S6E4: The Arena

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Silence lingers in the group, continuing their dreadful walk to the cell. Recalling Eleanor's words is a surreal feeling, concerned as to what's to come for the future of this compound. They aren't just workers, their slaves, forced to submit to all of this tyrant's requests.
At this point, it's hard to even look at the others, knowing that one of their own will be nominated for the arena. Misfortune has been rather high as of late; it's difficult to maintain complete concentration in such a meaningless, belittling situation.
Rosie can barely stand the sight of Eleanor and Laura. Seeing them is a mere reminder of the disappearance of her daughter. She's lost trace of her family in the blink of an eye all due to these monsters. She wants nothing more than to end this reign of terror.
However, there's still something on her mind, What does this arena truly entail? She glances back towards her father, reminding herself of that reaction he contained. His personality changed drastically from those two words. Perhaps, the arena is more intimidating than originally anticipated.
Jimmy looks emotionally drained, clearly taken back from this revelation. He's been keeping to himself, his own needs never being a factor. All that matters to him is his family. His life practically got ripped away, but that doesn't mean they have to follow in the same footsteps.
"Hey Laura, take these peasants the rest of the way. I have better things to attend to," Eleanor states cunningly.
"Will do my Lord," Laura states formally, clearly agitating the others.
Myracle watches Eleanor walk away, portraying a threatening look. Her body is filled to the brim with fury. However, nothing is more enraging than Laura's presence. After killing her daughter's support system, Ryan, she moved on rather quickly, acting as a follower.
Her mere existence is enough to send chills down anyone's spine. She's the cockroach of this world, outliving and outlasting good people who deserved so much better. It's demeaning to know that she survived for so long despite all of the sorrow she left behind.
Myracle decides to bite her tongue, not wanting to risk her life next to a power hungry lunatic. If one outburst were to occur, it could spell trouble for the escape attempt. All that Myracle has been thinking about being, Will this arena affect our plan? It's insufferable to reside in a place like this any longer. All the trauma is starting to attack her mental state.
The group starts piling up in the cell, their willpower slowly fading over time. The last thing anyone wants is to turn on one another for survival. Just as Myracle begins to enter, Laura stops her, giving off a wicked smile.
"Have fun nominating a fellow ally, minion," Laura taunts her, waiting for a rebuttal.
Myracle's eyes widen, the tension so thick that it could be cut with a knife. All she craves is her katana. Laura has been toying with them for long enough, it's time for her to pay. She grips the hems of her shirt, slamming her into the iron bars as knights swarm around Myracle.
"Get your hands off me! She deserves to die!" Myracle roars, kicking some of the knights away.
The others try to help, but they're already locked in the cell. Knowing how Eleanor and Laura operate, any mishap could result in death. They remain behind the cell, completely restrained. There's nothing they can do to save Myracle.
"Myracle, stop! Don't mess with someone like her," Mattie says frantically, worried as to how Laura's going to react.
Mattie knows what Laura is capable of. She uses this confident and intimidating aura to gain a powerful position, soon formulating a God complex. Just like Eleanor, being manipulative is a specialty of hers.
"Mattie's right Myracle. Please, stop fighting!" Debbie shouts nervously.
Myracle doesn't listen, trying to find an opening to hurt this vile woman using any method imaginable. However, the multitude of knights is affecting her ability to fight. She needs answers, immediately. There has to be a reason as to why Laura committed all these villainous acts.
"Why? Why are you doing this to us? Do you contain any mercy?" Myracle yells furiously, tears starting to stream down her face.
This is the lowest Myracle has ever felt in a long time. Being separated from Chris is starting to attack her mental state. She longs for his comforting embrace, a time designed especially for liberty and enjoyment. She can't stand this seemingly never ending torment.
Seeing this strong and leader-like figure fall under the pressure is depressing for them. Her spirits have been crushed, her soul tainted as she desperately longs for change. She's in constant heartache wherever she goes, solely thinking about Chris's wellbeing.
She should be by his side right now, supporting him with the loss of his best friend. The only aspect that reassures her is the fact that he's with Jeannie. As long as he has someone to lean on, he should be able to persevere through this obstacle.
"I'm doing this for myself. As long as I'm alive, I don't care who suffers. Even that ignorant child is expendable to me," Laura states in a condescending tone.
"Just leave us the fuck alone!" Rosie shouts furiously.
Finally, Laura exits the demoralizing jail cell, returning to the awkward silence once again. They're all about to make a troubling choice. There's no way they'll make this decision lightly. This decision could mean life or death for whoever goes down into that arena.
Suddenly, Jimmy and Myracle sigh simultaneously, clearly trying to make this decision at least a little more simple. There's no way of knowing what this arena consists of, but they'd rather risk their lives than the lives of their family.
"I'll do it," Myracle says bluntly, forcing Jimmy to quickly deny her claims.
"Settle down. I have a history with this arena, so I should be the one who goes down there," Jimmy says stubbornly, both not letting up.
For Debbie, this decision is excruciatingly painful. The last thing that she wants is for Jimmy and Myracle to risk their lives due to unknown causes. She doesn't want to lose her husband, but she also doesn't wish to sacrifice a powerful leader like Myracle.
No matter who goes down in that arena tonight, one thing is for certain. If any of them were to meet their demise, it would only dwindle Chris's morale even further. Ryan's death was emotionally scarring enough. However, if another casualty were to occur, he would never recover.
"Guys, come on. There's no way I could decide something like this. If anything, I'll just go down," Debbie says defeatedly.
"Ain't no way in hell are you going down there," Rosie states intently.
The only motive Rosie has for her is being surrounded by her loved ones. The whereabouts of both her siblings and daughter have sent her into a mental downward spiral. They need to escape as soon as possible. There's no way of knowing how much more torture she can take from this vicious compound.
"I'm fine with whoever goes down as long as it's not Rosie and Debbie. You guys need to focus on Lily. We need people who are mentally stable or willing to go. If you lack that drive, then you will die," Mattie states blatantly.
Rosie and Debbie quiet down, still surprised how their once well thought out escape attempt, has now been compromised due to the introduction of the arena. All they want is freedom, that's it. It's vital for them to escape these harsh conditions.
"Please, let me go. If it's a physical task, I believe I have a strong chance. Plus, if I make it back, I'll tell you what it's like," Myracle practically pleads.
They all share a look, wondering what the outcome will be from this decision. From now on, they will have to band together in order to survive. It'll take a unified team to escape Eleanor's wrath.
Finally, they all agree, nodding their heads. Myracle's wit and tenacity has always shined through, persevering through any obstacle. If anyone can do this, it's Myracle. She's always been a fighter. Even if there's a brutal combative scenario, she's just the woman for the job.
       "Please be safe Myracle. We need you to stay alive," Mattie says worriedly.
       "Exactly. Make sure that you're always on high alert. You never know what to expect from Eleanor," Rosie states intently, showing how much she truly cares for Myracle's safety.
       This once disorganized and disheveled group has now blossomed into a thriving family. They started off as emotional, ignorant survivors and have now transformed into a unified force. Everyone matters. It's challenging just to even think about what life would be like without these significant sources of support.
       Debbie thinks about her children, specifically Chris and Jeannie. Something feels off to her. Being separated from her own for this amount of time is causing her to grow even more neurotic. As a mother, it's her sole duty to protect her kids. If anything were to ever happen to them, she'd never forgive herself.
       "Guys, do you know who I am? I'm Myracle. A simple arena won't get the best of me. I promise that I'll come back in one piece," Myracle says reassuringly, portraying a warm smile.
       They let out a forced chuckle, paranoia getting the better of them. Losing any ally at this current stage would be a massive liability. Not only would it dwindle their spirits even further, but it would make escaping that much more impossible. No one can be left behind.
       "We should have some time left before the arena. Just stay ready Myracle," Jimmy states awkwardly.
       The introduction of the arena has completely disrupted their connected dynamic. They're all completely manipulated by fear and speculation, hope fading by the second. Once Myracle exits through those doors, there's no way of knowing whether or not they'll see her again.
       Several hours have past since they agreed on sending Myracle out in the arena, that negative atmosphere still lingering in the suffocating air. Debbie has grown tired of all this torment. They shouldn't be rotting away in a cell, their minds growing more and more damaged by the minute.
       There's been so much on her mind. Hopefully, a conversation with Myracle won't only just give her answers, but it might also revive her confidence once she steps into that arena. Leaving off on that excruciating decision won't sit well for their selected warrior. She's going to have to be patient as she fights to stay alive.
       Debbie finally rises from the cold concrete floor, walking towards Myracle. She needs another person to share their thoughts with her. What Debbie truly needs is reassurance that everything will be alright, something that each group member can agree on.
       "Myracle, please don't lose confidence with your own abilities. The more you doubt yourself, the less of a chance you have to survive that fight. I have faith in you!" Debbie exclaims with inspiration.
       Myracle shakes away all the negative thoughts, realizing how important it is for her to stay alive. They've all been through too much to give up now. Once she walks into that arena, there won't be a hint of fear upon her face.
       "T-Thanks Debbie. I've just been thinking about some stuff which is why I'm acting this way," Myracle states vaguely.
       Although she's slowly returning to her confident self, there's still a hint of sadness in Myracle's eyes. She looks lonely, completely isolated in a sea of negative emotions. Clearly, she's looking for someone to lean on.
       Debbie smirks to herself, starting to act playful with Myracle. The one thing that always got her through any hardship was humor. Perhaps, this survivor simply needs someone to listen to her.
       "Is it about Chris?" Debbie asks curiously.
       Myracle immediately blushes, growing flushed just from the embarrassment of it all. Throughout all this manual labor, dying wasn't her fear. For her, being separated from Chris is far more terrifying. She longs for their elongated embrace, nuzzling her head by his chest.
       She struggles to formulate a response, only realizing how much she loves Chris. He's the sole reason why she's still alive in this world. He's her light at the end of the tunnel. If she ever were to lose him, it would ruin her.
       "I'm just messing with you Myracle, there's no need to get nervous. However, that is something I want to talk to you about," Debbie reveals, sitting beside her.
       "What do you wanna talk about?" Myracle asks curiously, wondering where Debbie is going with this.
       Myracle can tell how strong Chris's mother truly is. Not knowing where your own family members are is petrifying to even think about. She's been battling all these cruel thoughts about self-hatred in her head. She looks completely broken, but she's still moving forward.
       The longer she battles against the odds, the higher probability she has to see her family again. She'd do anything for her children. It comes down to the parents to play the role of the protector. Although they're revolving in this era of darkness, that one hopeful thought of reuniting with their family once again is why they're fighting in the first place.
       "Since you saw what happened with Ryan, do you have any idea how Chris is handling the situation?" Debbie asks carefully, despising the thought of reminding Myracle about anymore incidents.
       Myracle hesitates, knowing how close Chris was with Ryan. A death isn't something one can necessarily move past that quickly. It'll take time before they can adjust to that demeaning, cruel fact that someone they once cared for has passed away.
       She can't just lie to Debbie. This'll be extremely challenging for Chris to overcome. However, with people by his side, it should keep him at ease. What he needs right now is to be around people how love and cherish him.
       "Well, obviously he's hurting, but he has Jeannie by his side. I'm sure he'll move past this, but it'll still take time," Myracle responds, a warm smile growing on her face.
       She's glad for this opportunity to communicate with Debbie. If she hadn't forgotten about all the immense pressure that was suddenly placed on her with the arena, then there's no telling how she would've done in that harsh environment. This was a breath of fresh air that she desperately needed.
       However, Debbie still feels uneasy. She can't help but think about one thing, What if Jeannie and Chris are dead? Knowing how Myracle is about to enter a life or death scenario, she shouldn't be revealing her thought process. That might only cause her to worry even more. For now, she's just going to have to push down her cruel thoughts deep down until they're free from Eleanor's grasp.
       Meanwhile, Jimmy sits quietly to himself, clearly lost in thought. He locks his attention onto Rosie, noticing her disdain look, Eleanor clearly on her mind. It's understandable as to why she's acting this way. Her life has just been flipped upside down.
       However, it's grown bothersome to be this distant. It's almost like they share no bond whatsoever. Jimmy doesn't know how much time he has left in this world, but he wants to make the most of it by growing closer with his children. All that matters is their safety.
       He inhales deeply, prepared to finally confront Rosie after several years. In this moment, all Jimmy wants is to solely focus on his eldest daughter. If he can just make this first move, then it'll make this imprisonment somewhat tolerable.
       Jimmy awakens in an unknown dark room, his head throbbing with immense pain. His vision is hazy while his mind spirals out of control, feeling completely dazed. It's challenging to stay remotely focused.
       He groans from the pain, his eyes totally bloodshot while taking in the gloomy atmosphere. Trying to reestablish his senses, he finally admires his surroundings, noticing the interrogation-like room he's trapped in.
       Instantly, he realizes just the position he's in. Although he doesn't remember much of what got him here, this can't entail any positive outcomes. He tries to sit up, but he barely moves an inch, the realization hitting him hard.
       He glances down at his lap, revealing the heavy, thick rope tied tightly around his waist.  In a desperate attempt to escape, he doesn't budge, his arms unresponsive from the rope on the chair. It practically encases him, causing him to grow wiry and claustrophobic.
       "Hey! Get me out of here!" Jimmy quivers in fear, containing zero liberty to even move a muscle.
       Suddenly, the door creaks open, Eleanor making her grand entrance with that iconic cynical smile. She's clearly on a power trip, having complete control over Jimmy. Seeing his frightened demeanor is enough to put a smile on her face.
       As her face comes into view, Jimmy recalls  what had happened prior to this ambush. He was brutally attacked, knocked unconscious as he was ripped away from his wife. They planned on escaping Bunker 01 together.
       After getting to know Eleanor and her villainous tendencies, they decided to flee, leaving their past behind them. Debbie hoped to locate some type of sanctuary in the nearby distance. Hopefully, that'll be their chance to return to a state of normalcy and tranquility.
       If only they were able to escape the scandals caused by Eleanor, then perhaps, Debbie and Jimmy could've spent time with one another. It was time for them to get away from all the hostility.
       However, Eleanor's posse predicted their plan, leading to Jimmy's capture. At this point, Jimmy has nothing left to prove. He's an empty vessel, open to any outrageous task Eleanor sees imaginable. She has dehumanized this once free man.
       "Why are you doing this? Why couldn't you just let us walk out civilly? Is there a reason why you're so serious about creating these mutants? They've only gotten more vicious!" Jimmy states frantically, realizing how psychotic Eleanor truly is.
       Jimmy and Debbie have always been left in the dark, wondering why their own government sent out a worldwide announcement about a potential nuclear war. However, it was even more shocking to find out that they've been sharing the same compound with the culprit.
       The government was in on this irrational plan. They were manipulated by this tyrannical woman, allowing the apocalypse to commence. After Debbie and Jimmy learned the truth about this Bunker, it was about time they fled the scene. The reason why they're there in the first place is because of Eleanor and her troops.
       "I've always wanted to be the victor of this war, earning glory and recognition for my effort. However, I realized how much power I had! In fact, I'm proud that my inventions were implemented in the War. It's how we defeated Japan and the other forces in the soon to be World War Three,"  Eleanor states with enthusiasm, showcasing her true chaotic nature.
       Jimmy is shocked as to how mentally deranged this once stable, reasonable woman has become. She's drunk on power, using this as fuel to guide her followers into battle. The only person she cares for is herself. There's no way he will ever let his guard down with Eleanor in charge.
       "You call those things inventions? What kind of monster are you?" Jimmy says in disgust, growing more and more fearful of this tyrant by the minute.
       Although his spirit is defeated by being separated from his loving wife, that doesn't mean that he won't stop revolting. He may be under her control now, but he will keep on living until he's reunited with his lover. He can die happy knowing that he did everything in his willpower to simply lock eyes with his wife again.
       Eleanor walks closer towards him, pacing back and forth without uttering a single word. For her, this kind of behavior is odd. She's always been talkative, especially when it came to her creations and self-prowess. It takes a lot for Eleanor to stop rambling on.
       She eventually stood in front of Jimmy's vulnerable self, eyes locked onto the floor. He looks at her in bewilderment, wondering just how far Eleanor will go to get the last word on people. Finally, she leans in, stepping on Jimmy's foot, applying more and more pressure while giving off a maniacale smile.
       Clearly, this once well maintained business woman has become unhinged. She's spiraling out of control just to regain her dominance. She starts to stomp on Jimmy's feet, just wanting to let out rage. Chris grunts from the sudden action, quieting down completely.
       Her outrage eventually comes to a halt, satisfied to witness Jimmy submitting to her. She can see his toes twitch through his sneakers, all her childish behavior clearly leaving a mark physically.
       She turns around, flinging open the creaky door before taking one long look at her new toy. After a couple of minutes, she has just acquired a new minion to control. He's taken all these mental beatings until finally giving up on retaliating. It's a sight that she longs to see throughout the rest of her long, cheerful life.
       "You're now my slave, Jimmy. Also, don't worry, if you keep on doing what I tell you, I won't go after your precious wife," Eleanor states sadistically, an evident smirk growing on her face.
       The door finally starts to close as she walks out of sight. Jimmy remains there, alone in the dark, alienated room. It's like he doesn't matter, just a mere tool being kept away until further notice. There's no way of knowing if he'll even be used in general.
       Any upcoming plan Eleanor may have, will result to Jimmy's use of service. He has lost all the qualities of being a human, sharing the equivalent status as a mule in Eleanor's eyes. He just waits there, patiently, wishing for that one day of freedom to come sooner rather than later.
       Jimmy finally musters up the courage to confront Rosie, despite all that's unfolding around her. She's been placed in a strenuous and stressful environment. Changing the subject is the least he can do for a struggling parent.
       He locks eyes with her, realizing just how much she's grown over the past years. The fact that she's now a mother is still baffling to him. He's proud to see how mature Rosie's become, adapting to her immediate surroundings. She's and adult now, that's still something that Jimmy has yet to accept.
       "Hey RoRo, how ya holding up?" Jimmy asks curiously, portraying a warm smile.
       Rosie smiles almost instantaneously, noticing the valiant effort he's taking to simply talk to her. He's using his old tactics from when she was a child to help calm her down. It's adorable in all actuality.
       "You're still using that nickname? I haven't heard that since I was in school," Rosie snickers.
       "Yeah that did kind've feel unnatural. Plus, we really only got separated three to four years ago," Jimmy chuckles nervously.
       They bond for a second over a once lost memory. To think that the apocalypse occurred several years ago is mind boggling. So much has changed since then. They've completely changed as well.
       Once their way of life was altered, their personalities soon followed. This forced everyone to grow up at a young age. It was a new experience that no one was prepared for. However, they're still standing. All of that fighting and hardship has gotten them this far. They can't stop while they're ahead.
       "I'm sure we'll find Lily soon Rosie. Plus, it'll be nice when we finally see Chris and Jeannie again! Think about some of those positives, that's how I pushed through for all the years," Jimmy says reassuringly.
       Rosie visibly grows somber, clearly craving the comfort of having her siblings beside her. When the apocalypse first started, that's what drove her to keep on living. At the time, she was completely unaware if her parents were alive. In the past, her siblings were her source of inspiration.
       For her, Jeannie and Chris was all she had. Her responsibilities have only increased as of late. It's demeaning to think about the whereabouts of her family. However, that only makes her respect Jimmy even more. He was separated from his life for so long, she tends to ponder about how he got through such heartache and torment.
       "I just want to see everyone again. I assume you want to see Chris and Jeannie again as well; it must be hard for you," Rosie holds back her tears, trying to maintain composure.
       Jimmy takes her daughter's hand as she begins to rest on his shoulder. She's been trying to remain strong for so long. There's an urge to unleash all her pent up emotions. This experience has been a nightmare to endure.
       "Tell me about Chris and Jeannie. How have they been holding up?" Jimmy asks curiously.
       "They've been getting by. You'd be proud of them. They matured so much throughout the years," Rosie smiles endearingly, remembering all the moments they shared with one another.
       Whether they were at Bunker 03 or in the sanctuary, there was always a fond memory to be shared. Their bond is what made their lives worth living. Once Eleanor is taken care of, they can all return to living a cheerful life.
       They all reside to themselves for a moment, waiting for that inevitable moment to occur. All eyes are locked onto the door, the suspense rising as the sound of mixed voices grow closer and closer. It's time. It's time for Myracle to enter the arena.
       Her heart sinks to the floor. She's always prepared for a battle, but this feels different. There's no telling what she's up against. For once, Myracle is absolutely petrified to fight. The nerves hit her ever so suddenly, hesitance and self-doubt slowly starting to take over.
       Mattie notices Myracle's peculiar attitude, watching her grow antsy and jittery just as Eleanor wanders through the door. Her brigade of knights follow behind, Laura's overconfident and self-centered demeanor floods the cell.
       "Don't get distracted Myracle. You must focus on surviving that godforsaken arena. I'll be praying for you," Mattie says suggestively.
       Myracle nods, snapping out of her sudden breakdown. Although she's wandering in unknown territory, she must stay calm. For if she loses her focus even once, she'll be finished. It's essential that she stays alert at all times.
"Hello again everyone! Have we decided who our lucky contestant will be for the arena?" Eleanor acts all giddy, disturbing the group tremendously.
Her bipolar-like personality is concerning. This sudden change in attitude reminds them of Karma. Even though one threat has been eliminated from their lives, a new one has arisen. There's no telling how this wildcard will act.
All they know is that she's unhinged and dangerous, like a feral animal sneaking up on its prey. She has blood on her mind, ready to pounce and devour any detected sense of weakness and vulnerability. She feeds on others' insecurity.
"I'm going in," Myracle states confidently, the others looking over in concern.
Although they're aware of Myracle's strengths, there's still a hint of fear and worry when it comes to sending your own people into an endangering situation. They can't help but feel for Myracle during this life changing moment.
Mattie glances at Myracle, admiring her bravery. She notices her proud, confident demeanor, all she could think was, Should I nominate myself if another arena were to arise? In Mattie's eyes, it's a necessity to protect the younger generation; they're the future of this world.
Rosie is hurting from her daughter's disappearance; she's stressed as it is. This could be Mattie's chance to help her newly founded allies. Myracle shouldn't be the sole fighter this group has. There needs to be a valiant group effort.
In order to support her group, Mattie will have to step up. She's altering her mindset. It's time for her to approach her problems head on. She needs to finally confront Eleanor instead of acting as a mere shadow, easily controllable and powerless.
Perhaps, this arena is her chance to prove how bold and daring she can truly be. Once Myracle makes it out alive, Mattie will vouch to protect Rosie and her family till the very end. Although she failed her sanctuary, it doesn't mean that she has to fail her team.
"Alright, we're off then. Laura, please escort her to the arena," Eleanor orders, exiting as if she were royalty.
Rosie finds Eleanor to be pitiful, longing for that power and fame as if it were an addiction. It'd fill her heart with joy to see this stubborn woman crumble before her very eyes, satisfying her feeling of disdain. After the egocentric behemoth took away her daughter to merely toy with her well-being, that's where Rosie knew that Eleanor had to be killed.
"Of course Lord Eleanor. Follow me Myracle, and please, try not to get lost," Laura states in a snarky tone.
Myracle doesn't look back, she refuses to. She needs to fully believe in her own capabilities. This fight means everything. It's important for her to stay confident throughout the duration of the battle. She's far too stubborn to die. Tonight, Myracle isn't fighting for a group, she's fighting for herself.
Laura walks Myracle down a narrow, winding hallway, the lighting growing dimmer and dimmer. Suspense is at an all time high as the ominous tone of the arena already sends shivers down Myracle's spine. She's in awe as to what's occurring.
She shakes her head, trying to think of something else, anything else. If this is her last stand, she will go down fighting. However, some things are still left unsaid. She feels entitled to an answer from Laura as to why she's doing this. How could she contain such little mercy?
"You fit in here. It's a kingdom filled with power hungry maniacs who get pleasure off of torturing others. Tell me something Laura, how do you live with yourself after killing your daughter's boyfriend?" Myracle barks, not backing down from this heated conversation.
Laura stops in her tracks, chuckling to herself like a sadistic psychopath. To think that this woman cares more for herself than her own daughter is mind boggling. She doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as Myracle.
"I sleep just fine thank you. Now, if you utter a single word to me, I'll have the knights kill you on the spot," Laura states boldly.
Myracle glances around her, barely noticing the knights at first. They seemed to be well trained, acting like bodyguards to this one awfully devilish human being. It takes all of her might to keep quiet, desperately craving for that satisfaction of being the first captive to survive the arena.
She remains in silence for a few minutes until something catches her eye. There's a door just to the right of this dark, twisted hallway. It seems to be its polar opposite. After glancing more intently, it looks peaceful, almost like a daycare for little children.
It's surreal to see such a normalized room in such a wicked location like this one. All of those innocent children are being tempted with the vibrancy of their daycare, failing to acknowledge the corruption surrounding them. It's upsetting to think about.
She quickly looks through the glass panel of the door while walking back, nearly gasping aloud at the sight. Excitement replaces the tension in her chest. She feels relieved, liberated even. For what she saw in that daycare was Lily sitting alone, coloring on a piece of paper.
The fact that she's alive has only heightened Myracle's mood. This was the motivation she needed to stay alive. For if she can outlast whatever the arena entails, then she can display the information to the others. They can finally arrange an escape attempt.
She returns to her calm and collected self, making her revelation completely unknown to the surroundings knights. On the off chance that she survives this horrid night of exhaustion and torment, it'll be the start to finally regaining their freedom.
They arrive at the rusted door, Laura's hand tightly gripping the handle. Even she looks petrified of what could possibly be in there. This may look intimidating, but Myracle is ready. She's an experienced fighter; she's a survivor!
Laura flings the door open, the guards pushing Myracle in, completely defenseless. She instantly looks around, surprised to see a secluded, cramped empty room. All that she can see is a katana lying on the concrete floor.
She inhales deeply, walking over to pick up the katana. Judging by its design, it must be Myracle's blade. This only provides Myracle with more confidence, giving her an advantage. The katana scrapes off the concrete floor, Myracle getting prepared.
No matter what obstacles she faces, she's convinced that she'll live through it. It's time to fight for their liberty. This is their first step at obtaining their life of normalcy. Hatches start to open from all sides of the room, leaving her in a vulnerable position.
There's one door on each wall, implementing a new wave of challenges throughout the night. However, there's still no sign of any danger. All there's to see is an open pathway in the walls.
Suddenly, she hears something. The sound of clanking armor and demonic like screams reverberate through the arena, growing louder and louder as Myracle tightly grips her weapon. Now she knows for certain what's in store for this battle.
The arena isn't some over the top establishment of Bunker 01. It's main purpose is fighting to the death. The last one standing will win. She won't just be fighting mutants; she won't be solely fighting humans. In reality, she'll be battling through anything imaginable all by her lonesome.

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