S7E10: Beyond The Aftermath

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Five Years Later:

The radiant beams of sunlight provides an elegant flare to the forest, illuminating the welcoming environment. Light filtered through the canopy, shadows mottled on the ground. Birds chirp in the treetops, practically belting their joyous songs as wildlife encases the area. It's almost as if all the widespread horror and bloodshed never occurred, baffling to even think about in this stage.
There's this massive and extravagant manmade base up on top of this slope, straying further away from the forest with every step up the hill. Structural fences guard the area, forming the perimeter just like old safe haven's and sanctuary's from the past.
Whether it was that robust and spacious sanctuary or Skyy and Matthew's homey makeshift base, all the positive elements from the two mementoes are present here. Not only do the barricades and defenses look sturdy, but the format is practically perfect, resembling the likes of a gated community even.
Suddenly, the large reinforced doors begin to open, revealing Lily, frolicking about down the steep hill. Unlike before, she's acting so frivolous, wandering about as if there were no mutants occupying their planet. This is clearly a bewildering adjustment after all the frightening endeavors they've experienced over the years.
Typically, the forest is seen as a disdainful place, a high amount of blind spots present for blood-craving creatures to catch their victims off guard. In just a moment, any representation of happiness could be finished here, the mutant leaving nothing behind but the ligaments they couldn't stomach.
To pile on top of that, there's no sign of Chris and Rosie walking outside beside her, peculiar behavior on their part. After all, Rosie of all people always hated the woods, one wrong direction permanently setting the tone for the rest of the unsettling exploration period.
However, times have changed, Lily being a lot older than before, nine going on ten. It's crazy as to how quickly time passes, leaving nothing but a faint memory of what once was. This girl went from petrified to wander off to sprinting recklessly down a mountain, almost as if a glimpse of her childhood is still alive and well.
Waking up to a beautiful sight like this moreover is what keeps the others at ease, realizing that there is still glamour and purity in the world. Although change occurs ever-so-suddenly, the survivors constantly kept out of the loop, it's refreshing to witness this reoccurring moment of tranquility.
Nature might be simple, following its designed path of the four seasons, but that's what makes it so comforting. It's that sense of normalcy that they never really got to experience in their early years of fighting for survival.
Time might be moving at a steady pace, impossible to keep up with, but it's a familiarity like that that grants the others with reassurance. If anything, they should be thrilled to have this rare moment of peace and fulfillment. It's what they've dreamt of since the beginning.
Lily continues to stumble down the steep hill, nearly tripping over herself multiple times while perpetually carrying this cheerful grin on her face. Right now, she's just happy to be free, getting lost in the breathtaking scenery while admiring the delightful flowers.
       Cavorting in this field of enchantment never felt more calming, losing track of time as she continues to skip in this meadow of flowers. Everything's here. From marigolds to daises, tulips to lilacs. It was this ravishing part of life that Lily missed, wanting to experience the beauty this once crumbling world had to offer.
       Now with more time to adapt and grow accustomed to the unforeseeable future, she's learned that not everything goes according to plan. They all might want their old lives back, or at least a cure to be invented to wipe these abominations out of existence, but it's something they'll just have to endure. It's what her mother said to her not too long ago.
       "These flowers are so pretty! Which ones should I pick for mommy? I know she wanted a lot of them for later," Lily states aloud, talking to herself.
       Clearly, things have changed from the past, Lily finally harboring enough knowledge and wisdom about the predicaments this world has to offer. She's grown up, allowed to be alone outside the safety of their walls for at least a little bit. Of course, Rosie still won't stop at nothing to keep a close eye on her. After all, she's still a mother.
She starts to pick the flowers aimlessly, placing them orderly into this leather pouch strung over her shoulder. Her demeanor is giddy, nothing but an everlasting smile on her face as she grows overwhelmed by the colors. They're so vibrant, giving the world some personality and spark amongst all this darkness surrounding it all.
Soon enough, her attention is diverted elsewhere, stopping in her tracks at the sight. For what Lily has discovered a little further down the slope was a rose bush, the bright red color drawing her closer instantly. It might just be a simple bundle of roses, having seen this particular sight before, but this bears more history than what originally meets the eye.
      "This was grandma's favorite I think. Mommy was also very clear to find some roses as well. I wonder what she's doing today?" Lily asks herself curiously, plunging her hands deep into the rose bush.
       Surely enough, she's pricked by thorns, her careless behavior catching up with her as she yells from the pain. Only a couple stick out from her hand, Lily beating herself up for not paying close attention to detail. If her mother were here, she'd be reprimanding her immediately.
       Her movements begin to grow more frantic, gathering her stuff together while traveling in a swift manner. All that's running through her head is, What if mommy spots my injury? With all the negative aspects that this world entails, Rosie is extremely thorough when it comes to explaining the precarious conditions of it all.
       After all those casualties and life-altering scenes they've witnessed, she wants to ensure that Lily is prepared for the outside world. The last thing she wants is for her judgement to be clouded, potentially making a devastating mistake. Her neurotic nature did come from Debbie after all, so there's no surprise to her overarching paranoia.
       Luckily for her, this is a rather small incident, but it's still an incident nonetheless. Any ounce of vulnerability can be viewed as weakness in this harsh world, Rosie making that crystal clear. Getting pricked by a few thorns isn't necessarily a big deal, but it only earns yet another lecture from Rosie.
       "Gotta hurry up! I can't have mommy worry about me," Lily starts to pluck out the thorns, throwing them aside until the unthinkable happens.
       Her fate is about to be sealed, staring there in utter fear, wondering just how did she get into this mess. No, it isn't a mutant, not an evildoer at their front doorstep, it's the sound of her mother's voice echoing for Lily to come inside.
       "Lily! It's time to come inside!" Rosie calls out, her daughter whipping her head around instantly.
       "I-I'm c-coming mommy!" Lily shouts in response, Rosie catching the guiltiness in her tone.
       She watches as her daughter comes running up the hill, satchel swaying in the cooling wind as Lily avoids eye contact. It's certain, her daughter is hiding something, yet again. If that wasn't clear enough, then the distinct hesitance in her voice was the other giveaway.
       Now, she'll have to face a long discussion about the importance of safety and being aware of her surroundings for God knows how long. Lily knows that her mom means well, but this is a tad bit excessive. At least, it's a sign that she cares for her health unconditionally.
       The gated doors shut behind the two, revealing a fenced in community with a plethora of tents encasing them. This astonishing sight that never ceases to amuse them, admiring their growth as a group with a multitude of advancements at their fingertips.
       In fact, it isn't just the eight survivors anymore, residents flooding the area as they become fellow members of this newly proclaimed society. There's even jobs like farming, hunting, tailoring, leather working, personal training, combat training, etc.
       With the addition of this new agricultural system, crops now become an additional source of food; it's skyrocketed their need for farmers. It's as if their old life filled with responsibilities, obligations and professions is making a return. Besides that, there's even fresh cattle and animals fenced away, formulating a real profitable way of life.
       Possibilities are endless here, giving these souls hope that they once lost, providing them with a sense of comfort. Finally, it feels like they've reached a sense of normalcy, this mere tent city being far more advanced than what it sounds like.
       With all these new faces around, giving back to their community, this tent city resembles a small, thriving village. Everyone's working together, improving upon what they've already built and established for themselves in just a few years.
       Rosie glances down at Lily, noticing her peculiar behavior while preparing to interrogate her. Based off experience, she always knows when her daughter is lying, that dismissive and secretive nature always shining through.
       "So, are you gonna tell me what happened out there? You look incredibly guilty," Rosie confronts her daughter, still refusing to meet her gaze.
       "It's nothing," Lily states quietly, grasping at her hand subconsciously.
       At that, it's evident just what Lily is hiding, Rosie quickly grabbing her daughter's right hand for further inspection. She does it carefully while still solidifying the fact that Lily won't have time to rebuttal or pull away, locating the marks on her daughter's hand.
       The reason why she hid this minor injury was obvious, scared for her mother's reaction. After spending majority of her time in this village-like structure, she longs for a chance to be free and act like a carefree kid. That is something that Rosie understands completely, not having that liberty as a child.
       However, there's still a reason as to why she instills this mindset into her daughter's brain. The last thing she wants is for Lily to be taken advantage of in this cruel environment. She must be prepared for the possible threats that lurk in the shadows, looking to feast on anything that moves.
       In reality, Rosie's aware that her constant pestering isn't always needed, injuries like these being easily fixated. It might come across as overly protective, but it's the reassurance she needs in order to properly prepare Lily for the outside world.
       For its these little scratches that remind Lily just how careful she has to be, thankful to not have a worse outcome. Although Lily's approaching that age where she finds certain things to be irritating, Rosie is convinced that her daughter will thank her one day for every last minute of those repetitive lectures.
       "Nothing you say? This is why I tell you to be extremely vigilant when you're outside! Lily Rose Dillon, you should know better than to lie to your mother. We'll get it patched up with Auntie Jess later," Rosie says assertively, yelling Lily's full name never being a good sign.
It would appear that she did indeed take after her husband's last name, applying to herself despite all the negative connotations it used to leave behind. Though, she loves Zach so much, the way he died, scarring her for life, shouldn't dismiss this important addition to their family name.
       "Ok, I'm sorry, but let's go see Auntie Jess! I wanna see what she's working on," Lily states excitedly, brushing past her mother's informative words of wisdom.
       All Rosie can do is nod, chuckling alongside her daughter. There are times where Lily can drive her mad, enraged over her mindless decisions, but that's just what it means to be a parent. Children can blow things out of proportion, setting her ablaze with the overwhelming emotions, but one glance of their bewitching smile is all that's needed to grant a parent with happiness.
On the way there, Lily's eyes spark vibrantly, Rosie immediately gaining an understanding of what's happened. For a few feet away is Ricky, Simon and Skyy, carrying this heavy lumber through the small village. Well, everyone except Simon, merely following along while his friends take up the brunt of the work.
Her daughter chases after them cordially, practically chanting their names to catch their attention. As soon as they turn around, catching a glimpse of Lily, Rosie comes to a realization just how challenging it will be to pry her stubborn child away from the very people who protected her all those years.
To her, this is family, Rosie sighing sharply as she begins to grow closer. Seeing her allies is always an enjoyable experience, these brief interactions serving as a distraction to the large amount of responsibilities she must deal with. It allows her to slip away from the pressure this world has to offer, at least for a moment.
Although she's displaying this alienated demeanor, wanting to get Lily to Jess quickly with her minor injury, having a chance to talk with the others is something she can't say no to. Besides, with what's planned today, it's more fitting than ever before to get reimbursed with her allies from the very beginning.
It's not like they don't talk anymore, still seeing each other on a daily basis, but they've all moved on to bigger and better things. With a civilization to run, these primary seven being the driving force behind it all, there's a lot of credentials they need to cover.
Unlike the past, time has only grown more limited, spending less time with each other, and more time with their latest projects and concentrations. There's still brief interactions and get-togethers from time to time, never failing to lighten the mood, but a part of her misses how close they once were.
It isn't any of their faults for partaking in what they believe bodes as beneficial for the community. After all, what they're doing is commendable, using their precious time for the sake of this newly founded utopia filled with love and prosperity.
So, with all that to keep in mind, Rosie knows that she can't grow weary from the lack of communication. For in reality, all isn't lost, the relationships still intact. If anything, this is better, preoccupying themselves with tasks that aren't just solely for surviving the night anymore. This is a step up from the conditions they went through.
"Hey everyone, look what I have! You too Uncle Simon!" Lily gallops over there at full speed, her persistence earning an awkward smile from Simon.
He's never been called an uncle before, still getting used to this seemingly common reoccurrence. On top of that, he was never really fond of kids, the thought of merely taking care of one being too much for him to bear. It's strange to see such positivity and innocence in a world like this one, Lily's cheerful ways confusing him further.
Ricky and Skyy give each other a devious look, scheming quietly to themselves. Clearly, they're looking to pester him about the way he acts around children, Rosie even catching on to their abnormal behavior. Well, it wouldn't be considered as a friend group if they weren't being thorns in his side, Lily relating to that phrase a little too much.
"Come on Simon, look at the flowers she's collected!" Ricky states in an overly joyous tone, making fun out of the situation.
"Yeah! You wouldn't wanna make her upset now would you Simon?" Skyy says provokingly, earning a displeased grunt from Simon.
"It's not my fault that I don't know how to handle something like this!" Simon shouts vaguely.
Watching this group let loose is pleasing to Rosie, as if their sense of wonder and happiness was reignited. This was something she never got to witness during their time together, dawdling to all their heart's content while perpetually engaging with one another.
Being a part of this wild group has been the light of Rosie's life, granting her with a sense of humor and satisfaction. Even though family is incredibly important to her, serving as her primary focus to stay alive, it was this collection of misfits that kept her sane when she was at her worst. She's grateful to have spent her time with these amazing people.
"Lily! Are you excited for the gathering today? Everyone's gonna be there," Ricky imitates a fatherly tone, hunching over to meet her at eye level.
"I'm sure you've picked a lot of beautiful flowers. Do you wanna show us some?" Skyy says in a sweet tone, warming Rosie's heart.
Having her daughter grow up in a destroyed and broken world damaged her, remorseful for birthing her into this hellhole in the first place. It was one of her most reoccurring thoughts, wishing that she could provide a better life for Lily.
Rosie pictured a multitude of luxuries, spoiling her angelic daughter as she should've been. If this were the old world, toys would be flooding up the living room, acting as a monsoon. With every little negative thought she contained about all the clutter, her daughter's belongings merely taking up space, just one laugh out of that girl's mouth would've encouraged her to buy even more.
This was the life she expected for her children, even at a young age. If she ever were to be a mom, she would love and cherish that kid unconditionally, just like how Debbie did for her. However, when it came time for reprimanding, Lily would meet her maker. After all, this is a representation of her parenting skills, it's her job to serve as Lily's perfect role model.
Alas, this depiction of the future never came to be, even now with Eleanor Hall being deceased five years later. Sure, they have more resources, slowly increasing morale as time goes on, but it's still too little. For a child, spending time locked away in the same location gets tedious, the sanctuary having more options. It's that one thought that never ceased to linger in her mind.
However, with her allies, it makes the repetitive view that much more tolerable, having the friends and support needed to grant you with a smile. It's their phenomenal and welcoming treatment that keeps Lily preoccupied, giggling up a storm as her worries fade away. Even Simon, someone who isn't enamored by kids keeps her happy, always going out of his way to make her smile despite his consistent refuting claims on caring.
       She glances at Lily, clearly thinking about something as Skyy and Ricky await patiently for a response. Her choices are odd, aiming to showcase her arrangement of flowers to them to now being reluctant of the fact. It's baffling to see through the perspective of a child, their actions being unknown.
       "Actually, I changed my mind. It's a secret! You'll just have to wait until later!" Lily states pridefully, concealing her satchel from the others.
       "Well, I look forward to it!" Skyy says enthusiastically, resting her arm on Lily's shoulder.
       The atmosphere suddenly shifts, rather abruptly at that as Simon glances at Rosie, including her in the conversation as the topic grows more serious. With the gathering soon upon them, it might stir about some mixed feelings, happy to be partaking in a needed event like this while also frightened to examine past events.
       "Are you ready for the gathering tonight Rosie? It's something we've all talked about, but it just feels so surreal now that it's finally happening," Simon says sincerely, past recollections catching up to them yet again.
       This gathering may bring about some conflicted emotions, bewildered on whether or not this is a smart idea, but they've had enough time to prepare. This is something that they need to do, something they promised to do all those years ago. With this last stage of development, they'll finally be ready to tackle the current while looking towards the future.
       "I get your concern, but I'm glad that we're doing this. We're doing the honorable thing here, just remember that," Rosie states reassuringly, silence returning.
       Ricky notices the awkward tension, aiming to eradicate this reserved and isolated atmosphere. Perhaps, changing the topic is the best choice at this current juncture, the gathering still being a questionable choice in everyone's mind.
       "How's Chris doing these days? I haven't seen him around that much. Is he still at home with Myracle?" Ricky asks curiously, brightening the mood.
       "Yeah, it has been a while since we last gotten together. We should all find the time to get together besides this whole gathering escapade. It needs to be casual and refreshing, not over the top like today," Skyy adds on, longing for their team to reunite once again.
       Rosie missed this, being surrounded by her trustworthy and enthralling friends. Although
there's an age gap present, it almost doesn't matter, this apocalypse shaping them into responsible and mature people. Well, they do have their childish and foolish moments, but don't they all? It's comforting to find the time to communicate with these significant individuals in her life.
       "They've been doing good, and yes he's been at home with Myracle. They're waiting for the big day after all, but trust me when I say that they're all dying to meet up with you guys again. We've been through so much, so it's only natural," Rosie answers with a broad smile, noticing Simon's scheming smile.
       "What a loser. Who actually finds love in the apocalypse?" Simon states jokingly, resorting back to his old, humorous self.
       This comical nature is relieving to say the least, the others laughing away. It's almost like their previous selves have been restored, those prior traumatic experiences no longer affecting their well-being. Based off this carefree and normalized behavior, it would appear that they've adjusted with the way the world operates now.
      Ricky showcases a wide smile, familiarizing this special scene from a moment so long ago, a time where Jill was alive, the apocalypse still rather new for them. At that point, they've fled the bunker, aware of these savage-like mutants, but that revelation never brought them down.
       Even though they went through their first demise, losing Sasha ever-so-suddenly, it wasn't enough to corrupt their bright and lively behavior. They were like a family, planning on keeping it that way. Although there's a multitude of unknown factors when it comes to this new life, survival constantly on the line, the worst thing they can do is submit to the horrid pressures that tampers with their sanity.
       Spending time with each other was what kept them motivated all this time, sharing these memorable moments from the very start of it all. The aspect that makes this so surreal isn't that they've drastically changed their morals to reach this point, it's the fact that they've already been there back with their allies.
       It was the comfort of friends and family that made a state of normalcy possible, disregarding any negative force or entity that were to make itself known. For if they had each other, that alone would be enough, no extra luxury needed.
       All those years ago, they were at Matthew and Skyy's base, Ricky and Jill cutting firewood while Simon lounged back and watched them work as if it were a movie. He sat back and barely lift a piece of wood, merely interrupting them with his sly commentary to earn a chuckle from the two hardworking individuals.
       Their journeys might've just begun, simply trying to adapt to this cruel world, but in that moment, it already seemed like they achieved their goal. It felt like a normal life, the only change being behind fences and barricades for their own protection. The only difference was that back then, that thought never really fazed them.
       Now, after all their growth and evolution, they've reached a similar feeling in their lives, almost as if their time in that small safe haven foreshadowed this very moment. That was a glimpse of what an enjoyable life looked like amongst a world filled with chaos. It might not be rainbows and butterflies, but it's acceptable if they're alongside their allies.
Seeing this familiar sight occur yet again, Simon standing aside nonchalantly as they collectively laugh their troubles away fulfills Ricky's heart with joy. After all those excruciatingly painful days of fighting and mental warfare, struggling to find themselves once again, it seems that all that sacrifice wasn't for nothing.
They've regained this sound position in their lives, free to roam around without having to worry about surviving the night. It's something like this that reminds them of their old way of life, pleased to still be encased by the ones who cherish their whole being. This heartwarming moment signifies their happy ever after, at least in Ricky's eyes.
He revisits their maturation process, aware of how much hardships interfered with their everyday behavior. To see the aftermath of their situation after a series of chaos is everything, recalling that empowering memory of fleeing Bunker 03, Eleanor Hall officially just a distant memory.
Joy begins to course through Ricky's bones, exhilarated over this triumphant and glorious victory. In just a blink of an eye, his tense nature and emotional baggage has subsided, springing up with excitement despite the fact that he was thrown to the floor from the explosion.
However, that feeble-minded factor doesn't contribute here, disregarding any possible injuries his body sustained from the blast. For all he can feel right now is joy, complete and utter joy. Eleanor is finally finished, her reign of terror now demolishing just like the bunker.
"We did it. We fucking did it!" Ricky shouts victoriously, the others finally starting to get up from the ground.
As soon as they're stable, he wraps his arms around the nearest body, thrilled to officially know that the main threat has vanished. There's still so much to fear, but he just won't think about that, Eleanor's death serving as a significant victory.
With this embrace, he can finally disengage his overly attentive attitude, getting lost in the solace of his friend's arms. They've gone through so much, persevered through every obstacle imaginable. This sense of relief is something they deserve, allowed to bestow their emotions without being psychologically manipulated.
"Ricky! C-Calm down," Simon stammers, clearly uneasy from the touching.
That's right, he never really was a fan of direct contact. However, once the reality sets in that his mentally abusive mother is gone, then he'll surely succumb to his feelings. It's just too surreal to formulate in words, but that's the truth, Eleanor Hall is dead.
There's no more belittling commentary, no amount of trauma following his every move. The wicked beast that tainted Simon's pure and caring soul is now dead. This is something to celebrate, putting this history of ridicule and torture behind him. The past is the past, and this time, it's certainly staying that way.
"She's gone Simon. She's not going to hurt you anymore. It's okay, you won. We won!" Ricky says reassuringly, Skyy walking towards them, resting an arm on Simon's shoulder.
After all the torment he's endured throughout his life, disappointment is something he's grown used to. In his mind, there's no possible way Eleanor Hall would've died by the likes of them, his mother simply too stubborn to subject to such a fate.
It's upsetting to see Simon in denial, automatically assuming the worst in every situation imaginable. Now that's he's surrounded by friends and family only, Eleanor no longer in sight, Skyy as well as the others will try their best to change that negative mindset. That degrading creature is gone, Simon no longer susceptible to that vile behavior anymore.
"He's right Simon, you're free. There's no reason to be scared anymore. There's no reason to keep your guard up twenty-four-seven. We can finally move on, together!" Skyy says enthusiastically.
Their warm and endearing smiles capture Simon's heart, the others standing up pridefully as they grow closer. Almost immediately, Simon's drawn to Chris' gaze, practically locking eyes as he gives off a mere nod. This can't be real, it's impossible even. Eleanor Hall isn't one to die.
Tears begin to swell up in his eyes, slowly succumbing to this buildup of emotions. He's been strong for so long, keeping his feelings hidden for this day in particular. It was an emotional rollercoaster when it came time to fight, but he got through it. It wasn't just him though, everyone else playing a vital role in stopping Eleanor's rule.
"S-She's gone? Is she really gone?" Simon asks curiously, wiping away the tears.
The rest nod in an unspoken agreement, Chris being the only one left unaccounted for. Simon gazes up at his best friend, the person he leans on, looking for guidance as well as a clear, distinct answer. He tries to be inconspicuous about his feelings, failing dreadfully as a smile sneaks it's way onto Chris's face.
These two have went through hell and back together, helping each other when they were at their lowest points in time. This news needs to be displayed by him, the one who Simon trusts undoubtedly. With that extra hint of reassurance, he'll be vulnerable, disregarding the incident with Matt. For this is an achievement worth celebrating.
"She's gone Simon. It's a definite. She's dead," upon those words, Simon erupts, starting to sob uncontrollably.
In a normal relationship, he'd be devastated, mourning the loss of such an important aspect of his life, but that isn't the case here. This woman has disparaged him and corrupted his thought process to fit her every desire. It was her mind games that controlled his every action, limiting his liberty tenfold
She might biologically be his mother, thinking that she has some type of control over their kin, but there's not a shadow of a doubt that Eleanor Hall ever treated her son properly like a mother would've. So, instead of weeping over her bitter end, forever clinging onto this harsh depiction of what a mother should entail, Simon will take this opportunity to think for himself for a change.
Yes, he will cry, but not in the way Eleanor would want. She doesn't have a say in his life anymore, that fact being well known before initiating in overall combat to decide their future. His tears will be shed for a purpose, letting all the burdens fade away as he enjoys this independent lifestyle.
Suddenly, a recollection comes to mind, bewildered with Chris' oddly bright and optimistic nature. For just a moment ago, while the group cheered over the loss of a monster, they completely brushed over the loss of someone who was respected and loved. Specifically, Chris and Rosie's mother Debbie.
She was a woman with so much poise, so much elegance. It was evident just how much she adored her family, willing to sacrifice herself to make ends meet. Even if she wouldn't witness the development of their upcoming society, having a chance to appreciate and live under the protection of this glorious base, it's justified if it guarantees the safety of the ones she loves the most.
Simon looks back at Chris, expecting to see a disheveled demeanor hidden behind this facade he's protruded. Oddly enough, his feelings are genuine, glad to put Eleanor's name to shame. He's obviously upset, the loss of his mother itching away at his core, likewise with Rosie.
However, he now has found the time to correctly grieve over someone important who they've lost. It might be painful, overwhelming to experience all this negative emotions at once, but there's nothing holding him back this time around. Now, he can properly adjust with all that has just occurred today.
Simon spontaneously reaches out towards Chris, admiring the maturity in his longtime friend. Instead of breaking down, willing to take his own life away, he's pushing through while still exploring his inner feelings. It may take some time to talk as freely with his allies, but this is the healthy choice here. Simon is nothing but proud of Chris.
"I-I'm s-s-sorry about your mom. I'm so sorry," Simon cries into his chest, Chris patting his head as they share this moment together.
The sound of her name might be haunting, a few teardrops managing to trickle down his cheeks, but his mother would want him to keep going. That much is something he knows for certain. It might be bad now, but it'll only be worse if you let this situation break you. That's something she'd say to him if anyone else were to meet this fate in her place.
The ending to this grueling battle might be bitter sweet, conflicted with all the amazing souls lost throughout the duration of this battle, but they'll stay together. Through thick and thin, surrounded by unconditional love, they'll keep each other motivated on their new mission to reclaim the life they lost all those years ago.
That promise they made to themselves is finally being heard, ready to move forward to a normalized and brighter future. Although some of their allies didn't make it, meeting an abrupt end along the way, they must fulfill this one deed to avenge their honor.
Right now, all they're pondering about is, what's next? Majority of their time in the apocalypse was spent fighting, never finding time to truly sit down and inflict change besides their residency at the sanctuary. They never really had time to picture what this self-proclaimed society looked like, already envisioning that sentiment as the sanctuary before all hell broke loose.
It might be difficult to pinpoint their next action, unaware of what's to come, but that's just another leap of faith they'll have to take. Just like the way they opened the airlock, wandering outside into unknown conditions, this is another massive decision that'll determine the rest of their future. The only difference is that this time, this group is officially unified, ready for any challenge that comes their way.
       Skyy cuts off her laughter, taking notice of Simon's indolent behavior as he merely tags along with the two. As time progressed, she has gotten closer with Simon, capturing a broader understanding of his personality and typical behaviors, but there's no way she's about to silence herself when it comes to getting work done.
       "Simon, get off your lazy ass and help. We gotta get this done in order to make the gathering later," Skyy states demandingly.
       Ever since her leg was amputated, Skyy transformed into a workaholic, perpetually locating new ways she could prove herself. In her mind, she though this behavior was rational, healthy even. If she were to cram all this knowledge about various topics shortly after the accident, then perhaps, it could atone for losing the ability to maneuver as freely as usual.
       Obviously, her first goal was to grow accustomed to the leg, often times pushing herself until the brink of exhaustion. In fact, she vividly remembers her doctors at the sanctuary helping her off the ground time and time again, looking to dwindle her hours in physical therapy.
       This was something she viewed as ordinary, acting as if she were doing everyone else a favor by pushing past her body's limitations. The quicker she adapts to this new way of living, the quicker she can attempt to learn new skills to help better the group's foundation as a whole.
       She lived this insalubrious lifestyle even after the sanctuary fell, looking for even more ways to get back into the action to assist the others. At this point, this wasn't about the group anymore, it was about proving to herself that she's a vital attribute to this team. It was her own critique of her actions that drove this reckless behavior from the beginning.
       It wasn't until that day in the cabin, trapped in the basement with no one in sight, left defenseless as the crawlers swarmed around her. In that moment, that desire to acquire the chance to prove herself minimized, now solely fearing for her life as her prosthetic became undone.
       Just like that, she was already about to give up, listening to that voice in the back of her head reminding her about this massive handicap. For a while, it was the only notable thing about her, altering her once mirthful and positive personality.
       Surviving that horrible incident convinced her that she is capable of outlasting these monsters, worthy of so much more than merely living. No. If anything, she alongside the others deserve to live their lives fruitfully, not once second guessing themselves in this precarious environment.
       However, that day might never come, and she's content with that. With the experiences they've gone through, it's impossible not to be the least bit skeptical of new surroundings. After the sudden collapse of the sanctuary, soon resulting in some of the most traumatic moments of their livelihoods, trust is a hard thing to come by for any matter at this point.
      Standing here though, in this homey and virtuous civilization symbolizes everything they've fought for. This is something they should be proud of, never again growing gloomy over irreversible events from the past. They're living in the future, and that's something to be grateful for.
       "Fine, whatever you say boss," Simon groans irritably, picking up a minimal amount of lumber.
       Although it doesn't look like it at times, harboring a mediocre relationship at best in the beginning, Simon and Skyy have gotten really close over the years. Ever since they shared that life changing moment together at the compound, cornered by the skull crusher, their bond has only blossomed even further.
       It's their sense of humor that they find to be relatable, constantly using this comedic language to distract themselves from the reality that encases their every infinitesimal move. They've learned how to handle each other, not afraid to speak their mind while also showing support when it's needed most.
       With all the obstacles they've been through, facing their own set of issues, Skyy is ecstatic that everyone's so interconnected with one another. For it's their presence that helps shape their allies' future. Whether they like it or not, that's the truth.
       "We gotta go Rosie, but we'll see you later at the gathering. Bye love bug! I can't wait for your surprise!" Skyy states informatively before reforging that typical childish baby voice for Lily.
       It's that imitative tone of voice that one regularly applies when talking to a young child or a pet even. Hearing that just shows how much they care about the people around them, embracing this community they've had hand in formulating from the ground up. Rosie doesn't know why, but it's something that just never fails to make her smile.
       "See you later Skyy. Thanks again for what you're doing for us, I really do appreciate it," Rosie states sincerely as they soon depart.
       With a wave from Lily, they set off to the infirmary, looking to patch off these minor scrapes and cuts from the thorns. It shouldn't take too long anyways, granting them with an excuse to check on Jess. After all, with her surgical procedure just around the corner, Rosie would love to see the progress.
       They soon arrive at the infirmary tent, all the necessary medical equipment scattered about. Gurneys surround them as they walk inside, a widespread amount of surgical instruments laid out on table tops with lap pads on standby.
       A sudden wave of hesitation strikes Rosie, contemplating whether they should interrupt Jess with her research. Clearly, she's lost in thought, stuck hunching over in that seemingly uncomfortable position on the wobbly metal chair. Her eyes are practically glued to her books, studying this procedure day in and day out.
      Seeing this level of tenacity and determination is interesting, already having success in surgeries like this before. Granted the situation is still intense, not harboring a complete certainty over every step with utter confidence present.
       It's admirable to witness actually, willing to take large portions out of their day to engrain this procedure in their mind, awaiting for the big day to arise even when she least expects it. If any complications were to arise, she'd want to be prepared, remaining calm and collected just like during her altercation with the mass army of knights back at Bunker 03.
       Rosie begins to slowly walk in, soon backtracking as she decides to come back later. Soon enough, she stops in her tracks, Lily running to her out of impulse. Perfect, she managed to distract even more people, startling Jess as she soon turns around.
       "Lily don't sneak up on people like that. You could've startled Jess with your rambunctious behavior," Rosie reprimands her, Jess signaling that the interruption is acceptable.
       "B-But I just wanted to talk with her. I love when she's working on a new project. It always looks so fun!" Lily states eagerly, earning a slight chuckle from Jess.
       Seeing this passionate side of Lily is refreshing to Rosie, glad to see her daughter meshing well with everyone in the camp. Although the lack of a social life might put a damper on things, she's still interacting with everyone respectfully. Perhaps, she was wrong for worrying about whether or not Lily will fit in, her daughter being more engaging than she's been.
       "I'm sorry to barge in unannounced like this. I would've let you known beforehand, but someone here didn't realize that there are thorns in rose bushes. Plus, she wanted to give you the flowers she picked for today anyways," Rosie says apologetically, sighing from her daughter's habit of being easily distracted.
       "It's completely fine don't worry about it. Plus, I get to see Lily! I'm gonna take care of your hand, so you'll have to behave like a brave girl, okay?" Jess asks softly, applying this warm smile on top of it all.
       Lily complies, nodding as she shuts her eyes. With something minor like this, it should take barely any time at all. Rosie begins to take all this in, realizing just how diverse this safe haven actually is. It would appear that they've achieved peak civilization, having access to the things they need the most.
       To think that times have grown much simpler is surreal, conversations returning back to what they used to be rather than questioning whether or not they'll survive the week with rationing. It might've taken a while to reach this empowering moment in their lives, but this glorifying lifestyle has only just begun. All that's left is to aid this community and watch it develop in the process.
It takes a couple minutes before Jess wraps up Lily's injury, swiftly but cautiously. With all the life threatening and challenging operations she's had to perform throughout this journey, it's only natural that she's gotten used to the chaotic nature. This small cut being a breath of fresh air for her, especially with the other procedure coming up.
"Alright, you should be all patched up!" Jess says gaily, ruffling Lily's hair.
"Thank you Auntie Jess! Can I give you the flowers now?" Lily asks courteously, filled to the brim with a seemingly endless amount of energy.
       Her spirited and infatuated nature earns a chuckle from Jess, nodding as she watches this pure soul portray this joyous demeanor from head to toe. This was the distraction she needed, setting her mind off the life changing operation that's soon to come. She's confident with her abilities, but the last thing she wants is to reach a point beyond repair. That would be catastrophic.
       She hands Jess the flowers, excited to hear her opinion. This is the age that she loves the most when it comes to kids, still harboring this innocent aura while also able to carry out full conversations. It's refreshing to have youth present in this campground, Jess still getting used to being called an aunt.
       "These are beautiful Lily! I'll be sure to plant them for the gathering," Jess says playfully before turning her chair around, refocusing her attention back on her blueprints.
       Almost instantly, that infectious smile evaporated, replacing itself with a serious and stern look about her. Clearly, this is something she's stressed about, Rosie seeing in between the lines. Perhaps, it'll be better for them to leave now, not wishing to further add on to her plate with their questions about the surgery.
       "Hey what are you working on by the way? Is it for Auntie M?" Lily states blatantly, the tension in the room rising.
       Jess gives off a mere nod, trying to handle this stress-inducing situation. Not only can this be a complex operation, but it has to be performed on one of their own as well. Myracle was her mentor, the one who taught her how to handle a sword to better prepare her for the outside world.
       This is something that Jess can't take lightly, wanting to cover every possible scenario to at least be prepared if something negative were to arise. She understands that Lily is curious about Myracle's condition, wanting to know the logistics behind it all, but mentioning it over and over again only sends shivers down her spine.
       "Lily honey, would you mind waiting outside the tent for a minute? Mommy has to talk to Jess," Rosie says abruptly, Lily complying to her mother's words as she waves Jess goodbye.
       As that loud, energetic beacon of light and hope flees the scene, frolicking outside, the room grows silent. Knowing Jess, she chooses to shut everybody out, not wanting anyone else to grow worried off her fears. It's normal to feel this way about something like this, not wanting one mistake to define you for the rest of your life.
       Rosie's aware of the risks, same with everybody else. However, they know that Jess is the best chance they've got for something to this degree, the one to count on if things were to go wrong. Besides the fact that she's the doctor of the group, its also the way she carries herself, correctly dealing with pressure whenever it comes her way.
       Showcasing nerves is totally acceptable, a basic human function present in almost every decision. Even if she were to hold a mistake, no one would pin it against her. They know just how dangerous this procedure can be, but it's worked more times than not. Jess can do this; she will do this!
       "Jess, I know you're scared, but you don't have to be. Myracle knows what she signed up for. I get why you're nervous, but you're the only one capable of performing this surgery. No matter what happens, no one will riot against you. I'm certain that you will successfully complete this assignment, it's in your blood after all. So, don't fret too much about it. You're well prepared, so just take it slow until the day comes around. You'll be alright," Rosie states reassuringly, allowing Jess to take a breath.
       Hearing that only grants her with validation, happy to know that the group believes in her abilities. It may look like she's unsure of herself, but she's already done something like this in the past, on her first attempt at that. She shouldn't be psyching herself out, that's the only incorrect factor present in this scenario.
       "Thanks Rosie. It really means a lot coming from you, and you do have a point. It's just a part of my nature I guess to be worried, but I'll make it through," Jess says gratefully, satisfied to hear her feedback.
       "That's the spirit Jess. You got this, I just know it. Anyways, I have to take Lily home before she grows impatient and runs off somewhere, but I'll see you later at the gathering," Rosie parts ways with Jess, exiting the infirmary.
       She's satisfied to have spoken with Jess, hopefully depleting any negative feelings she had about this upcoming procedure. As long as she left behind a hint of reassurance, leaving Jess alone with her own devices, the she's done her job. Everyone knows how trustworthy she is. The only person who needs to see that is herself.
       At that, she rejoins Lily, taking her hand as they make their way back towards the house. She begins to take a glance at the sky, noticing the sun slowly starting to go down. That's the indicator to get ready, preparing for the gathering. It's at the upmost importance that they arrive in a timely manner, picking up the pace.
       "Lily, you need to promise me that you'll behave during the gathering. It's important to everyone, so there will be no interrupting when others are talking. Is that clear?" Rosie asks curiously, looking for a positive affirmation.
       They've waited far too long for this day to come, constantly desiring for an event like this to keep their minds at ease. With this gathering, all their inner thoughts and questions will finally be answered, leaving a clean slate in their path to determine this new and bright future.
       "I promise that I'll behave Mom," Lily states reassuringly.
       Rosie draws her daughter closer, giving her a kiss on the forehead as she explores her history with Lily. It's dreamlike to picture her daughter all those years ago, only to see how much she's aged and matured. She remembered what it felt like to defeat Eleanor as if it were yesterday, not once forgetting any minor attribute about that grueling day.
       After her mother passed, she promised to never forget that conflicting day. For better or for worse, that battle changed the trajectory of their lives, guaranteeing a future and childhood for Lily. This was what they fought for, Rosie well aware that her mother is looking down at them, proud of what they've accomplished.
She walks up the steps of their lovely abode, not just a mere tent, but a regular house. Luckily for them, the place they stumbled upon was a residential area, expanding their territory over time as the walls and defense mechanisms were placed.
The facade of the house is a brick exterior, potted plants in the window sill with a well-maintained garden just beside the walkway. Clearly, this was their biggest improvement yet, typically straying away from places like these due to the immense amount of mutants.
However, this will be an investment that they'll never regret, glad that they took on the risk. There's actual bedding along with a comfortable living area where they can relax and feel liberated after a long day of hard work. It's almost like returning home from school or one's job, unwinding on the couch as time trickles away slowly.
This feeling is closely related to heaven, an exaggerated phrase, but it's still so satisfying to have this tranquil moment to themselves. It's almost like there is no apocalypse, not having to worry about any barrage of mutants heading their way. Sure, they'll always remain on the side of caution, but they've established a system where everything is balanced.
       Better yet, there lies a laminated metal sheet on the front of the house, their names engrained on the thin metal strip. Seeing that repetitive sight everyday is always a blessing, adding a personal and genuine touch to this community they've built. This is their house, the home and safe space they worked so hard to obtain, fighting against any casualty imaginable.
       It might not be the most spacious of living quarters, Chris always longing for a luxurious mansion he would purchase with his earnings, but it's sufficient enough. After all the torment they've endured, he's just grateful to share this new beginning with his loved ones. For no amount of fortune or fame he would acquire in the previous world could remotely compare to being alongside his family and friends. Frankly, that's all that matters to them all, Rosie laughing at the recollection.
She unlocks the door, the sound of her keys jangling like music to her ears. After all, they were without a home to call their own, even a room for Christ's sake. When the sanctuary fell, there was no secure location to reside in for the night. Finding this redeeming community served as their safe space, soon developing this residential lifestyle into something more diverse and unique.
The door swings open, revealing a beautiful house, living room to the right with a staircase leading up to the bedrooms on the left. The hallway straight ahead delves deeper into the kitchen, bathrooms separated sparingly. It's a sight like that that always leaves them in awe, perplexed as to how they transitioned from tents to this extravagant housing arrangement.
"Uncle Chris!" Lily comes in like a bat out of hell, practically leaping at Chris.
He groans from the sudden impact, acting as if he's just experienced whiplash. Just like that, Lily has already grown rowdy and reckless in less than a few seconds. As soon as she steps foot into this house, her personality shifts, basically transforming in her own form of the Tasmanian devil, wreaking havoc everywhere she goes.
Nothing is safe, knocking into anything that comes in her way. It's that speed of hers, used to all the cardio after running from those creatures. A thought like that actually grants Rosie with hope, happy that her daughter at least gained something from those troubling encounters.
"Wassup Lil! Did you have fun today?" Chris' fatherly instincts kick in.
That nickname is enough to brighten anyone's day, Rosie smiling every time it's brought up. To her, it just makes everything so touching and personal, thrilled to have such a fulfilling life built around the concepts of trust and love with her family.
The antics that go about in this household is similar to the way it used to be, before they were ever in route to Bunker 03. Seeing this type of engaging and enthralling environment encased around Lily, makes up for all the hardship she had to bear at such a young and fragile age. Rosie is nothing but overjoyed to be in this scenario with her loving family.
"I had a lot of fun! I got to go outside, and I talked with everyone. Is Auntie M home by the way? I wanna see her," Lily rambles on, barely taking a breath.
"I'm right here sweetie," Myracle states in a genial tone, interrupting Chris before he can even answer.
She comes into view, her appearance way different than it was before. Originally, her hair was short, always kept even and orderly. That was until the others came around however, messing with her routine as her personal time grew limited. It didn't take too long for her to decide to grow it out, not wanting to waste time on something like that.
Now, she's resorted back to her old look, her red hair on the shorter side. That's not the only change though, her once intimidating aura subsiding. In a way, it's almost like she grew a bit soft, fed up with portraying this confident and attentive side of her all the time.
However, that isn't the big take away here, her stomach having enlarged. That's right, Myracle is pregnant with Chris' baby, far along too. From the looks of it, she seems to be well in her third trimester, due any day now. It's almost like everyone's on stand by, waiting for the big day to be upon them.
After all, once she's in labor, the ball will be in Jess' court, delivering this baby successfully just like how she did with Rosie. There's no way in hell they are ever leaving Myracle unattended, someone having to watch over her every move until the time comes.
Lily runs toward Myracle, full steam ahead as Chris and Rosie watch her like a hawk. They'll be damned if she gets hurt on their watch, never being able to put an incident like that past them. It's this overprotective nature that Myracle can't quite get an opinion on, fervent about her safety while also being incredibly dictating.
       "Hey Auntie M! How's the baby doing? I wanna see my cousin already!" Lily rubs Myracle's stomach, mesmerized by another potential child to befriend.
       That's all Lily's thinking about, solely aiming to lure her cousin in as her best friend. All she wants is to frolic in the meadows just outside of the walls, spending quality time with her cousin as they explore the vast region. Clearly, she doesn't know much on the matter, confused about why the process is taking so long, but it's her innocence that's got Myracle so excited.
       If this was her past self, she wouldn't know how to handle this discovery, looking to flee from all the people she's encountered. For that one night of vulnerability, that one night of liberty would've controlled the rest of her life. Getting pregnant was considered to be a negative outcome back then, fear being the sole prominent emotion.
       Being a mother in a world like that was viewed as implausible, petrified of the thought that something atrocious would be done to her fragile child. Surely enough, she would grow attached to her kin, destined to look after her no matter the sacrifice. If she were a mother, it would be her job to ensure that kid's safety.
       However, it was that responsibility that scared her the most, altering her life drastically amongst this hostile environment. To partake in such a devastating change like that is too extreme for her, focusing on the "what if's" if her child were to be born under such heinous conditions.
        Now, with all their days of war behind them, reinforced barricades and fences lined up around the perimeter of this upcoming society, that fear has subsided, proud to be experiencing such a precious process like this one. Better yet, Rosie will be by them every step of the way, having gone through the same thing with Lily.
       For once in her life, Myracle can finally say that she has hope for the future. Even when she was a little kid, not sharing the best relationship with her family, hope was something that very rarely occurred. This new community has granted her the fresh start she's always strived to obtain, now starting a new journey of motherhood with the people she loves beside her.
       It's her job to pave the way for her child, showing them the ropes of this new life she's been brought into. However, it's still more than that, Myracle wanting to give her kid the support she deserves by having both parents and others around to love and spoil them unconditionally. No matter what happens, she will stand by her own, something her father never did.
Although malice remained in her heart for a long time, wishing the worst upon her father who abandoned her at childbirth, she must accept the little victories whenever they reveal themselves. If it weren't for that discouraging day, Myracle wouldn't have become the strong warrior that she is today.
At least, she knows that they're all capable of protecting this new precious life that's soon to be conceived. It's only a matter of time before she grows connected with her baby, just once glance enough to declare their forever-binding relationship.
She looks back down at Lily, her heart melting from the admiration and excitement in her eyes, another reason as to why she's excited for this new challenge. The nerves will definitely make an appearance, unaware of how to tackle a situation like this, but that's normal when it comes to parenting. Everyone else believes in them, Myracle just needs to find the way to believe in herself.
"Don't worry Lily, your cousin is doing just fine. We're just waiting for the big day!" Myracle chuckles, trying to get used to handling kids.
Rosie starts to get antsy, recognizing the fact that they're running low on time. If they plan on getting anywhere today, everyone needs to move immediately. After all the buildup, all the talk of this splendid gathering, there's no time to waste. This is how they obtain closure with all the misery and torture that they've endured for all those years.
"Alright we seriously need to get ready. Lily, stop bothering Auntie Myracle and go upstairs and change," Rosie states authoritatively.
"B-But—," Lily begins poutingly, only to get cut off by her mother.
"Now young lady. We need to get moving, so if you comply to my terms, maybe I'll give you a present of some sort," Rosie says enticingly, causing Lily to dash up the stairs as if she were a track star.
Once a gift like that is on the line, Lily would do anything to claim her prize, gone in a flash. Although it may appear that Rosie's hard on her daughter at times, trying to keep her actions in check, she's only doing what she believes is right. In reality, her strict nature results from the world they live in.
The worst might be behind them, turning a new leaf on their journey to success, but danger is still out and about, coming in all sorts of variants. There's a lack of resources, bloodthirsty creatures and villainous humans who crave nothing more than the act of violence, feasting on the weak by gaining a level of empowerment in this battered environment.
With all the horror encapsulated inside Rosie's mind, these dark, twisted memories refusing to flee from her memory, it's understandable as to why she'd be this overprotective. No matter the experience one has in this particular setting, fit to handle these harsh conditions, all it takes is for one small yet pinnacle moment to be the decider of life and death.
"Wow, I'm impressed. So what're you planning on giving to her as a present?" Myracle asks curiously.
"Oh, I'll think of something. It could just be more time outside, but we'll see," the two chuckle lightheartedly, exchanging in brief conversation before Myracle goes upstairs to prepare for the gathering.
However, something's off, noticing her trudge up the staircase alone. Normally, if Myracle were to move, Chris would be beside her, assisting the love of his life anyway imaginable. Hell, all she would have to do is think about going somewhere, and he'd just show up to guide her.
In this instance, he isn't with her, causing Rosie to grow concerned. This isn't like him, typically leaving her alone only when he's positive that she's not going anywhere. The thought of anything terrible happening on his watch is a topic he can't bear to face.
She explores the house, walking through the kitchen then through the living room. Lord behold, there's Chris, pacing back and forth on the carpet, clearly lost in thought. It takes a moment for him to catch a glimpse of his sister, trying to brush aside his abnormal behavior as if it were nothing.
"Wassup Ro? I thought you were supposed to be getting changed right now," Chris states informally, attempting to act as casual as possible.
"I could say the same thing about you," Rosie states skeptically, leaving an awkward silence.
       Although he used to conceal his true feelings with his friends, keeping his own secrets to himself, that trick never worked on Rosie. She almost gets this hunch that her brother is in a troubled state, his mannerisms and character revealing it either way. He might find her pestering ways to be infuriating, but it's that type of attitude that just showcases his sister's supporting methods. How can he stay frustrated at someone who just wants to help?
       "I-I'm just nervous. Not about the whole gathering thing, I'm ready for that, but it's just becoming a father. It just sounds daunting, you know? Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to have a baby with Myracle, but I just don't know if I'm ready. I-I'll do everything I can obviously, but I'm just nervous is all," Chris states timidly, rubbing his nape due to the tense environment.
       With a deepened exhale, he cowers away from his sister, still uncomfortable with unleashing his inner emotions. That's just something that will never change, no matter how technologically advanced this society becomes, the threat factor dwindling down to a small percentage.
       Even if they were to reimplement phones and radios in their lifetime, this trait would still be engrained in Chris' personality. In his eyes, revealing emotions is like a weakness to him, leaving him vulnerable for any negative encounter that follows. He's aware that times have changed, wartime officially behind them, but it's still a touchy subject for him.
       However, with everything he's gone through, all the people he's lost, he's still confident that they're in a far better place now. It might take him a long time to grow accustomed to residing in others, typically reserved when it comes to his emotions, but he'll never stop trying.
       He awaits for his sister's response, surprised to hear a series of hysterical laughter, clearly brought about quite abruptly. This wasn't the reaction Chris was expecting in the slightest, prepared to hear her honest and fair criticism on the matter. Oddly enough, it appears that she's straying away from her wholehearted and serious nature.
       "W-What's so funny?" Chris asks curiously, perplexed by this sudden turn of events.
       "Oh my God Chris, do you think I knew what I was getting into when I had Lily? I was so clueless and fearful that the thought of me birthing a child didn't truly shock me until the day came along. This isn't something anyone's exactly prepared for, maybe a pediatric surgeon in a way, but it's new for everyone. Being nervous is normal, so it's alright. There's no need to fret because I'll also be here for you every step of away. You're not alone in this Chris," Rosie says reassuringly, leaving Chris in a calm state.
       How could he be so naive? Of course he's scared, of course he's nervous. Hell, if he's worried about the possible outcomes, than imagine how Myracle is feeling currently. With all the heightened hormones built up inside of her, she must be far more neurotic and fearful than he could ever be.
       Suddenly, he hears her voice from up the stairs, realizing just how terrifying this must be for her. It's not like he didn't console her at the start of pregnancy, listening to her every request while remaining close beside her. He locks his attention back onto Rosie, taking her words of wisdom to heart.
       "Chris! Can you come here a sec?" Myracle calls out, Chris quickly leaping into action.
       "Thank you Rosie, that makes me feel at ease. I gotta go see what she needs, so just get ready, and we'll see you down in a bit," Rosie nods as her brother runs up the stairs, going to her aid.
       It's refreshing to see this side of Chris, aware of how difficult it was for him to accept his feelings for Myracle. He felt obligated to push down any source of happiness, refusing to believe that true love was being offered in an apocalypse, convinced that growing attached will lead to a travesty. The last thing he needed was another distraction.
       However, here they are several years later, playing house with a baby on the way. It might seem like a cliche, resembling any type of fairytale where an almighty and troubled prince stole the heart of a beautiful and ravishing girl, but it's something he deems as perfection. There might not be a ring involved, but it feels like they're already married.
       She follows him upstairs, heading towards her daughter's room to help her get ready. It's this relaxing and welcoming environment that she's missed all this time, ecstatic to witness Chris finally coming out of his shell. It took a long time for him to persevere through his emotional baggage, but he's finally done it.
       Meanwhile, Chris kneels down in front of Myracle, tying her shoes while she sits on their shared bed, swaying her legs back and forth. He can't do anything but chuckle, his wife always failing to erase that, at times vexatious habit of hers. Moreover, it's just another thing that he adores about her.
       He continues to help her with the shoes, already well-dressed with her luscious and captivating dress. Chris is dressed formally as well, wearing a fancy black suit with a navy blue tie. Although it's the only proper outfit they had in their wardrobe, it should suffice for the event.
       Myracle begins to gawk at Chris, contemplating as to how she got this lucky in the first place. Never would she have pictured herself in a stunning dress while pregnant, her husband tidying her up due to her inability to move freely like she used to. It's something that still is challenging to take in.
       However, she's proud to have gotten to this point with Chris, thrilled to have such an amazing and enchanting man like him in her life. Her original goal was to survive, yet she was dealt with a much more appealing hand, granted with this cherishing community surrounded by all her friends and family.
       It might seem cordial now, but she still can't but wonder just how Chris is holding up from all this. Obviously he's much happier than he was ever before, the joy written all of his face with this new life he was given. No, that isn't what Myracle's referring to, solely questioning his opinion on the gathering.
       Supposedly, he states that this is acceptable, willing to take the plunge down memory lane. It might be painful, but he claims to be able to handle it. Despite all the constant reassurance, she still can't help but wonder, What if some of these agonizing memories reignite that negative mindset from before? The last thing she wants is to see Chris enter this downward spiral, referring back to his old, damaged self.
"Alright, you're all set!" Chris states cheerfully, his smile soon fading once capturing a glance of Myracle's stiff demeanor.
She's clearly distraught about something, tapping her foot repeatedly on the ground as she begins to zone out. From the look of it, the topic consists of Chris, locking eyes without ever realizing it. He knows that there's about to be some serious interrogation afoot, ready to get bombarded with questions regarding his mental health. After all, this upcoming event could act as a trigger from his past.
"Chris, are you really ready for the gathering? I know you said that you were, but I'm worried that it'll resurface some terrible memories," Myracle says anxiously, awaiting his response.
He takes a moment to himself, not really taking the time to consider the possible consequences or reactions. Although there's a part of him that wants to deny that possibility, convincing himself that everything will be alright, he truly isn't fully aware of what's to come from this bewildering yet monumental day.
"To be honest, I don't know for sure how I'm going to react. This is something we've talked about for a while. I always knew this was bound to happen, but I am certain that it won't be like last time. I've changed since the day I lost Jeannie and the people I cared for. With you beside me as well as the others, I know
I'll make it through one way or another," Chris states reassuringly, earning an endearing smile from Myracle.
She smiles, still stunned to share this spectacular life with someone she loves unconditionally. This was something she never envisioned for herself, imagining nothing but irreversible problems at every turn. Hearing this encourages Myracle that the worst is over, ready to embark to this gathering with all these incredible people by her side.
"Guys! We need to get going! It's about to start," Rosie's shouting reverberates through the house, calling for them direly.
He locks eyes with Myracle, the love of his life, reliving their journey together. They've had their fair share of ups and down, facing their insecurities time and time again, but they now stand here proudly, ready to join the others at this gathering. Change has already impacted them before, leaving a bitter taste in their mouth with the devastating demises of their allies, but this time, they've finally changed for the better.
"We should probably get moving," Chris says suggestively, Myracle nodding, laying a soft, sweet kiss on his cheek as they walk down the steps.
Waking up in this house has been a dream of theirs for a while, admiring the familiar faces that fulfill their hearts with love and joy. This may indeed bring back some paining recollections, reopening some old wounds, but the people around them will stop at nothing until their family is just as happy as they are.
So, they'll walk out of their new home, reuniting with their group as they share this trip down memory lane alongside the very people that guided them through the siege of torment. For in this current moment, Chris has everything he's ever needed, hands intertwined with his loving wife as they soon commence the gathering, Rosie and Lily accompanying him leisurely.

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