S6E10: Promise Me

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       The group continues with their escapade, Jimmy's demise still fresh on their minds as they take advantage of the adrenaline and anger built up in their bodies. Chris strikes down every crawler in sight, the destination growing closer and closer as his sanity drifts into the abyss of his empty body.
       Although he's unleashing all his pent up rage and emotional trauma upon these creatures, it still isn't enough. He can't stand the thought of watching anymore of his family members reach their inevitable deaths. After the unfortunate life he was given, there's barely any chance of obtaining redemption.
       The black blood splatters onto his face as Jeannie's bat starts to grow fragile. After claiming his sister's weapon, he realizes that this bat is now more than a mere weapon. It signifies the history of all their encounters, mostly Jeannie's.
       For Chris, using this bat was for representing his sister, allowing him to believe that no matter what, Jeannie was still with him. The more he starts to swing with all his might, the more disheveled the bat starts to feel, noticing this tension that wasn't there before.
       The immense force is starting to degrade the weapon, causing it to snap into two individual pieces. Although the others looked at this bat as an expendable weapon, Chris saw something different. What he saw, was his sister. Now that this simple bat is destroyed, there's nothing left of Jeannie. She's gone.
       Rosie and Debbie follow the group's lead, still not able to wrap their heads around what just occurred. Just like that, Jimmy's dead. However, what's even more peculiar is how silent the rest of the group was, especially Chris. Something isn't right; they just know it.
       Debbie remains quiet, trying not to weep uncontrollably from the loss of her husband. All she could think was, Why is this happening to our family? All this disdain and torture is becoming far to overwhelming. Just as their family started to get back together, that positive resolution crumbled in an instant.
       At this point, all she wants is to mourn this loss with the rest of the family, meeting up with Jeannie back towards the perimeter. It shouldn't be too long now. In just a few minutes, she can finally lay eyes upon her fearless daughter. However, she can't help but remain skeptical as to why Jeannie didn't partake in this escapade.
       While Debbie remains isolated in her own thoughts, barely able to communicate even if she wanted to, Rosie grows suspicious of her brother. As soon as that bat broke upon the impact from the swing, it looked like his heart sunk, the others taking notice of this seemingly meaningless scenario.
       It's odd to see Chris react more to a baseball bat breaking than his own father's death. Although they didn't spend much time with one another, Jimmy was still family. Typically, Chris would be a reckless and an emotional mess after someone he knew passed away. Oddly enough, he's been acting secluded and emotionless since his arrival.
       She dashes past the broken bat, jaw gaping at the realization. The bat that Chris was using was Jeannie's. Why was Chris using Jeannie's bat? Rosie thinks to herself worriedly as she starts to align all the pieces together. She doesn't even want to imagine a world without her sister. If she doesn't spot her outside of the fences, then Rosie would truly be broken.
       "Alright guys, it's just a clear path ahead, so let's pick up the pace," Matthew says reassuringly, motivating everyone to keep on moving.
       "Finally, we can get out of here!" Tara states enthusiastically, the others remaining silent.
       Her face translates into a tint of red from the embarrassment, realizing the situation they're in. Debbie and Rosie have lost Jimmy, but little do they know that their livelihoods will soon be flipped upside down. No one wants to inform them about Jeannie's demise, but they deserve to know.
       Debbie looks around, noticing the awkward tension as all sense of resolve instantly fades. They must know something that they don't. Even Stephanie, her ally for such a large amount of time hasn't even consoled her, keeping her distance.
       Whatever this group is hiding, it must have something to do with Chris. Debbie isn't prepared for another setback like this one, it would ruin her. All she desires is to spend this time with her life, her inspiration, her family.
       Suddenly, Simon and Skyy meet up along the outskirts, struggling to catch their breath. Rosie and Debbie both share a look, glancing around aimlessly for Jeannie. This can't be happening. They've already been through so much.
       "The woods are relatively clear, so let's head back to the shoreline. That should hopefully separate us from them," Skyy says in a serious tone.
       "Yeah we should all get moving, but where are the others? Weren't Jimmy and Mattie also with you guys?" Simon asks curiously.
A period of painful silence commences, Chris and the rest of his family avoiding eye contact at the sound of Jimmy's name. Ricky signals Simon to be quiet, capturing the natural atmosphere in this current moment. Right now, they just need to focus on one thing, surviving.
      The tension is at an all time high as they dash through the forest, the satisfying crunch of the snow beneath their feet not enough to calm them. There's been no sign of anyone stopping to talk to Debbie and Rosie. They can't constantly live in this state of secrecy, revolving around their cruel thoughts.
       Finally, Rosie decides to stop running, catching Chris's attention as the others soon follow. Tears start to swell up in her eyes, her heart beating a mile a minute from all the running. She desperately wants an answer as to where Jeannie is, but the response she receives just might permanently scar her for life.
"Rosie? Are you okay?" Myracle asks worriedly, noticing her troubled expression.
Seeing Rosie in a weakened state like this is new for Myracle. After what just occurred with Jimmy, it's understandable, but there's clearly something more to this. She didn't notice the difference before, but the revelation just hit her. Jeannie isn't with them, ultimately changing the dynamic.
Jeannie served as a breath of fresh air for Myracle, bonding over their shared interests of physical activity, enjoying one another's company. Oddly enough, Chris clearly knows this secret, it's practically written all over his face. She needs to address this issue with him.
Just as she tries to draw an answer from Chris, Jess grasps at her arm in a sense of urgency, expressing a disheveled expression. Judging off this peculiar reaction alone, Jess wants her to stop while she's ahead. Whatever this secret is, it must be important.
Stephanie glances as this once unified family slowly starts erupting before her very eyes. She's known Debbie for a while, aware of how loving and caring she truly is. This horrid revelation will be challenging to overcome. The painful, vivid memories of this harsh day will never fade away, merely getting slightly easier over time, just until you fall to your vulnerability once again.
"We may be far from the compound Rosie, but we should still keep moving," Skyy says suggestively.
Rosie's mind starts to spiral out of control, her mother remaining to herself while struggling to accept this reality. They're both expecting the worst, but they just need to know for sure.
"Chris! Please just tell me where Jeannie is! I need to know what's going because you're my brother!" Rosie states hysterically, growing erratic at the situation.
"I-I want to know too," Debbie says hesitantly, the shoreline now in sight.
They can feel the freezing winds make contact with their skin, sending shivers down their spines while this awkward silence simmers amongst the group. The heart wrenching information is now upon them; it's time to inform them about this other devastating loss.
Matthew steps forward, attempting to speak before Chris shushes him, cutting him off while walking towards his family. If anyone should tell his family about Jeannie, it's Chris. Back then, he had no one to lean on, his family missing in action while his best friend perished alongside his sister.
He was weak, afraid. It feel like his world has shattered, his existence being meaningless as he craved for one thing only, vengeance. He doesn't want his family to repeat his old actions. What they need in this depressing moment is the support from a loved one. That's something he didn't have at the time.
       "J-Jeannie's gone. There was an explosion, and s-she's dead," Chris whimpers, his voice weakening as the tears finally fall.
       He didn't showcase any emotion for Jimmy's death, but it was all a buildup until this very moment. The tears stream down his face as if it were a waterfall, setting aside this serious tone he's placed on himself.
       "N-No. No! I can't lose her. I can't lose my daughter!" Debbie falls to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably as Rosie follows in the same footsteps.
       Debbie's life has just been flipped upside down, losing two family members as she watches the chaos commence. Never in her right mind would she have pictured outliving her own, strong and confident daughter. This is a reality that she cannot accept.
       She can feel her throat closing up, truly witnessing the worst of them all, loss. Her breathing becomes staggered while intaking sudden deep breaths. At this point her soul is tainted, rotten to the core to know that she's officially failed her family. She thought her husband's death would be the hardest to adapt to, but to her surprise, she was wrong.
       "J-Jeannie," Rosie whispers in a gloomy tone,  realizing just what she's lost.
       The feeling of immense pain hits her like a ton of bricks. She's just lost her energetic, vibrant sister who's been attached with her. Jeannie was a part of her everyday life, and now, she has to say goodbye.
       Before the apocalypse, they would share a room with another, having their share of fights mixed in with moments of support and gratitude. She's never been without her sister before. Adapting to this new, crude way of life won't be easy in the slightest.
       There's a mixture of emotions as anger fuses with utter sadness, watching as all aspects of her old life starts getting ripped away. Whenever a family member passes, it's always difficult to persevere through the trauma, but this feels different.
       Rosie never got to spend her final moments with Jeannie, Eleanor taking her only chance by putting all their lives in jeopardy. What she needs right is the comfort from the only source of family she has left. For this day will never be forgotten as she strives to make Eleanor's life a living hell.
       She reels in Chris and Debbie for a hug, growing vulnerable as they put aside their survival instincts for a moment. The group takes this time to rest, not wanting to disrupt this rather somber event. They were prepared for this day, the day where their lives would inevitably change forever.
       Chris clenches his fists, completely worn out from all the strenuous activity. Although he's finally let out some tears, it wasn't nearly as enough as the other encounters from the past . At this point, he's too far gone, solely wanting to lay down and give up.
       He might not be expressing his sadness to its full capability, but that's only because he's emotionally drained. Jimmy's death was enough to traumatize him even further, realizing what exactly he took for granted. Just as his father was about to rejoin the family, this unforgiving had created other plans.
       The others can tell that Chris has changed, the remainder of the group walking towards the shoreline. His personality has been massively impacted ever since they stepped out of the Bunker. Sometimes, they all wish to go back, accepting their fate possibly resulting in a less time consuming outcome.
       Chris no longer cares about himself; that's out of the picture. If his group members were to be in danger, he wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice his life instead of theirs. He's seen a wide variety of deaths, slowly depleting his morale over time. He's reached a point where he's tired of all the anguish and premature deaths. They need their old lives back.
       "Y-Y-You guys have to promise me something," Debbie begins, wiping at her eyes only for her tears to split over, flowing down her face like a river escaping a dam.
       Rosie and Chris share a look, acknowledging that the original flare and spark of life has vanished. All they have to keep them going is each other. Jeannie and Jimmy can't die in vain; that thought alone already being too hard to bear.
       "Anything Mom. We're still right besides you," Rosie states reassuringly, her motherly instincts kicking in as she glances at her beacon of hope.
       Lily resides by Myracle and the others, consistently looking back as she looks ready to cry. Although she's young, she's gained a rather advanced perspective for a four year old. In fact, her birthday was recently. However, with the events they had to endure, luxuries like that become noticed rarely.
       She can tell that something is wrong, sensing the uneasiness of the family while bombarding Myracle with questions. If it weren't for her helping out with Lily, Rosie wouldn't have been here right now. She needs this moment to grieve this tragic lost of her sibling. One thing is for certain; she will never be the same again.
       "You two need to promise me that you'll stay alive. I need to know that you'll do everything in your willpower to persevere through this defying world," Debbie states boldly, the tears still not stopping.
       Chris gives off a mere nod, realizing how they're all in this together. He'd risk anything for the ones he love, craving the satisfaction of a normal and secure life for his family, especially Lily. She should be living her childhood to the fullest, not worrying about life and death.
       After this moment with Rosie and Debbie, they know what's at stake. They're all that's left in this family, prioritizing the lives of one another and Lily. Although this is the lowest they've ever felt, this promise might keep them alive despite all the obstacles that they'll encounter.
       "W-We promise mom," Rosie states softly, giving off a fake smile.
       "Good," She quickly states, sighing heavily as her head drops down towards the snow.
       They remain there for a moment, their embrace providing enough warm amongst this harsh environment. It might feel like their falling to their inevitable doom, hope completely out the window as all their motives of life slowly fade away. However, if this promise reigns true, then perhaps, they can survive.
       Time passes as the rest of the group remains on the shoreline, recalling everything that's happened while they merely try and forget their troubles. Currently, everyone is dispersed, grouping up into smaller groups as they recover from the endangering battle. It's been a rather long night for them.
Simon goes on patrol alongside Ricky and Skyy, immediately getting flashbacks of Chris's suicide attempt not too long ago. Lately, he's barely been sleeping, constantly fearing the livelihoods of himself as well as his allies. It's demeaning to know that this torment has become the norm for all of them.
He glances over at Ricky and Skyy, noticing how quiet they are. Typically, these two are highly energetic, always getting involved and active with the members of the group. Seeing this laid back, melancholy side to them is strange for Simon.
"How are you guys holding up?" Simon asks curiously, breaking the silence.
The peace and tranquility of this team has been broken, replaced with vengeance and misery. After all of this fighting is over with, they'll definitely experience post traumatic stress, some already heading down that path. They need to get their minds off this loss if they plan on moving forward.
"Tired," Ricky states blatantly, barely containing an ounce of emotion.
"Just getting by," Skyy adds on, not communicating much more.
Clearly, the events that unfolded this evening has set everyone back emotionally. They're all scarred, fearful of what's to come for their future. What's going to happen with Eleanor and her army? Although Simon has always been the one receiving support, perhaps, providing reassurance will help the others grieve their losses.
"We should be talking. I'm more than willing to in order for us all to move on. Please, express your thoughts to me," Simon walks in front of them, forcing them to oblige.
They remain skeptical, having a mixture of doubt and temptation. There's this craving to let all their worries go, allowing them to finally persevere through yet another obstacle. However, the atmospheric tension is too much. They don't know if it'll be beneficial for their sanity to unleash all the emotional baggage building up within them.
Skyy desperately wants to let it all out, but she doesn't know where to start. She appreciates Simon gesture, but it's difficult to just simply unload all this pent up rage upon one another. Just at a glance, she could tell that Ricky is tentative about the correct actions to take.
"I'll begin by saying how much I've changed ever since this started. Something like this won't get any easier, but I've learned that it's important to rely on the ones you have in front of you. Back when Sarah died, I secluded myself which ultimately lead to some poor decision making. I don't want you guys to follow in my footsteps," Simon begins, resting beside a tree.
He invites the others to sit beside him, allowing them to hash out their every thought. In reality, Simon has evolved throughout this journey, finally moving on from the past. It might've taken a long time to adapt to his new surroundings, but he's proud of what he's achieved.
As long as he has his allies by his side, there's still hope. Although there will be negative moments of their lives, he's still surrounded by people that he cares for unconditionally. No matter what their relationship may be, it provides a different spark that makes his life fulfilling.
After Tamara fled, she took the abusive nature along with her. Simon has now successfully maneuvered his way around this unpredictable world, finding a certain rhythm as he desperately tries to remain optimistic despite all the hardships he encounters daily. Once her villainous mother is taken care of, then Simon can finally be free.
"I get it. I feel like I've succumbed to the harshness of the world finally, but I still feel like something's missing. I just wish we could return to how life used to be," Ricky says defeatedly, opening up to the others.
Compared to everyone else, it was challenging to adapt to the extremities the world had to offer. He typically remained on the sidelines, growing reliant and attached to his allies while avoiding confrontation. The mutants terrified him; it was as simple as that.
However, Jill's death was a wake up call. Watching someone he cares for deeply die before his very eyes, it showed him just how unforgiving this new world was. Although he alienated himself, desperately trying to forget about Jill, he eventually forced himself to fight against the odds.
Not only did this decision better his chances at survival, but it proved to be beneficial for the others. Feeling that satisfaction of helping his newly founded family, it allowed him to feel useful.
Noticing his growth throughout this apocalypse has been a surreal experience, conflicted as he watches the original flare of his personality fade away. This gruesome way of life has completely altered his original way of thinking. There's a strong possibility that he'll never return to who he was.
"I understand what you mean Ricky. This is definitely an unforgiving world we live in. However, we have each other. Let's just keep remembering what we're trying to achieve,"
Skyy says reassuringly.
They all nod in agreement, continuing their patrol while admiring the beautiful scenery of this seemingly magical winter wonderland. However, although this shoreline looks mesmerizing, looks can be deceiving.
Two terribles events have already occurred here. Whether it was Chris's suicide attempt or the aftermath of Jimmy and Jeannie, most of their experiences have been filled with pain. It's almost like this piece of land is cursed.
Moreover, positivity is vital right now. They must remain focused and optimistic as they navigate through this world with the endless support of their allies. Even when one is weary and on the verge of defeat, someone will be right beside to lift them up, helping them on this brutal journey of liberty.
Meanwhile, Jess remains at the camp, grouped together with Tara and Matthew as Myracle assists her. Amongst all the chaos they endured in that battle, Matthew has been rather secretive at the extent of his injuries. He failed to mention it before, but the mutants managed to break his skin, leaving out his open wounds.
"You should've told me about your injuries sooner Matthew. You're aware as to how bad this could've progressed," Jess lectures Matthew, causing Myracle to chuckle.
Ever since she helped train Jess for the outside world, her improvement has been evolving at a rapid pace. Watching her leadership instincts kick in has showcased the drive she contains. After getting to know Jess, Myracle can confidently say that she's a good friend to her.
Jess was one of the first group members to fully understand Myracle. This was how she officially became a member of the group, providing a sense of unity among her peers. She's happy to have this tight bond with such a calm and collected woman.
       "Well, I'm telling you now aren't I?" Matthew chuckles, laughing away at the pain.
       Not noticing the extent of Matthew's injuries is enough to make Tara's blood boil. How could she not realize that he was in pain while they were next to one another? The fact that he didn't mention just showcases how selfless he truly is.
       "Matt! You shouldn't have pushed yourself the way that you did. The wound could've gotten infected you idiot," Tara states in hysteria, earning a chuckle from Matthew.
       Watching Tara get frustrated is adorable to him. It proves that she cares for his well-being. Although Jess might be fidgeting with his wounds, he's barely in pain. Tara's presence provides a warmth that's calming to him. He can't help but tease her for caring too much
       "Ok, I'll be careful," Matthew tries to conceal his laughter, only to get playfully hit in the process.
Jess watches as Matthew and Tara act flirtatiously, realizing just how much Matt has grown. She used to despise his egomaniacal character, thinking of him as controlling and abusive. However, as time passed, he's truly calmed down and reevaluated his past actions.
After the incident with Ricky, he strived to change his behavior, ultimately transforming into the person he is today. For the first time in a long time, Matthew can actually say that he's happy. It's practically written all over his face.
Jess can tell that Matt's becoming more open and vulnerable with everyone, letting his guard down as his worries get washed away. He's finally met someone who can allow him to live his life without fearing every possibly scenario. Perhaps, he's finally realized that he's worth more than being solely a fighter.
Their dynamic with one another is reassuring, it allows everyone to be themselves for at least a moment. No one has truly experienced Matthew's soft side, solely focused on displaying a serious attitude while protecting his people. However, with time, he's finally come out of his shell.
"She's right Matt. You have to be careful, but you're lucky that it's nothing too serious. I'll just patch you up real quick then you can go to bed," Jess states informatively, solely concentrating on the task at hand.
If you were to glance a little closer at this scene, there's something odd being presented here. It's almost like the roles have been reversed, Jess being the protector while Matthew finally comes to his senses.
"Thank you Jess," Matthew says warmly, giving off a soft smile.
Jess immediately stops what she's doing, surprised to hear that from Matt. His demeanor shines brightly as his grin goes from ear to ear. He's truly found happiness in a world that has seemingly vanished. To think that he made the best of a brutal world is only more encouraging to her. Perhaps, they can return to a state of normalcy one day.
While they enjoy each other's company, Myracle rests just outside the tent, rummaging through her thoughts. She starts to think about the escape attempt, something bugging her as she struggles to remember a rather small detail. There's no evident reason as to what's bothering her, but she needs to know what it is.
She proceeds to rethink all her past actions, resorting back from the first day in the cells to their last moments in that gruesome compound. Suddenly, she recalls the one mere detail, realizing just how beneficial this information could be.
It involves the keys that Jimmy gave her right before he was dragged away, locked away in that unforgiving arena. Although she paid no mind to this thought at the time, the speculation is still there. When Jimmy gave her those keys, there wasn't just one.
She can practically picture the image in her mind, clear as day. What she saw was a key with engrained words and numbers on it. Almost instantly she frantically tears through her belongings, desperately looking for this set of keys. The others look at her as if she were a wild animal, startled at this seemingly sudden outburst.
"Myracle? What's wrong?" Jess asks worriedly, concern rushing through her.
Myracle decides to ignore her, digging through her backpack continuously until she hears the satisfying jingle of the bundle of keys. Her movements come to a halt, gently yanking out the keys as she looks for one in particular. Not the one she escaped with, but the one with the engrained words, Bunker 03.
She shows off the single key to the others, noticing their perplexed faces. This means that Eleanor was present at one point in the bunker where Chris and the original group members came from. She could be managing that Bunker as her stronghold right now. Perhaps, this marks the location of Eleanor and her people.
       "Guys, this could very well be the location of Eleanor! If we plan on fighting them, this is amazing information," Myracle says enthusiastically, satisfied that something is finally going their way.
They all perk up, curiosity getting the better of them as they further glance at the key. However, they're still unaware of what their next step should be. They could attempt to end this war, taking out that tyrannical beast, but it could end in bloodshed. No one knows what to do at this point.
"She had this?" Ricky asks in bewilderment, earning an eager nod from Myracle.
Jess's eyes grow dull, hope dwindling as she thinks about the idea of Eleanor taking over the place they all emerged from. Although the governmental system was corrupt, they still shared fond memories with one another. Whether they were fooling around in class or spending time with each other, that's what made their life in the Bunker relaxing.
It took them awhile to adjust to their new surroundings, forcing themselves to accept that their old way of life is gone, including their families. They had to grow up, becoming independent in such a heinous world. Adapting was the hardest part of it all, but they persevered.
Besides the thought of their history being erased with Eleanor taking refuge in the bunker, there's also another speculation that Jess contains. What if she isn't in the Bunker? The question simmers in her mind as Eleanor's location and condition remain unknown.
No matter what action they take, there's still a chance of meeting up with this chaotic woman once again. They don't know if she's dead or alive. There's no way of knowing if they should settle or fight, potentially fearing any form of confrontation for the rest of their pitiful lives.
"What if she isn't there though? Then what?" Jess blurts out, realizing just how little information they contain.
Myracle's glimmer of hope fades, her enthusiasm soon following. She immediately jumped to conclusions, desperately wanting to avoid the thought of living their lives in fear. At this point, all she wants is to live a normal life, fighting being completely out of the picture.
"What's with all the commotion everyone?" Stephanie calls out, approaching the others at the campsite.
They all glance over towards, not uttering a word as Eleanor infiltrates all their minds. Stephanie can tell that their troubled, completely lost in an unknown world filled with death and misery. Any decision they make doesn't just impact them, it impacts the group as a whole. All confidence seems to be disappearing.
She approaches them, glancing at those iconic pair of keys. This serves as a reminder to the horrific days of working with Eleanor. She practically watched those things like a hawk, not wanting a potential breakout. In fact, that was how Stephanie and Debbie formulated their plan to flee in the first place.
Upon taking a closer look, her eyes widen, recalling what Chris and the others said about Bunker 03. If she knows anything about her time with Eleanor, it's that she's efficient. She knows without a shadow of a doubt that this is where she's currently residing.
There's nowhere left for her to hide. Bunker 02 has now become abandoned, all the residents fleeing the bunker out of fear. The compound was just destroyed, solely leaving Bunker 03 as her backup plan. It has truly gone full circle.
She glances at the others, smirking as she contemplates her choices. They could stay away from Eleanor, constantly living in paranoia as their way of life becomes unbearable, or they could fight. After all the dehumanizing acts this vile creature has committed, death should be the least of her worries.
"Guys, we have to go find her," Stephanie says rather suddenly, surprising everyone.
They've never seen a serious side to her before, noticing her change of demeanor. Clearly, she wants vengeance for her son. Throughout this whole experience, she's been pushing down her emotions, preventing herself from enacting reckless behavior.
However, the times have changed. Eleanor has ruined the lives of every single member in the group. Her presence alone is detrimental to every living being on this planet. After all, she's the overall reason as to why this apocalypse begun. It's not up to them to finally but an end to this madness.
They all share glances, noticing the same thing. Everyone in this group has evolved, no longer fearing the idea of death. For them, it's far more important to enjoy their life, surrounded by loved one. That's what it means to live life to the fullest.
"We're in," Jess states confidently, ready to head into battle with these allies by her side.
They've all been through hell, their mental states constantly being tested. A little confrontation means nothing now. If they don't deal with this matter, it'll only escalate to radical proportions. It's time for them to finally have control over their life.
       However, Ricky still isn't certain about the idea. They might want to revenge, but this desire could potentially lead to their downfall. Unless he hears a more promising reasoning, then there's a chance that he won't associate with this reckless plan.
Chris resides by the shoreline with his family, wandering around aimlessly without sharing a word. There's a lot they want to say, but the revelation is simply far too horrific to bear, leaving the sound of crashing waves as the freezing temperatures send shivers down their spines.
Rosie glances around, noticing the awkward tension as she glances at her defeated family members. Debbie aggressively rubs her red eyes, sniffling from all the crying. Losing a daughter was something she never wanted to experience. There's no chance of her getting over a death as impactful as this one.
"I never liked the beach. We should go to bed soon," Rosie mutters aloud, trying to break the silence.
"I know. Jeannie would always give you a hard time whenever we would come to a place like this, filling a bucket with the ocean water just to dump it on you. She always knew how to push you to the edge," Chris chuckles, recalling all the fond memories.
Her playful yet determined personality was always enthralling to be around. She would always be the center of attention, the life of the party. The confidence she contained allowed everyone to open up, letting all their troubles vanish for at least a moment.
Debbie remains to be silent, quickly trying to apply a facade to please her children. She doesn't want them to be worried about her. All she wants, is for them to stay true to their promise, doing whatever it takes to survive. In this world, all that matters is her family and allies.
"I got to spend more time with Myracle at the compound. She seems like an awesome girl," Debbie states with enthusiasm, causing Chris to blush.
Rosie and Debbie chuckle for a moment, watching Chris grow embarrassed by his flushed facial expression. If there's anyway for them to enjoy their time together, they'll gladly take it. Moving on will be a prolongated process, but they'll need to be ready in order to avenge the ones they've lost.
"Actually, how has that relationship been going Chris? Don't worry, Lily's asleep in the tents, so the adults are talking now," Rosie states playfully.
Before Chris could answer, Myracle and Stephanie walk down from the campsite, waving at the others. Rosie gives off a devious grin, amused by Chris's frantic, awkward behavior. Clearly, there's still feelings between the two.
Chris avoids her captivating gaze, growing nervous as she walks closer towards him. There's been a lot of words left unsaid. It's been challenging to interact with Myracle without caressing her marvelous red hair, getting lost in her beautiful emerald green eyes.
"Go talk to her!" Debbie whispers with excitement, Rosie nudging her brother.
He rolls his eyes, walking off to greet Myracle as they wander off into the woods. Although Debbie encouraged Chris to talk to Myracle, she still can't help but worry for his safety. After losing Jeannie, she especially more neurotic, desiring to watch her son's every move .
She wants to motivate Chris to enjoy the small moments of life, but the more time he's away from her causes her to worry. Sending her child off into the night is a petrifying thought. However, this is a necessity in order for him to move on from all the trauma.
The tears start streaming down her face, becoming the norm as Rosie and Stephanie look at her in concern. After the day she's endured, it's understandable for all these emotions to be bestowed upon them all. She can't maintain this strong mentality any longer.
"It's okay mom. I'm here for you," Rosie says reassuringly, reeling her mother in for a hug.
Seeing Debbie in this state is demeaning, watching her well-maintained mother fall under the pressure makes her heart ache. It's taken a lot for her mother to unleash her emotional baggage. In Debbie's mind, she has to set an example, hopefully inspiring the others to keep persevering through all the belittling moments.
"W-Why won't the tears stop?" Debbie says in frustration as the others condole her.
"Woah, woah, Debbie, if I know anything about you, it's that your strong, fearless even. It's alright to let it out. We're here for you. Plus, I have some news you guys might want to here," Stephanie says reassuringly.
Debbie chuckles, remembering all the fond memories she shared with Stephanie in the compound. Although overcoming Eleanor's harsh behavior was difficult, meeting Stephanie was one of the best parts of her experience. She's never found someone who understands her completely.
Having both Stephanie and Rosie's support is like a breath of fresh air. To still have these two amazing individuals beside her is enough for her to keep going. No matter what obstacle reveals itself upon her, Debbie will persevere until she's acquired a satisfying life for her family.
It takes some time, but Debbie's weeping finally comes to a halt, chuckling at the immense embarrassment. She's never liked being vulnerable in front of others, especially people that she cares for. There's this firm belief that revealing emotions will make her seem weak, unfit to face any hardship that comes her way.
She just wants what's best for her people, nothing else. If Debbie needs to sacrifice herself for the remaining few, she'd do it in a heartbeat. However, Chris shares the same mentality as her. The last thing she wants is for another person she cares for to reach their demise; it would ruin her.
"So, what do you wanna tell us?" Debbie asks curiously.
"I have a speculation that Eleanor is hiding out in your old bunker, but it's still up for us to decide if we want to get revenge or hide," Stephanie rambles on, growing excited at the thought of finally being free.
Although fighting doesn't seem like the correct option, it might be their best bet. This decision could liberate them from all fear as anguish. Eliminating a woman like Eleanor won't just benefit them, it'll benefit the rest of the world.
This battle will be challenging, but if they manage to stay unified and alert, this attack could lead to success. Once they formulate a plan, then they can finally be free. Defeating this villainous woman would avenge all of the fallen.
       "We'll think about it. It's too early to tell just yet," Rosie responds, leaving a moment of silence as they condole Debbie.
Myracle and Chris navigate their way through the forest, finding a tranquil, quiet location for them to catch up. It's been a long time since they've interacted with one another. This day was supposed to be positive and uplifting as everyone got reunited, but alas, that wasn't the case for this escapade.
The satisfying crunch of the snow fulfills the air as Chris inhales deeply, taking in the marvelous scenery. The fact that he's with Myracle to experience such a magnificent night allows him to set aside his feelings for a moment. Perhaps, catching up could provide as a distraction.
"We can stop here," Myracle says abruptly, causing Chris to stop short.
His eyes practically bulge out of his head as he glances at Myracle, her luscious black, velvety hair frolicking in the wind as the moonlight hits her pure skin. It makes her look welcoming, angelic even.
She decides to start this confrontation with a hug, reeling in Chris as he can feel her grip tighten. Her body starts to spasm, soon realizing that she's crying on his shoulder. To think that a woman this independent and confident could fall for someone like him is bizarre to him.
"I missed you Chris. I-I'm sorry for the way we left things in the sanctuary," Myracle chokes up, desperately trying to force down her emotions.
Unleashing her pent up emotions like this is uncommon. Even with Chris, she still feels uneasy about being vulnerable. However, no matter how she acted, Chris was always there for her, giving her the courage to keep on moving. It's this comforting side to him that she finds so attractive.
"No, I'm sorry. I said horrible things back then when you didn't deserve it," Chris responds, returning the hug.
Getting forgiveness from Chris completely unleashes the waterworks, allowing her to get lost in this precious moment as she cries on his shoulder. Although he might seem cold and distant at first, Chris truly is a selfless person. He would do anything to protect the ones he love.
"I'll always be here for you Chris. Please, don't hide your feelings from me because I will know when something's wrong. I promise to always remain by your side!" Myracle says reassuringly, looking into his eyes as they grow captivated by one another.
The atmosphere suddenly shifts, transforming into a feeling of passion as their lips inch closer towards one another. They can practically hear each other's heartbeats, completely lost in the moment.
This was a moment they've craved for so long. Finally, they can let their guard down, focusing on something far more important than anything the apocalypse has to offer. If they learned anything about this world, it's the unknown factor that manages to ruin the lives of all involved.
Suddenly, they get interrupted, the startling sound of gunshot echoing back towards the camp as its accompanied with a barrage of screaming. This fills their body with both adrenaline and fear at the sudden noise.
They dash over towards the deafening sound, minds racing as they contemplate what's to come. Did somebody get hurt? Chris thinks to himself, desperately not wanting to lock eyes with yet another dying ally. This is all too much to take in after such a grueling, life scarring battle.
Myracle and Chris can hear the group members panic, leaving the campsite as they reside a few feet into the woods. To think that a gunshot would occur this close to their campsite is terrifying.
Finally, Chris reaches the others, glancing down at the horrific sight. He can't believe what he sees. There's no possible way they can be going through even more torture after such a depressing day. How could this have happened?
Jess packs away her medical supplies, storing her medical equipment in the tent as she retires for the night. After an active day like this, she's surprised that she wasn't asleep a long time ago. However, she's happy that her allies are recovering.
Meanwhile, Tara practically hovers over Matthew, glancing at his bandages as she pouts. He chuckles, amused by her persistent worrying. She's almost acting like his mother, pestering him to be more careful whenever he partakes in a reckless act.
"Are you okay? Glancing at my bandages won't make my arm get any better you know," Matthew says jokingly.
Although Tara's cheerful in Matt opening up, she can't help but wonder about their relationship. They might be still working out the credentials, but she's confident that Matthew will make her feel at ease, safe from all the horrors this world has to offer.
"It's nothing. I just want to talk to you about something," Tara states nervously, catching Matt's attention.
Typically, Tara is always innocent and playful, not requiring much to enjoy her time with others. Her personality was always infectious, allowing the group to distract themselves from what just occurred at the compound.
Witnessing this serious, laid back side raises his curiosity, wondering just how complex her personality can be. Almost immediately, he obliges to her request, following her lead as they head towards a more reserved location.
The fact that she decided not to stray to far from the camp shows her charisma even more. Although it's been challenging for everyone to distract themselves from the deaths of Jimmy and Mattie, she's still remaining level-headed and alert; it's refreshing to see.
"What did you want to talk about?" Matt asks nervously, sending the fear in her voice.
She wasn't acting this way just a second ago. Could she be hiding something? Matthew awaits her answer, glaring at her captivating presence. Even when she doesn't speak, he can't help but fall in love with this woman.
"Have you given any thought on continuing this r-relationship?" Tara asks nervously, avoiding eye contact.
Matthew grows antsy, shocked by how blunt she is. Considering the fact that she acts so timid, he never thought that she would gain the courage to ask him such a direct question. It truly reveals just how much she cares for him.
Although he wants to form a relationship, he's scared, hesitant of what the right move is. Getting too attached to someone could drive him insane, potentially repeating past actions like with Skyy and Ricky. This type of commitment could either prosper into a beautiful connection or burn into ashes.
Tara claims to be ready, but is she really?She consistently worries about Skyy, remaining insecure on whether or not she's good enough. Plus, she recently lost Ryan, sending her into a downward spiral as she regularly blames herself for his brutal demise.
Tara waits patiently, starting to feel uneasy at Matthew's reluctance. She's worked so hard to finally move on, starting a new chapter of her life. If her feelings aren't reciprocated soon, there's no telling how much time they'll have left.
Finally, Matthew takes a step forward, his impulse driving him to kiss Tara, getting lost in this mesmerizing moment. It never felt so right to be with someone before, but would he be enough? Would he just repeat his old actions?
For those reasons, he must not rush into this. He'll express his interest, but Tara deserves the absolute best. Picturing himself with a beautiful woman like Tara seems to be obtainable in his eyes. Once they reach a level of normality, perhaps, they can learn more about what this relationship entails.
"I'm looking to move slowly, but I'll gladly make the effort. I already know that I love you Tara. Just give me some time because you deserve the best of me," Matthew says passionately, letting his guard down for the first time in a while.
This feels natural, it feels fresh. This could represent the stepping stone on how to start the progress of his new life. Redemption for his past actions have already been achieved, but now, he's prepared for more; he's prepared for the future.
Suddenly, they hear the snapping of a twig just beside them, slowly turning his head until he jumps from the sight. It's Laura, covered in scrapes and bruises as she lies on the floor, aiming a rifle at the couple. Such a familiar scene that manages to utterly shock him.
Tara jumps instantly going for her bow as Matthew stares at this controlled woman in shock, instantly reminded of sending out Ryan to his death. If he didn't do that, maybe he would still be alive. Although he's facing something dangerous, his body is frozen in fear.
He finally manages to move, for once, not withholding a weapon as Tara finally draws back her bow. However, it's already too late. Her sinister smile says it all, their vulnerability ultimately being their downfall.
"Gotcha," Laura utters, pulling the trigger.
The bullet enters his abdomen, the impact so great that it sends him flying backwards. The pain is immense, as Tara screams for help. She aims the gun at her mother but hesitates. Never would she have pictured a scene as graphic as this.
       Laura chuckles to herself, satisfied with the deed being completed. Perhaps, this will be enough to regain Eleanor's trust. For if she didn't partake in this act, then she'd be dead. At this point, she's found her way to survive, and that method is catering to Eleanor Hall.
       Tara trembles, taken aback as the ringing reverberates in her eardrums, solely seeing red as she locks eyes with her power hungry, demonic-like mother. Just like that, her life went from cheerful to demeaning in the matter of seconds.
Although Laura is her biological mother, she lost the title of being a good mother a long time ago. At this point, she's a stranger, a nobody. It's just a threat that needs to be abolished for good.
Anger rushes through her body as Laura cocks her gun, prepared to kill her own daughter. This form of betrayal just shows how selfish and broken she truly is. Being under Eleanor's wing has caused Laura to lose all sense of morality, becoming a controllable wench in the tyrant's game.
Tara toughens up, releasing the arrow as hits her chest, unleashing an enraged scream at the stressful situation. A series of labored breaths occur while she comforts Matthew. Jess appears next to her, trying to stop the bleeding as Tara glances at his t-shirt, completely soaked in blood.
       "It'll be ok Matt; I'm right here. I just need you to breathe for me. Can you do that?" Tara asks calmly, her body tensing from this unbelievable sight.
Everyone has arrived besides Chris and Myracle, all glancing at her as if she were living on the side of the street, desperate for any aid form anybody. Tears begin to fall down her cheeks from watching her boyfriend get shot while attempting to end her mother's wrath.
"What happened?" Ricky asks worriedly, glancing in paranoia as he prepares to hold Skyy back.
Knowing her relationship with Matthew, this wouldn't be something she would want to witness. They've been through everything together. Losing her main source of inspiration, knowledge and comfort would completely devastate her.
       "He was shot! Just keep everyone at bay for now. I need to focus," Jess states in a serious tone.
       Skyy dashes over, Simon and Chris's family trailing behind as they all express the same look of fear. What will be worse is that Skyy hasn't talked to Matthew since the escapade. There was never a chance for her to simply wish him a good night.
"M-Matt! Is he alright?" Skyy shouts in fear.
They choose not to answer, causing her to spiral out of control as the others attempt to calm her down. If she continues this erratic, careless behavior, then it'll only make matters worse. There needs to be a level of restraint if they want Matthew to stay alive.
       She starts to panic, tears welling up in her eyes as her childhood starts to slowly vanish. In the beginning, Matthew was all she had, solely getting by in this cruel world on his orders as he protected her from all the hardships.
       Although there were times where she felt lonely and depressed, she still wouldn't have chosen anyone else to formulate a tight bond with. If she didn't have Matthew by her side for all those years, she wouldn't have survived for this long.
"Skyy my dear, you must calm down. Let Jess work quietly; we'll be with you the whole time," Stephanie says with a warm smile.
       "Listen to Stephanie. This might be hard for you, but let's leave Jess to work," Rosie concurs.
It takes her a moment, but she nods, everyone slowly inching closer towards Matthew, wanting a better vantage point. It may be smart for them to sit this one out, but it still makes them feel useless to be standing there.
They finally spot Laura, watching her struggle to stay alive as the arrow remains lodged in her chest cavity. There's no way they can just not react to a scene so horrific.
There's still some rugged breathing from Laura, but she won't be alive for much longer. Without any assistance, she won't make it in the next minute or so. Although she has no medical experience, she will do whatever she can to help Jess work. He needs to stay alive.
"Apply pressure on the wound Tara. Everyone else back the fuck off! Let the man breathe," Jess shouts angrily, focused on saving Matthew's life.
There's no possible way a simple bullet can take out one of their most influential, stubborn, resilient fighters. After the growth he's experienced, an event like this cannot occur. They need to save him no matter what it takes.
"T-Tara, you won't forget me, right?" Matthew asks weakly, the damages becoming way too extreme.
"Y-You're not going to die Matthew. Please, I need you. You're all I have! I can't lose you too!" Tara shouts furiously.
"Listen to your girlfriend Matt!" Jess's voice cracks, her body trembling from the anxiety of it all.
Although Matthew is conveying a calm and collected demeanor, Tara and Jess can both see the writing on the wall, Matthew too. He's dying, the terror building up in his eyes as he slowly starts to fade away.
Tara can sense Jess getting overwhelmed, noticing her hyperventilate as the group remains quiet. They can't help in this medical field as it is. All they can do is remain hopeful and not get in anyone's way. Plus, they can't bear to witness yet another death take place tonight.
Suddenly, Matthew's arms grow limp, no pulse active as the pool of blood expands. There's nothing she can do with the very little time she had. Jess glances at Tara, both sobbing from the trauma of it all.
       Tara's heart has shattered, immediately recalling the lifeless body of Ryan. Whoever she gets involved with always dies; it's like a curse. It's been happening throughout her whole life. If she could've just died sooner, then maybe this wouldn't have happened.
"W-What do we d-do?" Tara asks defeatedly, whimpering in between breaths.
Jess tries to speak but simply can't. Normally, she'd inform them all that Matthew's gone, but she can't help but concave under the pressure. Someone who has helped them so much on the frontlines has just been killed. Let alone someone who she deeply admired.
Tara tries to speak, buts it's incoherent. She has completely fallen a part. The others look away in horror as Skyy remains in shock. Simon notices the trembling of her fingers, watching someone who's she spent majority of her life with die.
"N-No. No! You have to keep going! Please Jess, don't stop now!" Skyy attempts to run towards Matthew, being held back by the others.
Simon looks at Matthew's lifeless body, teardrops dripping down his cheeks as he swiftly wipes them away. Not too long ago, he used to despise Matthew, constantly getting under his skin just to irk him. However, although their dynamic started as hostile and negative, it sooner blossomed into playful and innocent bantering.
He might've not been the most fond of Matt at first, but his impact has been so honorable. He didn't deserve this vivid fate. In Simon's eyes, Matthew truly has improved the most throughout this experience. They all know, including Ricky, just how much Matthew influenced and cared for this group.
Although everyone tries to keep a straight face, it will always fail one day. Matthew has impacted all of their lives, his development being revolutionary as he strives to protect the people he cares for. The group's bond has been compromised yet again due to the death of Matthew.
In just a small fragment of time, Matthew is dead. There's no time for goodbyes, Skyy and Tara watching someone so important to their characters just vanish. They'll never see him again, never talk to him again. All they have left is the memories as they're left to clean up the mess.
Myracle and Chris meet up with the others, distraught at the sight. Myracle immediately locks eyes with her cousin, noticing the anguish and heartache flowing throughout her body. She wants to support her, but she's helping Jess. There's no way she can distract them during such a pivotal moment.
Suddenly, Laura slowly aims her rifle towards the crowd of people, Myracle pointing it out as Chris shoots without hesitation. However, just as the bullet delivers the final blow, they all spot a sword piercing into her head by a mysterious force.
Laura's luck has finally come to an end, but this mysterious presence is still unknown. Myracle raises her gun almost immediately, aiming at the darkness as the perpetrator finally reveals themselves.
"Oh my God," Myracle utters in disbelief, the others astonished at the sight.
The person next to Laura's corpse is Tamara, causing all the painful memories to return as feelings of anger, sadness and bewilderment rush over them. If they thought this night couldn't get worse, they were mistaken.
Knowing Tamara and Simon's history with one another, this won't be a civilized reunion. No one wants the wicked presence of the girl who killed Sarah. There's going to be hell to pay for all the torment she's caused, and if Simon's involved, he won't stop hunting Karma down until he's avenged his fallen ally. They're all due for a victory; it might as well start now.

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