S3E9: Empty

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Several Weeks Ago:

       Tamara nearly jumps out of her boots from the loud sound of the bunker's hatch shutting behind her. The only thing keeping her alive is now gone, and it's all her fault.
       She begins to tremble in fear as she quietly sobs. Despite the remarkable fresh air, Tamara is at death's doorstep. Even if she wanted to live, she doesn't even know if she'll have the courage to.
       Tamara shivers from a combination of terror and the elements. Even when life was normal, she would tend to succumb to the cold. Surprisingly, the world looks somewhat beautiful.
       If she can just manage to look past all of the carnage and rubble from the buildings in the distance, the nature is still well preserved. It's not as bad as she's thought it'd be.
       She wants to move on. She wants to feel confident about this second chance that's been practically given to her. But can she? That bunker was her saving grace, and she pushed it away.
       She's alone. All alone. This isn't what she wanted! She wanted to be free with her family up above. She wanted to escape this cruel world in any way possible.
       All of her friends that she left behind still linger in her thoughts. Chris. Jess. They both watched her disappear into this unknown world, completely vulnerable to what's about to come.
       If they knew what she really was, they'd never understand. If only they knew the other side of Tamara. The side that she specifically wants to hide. They'd fear her.
       Tamara suddenly jolts up from her realization, nearly hurling her backpack across the ground. She frantically searches her backpack, pulling out a wide variety of equipment.
       "Where is it. Where is it!" Tamara shouts while hyperventilating.
       She abruptly stops her frantic searching as she pulls out an empty pill bottle. Her eyes widen as her emotions become more uncontrollable.
She quickly shoves the empty prescription bottle back in her backpack, trying to distract herself from any troubling thoughts. Tears begin to fall more violently as she stored away more of her equipment.
Suddenly, she stops short, gazing at one item in particular. It's a military knife. The same knife that Tamara would soon use to completely dehumanize a terrifying creature.
She hesitantly picks it up, hands shaking. She raises the knife to her wrists, contemplating on what to do. She looks away from her wrist and presses down.
Tamara winces from the pain, instantly recoiling as blood drips down the side of her arm. Teardrops are mixed in with her blood after every cut.
Suddenly, she stops. She heard something. It sounded like this demonic groan from the highway. This sound is absolutely mortifying. Tamara is frozen in fear.
Tamara's arm goes limp, dropping the knife. She walks toward the highway, blood still dripping from her arm. She's completely empty, just like her pill bottle.
She steps out into the open, completely defeated and vulnerable to the unknown forces. She can't live like this. She left the bunker to meet her family in heaven, not start her life over in this lonely world!
She turns around. Her eyes meet the cause of the demonic-like sound. It's a crawler. Tamara's mouth gapes open as she takes in the visual. She has met her fate. This is how she dies.
Tamara peacefully shuts her eyes, accepting her fate. There's no outrunning this. She doesn't have the strength to fight anymore, especially with her condition.
She can almost see the crawler leap at her through her eyelids. She knows that it left the ground. In a couple of seconds, she won't be alive anymore. She's okay with that.
She continues to stand there as seconds turn into minutes. She finally opens her eyes as bewilderment washes over her. It's dead. It's head was completely sliced in half.
Suddenly, this loud high pitched noise fulfills her ears. She doesn't even have time to acknowledge who saved her. She simply doesn't care. She'll only be a burden anyways.
Her visions begin to grow blurry as she finally locks eyes with two people. It's Skyy and Matthew. Skyy seems to be going frantic over Tamara's current state while Matthew displays his usual demeanor.
"Are you alright? Don't worry, we'll get you out of here safely!" Skyy says optimistically.
"I'll carry her, just cover me," Matthew says while hurling Tamara over his shoulder.
Tamara attempts to leave his grasp, but she fails almost instantly. She's too weak. She can't live in this world. She'll only hurt whoever she encounters. It's just a matter of time.
A couple of days pass ever since they saved Tamara. They've been inseparable with her. Maybe it's the lack of communication that forced them to talk to her. They trust her already. Even Matthew likes to talk to her.
They're making a mistake. She can feel the lack of medication catching up to her, like it's the final stretch of a track race. The opponents are right beside each other. Trying to overtake the other.
However, she's gassed out. There's nothing left to give. The opponent taking the lead is inevitable at this point. As they gain more control and take the lead, it only dwindles her morale even further.
But, this opponent isn't normal. It's not some rival from another school. This opponent is the dark side of Tamara, creeping up on her. It's ready to wreak havoc.
Tamara walks around the base, taking in the beautiful aesthetic. She locks eyes onto Skyy who's waving from the watch tower with Matthew beside her.
She waves back awkwardly with a broad smile on her face. Although she's timid, this is a pleasant surprise. She'd never thought that someone would be this open to her presence. At this point, she just doesn't want to confess her condition.
Tamara walks up the ladder to meet Skyy and Matthew. This is the happiest she's been in a long time. She's a part of a group that genuinely cares for her. It's refreshing.
"Hey Tam! I wanted to fill you in on something," Skyy says cheerfully.
Tamara nearly blushes from the sudden nickname that Skyy gave her. It's been such a long time since she's had a friend like that. If she can control her dark side, this could possibly work.
"S-Sure! What did you want to talk about!" Tamara stutters over her own words.
"Well, we have to go on a supply run, and we want you to watch over the base for us," Matthew says while scanning the map thoroughly.
Tamara's face lights up with pure joy. She can finally prove her worth to Skyy and Matthew. She can start over. This can be the start of a great companionship.
"Of course! I won't let you down," Tamara says optimistically.
"That's great to hear. We're about to head out. We'll see you in a day or two," Skyy says as she gathers up her equipment.
Skyy and Matthew finally depart, leaving Tamara alone. The base feels empty. Despite its large size, Tamara feels completely vulnerable. Not to any mutants or outside forces, but to herself.
Every hour that passes is another hour where Tamara grows more antsy. She's on the brink of utter collapse. She won't be able to hold off her alter ego for much longer. There's no telling what's about to happen.
Suddenly, she blacks out. She lost the battle. She already knows it. The lack of medicine has taken its toll on her. She's not in control anymore.
She quickly jolts up, instantly checking her surroundings. Her eyes widen at the horrid sight. The sight that she unwillingly caused. All of that time gaining trust is now wasted in an instant.
The base is in absolute shambles. Dead crawlers are scattered everywhere along with broken down tents. Survival tools are completely destroyed along with the front gate.
Tamara clasps onto her head tightly and starts to hyperventilate. Without this medication, she's an absolute wildcard, a psychopath even. There's no going back from this.
She's been blinded by false hope all along! Why can she just be normal? Why does she have to be this way? Any form of happiness that Tamara contained is now completely shattered. She's empty. There's nothing left.
She can hear gasps in the distance. It's Skyy and Matthew. They show a perplexed expression as they lay eyes on their decimated safe haven. Skyy falls to her knees while Matthew winds up like a ticking time bomb.
Tamara quickly dashes over, tears hindering her vision. She avoids the clutter like it's landmines. If Skyy and Matthew had any ounce of respect towards Tamara, it's all gone.
"Guys! I'm so sorry. I-I don't know what happened," Tamara says defeatedly.
"You're gone. Pack your bags," Matthew says while avoiding eye contact.
Tamara's heart drops as she hears those words. No one wants her. No one cares for her. She's only a burden. She should just die! What was the point of all of this hardship?
Tamara clenches her fists from the harsh thoughts. She has no control. It's all gone. At this point, why would she want to act normal? She's just being pushed to the curb anyways.
"Now!" Matthew yells angrily.
Skyy jumps from the tone of Matthew's voice. However, Tamara doesn't. She's as stiff as a board. Her eyes begin to twitch as her facial expression becomes dark and menacing. She's at the breaking point.
"Tamara?" Skyy says while reaching out her hand.
Tamara quickly snags Skyy's arm and yanks her. She quickly pulls out a knife, putting it to Skyy's throat. Matthew frantically pulls out his gun.
He's completely thrown off. Tamara quickly shifted attitudes like it was nothing. It's like she's a different person. This seemingly innocent and timid girl has now transformed into a monster.
"I wouldn't try that if I were you. One step, and I slit your girlfriends throat," Tamara barks.
Skyy trembles in terror. She's just been deceived. Tamara isn't alive anymore. She hasn't been for some time now. The only thing that remains is her dark side.
"Here's the deal, I'm in charge now. You do what I say. Trust me, there's no way you're killing me. I've already tried," Tamara says bluntly.
Matthew nearly vaults toward Tamara who easily lays him flat on his back. His back makes contact with the cold, hard concrete. He's winded from the sudden motion.
Skyy looks down in utter disbelief. They've just been shut out by this awkward, quirky girl. Tamara looks like she couldn't harm a fly. They're in her domain now. She controls their every move.
"What are you? What's wrong with you?" Skyy mutters while looking up at this tyrant.
Tamara gives off a wicked smirk before grabbing Skyy by the hair. She yanks her hair to eye level. That look. That terrifying look is enough to send shivers down Skyy's spine.
Skyy's pride and ego has been completely shattered by this beast. This invincible, menacing beast. Tamara looks down at Skyy like a peasant. She owns her. There's nothing she can do about it.
"Tamara is gone. I have multiple personality disorder. There's nothing that can stop me now," Tamara reveals.
She shoves Skyy onto the ground while staring at Matthew dead in the eyes. He desperately tries to stabilize from that hard fall. He groans from the pain while trying to avoid Tamara's gaze.
"Follow me if you want your girlfriend to live," Tamara says with a smug expression.
Tamara leads Matthew around the camp like he's a loyal dog while Skyy follows a couple of feet behind them. Even if he wanted to stop her, he can't. She's way too unpredictable. She walks into a tent that's somewhat livable just before secluding Skyy by herself.
Matthew inspects her closely, scared of what she might do. His eyes widen once Tamara starts stripping little by little. He tries to look away, but Tamara doesn't allow it.
"Please. Just stop. You can stay if you want, but please don't do this," Matthew says in between sobs.
Tamara doesn't listen. She only progresses even further while pushing Matthew onto his back. She climbs on top of him and maneuvers her fingers through his soft, fluffy hair. She leans in closely to his ear while kissing his cheek lustfully.
"You don't have a say, minion," Tamara whispers seductively.
Matthew shuts his eyes while Tamara starts to unbutton his shirt. She feels up his body and nuzzles her head onto his chest. Matthew just lays there, completely bewildered as to what's occurring.
He lays there vulnerable as Tamara escalates even further. He's just a play toy for her. His only purpose is to serve her. He tries to fight back tears as he engages in this life altering experience.
His tears turn into a downpour as Tamara purposefully moans load enough for Skyy to hear. This once well functioning couple has now been completely altered by one girl.
Their lifestyles have been turned upside down. They will never be the same again. The crawlers isn't what they fear. The apocalypse isn't what they fear. Their one true fear, is Tamara.

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