, is the same night where she reached her lowest point.
She grew defensive, secluding herself from Stephanie, almost treating her as if she were temporary, a liability. However, now that she's gone, Jess knows the true, selfless character that was Stephanie. Watching this remarkable soul sacrifice herself for Lily, showcased just how mature and caring she is.
Jess starts to grow weary, Ricky taking notice as tears start to fall. There's only a sickening feeling of remorse that remains, wishing to have given Stephanie a fighting chance, potentially growing closer with her. All it took was one action to spark a conversation, but she was too late.
Ricky places his hand on Jess's shoulder, sharing a moment with his longtime friend as they slowly start to awaken from this trance. He knows that Jess is deeply hurt, but they need to keep fighting, solidifying the fact that Stephanie didn't die in vain.
"There was nothing you could've done to prevent that. Don't beat yourself up over it. Plus, we need you to stay focused right now," Ricky says inspiringly, Jess fleeing from her corrupted mindset as she rejoins reality.
Right now, they're facing their last battle, fighting for complete and total freedom. Although this world will never return to what it once was, defeating Eleanor would suffice as a victory for them. The only factor they need to keep them happy is each other.
The group stares at Eleanor, most expressing a more concentrated demeanor while others carry other thoughts. Chris grows concerned, noticing his mother's abnormal behavior as she stares blankly at her deceased friend. Her body trembles as anger coincides with utter despair.
"S-Stephanie," Debbie mutters to herself, catching everyone's attention.
"Finally, someone speaks! I get that my presence is breathtaking and all, but I didn't expect such a reaction like this one!" Eleanor states enthusiastically, giving off her typical egocentric attitude.
The others remain speechless, Myracle sensing a newly founded wrath in Debbie, her knuckles turning white from the intense grip on her knife. No matter how reckless the situation, that won't stop her from obtaining the sweet satisfaction of revenge. If they don't stop her, then it'll result in bloodshed.
"Stephanie. Stephanie! Stephanie!" Debbie's voice grows louder and louder, startling the group as Chris walks toward his mother.
He's never seen her act so bloodthirsty before. Debbie typically holds back her resentment, making her children the priority. However, her emotions aren't being suppressed any longer. This woman will pay for all the torment she's caused.
"I'll kill you. I'll kill you!" Debbie shouts furiously, Chris and his allies holding her back.
"Mom, calm down! Please, just listen to me!" Chris states worriedly, grunting as he pulls her away from the creature.
Rosie continues to hug Lily, protecting her from the terrifying situation that they're in. Considering the scenario they've found themselves in, she's conflicted, wondering what the right move is since she's harboring her child.
There's a desire to go to her mother's aid, but she doesn't want Lily to become more petrified than she already is. This is already a traumatizing experience enough, witnessing the psychological breakdown of her grandmother won't help this innocent child in the first place.
Rosie's eyes meet with her brother's, sharing a level of understanding as she stays put. Leaving the situation up to her brother is the best thing to do at this point. There's no one she relies on more than Chris. Surely, he can calm Debbie down, drawing her away from this peculiar nature she's stuck in.
However, Rosie can't help but ponder, Why is mom acting this way? When Jeannie and Jimmy met their demise, she tried her best to leave this desire of vengeance behind, nurturing her children in the process. Seeing her mother in this light is new for Rosie, this recklessness completely out of character for Debbie. There must be something more to it all.
"Y-You killed my husband, you killed my daughter, and now, you killed my best friend! There's no way in hell you're touching the rest of my family you psychotic bitch!" Debbie spits, giving off a menacing glare.
She keeps her eyes on Eleanor, watching this tyrannical figure's every move as what was once despair and defeat now transforms into anger and pure hatred. Debbie wants nothing more than to choke the life out of this overconfident, manipulative monster. After all the endless pain this beast put her through, it's about time she settles the score by killing her.
       "Wow Debbie, I didn't expect such an improper attitude from a woman like yourself. Is there something troubling you, perhaps?" Eleanor states in a condescending tone, the others growing fearful of Debbie's next move.
       "Don't give in mom! She wants you to attack her," Rosie calls out, Tara gaining the courage to speak up.
       "She's right Debbie! Please, don't listen to this tyrant," Tara states worriedly.
       This may be a situation that doesn't involve her, but she needs to do something. Tara's been surrounded by death her whole life, the only survivor left from the sanctuary besides Debbie. However, if this carelessness continues any longer, it could lead to far more casualties.
       She might be terrified, wondering what the right move is at every turn, but that's normal in this world. All she can do is remain optimistic, providing comfort to her allies using any method imaginable. For if the lives of her people are on the line, she'd try anything to ensure their safety till the very end.
       Debbie tries to listen, failing instantly as the urge to kill won't seem to go away. She's aware of the consequences, death practically inevitable, but there's a craving to let her emotions run wild. At this point, unleashing all her negative energy would grant a sense of liberty.
       Experiencing all those heart wrenching deaths has ultimately toyed with Debbie's mental health, slowly deteriorating over time as members of her family depart. Originally, Rosie thought that her mother was in denial, acting as if nothing terrible ever occurred.
       However, she was just trying to remain strong, brushing aside the latest revelations, and instead, focusing on keeping her children alive. Not a minute goes by without thinking about Jeannie, Jimmy and all the lives that were viciously taken away, the death of Stephanie being the last straw. She won't stop until she watches the life drain from that despicable woman who enacted so much pain and trauma globally.
       Myracle dashes in front of Debbie, looking to calm her senses. Although it seems impossible to keep her at a tranquil state, she must try something, anything! They need to broaden their horizons, taking the whole picture for account by regrouping. If she can just prevent any careless behavior, they can turn all this pent up rage into an organized plan to finally settle the situation once and for all.
       She walks in front of Debbie, interfering with any possible attack. Chris remains by his mother's side, staring at her intently as he glances for some type of attitude adjustment. For if this continues any longer, it will only lead to another crippling death, recovery being nonexistent.
       "Debbie, don't do this. After all the torment and hardships you've persevered through, choosing to succumb to Eleanor's harsh words will only grant that monster with satisfaction. Just please, try to calm down," Myracle says boldly, watching her intently.
       "I-I don't know how," Debbie's voice cracks, all her emotions fusing into one.
       Witnessing the derailment of his mother's mental state is belittling to go through, pondering on what he could possibly say to convince her to stop this negligent conduct. Right now, it's Chris's job to stand by his mother, supporting her during this trying time in order to finish this war.
       "Mom, you need to listen to me. This will only end badly, Stephanie's sacrifice having gone in vain. We need you to stay alive; I need you! Just remember our promise, the promise you made with Rosie and I. Let's strive to make this world ours, together! In order to fulfill your promise, we need you to maintain your composure, at least for now," Chris rambles, the fear protruding off his demeanor.
       Just one look into her son's eyes allows Debbie to flip a switch, ultimately relaxing herself as the image of her scared, worried boy comes to mind. For her, Chris is the youngest of the family besides her granddaughter, practically a baby in her eyes. He's matured so much in this harsh world, truly evolving into a man.
       However, seeing his anxious and paranoid face that she caused only reminds her of the past. This is the moment where she needs to protect her family. If this hostility can seize over gradually, turning this hunger for blood into determination and courage, then they can finally unite forces. Together, they will succeed.
       Debbie nods in agreement, locking eyes with Rosie soon after as she clings onto Chris. This is a sight that a mother should experience on a normal morning, reminding her just how beautiful life can. She still recalls all those fond memories in the sanctuary, waking up by the sun's bright rays to the typical morning chaos of Lily's frantic cries, the adults as groggy and exhausted as ever.
       It's such a simple memory, yet it's so powerful, allowing her to appreciate the period where they achieved a state of normalcy. Enjoying the luxuries of a relaxing atmosphere with the company of her family was what made life so enchanting. It distracted them from the state of ruin that their current world is in, until Eleanor made her grand appearance, serving as a reminder to the hardships life has to offer.
       Although she promised them to stay alive, in her mind, she wasn't included. She longs to spend more time with her family, doing absolutely everything in her power to strengthen that ideal. However, if it ever comes down to it, she would sacrifice herself in a heartbeat to save her kids.
       For now, she won't focus on a hypothetical scenario. In this moment, what's necessary is realizing just how lucky they truly are. They aren't simply lucky to be alive, but they're lucky to be surrounded by such trusting and considerate people. In a life like this one, family is everything.
       They all glance up at Eleanor Hall, the ending of their wild journey about to commence. No matter what, they'll never show another sign of weakness, doing nothing but perfected attacks that'll further ensure their success. After all the sadistic behavior this maniacal creature has presented to them, their combined tenacity will be enough to petrify even a woman to her caliber.
       Meanwhile, Karma glances around the group, noticing every minor detail. She would normally shed no light on these people, typically taking advantage of them, but she finds herself to be invested in their transformation.
       Although she spent majority of her time on gaining their trust in the past, maintaining total control on Tamara's body, she still couldn't help but notice the change in their behaviors. Everyone has truly adapted well to this environment, using any negative factor as motivation to do better in this world.
       It's baffling to think that if she just hadn't run into this group after Bunker 01 was destroyed, then perhaps, it would be the same story that occurred all those years ago. Now, she's found herself to be their captive, noticing their behavioral patterns that she views as insignificant. Why is she thinking about something so meaningless?
       Her eyes suddenly shift towards Eleanor, capturing her tyrannical presence as she stares at Karma so fixedly. From the looks of it, Eleanor has some plans circulating, Karma being a vital tool to her game. However, there's no way she will submit to this woman's desires. She'd much rather be a prisoner, granting her the best chance of freedom.
       Karma barely gives her the time of day, recalling the feeling of helplessness just by looking at the vicious woman. Once she fled the sanctuary, leaving Sarah's cold, lifeless body, it was at that point where she established complete control on the vessel that was Tamara. In that very moment, she officially trumped the previous host of this body.
       It might've been a tedious process, but all her manipulation finally paid off. However, it wasn't until a year where she encountered Eleanor Hall, learning just how powerful and vile of a creature she truly was. Although she planned on joining forces, that mindset was immediately altered as soon as she was deceived, placed in a cell to rot.
       In all actuality, the arenas were rare moments of peace for Karma, letting out her aggression as her once free and liberated life was placed on hold in those demeaning cells. No matter how hard she tried to fight against Eleanor's swordsmanship skills, her attempts never worked. The final spark that officially broke Karma's confidence was removing the affect of the arenas, leaving her in a barren cell.
       She evades the monster's gaze, instead setting attention on Simon. For someone who's very opinionated and outspoken, it's odd to see him act so timid and nervous. Perhaps, the presence of his mother is bringing back his old emotions, understandable considering the impression she gives off.
       "Well, now that everything's settled, let's get down to business! Karma darling, it's wonderful to see you again. You were a little rascal when it came to your escape attempts, but luckily, I managed to stop them. Unfortunately, it was the people who you despised that set you free, a shame really. Not only did they set you, a murderer free, but it also managed to negatively impact that fragile ego of yours. Maybe, you aren't as great as you claim to be," Eleanor instigates, leaving the others floored as they catch Karma's expression.
       She's practically stunned, completely speechless, almost like Eleanor still controls her to this day. What was once a potential combination of two dangerous personalities has now transitioned into a contest of who has more grit. However, Eleanor reigned victorious as per usual, leaving Karma just as weakened as when she was first captured.
       Ricky remains in awe, solely thinking, How does Eleanor manage to silent the stubborn force that is Karma? It's mind boggling to think of the psychological warfare that went down during their first interaction. Instead of formulating as a life threatening duo, they're actually at odds with each other.
       He glances over at Skyy, stuck in a similar mindset. However, she's more interested as to what Eleanor is after, noticing how serious she seems compared to old interactions. It seems like Karma is a part of her overall plan to become superior, but after the poor history they've created, how would she accomplish this goal of hers.
       Watching Karma buckle under the pressure is a peculiar sight to say the least. After all the widespread worry and panic that she's caused, it's baffling to think that she would ever be intimidated by anyone else. It just goes to show how striking Eleanor's character truly is.
       Moreover, Skyy can't help but feel for Karma, recalling the day where they first found Tamara on the highway, leading her to safety as they quickly established a unified bond. However, with due time, they would soon learn just what evil was harbored away in this seemingly innocent body.
       It was never Tamara's fault, her disassociate identity disorder sparking a hostile  persona in the name of Karma. She almost doesn't want to accept the fact that the respectful, endearing girl they found that day is gone, replaced by a stubborn, vengeful being filled with deception and hate. However, the world isn't so forgiving anymore; it's time for her to accept the fact that Tamara has been taken over.
       Jess still recalls the day where the world finally shifted gears, worried for Tamara's life as she wished to be with her family in heaven, soon sparking the birth of this journey. Little did she know that it'd only take one action to change the course of their lives together.
       Even now, she's still unsure as to whether or not it was the right move to flee Bunker 03, realizing just how many lives were lost shortly after making that gut-wrenching decision. However, it's a choice that she'll have to live with for the rest of her life, for she won't know if it was all worth it until this fight is finally finished.
       Karma tries to speak, unable to think of anything to say. To think that someone managed to knock her off her pedestal is mind boggling. Typically, she's the one in control, constantly withering away at people's emotions for her personal gain.
This moment is surreal for her, wondering just when did Eleanor gain the upper hand on her? Even when she isn't locked away in a cell, limited to what she can actually do, she's still not completely free. Eleanor has already beaten her mentally.
"However, I'm willing to give you a second chance Karma. I see great potential in you; you're a great fighter after all. All you have to do, is join me. Join me and we can take the world by storm, achieving any goal or desire we set our minds to. So, what do you say?" Eleanor asks curiously, awaiting for her ally in this war.
All eyes point to Karma, realizing how much this could change their whole dynamic. If they have yet another powerful force to worry about, then winning alone would seem unobtainable. Knowing Karma, there's a strong possibility that she'll be a turncoat.
Everyone displays a hint of fear, Karma considering the offer. If she could just barely escape this relentless group, then there's no stopping them. However, there's no way of knowing if Eleanor's promise is legitimate. If there's one thing Karma knows about this woman, it's that she can't share the spotlight.
She glances even further, her mind still racing until the answer becomes obvious. As soon as she meets Chris's stern, serious gaze just beside her, she's aware of what the right decision is. If she even attempts to break away from his firm grip, it'll signify instant death. There wouldn't be any ounce of hesitation.
It's for her best interest that she remains by Chris's side if she plans on staying alive. Plus, with a woman like Eleanor, her intentions are always clouded. In order to regain her freedom, Eleanor must be out of the picture.
"Well Eleanor, it's an intriguing offer, but I can't accept. I much rather take my chances with these low lives than with the likes of you," Karma fights back, giving off a devious smirk.
"You really don't know when to stop talking do you?" Jess groans, rolling her eyes at the presence of Karma.
Although they must maintain a close eye on someone who shares a horrid history with their group, it's a much better alternative than having her on Eleanor's side. For if the situations were reversed, their chance at survival would be very slim.
At this point, everyone is fully attentive, locking eyes with Eleanor as she merely glances around the group. It's like she's targeting her next victim, seeking for a soul to toy with until they crack, resulting in their own downfall. Psychological warfare is a specialty of hers that further guarantees her success.
"What's your deal Eleanor? What is it that you're after?" Myracle asks bluntly, fed up with her passive aggressive methods.
"Just want to have one last conversation with you guys before we initiate in combat. We've been through a lot together after all," Eleanor says with a fake smile, enough to enrage the group.
Debbie grits her teeth, imagining the satisfaction of charging full steam ahead, looking to end the life of this awful human being. However, she refutes this dream of hers, knowing that a hasty decision like that is what this woman is aiming for.
"You're a fucking monster. How could you do all of this?" Debbie states harshly, earning a chuckle from Eleanor.
Witnessing this freak of nature react in such a way just showcases how sadistic she truly is. Moments like these remind the group just how terrifying she can be, solely caring about containing power in this hellish world that she created.
Tara gives off a foreboding glare, recalling just how much Eleanor took from her. If looks could kill, she would've already been dead. The more she thinks about the past, the more she realizes just how much this tyrant negatively impacted her life. If it weren't for her, the sanctuary would've never been compromised.
Perhaps, if everything remained to be normal, than her mother wouldn't have switched to Eleanor's side, leading to the death of Ryan and Matthew. There's no telling how Laura would've acted down the line, but Eleanor not finding this place could've prevented such misery from occurring.
Although her mother deserved all the pain that was coming to her, killing Laura will forever haunt Tara till this day. It's something she never wanted to experience. However, considering the situation she was in, Tara's glad to have stopped her mother from committing anymore heinous actions led by Eleanor's influence.
"How could you be laughing right now? You killed the people who I grew up with at the sanctuary. What caused you to become so evil and selfish?" Tara snarls, remembering all the fond memories of the sanctuary.
Laura might've been emotionally abusive, but there were still wonderful moments that occurred there. Besides meeting her newly founded allies, getting to know Mattie reminded Tara that good people still exist. She's lucky to have been a part of a genuine community.
"What can I say, I love being in control. It provides me with joy to watch others cater to my every need out of fear. It's thrilling to stare at my army of knights who remind me just how empowering I really am," Eleanor states proudly, Tara growing more agitated.
Before she could rebuttal, Myracle rests her hand on Tara's shoulder, giving off a supportive and warm demeanor. Just like Debbie, if she were to lose focus on the task at hand, it'll spell trouble for the entirety of the group. It's best to remain calm in such a dire situation.
A tense atmosphere formulates in the blink of an eye, silence encapsulating the main hub of the bunker as the only sound being heard is of the clanking armor of the knights, just behind the heroes. Attention shifts onto the elephant in the room, Eleanor taking notice as she glances at their child.
Simon's been rather unresponsive, avoiding his mother's predominant gaze. For the longest time, he's been itching for a chance of confront Eleanor, erupting all his emotional baggage on the woman that made his life a living hell. It's something that's been eating away at him for so long, but now, he hesitates.
There's so much to say, but he refuses to open his mouth, beating himself up on the inside as his insecurities come to light, causing Eleanor to smirk. From the looks of it, Simon's still under her control. All she needs to do is breakdown their insubordinate child's will to place the final nail in their coffin.
"Why hello again, Paige. You look as despicable and disappointing as usual. It's such a shame to see you still ignoring me, your own mother. It's absolutely disgusting behavior to ignore your family's wishes. Have you no heart or self-respect? You truly are a disgrace," Eleanor says coldly, the others growing infuriated as Simon's self-esteem plummets.
After all the growth and perseverance that he's went through, all that goes through his mind is, Why can't I speak my mind to this insolent woman after such a long period of time? Even when he had the chance to start over, granting him the independence that he craved for, Eleanor interfered. Will he ever escape his mother's pestering ways?
His attempt of speaking becomes nothing but a thought, a fragment of time lost as his confidence withers away piece by piece, little by little. If he can't break out of this damaging cycle of self-neglect, then what's the point of staying alive in the first place?
"You're wrong!" Chris steps forward, his body filled with rage as this sudden action catches Simon's attention.
Eleanor watches as the pity for Simon fades, replacing itself with hope as everyone gazes at Chris. It's almost like they know what he's about to say. Perhaps, this very moment could symbolize Simon breaking away from his old habits, unleashing all of his feelings at once.
"Firstly, his name is Simon, get it right. Secondly, I'm positive that your lack of presence has only made him that much of a better person. We've all witnessed his tremendous growth on this crippling journey, battling through his insecurities as well as helping others in the process. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be alive right now. So, you're wrong, he isn't a disappointment, nor a disgrace. In fact, if you really think that, then you're far more despicable and horrible than I ever imagined," Chris states confidently.
Jess and Ricky walk beside Chris, standing up for their longtime friend when he needs it the most. Simon has been a huge increment in their lives, constantly providing them with joy as his presence alone is enough to distract them from the danger that encases this world.
"He's right! Simon is a true survivor, someone who never gives up. Without him, we never would've lasted as long as we did. I'm proud to have spent so many years by someone so amazing," Ricky states warmly, smiling at Simon.
"It's been challenging for all of us to adapt to this world, but having Simon in our group made it feel like nothing had changed. Sure, we have to stay wary of mutants, but the solace and reassurance that he provides is irreplaceable. The only person who's flawed here is yourself," Jess adds on, silencing Eleanor.
       Skyy takes a step forward, catching the others by surprise as well as herself. She's well aware that their relationship with Simon isn't as secure as the others', but it still won't stop her from standing up for her ally. No one deserves such cruel, demeaning words.
       "Although I haven't had as much time to grow incredibly close with Simon like the others, I can still proudly say how much of an attribute he is in our group. You may find him to be despicable and disappointing, but I find him to be brave and caring. He's never stopped looking out for us, his real family. There's no reason why he should listen to someone like you," Skyy states boldly.
Simon's jaw drops, unable to fathom what just occurred. He can't help but cry as he watches his allies, his friends, his family stick up for him, allowing him to realize just how much he has. This support reminds him of old memories with Sarah, never failing to condole him during times of need.
Even after all their individual speeches, Eleanor still remains quiet, attempting to brush it off like it was nothing. However, Simon can see the anger in his mother's eyes, smirking at the thought of finally shutting up his overbearing, insolent monster.
Finally, he now feels like he could accomplish anything. With the support of his friends warming his heart, it defeats any of the negative thoughts that spewed about in his mind. Even though Eleanor will never accept who Simon truly is, he smiles, knowing that the people who matter truly care for him.
"O-Oh whatever, Paig—," Eleanor stutters, immediately getting cut off.
"My name, is Simon you fucking prick! For the longest time, I wanted you to accept me for who I really am, but I now realize that I don't need your approval. I got my real family right beside me. You don't deserve me you conniving, manipulative son of a bitch! Even the mutants are more human than you," Simon snaps, finally giving Eleanor a piece of his mind after a lifetime of sorrow and neglect.
He sighs with relief, satisfied with his response as he finally pushes back the final obstacle of his self-deprecating ways. Now that he's told off his mother, he can finally consider himself as a survivor, persevering through any obstacle that reveals itself.
The others smile at Simon, proud of all that he's accomplished, becoming more than capable of outlasting this strenuous war they've found themselves in. However, although their lives are on the line, they aren't scared. For they are surrounded by people who will never leave their side.
Just as Simon begins to speak, he grows infatuated with the skull crusher's lingering stare, Skyy noticing as well. She still won't forget the day they infiltrated Bunker 01, attempting to save the remainder of their group members while first meeting this new, precarious creature.
There's still a sense of confusion from that unforgettable, unsettling moment in the woods, the skull crusher on the verge of killing them both until it hesitates. For just a second, that one mutant seemed to resemble the same qualities of a human. It was a scenario they never could explain.
Simon grows enchanted by this creature, wondering the details of its origin. There's no way a mutant can be so intelligent and so charismatic compared to the rest. The mystery of the skull-crusher needs to be solved as soon as possible, especially if they plan on defeating Eleanor.
Suddenly, Eleanor chuckles, soon leading to a series of maniacal laughter, disturbing the group as her rationale is questioned. Just how mentally secluded is Eleanor Hall? Being able to shift to a sudden wicked laughter like that is abnormal to say the least. It emphasizes just how unpredictable she is.
"Judging by your intent stares of bewilderment, I would assume that you're curious about my personal bodyguard if you will," Eleanor returns to her old behavioral pattern.
"It didn't attack me in the woods that day. You know something, don't you?" Simon asks curiously.
The others await for a response, Eleanor giving off a sly smirk as she regains their undivided attention. Clearly, this topic is more significant than originally anticipated. After all, how could a mutant be so advanced as well as carry sentimental value?
"Simon, this creature is your father. That's why he never attacked you that day. However, he really should've if I had anything to say about it," Eleanor reveals, leaving the others perplexed.
Simon's in denial, refusing to believe that his father transformed into a gargantuan mutant. However, since Eleanor started this apocalypse, it would make sense coming from someone as wicked and cruel as her.
The others are stunned, noticing Simon's body trembling from the immense rage that's fueling him. All he could think was, Is she lying? How could she deform her husband into such a vile, horrifying creature? It doesn't add up in the slightest.
"T-That's impossible. You're lying!" Simon shouts aggressively, soon spotting the skull crusher's awkward stare.
"I've finally made that man into something useful! Besides, he was more significant as a powerful mutant than as my lowlife husband," Eleanor says pridefully, enraging Simon even further as he draws his gun from the holster.
She's not only went against her own family, but she's also dehumanized them, turning them into creatures of destruction. How could someone act this way towards their own flesh and blood? It's at this very moment where Simon has officially given up on his biological family. They will no longer have ahold on his mental state anymore.
With just one bullet, it signifies the start of this war. He's improved as a human being over time, transitioning into a true survivor. Now, he can live independently, spreading his wings as he grows accustomed with this harsh world they live in. There's no need to hold on to his biological family anymore; it's time to look after himself.
"I promise that I'm going to do everything in my power to kill you," Simon states blatantly, firing his gun with no hesitation.
Almost instantly, knights bombarde the group members, the skull crusher taking the bullet for Eleanor as it unleashes a mighty roar. One second was all it took to start this inevitable war. There's no more room for error as they race to gain the upper hand.
Jess charges toward the knights, taking on the majority of the challenge with Myracle and Tara beside her as Ricky and Skyy follow shortly behind. She watches as Eleanor departs from the main hub, Chris and the others following her as they intend on ending the war early.
"Everyone proceed with caution! This isn't a race. We need to remain focused if we plan of taking care of Eleanor and her posse," Jess says sternly.
       "You got it! I'll be right by your side if you need me," Skyy says with encouragement.
"Agreed, just remain calm and fight!" Myracle states triumphantly, charging forward as they draw first blood.
The clatter of swords and armor meshes together with gunshots as they work in unison, mutants' snarls reverberating just outside the bunker from the skull crusher's roar. Blood splatters as they strike down their enemies, disregarding the cries of agony.
Ricky glances around him, grateful for how far he's come in this world with the help of his trustworthy allies. He wouldn't choose to fight alongside anyone else besides the people who he's grown up with. They've been by his side through thick and thin, always reminding him about what makes up a good life.
They all share a level of understanding with one another, their dynamic being stronger than ever before as they carefully navigate through the next series of obstacles. Although they never wanted to resort to violence amongst other people, it's a necessity when it comes to their survival.
Soon after the first wave of knights, mutants start to join the fight, causing Jess to make a startling revelation. Myracle and Tara are slowly straying further away from the others, concentrating on staying alive. They've all been through far too much to be overtaken by these followers.
Although there's a longing to rejoin the others, it'll be risky for the people who she's with currently. Plus, it could serve as a distraction to Myracle and Tara, disrupting their teamwork. For now, all they can do is focus on what's in front of them, eventually reuniting with the rest of the group.
It takes some time, but Myracle and Tara eliminate the knights on the right hand side, looking to assist Jess and the others until they're stopped in their tracks. For what's waiting for them is something they didn't bargain for.
They gaze in awe at the skull crusher, walking towards them as they remain cornered. Spiraling off in different directions has only led to a more difficult task, their group members scattered in this large complex. While they face their own battle, Myracle and Tara will face theirs.
Although they're the first to face this massive predator without the others, they still have one another to rely on. For if they face this challenge together, they can prevail with their newly founded familial bond.
"Are you ready?" Myracle asks her cousin curiously, resembling the similar presence of a warrior.
Tara takes in the imagery of this dilapidated bunker, the chaos barely affecting her. After all the trials this world put her through, nothing will shock her at this point. Simply being by her cousin's side is enough encouragement for her. All that's left, is to finally take back their old way of life, together.
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," Tara chuckles, ready to face this challenge alongside her bloodline.
Meanwhile, Chris chases after Eleanor, practically dragging Karma along with him while Debbie and Simon trail behind. However, he soon comes to a realization, stopping in his tracks as he whips his body around frantically. Surely enough, Rosie and Lily remain at the far end of the lobby, separated from the other subdivisions of the group.
"Rosie! Lily!" Chris shouts across the way, not wanting his sister to be alone.
He loses sight of her, immediately growing concerned. After being surrounded by a widespread of trauma and death, Chris has grown anxious of experiencing anymore hardship. That's why this final battle is so crucial; its the last remaining increment to spark a relatively normalized life.
Just as he's about to dash after the rest of his family, Simon stops him, giving off a comforting expression. He's aware as to how much they mean to him, but right now, they all need to remain hopeful that everyone will be alright.
"Let's keep moving Chris. They'll be alright on their own. Rosie will think of something," Simon says reassuringly.
"I know how hard this is Chris, but we both need to keep moving. Rosie's survived through far worse. I'm sure she can handle whatever's thrown at her," Debbie says in a motherly tone, granting Chris with relief as he nods in agreement.
       Rosie watches as her family chases after Eleanor across the way, leaving her alone with the sole responsibility of protecting her daughter. Although the fear she feels is immeasurable, she'll do whatever it takes to cherish Lily no matter what obstacle is in front of her.
       However, with one glance of Lily's lovable, angelic face, that serves as enough inspiration to fight until the very end. She isn't just fighting for herself anymore, she's fighting for her kin. That's all she needs to persevere through this endangering experience.
       She would much rather be by her family's side, but after all they've gone through, she knows that she'll see them again. Right now, she must focus on avoiding these ravaging mutants, claiming her title as a good mother.
They might be divided into individual groups, but they've never felt more prepared. Although the unexpected has occurred sooner than originally anticipated, they will never give up until their last dying breath. Even if victory may seem unobtainable, they'll keep pushing.
As long as they have the support of one another, it doesn't matter whether or not they're in the same location. Their sense of unity will finally end this war. No matter how belittling this battle may entail, they'll do whatever it takes to achieve an enriching life with the rest of this diverse, lovable family.

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