S7E2: Satisfied

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The airlock presents itself before the group, setting the tone as it showcases an eerie and ominous atmosphere. Just behind them, there's a beautiful winter wonderland filled with mystery and adventure, yet they turn their backs. For what would be the point of being in the open world if someone as dangerous as Eleanor still reigns free?
The bunker itself looks uninviting, clearly in need of maintenance after the fire that occurred all those years ago. There's soot on the floor, the walls charred as the lingering scent of smoke reminisces in the air. It feels like they never even left the bunker, especially for Rosie.
She still has post traumatic stress from the day her husband met his end, recalling the brute force of the engulfing flames, practically swallowing the bunker whole as if it was a monster stalking its prey. It's like she's reliving the experience in slow motion, every minor detail sneaking it's way in her mind.
Just a glance of the airlock captures the corrupt nature this stronghold entailed, Rosie visibly agitated as the others begin to notice. She experienced what no one else had, causing her to roam around this world with absolutely no one to rely on.
There was no room for error, constantly staying alert after seeing her first mutant. Although the death of Zach made her emotionally unstable, she had to keep pushing. However, only one sole purpose was driving her to stay alive; that purpose was her family.
Silence encapsulates the mutilated airlock, the others getting used to their surroundings while the previous residents recall the past moments of their livelihoods. Although they came to the realization that their militia was corrupt, it still doesn't mean that they didn't enjoy their time here.
Jess grows lost in thought, reminding herself of all the fond memories this bunker truly entailed. Besides spending more quality time with her friends, there was another factor that she always looked forward to. Oddly enough, it was the education aspect, growing infatuated with science while still stunned by how civilized this place was.
However, Simon didn't always agree, the only motive keeping him moving was his allies. This sense of normalcy was what kept them all sane, focusing on each other rather than what was happening outside. Truly, it was their friendship that kept everyone happy, satisfied with how not much has changed.
Bunker 03 had its fair share of poor memories, being rushed out of their home as Admiral Johnson's intentions became more hostile towards them. Moreover, this was still their home. It's a shame that this once thriving facility has quickly reached its swan song, all because of Eleanor's plan.
"This is where Zach died, right in this spot as Sergeant Smith fulfilled that tyrant's orders," Rosie blurts out, breaking the silence.
She stares blankly at the floor, recalling the horrid scene as the room grows quiet once again. Rosie has never been one to show emotion, typically hiding it until she's alone, allowing herself the liberty to feel. However, seeing tears fall right before their very eyes is a very troubling sight to endure.
Chris and Debbie walk towards Rosie, condoling her as the recollections of past events all attack at once. She hasn't had a proper moment to mourn any of these deaths, choosing to stay strong for her people or a different purpose down the line. Her husband's dead, her sister is dead, her father is dead. They're all dead.
"Rosie, you're incredibly strong, so it's okay to let it out once in a while. I'll always be here for you; I'm your brother!" Chris says reassuringly, returning the favor after the constant support she's provided.
If it weren't for Rosie sticking by him through all these hardships, he wouldn't have gained the courage and confidence to lead again. In fact, after Jimmy and Matthew's demise, he would've sunk into an even deeper depression, viewing life as utterly hopeless.
Her presence along with the others have truly made him stronger. Although he'll always miss the ones he's lost, he must concentrate on the task before him. If there's any chance of retrieving a normal life once again, it's now. He needs to finally accomplish these goals, not just for the group, but for all the people they've lost.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that, but we're here now! We're finally going to avenge Zach, Jeannie, Jimmy and all the others that have passed. We can do this Rosie!" Debbie exclaims, holding her daughter.
Being surrounded by all her loved ones just showcases how the worst truly is behind her. After spending some time alone, moving on from the tragic loss of her husband, that's where she became the most broken. Experiencing the harsh reality of the unknown without anyone to console in caused her to spiral out of control.
However, now, she's practically spoiled, surrounded by her family as a sea of allies encase her. Unlike the beginning, she isn't alienated anymore. She doesn't have to worry about tackling this world alone anymore.
Suddenly, Lily walks away from Myracle, confronting her mother as she expresses a concerned look. She gives a gentle tug at the bottom of her shirt, glancing up at her mother in tears.
"Mommy? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" Lily asks innocently, causing Rosie to chuckle as she wipes the tears from her face.
Although Lily solely asked a simple question, it was enough to put her at ease. Her daughter is her rock, her motivation for a brighter future. Protecting Lily means everything; she's her world.
"Y-Yes I'm okay honey. Thank you guys, I needed that," Rosie recovers, finally returning to her calm and collected self.
This small moment to herself has now granted her the preparation needed for this battle to commence. She desperately craved to cling onto her old habits, using these feelings as fuel to her fire.
However, after building up all these relationships, she's now realized that it's normal to cry. She's had this speculation where crying signifies weakness, soon transitioning to one's character, but that couldn't be more incorrect. Crying is simply feeling, and she'd rather experience her emotions than feel absolutely nothing at all.
"I can't believe we're back. It's so surreal to think about," Simon states suddenly, changing the topic as the others soon catch on.
"Yeah, there's definitely a lot of history here," Ricky concurs.
       Stephanie admires her newly founded group, growing infatuated with their natural chemistry with one another as she scopes out this unknown territory. Although it feels like their old home to the others, to her, this isn't a proper first introduction.
       Seeing this bunker in such ruin and misery, makes it that much more challenging to think about the history behind it all. She can't even fathom as to how her son and the others found a positive attribute about Bunker 03 in the first place. However, that isn't that main focus right now.
       Being surrounded by all these inspiring, lively people have given her a whole new purpose, a whole new perspective even. The death of her son caused her to feel hopeless, as if all the glamour and joy had fled her body, leaving her in an empty vessel of sorrow and self-hatred.
       It was around that point where she officially hit rock bottom, thinking that there was no possible way for her to return to her old self. However, meeting the group on that dull, unforgettable day has truly made an impact. For the one small increment that first kept her alive was reuniting with Chris, relieved that some mementoes of Ryan still remain with him.
       This would only be the first step though, noticing Chris's cold, exclusive nature as he remain isolated to ponder by his lonesome. It made it rather difficult to talk to him once again, causing Stephanie to get involved by forcing herself to assist the others in any way, shape or form. If something as convenient as that could help her mourn the tragic loss of Ryan, then so be it.
       However, as time started to progress, the facade slowly began to dim out, replacing it with genuine care and love for her group members. What was once a trick to simply process the death of her son has now turned into the factor that helped these kids grow into the best versions of themselves.
       After all the information and support she's bestowed upon her son's old friends, it's proven to have paid off, birthing stronger and new relationships as life began more and more enjoyable. She acted as their caregiver, watching them grow and persevere past any obstacle that reveals itself.
       Although their time together has been rather short, her facade sometimes making a reoccurrence, these fond memories that were formed are irreplaceable. Just as much as she was there for them, they were also comforting her. She's proud as to how far they've come.
       When Ryan first passed, she craved to hopefully move on from that belittling day, but that would act as a disservice to her son. For if she just simply moved on, it would erase all the complex emotions and memories that made his life special. At the time, she was in denial, longing for the pain to go away, but now, she knows that day will never come. Finally, she's content with keeping that memory.
       Stephanie glances at her allies, locking eyes with Debbie and her family, the others getting lost in the history behind this now forsaken bunker. To see such a thriving, respectable group encasing her just makes her that much more triumphant. It might've taken a while to reach this point, but she's grateful to be aligned with such a supporting, unified team.
       "Guys! I just want to address something before our last battle," Stephanie blurts out, catching the others' attention.
       "S-Sure! What do you wanna talk about?" Tara asks curiously, surprised with this sudden sense of formality.
       "We're all ears, so just ask away!" Jess says enthusiastically, showcasing a personified smile with enough charm to enchant this disheveled airlock.
       Stephanie looks around her, noticing how they look at her. It takes her by surprise a bit, but they're all smiling. After such a short amount of time together, how could they express such trust with her? It's almost like they know what she's about to say, as if she's their guide during such a strenuous and nerve wracking battle. This is one of the first times she's ever felt truly significant.
       "I just wanted to say how although this situation may seem terrifying and engrossing to think about, just remember that you're not alone. You all helped me recover from past hardships, so now, let me help you! Now that we're together, we can truly persevere. We can transform this horrid world into a wonderful one, together," Stephanie states reassuringly, the others finding the hidden strength needed to tackle such an intimidating task.
       They've all been through so much, their personalities changing in the blink of an eye as they struggle to adapt to this new world filled with mayhem. Now, it's finally time to end this cycle of suffering, opening up into a prosperous world filled with thrill and enjoyment. Perhaps, when this is over, they can finally chase after their dream of returning to a sense of normalcy.
       "I couldn't have said it any better myself," Debbie says with a warm smile, the group nodding in agreement.
       A moment of silence lingers, the mission officially starting as they all take one last look at each other. These people that surround them are their allies, their future, their livelihoods! Although they might've been petrified about this altercation with Eleanor, they would rather face this challenge together than live in constant paranoia, stuck in this grueling cycle.
       There's a chance that things won't go according to plan, but they're satisfied nonetheless. For they didn't experience this journey alone, everyone was there to be a part of it. This isn't just one person's story in a world filled with many others; this is their story, and it's about to reach its end.
       Myracle glances at the airlock, bringing back a nostalgic feeling of her time at Bunker 02. Based off Admiral Johnson's information, all outlines should maintain the same, so she should grasp an understanding of this institute as well.
       She takes peek at Chris, gazing at him lovingly until he notices. They both grow flustered, simultaneously looking away as a blush appears upon their faces. There's a desire to initiate this battle immediately, granting them with ultimate freedom, but they can't help but worry about the possible outcomes.
       After all the terrible sights they've endured, anything could happen. Chris and Myracle are finally accepting their feelings towards one another, their relationship enhancing as the end is finally near. But, will they obtain a happy ending?
       They strive to contain enough confidence to barge in the bunker, not displaying an inch of fear as the group fights harmoniously, but there's no telling what this battle will bring. However, instead of prying over the unknown, they're going to make a difference by tackling it together. It's time for them to set their anxious behavior aside for at least a moment, and focus on the task at hand. Their last battle begins now.
       "Guys, I think it's time. We need to split up if we want to cover enough ground," Myracle states intently, prepared for the challenges they're about to face.
       "You're right, it's in our best interest to spread out. In fact, Simon, hand Karma over to me, so I can watch her," Chris orders vaguely, leaving Simon perplexed.
        He practically throws Karma away as if she were rubbish, Chris barely batting an eye as he gives off a menacing stare. Simon hasn't seen this level of concentration from his friend before. After all the deaths he's witnessed, it only makes sense as to how that would change a person.
       Chris maintains a tight grip on Karma's shoulder, taking charge as he remains on high alert. Knowing the general game plan, it would be beneficial for Karma to be with Chris's group. For if there's even a chance of an attack inflicted by Karma, he'll have majority of the group with him at all times. This would regulate the conditions drastically, providing them with a slight advantage.
       "I don't know what you're thinking Chris, but have fun with that disease!" Simon snickers to himself.
       "Listen Simon, I understand that you're obsessed with me, but take it easy! What did I ever do to you?" Karma instigates, causing Simon's blood to boil.
       If this wasn't a clear indication that Karma has officially taken over, then he doesn't know what is. Even when she's retrained against her will, containing absolutely zero power, she still manages to inflict these mind games to cause reckless behavior.
       He takes a step towards Karma, prepared to fight until Chris interjects, giving off a displeased look. If Simon were to give in to this tyrant's bantering, it'll only give her satisfaction. The best thing he can do is remain calm, concentrating on what's in front of him.
       "Don't waste your breath on her. We have bigger issues to tend to anyways," Chris states in a serious tone, walking into the Bunker as the others follow shortly behind.
Simon recollects himself, nodding in accordance while inhaling deeply. He never would've thought that his next interaction with Karma would occur like this. In his mind, there was bound to be far more bloodshed as he finally ends this monster's reign of terror with his bare hands.
However, the dream that he longs for isn't reality. Normally, he'd rebuttal against having Karma in his field of view, instantly going for the attack. This woman was the root to the downward spiral of his mental health, the return of Eleanor adding on to the damage.
Although he would much rather take matters into his own hands, he knows that Chris has his reasons, discombobulated as to what they are. For now, he must stay out of conflict, avoiding any possible confrontations that may arise. If there's anyone to place trust in, it's Chris.
The group walks into the main hub of the bunker, exuding confidence as they aim for perfection. There's no room for vulnerability, no room for hesitation. For if there's even a glimpse of distraction, it could be deadly. They must remain prideful, navigating their way through the last stage of this grueling adventure to finally take back what's theirs, an enthralling life.
Upon the first glance of Bunker 03, it's disheartening nonetheless. They must remain serious and alert, but there's still a sense of loss when it comes to seeing their old home in such a disheveled state. In fact, this was where most of the slaughtering occurred, the lobby tainted with black soot.
What was once a calming, welcoming atmosphere filled with a multitude of various lives, jobs and several different food options has now transformed itself into a graveyard. All that remains here are the corrupt layers that this bunker entailed.
All of those small makeshift stores and food courts where everyone felt safe and secure has now faded. The sense of life is gone, leaving an abandoned structure filled with lost souls and a lingering corrupt nature.
"W-Wow, what the hell happened here?" Myracle asks curiously, stunned at the amount of destruction this place endured.
"Yeah, this place is in absolute ruin," Skyy expresses her saddened demeanor, thinking about how much lives were lost in the bunker's final moments.
Chris glances at Rosie, knowing how challenging this must be for her. Unlike the others, she watched their home burn to the ground, several lives being viciously taken in the process. After experiencing all these life scarring events, it makes sense why she's so traumatized from that escape attempt.
Besides losing the love of her life in Zach, there's another vivid image that will never flee from her head. She'll never forget the terror felt while she was running through the main hub, the airlock in sight as an entourage of army men trailed behind her.
Each gunshot had her flinching from the suspence, the sound of blood curdling screams meshing with this piercing noise. At the time, she was pregnant, her hormones running wild as her focus was mainly on her child. If dying meant that her baby would soon follow, then there was no way she would grant them a remote chance of even grazing her with a bullet.
However, her high paced movements came to a drastic halt at one specific sight, the other sight that she carries with her till this day alongside her husband's death. That cruel, vicious image was when Admiral Johnson fired his weapon, killing a child on impact as the mother knelt down in despair.
Seeing such a horrid event play out like that only made her more terrified of becoming a mother, especially in this post apocalyptic world. Zach dying just added on to the pressure, weighing her down until she was officially emotionally broken.
She gazes up at Skyy and Myracle, looking clueless as they blatantly stare at her, clearly taking a notice to Rosie's sudden shift in behavior. It's not their fault for not knowing what occurred here, but these pitiful looks don't help the matter whatsoever.
"Too much...too much horrid events happened here," Rosie states vaguely, the others growing silent.
Chris takes his eyes off of Karma for a moment, his grip tightening as he glances at his sister. Clearly, she isn't in the right head space, direly in need of a change of scenery. Perhaps, being surrounded by her family in a different location will keep her at ease.
"Not so hard Chris!" Karma winces from his tight grip, startling Chris as he awakens from his trance.
He disregards her words, thinking of how exactly they'll evenly distribute the groups in order to cover enough ground. Knowing Eleanor, that woman is always filled with surprises. They'll need to move swiftly if they play on getting out of here on time.
"We should probably divide and conquer. I can take some people over towards the left side of the complex while everyone else disperses. Sound like a plan?" Chris presents the idea, setting the attention off of Rosie.
"That should be fine. I believe I remember where the old militia sight was, so I'll get right on that," Simon adds on, a plan starting to formulate.
However, Myracle remains to be skeptical about splitting up, wondering how Lily would react to seeing a mutant before her very eyes. This place has been abandoned for some time after all. Plus, with a conniving tyrant like Eleanor, she always has a multitude of tricks up her sleeve.
Witnessing Rosie's behavioral change is absolutely mind boggling to Myracle, worried on whether or not she's prepared for a mission like this. For all the years that she's known Rosie, she's never once seen her this frazzled. If she continues to portray this gloomy, unfocused aura, then it would also affect the others, including Lily.
"W-Wait! What are we going to do about Lily?" Myracle asks nervously, still unsure as to what the right move is.
With Lily, any decision in this world is never easy. Harboring such an innocent and young child by itself is a wildcard, her actions being completely unknown. Luckily, she hasn't had to worry much about facing one of those creatures, but that cycle just might change.
Rosie returns to her calm and collected self, forcing down all the crude and negative thoughts. If she plans on establishing a stable future for her family, then she'll need to bear this burden for just a little while longer. It may be difficult to recall such heart wrenching memories, but it's a necessity that she remains alert right now. Their lives depend on it.
She lets go of Lily's hand, causing her to glance up in confusion. For Rosie, simply seeing her daughter's beautiful, lively persona is a blessing in disguise. She's been one of the main factors forcing her to persevere through all the hardships that come her way.
Growing up without a father must've been hard on her, experiencing a more harsh and old way of life at such a young age. It's depressing to think that a world filled with ravaging, savage-like mutants has become the norm for her. That's why it's so important for Rosie to stay alive, finally being able to show her daughter what a real life looks like. She wants to experience that day when it finally arises.
With a deep breath, she squats down, meeting her daughter at eye level as her motherly instincts kick in. It's important that these words stick with Lily till the end of this battle. For this information could symbolize the pinnacle of life and death itself.
"Lily, I want you to be a big, brave girl with Auntie Myracle okay? Please be quiet until we leave this yucky place," Rosie says in a motherly tone, using smaller words in hopes that her daughter will comprehend what she's uttering.
"Ok mommy! I promise I'll be brave!" Lily states with excitement, Rosie immediately pulling her in for a hug.
Parting ways with her daughter yet again was never a decision she ever wanted to make. However, it's beneficial for her to be out of harms way. It'll take a lot of patience, but Rosie must remain calm and hopeful that Myracle will keep Lily safe until she returns.
She finally lets her go, watching Lily run towards Myracle. This will forever remain to be the hardest job a mother has, knowing when to let your child go. Even though she won't be gone for long, it's still extremely nerve-wracking to spend a moment without her daughter beside her.
"Auntie M!" Lily shouts with exuberance, the excitement written all over her face.
"Auntie M huh? I should start calling you that from now on," Simon states jokingly, earning an irritated look from Myracle.
"Oh piss of," Myracle whispers in a displeased tone, laughing at their odd dynamic with Simon.
Rosie glances at Myracle, clearly nervous at the thought of anything going wrong while she's away. However, despite her fears, Myracle gives a reassuring smile as Tara holds Lily's hand. In that moment, Rosie knows that her daughter will be alright. She's surrounded by trusting, reliable people who would do anything to protect the ones they care for.
"We'll take care of her. Don't worry," Myracle says with a bright smile.
"She's right. Just focus on what you're doing, and she'll be here waiting for you when you return," Tara concurs, leaving Rosie pleased as the hunt for Eleanor is about to commence.
Everyone glances at one another, enjoying at least one last moment together before disembarking on their own. It's time to officially start the search for Eleanor. Now that they have each other to rely on, it's a task that seems achievable. It's time they end this war.
"Are we all ready?" Stephanie asks the group, all nodding their heads as they look to Chris.
All of his attempts to help lead them towards a brighter has finally reached its concluding moment. This is where their life changes forever. After all the torment they've been through, they're still here, alive and well as they look to their leader, their ally, their friend for guidance. Their fight for freedom has begun.
"Let's do this!" Chris states triumphantly as they walk through the battleground.
Time passes as Simon leads the way for his miniature posse, Skyy and Stephanie shortly behind him as he walks down memory lane. Oddly enough, even after all this time, he still remembers his way around this gigantic complex. It's almost like he never left.
However, although it makes navigating quicker, there's still a heightened level of fear. The side of the bunker that they're exploring is where Admiral Johnson spent his days, building his selfish army while disregarding the lives of the residents.
Plus, this is a location that neither of them know much about. The only person who ever had an inside look of what the militia entailed was Hayden, and he even had his limitations as a private in training. In fact, the only knowledge Simon's aware of includes the military having a wide variety of training grounds. Since there's little to no information on these parts, they'll need to be on high alert at all times.
"We're heading to the military's quarters correct?" Stephanie asks curiously.
"Yes, but we don't know much about what lies here, so remain cautious at all times," Simon whispers, maintaining a level minded state.
       Skyy glances at Simon, noticing his abnormally serious behavior, his body tense as he proceeds with extreme caution. It's understandable for him to stay on the safe side, but this feels different.
       She can sense a certain pressure in the atmosphere, causing a tension as Simon feels the responsibility to be the one to take charge. After all, this is his mother they're dealing with. Having the proper motivation is definitely a requirement, but if the stress constantly builds up, it'll lead to devastating results.
       "What do you know about this part of the bunker Simon? I just want a grasp on what your history was like before we met," Skyy tries to initiate conversation, failing as Simon shushes her.
He ignores her question, finding himself just outside of Admiral Johnson's old office. If they were to enter this vicinity, it'll lead them straight to the training grounds. There's no time for asking such prolonged, simpleminded questions during a time like this. They must remain focused on what's in front of them if they plan on making it out alive.
Simon glances back at Stephanie and Skyy, signaling them to be quiet. With a moment to himself, he takes a breath, aggressively opening the door. However, upon entry it's completely empty. He soon after tries another door, meeting the same result as he's faced with a barren room with a large table and a set of chairs.
The more they explore the military's quarters, the more they begin to realize how vast it truly is. However, to Simon's dismay, there's no glimpse of his sadistic mother, leaving him more agitated as they're left with unfinished business.
"We need to keep searching!" Simon states in a serious tone, causing Stephanie to grow curious.
She typically doesn't see this side of Simon, perplexed as to how intense he can truly be. However, it doesn't take a genius to notice that something isn't right. Perhaps, he's acting this way out of fear, his emotions building up to a point beyond repair.
"This is where Admiral Johnson was most of the time? There's a lot of rooms here," Skyy says in awe, surprised to see this portion of the bunker relatively untouched.
The only fact that she's aware about came from the others, Admiral Johnson burning this place to the ground. However, it almost seems like the milita's quarters were left unscathed. There might be an ulterior motive he was aiming for at the time.
Simon yanks the next door open, completely shutting Skyy out as he grows impatient. He needs to locate his mother as soon as possible. If there's barely any trace of her, then all of this would've been for nothing, granting her with enough time to concoct a plan.
Almost instantly, he's met with despair, the shooting range as desolate as all the other rooms, barely showing any sign of Eleanor. The others remain quiet, on the verge of giving up their search as Simon has seemingly just started. They can't give up, not now. Not unless he brings back suitable information to present to Chris and everyone else.
They walk into the shooting range, the targets left with bullet holes along with an empty gun rack. To think that Hayden was surrounded by such advanced pieces of equipment is mind boggling to Skyy. However, based on what she knew about Hayden, he would've told his group every single detail of this place.
She recalls the brutal stories that Hayden used to tell, treating him poorly by beating him relentlessly, dealing with the pain. In his mind, it was far more important to succeed than anything else. He wanted to use this power to help others in need, eventually restoring their world back to its maximum capabilities. However, his dream never worked out.
"I can't believe your bunker contained all of this. Do you think Hayden also went to train here?" Skyy asks Simon, only to be met with attitude.
Simon clenches his fist, memories of the past fusing with others as all his stress and worries get unleashed. They need to focus on the bigger picture here, not about the deceased. Discussing this topic will only prolong this dreaded battle even further, leading to her mother's victory.
"Can you just shut the fuck up?" Simon snaps, hyperventilating as his mental health depletes rapidly.
"W-What do you mean? I didn't want to offend you or anything," Skyy asks nervously, taken aback from this sudden outburst.
All she's been trying to do was to calm Simon's senses, distract him from the overwhelming thought of fighting his own mother. She thought that if there was even a slight possibility to get to know Simon better, than their search would serve as a great purpose, fulfilling both of her wishes as Simon would open up to her.
Alas, the opposite has occurred. In Skyy's attempt to put Simon at ease, she has instead reopened his wounds. Talking about Hayden was the final straw for him, serving as a reminder to what everyone has lost. That only made Simon push himself even further, hoping to come across his mother, a fully devised plan not yet prepared.
"Please, just stop talking for one damn second. Also, yes brainiac, Hayden probably did train here, but how the fuck should I know?" Simon shouts furiously, pacing back and forth as his body begins to tremble.
Stephanie steps in, getting in between the two as tensions flare. She hasn't seen Simon overreact like this. If the situation isn't settled immediately, it'll only result in horrid consequences. There needs to be some type of resolution in order to claim this victory.
"Alright, it's time to settle down. Skyy, go check if there's another room around here while I chat with Simon," Stephanie states calmly, drawing Simon to the opposite side of the room.
Just upon a first glance, Simon instantly evades eye contact, brushing his issues aside. Stephanie can tell just how much this young soul has been through, pushing down their inner thoughts deep down until it erupts. It's such an unhealthy habit, yet it's also so common among the other group members, Chris included.
Simon tries to better himself, keeping the tears in as he focuses on remaining strong. For if he even shows a hint of vulnerability, it'd take away his drive to defeat Eleanor. After witnessing the death of Matthew, he officially views vulnerability as a weakness. How can he express his hidden emotions at a time like this anyways?
"I-I'm fine," Simon blurts out, cutting Stephanie off.
Now that the confrontation with Eleanor is near, his fears are heightened as his old crude thoughts start to slowly return. Once he's mentally checked out of this battle, the winner will already be decided. That's why he's pushing himself to work harder, to find Eleanor. He wants to prove that he's much more than ordinary, even if his own mother doesn't agree.
"Simon, you aren't fine. If you just reveal what's troubling you, then maybe I can help," Stephanie says suggestively, providing Simon with comfort.
He glances around in paranoia, worried about the potential consequences of letting his guard down. This world is simply far too cruel to have a moment of weakness. After developing the strong, independent and resourceful person that he is today, he can't bear to succumb to his emotions.
However, perhaps Stephanie is telling him that suppressing his feelings would avert this period of growth just as much if not more. There's been a longing to unleash the remainder of his pent up baggage, but he's always remained skeptical. Hopefully, this'll be one of those few occurrences where being vulnerable won't result in a negative outcome.
"I-It's just that all of this pressure is starting to get to me. I need to succeed by defeating my mother, but I can't help but wonder if I am truly enough. Am I enough to end her reign of terror? I wanted to prove that I'm more than what she thinks of me, but it feels like I'm just trying to prove my self-worth to her rather than myself," Simon rambles along, tears finally starting to stream down.
Throughout all his life, he's been a shadow, constantly casted away by his mother's glory along with her brothers' high prowess. He felt like an outcast, as if he were different than everybody else, a nobody even. There was no one to rely on as he would soon sink into a depression, slowly believing these foul words of judgement.
Coming out should've been a monumental moment for the family, all their worries being wiped away as it's fulfilled with the love and support of everyone involved. However, his story was different, typical, considering the amount of bad luck he contains. That's the reason why Simon wasn't afraid of the apocalypse at first. It was his chance to get away from it all, starting over with his true identity intact.
"That's not it though; I now feel like all I see is my moth- Eleanor's face everywhere I go. She was following me, but I managed to escape it for awhile. However, the sanctuary brought back those feelings, causing me to grow cowardly as I put many lives in jeopardy, especially Chris. It was a collection of actions that I wanted to atone for, starting by apologizing to his sisters, but we all know how that went. The worst part though was when I finally stepped up, only for Matthew's demise to bring back my old self," Simon emotionally shuts down, recollecting the pain and misery of his life all in one dose.
Stephanie glances at Simon's discouraged self, realizing just how misunderstood he is. All he ever wanted in society was to be accepted, tired from the ridicule and maltreatment of others, especially Eleanor. They were the ones holding him back, causing him to seclude himself as a part of his typical nature. That's why any negative event will always bring about these feelings, ultimately reminding him of Eleanor.
Whenever he experienced a moment of improvement or comfort, something would also interfere with the progress. It's been the common occurrence. Simon decided to support Chris during his most vulnerable time, finding his rhythm within this world filled with the unknown.
However, that day where Chris attempted suicide truly brought back his old emotions, Matthew's death being the icing on the cake. How could he not fear Eleanor after the psychological trauma she induced on her allies alone? It's no wonder why Simon refuses to showcase his emotions after all the death he's witnessed.
"Simon, you already answered your set of questions. Yes, this world can be cruel, that much we know, but the main issue is that your still letting Eleanor control your life. Instead of pushing yourself to prove her wrong, focus on proving to yourself that you can do anything. Think about it, you survived this long, and I know that you'll make it to the end. Don't give that manipulative woman the time of day," Stephanie states informatively.
Simon stares at Stephanie in shock, stunned as to how this woman could somehow cater to everyone's aid despite all the chaos surrounding her. They've been through their fair share of torment, Ryan's death being the most impactful as that feeling of loss continues to follow her around.
In reality, hearing any type of support is enough to bewilder Simon, contemplating how his allies understand what he's going through. There's always going to be that glimpse of doubt mixed in with any activity, but he'll try his best to surpass that feeling.
"Do you really think I can survive? Are you sure that I'm strong enough?" Simon asks curiously, his fun loving personality slowly starting to come back.
"I know you will make it. You've already done it with how much you've progressed. The only person that has to see that is you," Stephanie states reassuringly, only to get interrupted by Skyy.
She dashes over towards them, her eyes practically popping out of her head as excitement exudes from her core. It's as if that altercation between Simon had never occurred. In all actuality, it's impressive how Skyy can remain so positive snd optimistic after all that's happened.
She's transformed from someone who was controlled by a hindrance, into a strong, confident survivor who has managed to keep her integrity intact. It's absolutely marvelous to be around someone so bubbly and charming, allowing them to get away from all the mayhem that encases their everyday surroundings.
"Guys! I found another entrance, and it seems to lead into a larger room. Come check it out!" Skyy shouts in amusement, drawing the others over.
Lord behold, just beside the shooting range lies a double door, the windows revealing a room with wide open space. This could be a potential spot for where Eleanor and her posse could be hiding. If they could just gather all their allies, then there's a chance they can raid this large vicinity.
Simon goes for the door, itching to take in all the room has to offer, but it won't budge. The door's locked. He attempts to break the windows, hoping to achieve a better vantage point until he's stopped by Stephanie.
"I don't think it's safe for just us three to enter here," Stephanie suggests, Skyy adding on.
"Yeah, I believe that it would be smarter to regroup with the others first. Once we have more people, then we can tackle a place like this," Skyy evades Simon's gaze, unaware of how he'll react after their last interaction ended in a complete meltdown.
Simon takes a step back from the door, his forceful nature fading as this hunger for revenge subsides. Although he wants to finally put an end to this war, this ain't the correct way to approach it. For now, he must put aside his personal affairs and concentrate more on remaining rational.
"Alright then, I guess we'll go back to the others, but I'd first like to say something. Skyy, I just want to apologize for how I acted. I was just stressed beyond belief is all," Simon states proudly, taking responsibility for his actions.
"It's totally understandable Simon, and I'm sorry if I added on to your stress. Now, let's get moving. It's time for us to take on that authoritative bitch!" Skyy says boldly, earning a chuckle from Simon as they depart from the milita's quarters.
Stephanie captures this moment, using this beautiful image to keep her going. These moments of perseverance is enough to send shivers down her spine. In the beginning, Simon alienated himself, laying low to hide his emotions from the rest.
However, as time progressed, he started to grow more vocal, becoming this reliable, tenacious survivor who acts selflessly in any situation. When Chris was struggling with his inner demons, that's where Simon began to thrive, revealing how much he truly cares for the people around him. The growth she's seen from him is astronomical. She's extremely grateful to have been a part of this journey with such different, magnificent human beings.
Meanwhile, Chris and his family maneuver their way through the dorms, Ricky and Jess trailing behind. It's surreal to wander through the halls, remaining alert as they pass all these increments of nostalgia. They refuse to believe how much time has passed since that day they fled the bunker.
They walk silently through the dorms, noticing the education wing fusing together as recollections of their time at school comes to light. Chris takes in the scenery, the layout of the classrooms practically still locked away in his brain. It's baffling to him that they ended up right where they originally started.
He walks closer towards the education center, looking for his old dormitory as this long, disheveled hallway signifies the origins of it all. This was where it all began, in the classroom right beside him, where he would first lose consciousness due to some unknown cause.
To this day, he's still unaware of how that predicament occurred. Perhaps, it was a natural sign for him to flee. Regardless, there was never a way to predict how such a normal, seemingly civilized life would soon transform into a life or death scenario. He started this journey in a classroom with some of his allies, linking up to their final battle where the rebellion officially began.
Furthermore, Chris isn't the only person thinking about the past, Jess and Ricky's eyes also being drawn to these remnants of the school. If they were to hypothetically meet their older selves, the differences would be far too unreal.
All it took was for one decision to ultimately change the course of the entirety of their lives. However, it was inevitable from the start no matter what they did. Leaving the bunker gave them a better chance at survival, still tainted with the painful memories of all the endeavors they face.
"Wow, we're right next to our old classrooms," Jess states in awe, noticing how quickly time passes.
Ricky gets out of his trance, setting his attention off his surroundings as he faces Jess. Witnessing the maturity and adaptability of all his allies is intriguing by itself. He still remembers their naive selves, containing barely an ounce of worry or fear when residing in this well-compacted bunker.
However, the change they've experienced seems to have occurred at an erratic rate, the precarious environment forcing them all to set aside their typical personalities. It's an interesting thought to ponder about after returning to their old place of refuge. Coming back here truly was an eye opener.
       "Yeah, we shared a lot of fond memories here," Ricky says casually, continuing to admire his past.
       Chris understands why they're all so infatuated with this bunker even after the terrible events that happened here. It contains those memories from before the apocalypse, Rosie definitely having her fair share as well. Passing by their once everyday surroundings brings back the carefree part of their lives, before all this fighting and mayhem started.
       He gazes over at his sister, his mom noticing her peculiar behavior as well. She seems to be staring at a room in the distance, completely zoned out from all outside forces. Simply walking through this hallway feels like their reliving every moment of every day all at once.
       Just before Chris confronts Rosie, his eyes widen, realizing what exactly she's invested by. Jess and Ricky notice it as well, Debbie showing a seemingly infinite bewildered state. Clearly, this was something only the residents of the bunker would spot.
       What's drawing Rosie's attention isn't just a plain room, it was the last time everyone would meet up casually rather than focus on surviving through the door. This was the last stage before their journey become somewhat serious, turning into the survival of the fittest. The room that she's staring at is the nurse's office.
       Chris is at a loss for words, recalling the distant memories of ever so long ago. After he fainted in class, this was where he was brought, resulting in his friends and family coming to his aid. This was where majority of the group was all in the same place, soon foreshadowing their unity in the near future.
       They all face the office, coming to a halt as Rosie steps inside, trying to pinpoint the exact spot where their last normal interaction took place. What was once the leather couch that Chris laid on is now just a pile of ash and soot.
       "This was where it all began, wasn't it?" Rosie questions the others, resulting in a series of nods.
       She still remembers the fear she felt that day, both Jeannie and herself furious at Chris for falling under the immense stress. However, the relief they experienced to see him responsive and stable was all they could've asked for. It's moments like those that makes Rosie really miss their old way of life.
       The times were much simpler back then, Jeannie still alive and well, being the life of the party as usual. It was a world that was controllable, having a relatively secure and normal life. Although they met their fair share of struggles, it was ultimately a rather fair and justifiable life filled with love and amusement.
       "Chris, wasn't it you fainting that brought us all here in the first place?" Rosie asks curiously, Debbie stunned as to how much she's missed.
"That's right. To be honest though, I'm still unsure as to how that happened," Chris says with a chuckle.
"It really did just happen outta nowhere," Jess reminisces.
Debbie remains quiet, saddened at the thought of missing a large amount of her children's lives. She finds it to be shameful, being left out of the loop all because of the unfortunate conditions. Although she had zero control over the situation, it still pains her to have been away from her family for so long.
"You fainted? Why on earth have you never told me that?" Debbie shouts aloud, emphasizing her neurotic nature.
Chris chuckles, thinking back to that day in the nurse's office. His siblings were displeased with the whole scenario, expressing their opinions in a stern tone while secretly hiding their emotions. It was refreshing to see them react like they did; it showed how much they truly care for him.
Seeing Debbie act irrationally based off an event that occurred years ago, is enough to make Chris smile. She might've not been in the nurse's office that day, but it feels like she was. The same story is being told although many of years have passed. Her not being present all those years ago doesn't faze him because she's here with them now, providing support as they fight in their last battle with this newly founded family.
"Don't worry mom, I was fine. I had everyone around me, so it wasn't life scarring or anything," Chris says reassuringly.
They all take one last look at the nurse's office, realizing just how far they've come as a group. Their past life might be gone, but they're currently working day in and day out to build a new, enriching life for themselves. One day, they'll look back on this day and remember the satisfaction they felt from ending Eleanor's wrath.
"We should probably keep moving," Rosie breaks the silence, preparing to move on.
"You're probably right. Once we're done searching all the dormitories, then we can take a closer look at our old home. I think it'll be a nice idea for mom to see it," Chris states suggestively, Debbie nodding in agreement as they continue along their journey, leaving behind the nurse's office.
It doesn't take long to search the rooms, the shortened group standing in front of Chris's old dormitory, both siblings sharing a similar expression. There's clearly some mixed feelings about opening this door. Hesitant looks protrude off their faces as they fear what will be the aftermath of that fire all those years ago.
Coming in contact with their old home should be a monumental event. However, considering the circumstances, there might not be a home left. The fire couldn't have possibly spread throughout the entire complex, but their home certainly wasn't unscathed.
Debbie notices their conflicted gazes, holding both of her children's hands, ready to face their fears together. There's a lot of memories to be brought up here, but it'll be something that they all go through together.
"Let's go!" Debbie expresses cheerfully, causing Rosie and Chris to finally open the door.
Upon entry, the floor is in poor condition, the fire having some effect on the overall dorm. However, the bedrooms remain intact, mostly the living room and kitchen slightly affected from the maltreatment of Admiral Johnson.
They're treated to their long walkway, to their right being the kitchen while the left side represents their living room. An array of clothes and suitcases remain to be scattered around the dorm; it was kept the same way as they left it, in ruin. Not much has changed since the day Rosie and Zach decided to finally flee.
Silence encapsulates the group as they wander through the dorm, Jess and Ricky also recalling some old memories of Chris's place. Back then, they would all get together after school, spending the day with one another as time quickly flew by. It was truly the most lighthearted and fulfilling part of their day, especially when some of their family members weren't around anymore.
To most, this was a chance to get away from it all, distracting themselves with these amazing people. If there weren't times like these in the bunker, then absolutely no one would've made it through all the heartache of letting go of their family members. It was like losing a part of themselves that they'll never get back.
Rosie and Chris peak in the bedrooms, noticing the usual three at the far end of the hallway. Straight ahead was Zach and Rosie's bedroom, the sheets and blankets off the bed after leaving in such a frenzy while old towels remain on the bathroom floor.
Chris watches Rosie grow infatuated with her old room, resulting in him doing the same. It might've been relatively small, but he was fine with it. All he had to show was a bed, a desk, and a closet. Still, he would've much rather had his old room before they ever took shelter in this bunker, but he was grateful for what he had.
Upon turning around, his heart drops, staring at the room that brings back the most emotional baggage. He walks in, instantly drawn to the dumbbells in the corner of the room, posters hung on the wall as well as an organized desk with tidied papers stacked on top of one another.
He laughs to himself, admiring how even when the situation escalates, Jeannie still refused to leave her room awry. Getting lost in his sibling's room is enough for tears to swell in his eyes, wishing he could turn back time to where everything was normal.
Debbie appears behind Chris, Rosie following as the others express a sulky demeanor. Seeing Jeannie's old room after watching her die is troubling to bear. It makes Chris envious of the way life used to be, desperate to lock eyes with his sister again.
"This is Jeannie's room I assume? She always loved keeping it organized," Debbie sighs, admiring her deceased daughter's room.
Seeing this almost makes it feel like Jeannie is still here with them. Debbie brings Chris in for a hug, causing him to immediately wipe the tears away from his eyes. He doesn't want to be vulnerable, not yet, not now. First, they must remain focused on the task at hand, locating Eleanor.
Jess and Ricky wait near the living room, giving Chris and his family privacy as they explore Jeannie's room. They both want to speak up and condole Chris, but there's no way of knowing how'd he react. After all the trauma he's endured, it might be best to back away.
"Why is this place so worn down? There's clutter everywhere you walk by the living room," Debbie asks curiously, Rosie stepping in.
"We had to abandon our home last minute since Admiral Johnson was hunting for us. It was time to flee at that point," Rosie says informatively.
An awkward moment of silence sneaks up on them as they walk back towards the living room, waiting for Debbie's remaining questions. It's hard for a mother not to know about her children's lives, especially in this world filled with horror. She needs to at least be aware of the fundamentals.
She stares at her daughter, looking to ask about Zach. Debbie never got to interact with her brother-in-law much after the apocalypse. Hearing that he passed only made her that much more concerned for Rosie's mental state, knowing how devastating a loss could be.
"How did Zach die? I'm sorry if that's too personal, but I just want to know the full details," Debbie asks hesitantly, watching her daughter mentally breakdown.
Rosie wants to answer, but she simply can't, the memory of it all being too much to handle. She still remembers seeing the pool of blood beneath him, the flames blocking her sight as it would make matters even worse. It's an image that she never wanted to picture ever again.
However, this could grant her mother with closure, knowing that Zach died honorably by sacrificing himself. The only problem is that nothing's coming out, her words jumbled as she struggles to form a cohesive sentence.
Suddenly, Jess signals her to stop, catching Debbie's attention. If Rosie doesn't want to reveal something that causes her pain, then she shouldn't have to. Although there was never a right time to talk with Zach, she will present her honest opinions about his character.
"All you have to know is that Zach died while protecting Rosie, sacrificing himself in a rather honorable way. I know you want more information on where they grew up, but please don't force them to reveal anything they don't want to. With all that Chris and Rosie has experienced, it's okay for them to be a bit more secretive about their past," Jess says confidently, Ricky starting to add on.
"She's right. Those two saved me a countless amount of times, so they really shouldn't have to relive the grueling moments of their past. That's why Chris tried to quickly back out of Jeannie's room, scared to be reminded of her tragic demise," Ricky states boldly, gaining the support of Chris and Rosie.
It's comforting to know that during Chris's lowest point, his heart extremely fragile, Ricky and Jess captured how he truly felt. He always felt unappreciated, as if he should be the one to suppress his emotions for the others. To his surprise, in times where he was the most reckless, was where his allies started to understand him more.
"S-Sorry. I didn't think of it like that," Debbie states apologetically.
"It's alright mom, don't worry about it. Thanks Ricky, Jess, I knew I could always count on you guys," Chris states positively, the group's bond becoming stronger than ever before as they look to meet up with the others.
Back at the main hub, Myracle and Tara watch Lily in silence, the awkward tension increasing as Myracle tries to locate the right words to start a conversation. After their brief chat during the escapade, she's promised herself to learn more about her cousin, eventually building a familial bond like no other.
Having a family member to rely on has always been a dream of both Tara and Myracle. They share in common such a lackluster childhood, forced to grow up at a young age. It's no wonder why kickstarting a conversation isn't the easiest thing in the world for the two. Myracle is still shocked to have formed a relationship with Chris the way she did.
Tara senses Myracle's intense gaze, aware of what she must be thinking. There's a craving to open up to her cousin, but she's so used to her secluded, self-deprecating ways. Does she deserve the attention she's receiving from Myracle?
It's always hard for her to initiate conversation, constantly carrying around the thought that no one cares for her opinion. Whenever she would first meet someone, her answers would be both vague and blunt. Although she was acting cheerful at the sanctuary, that was merely to gain her mother's praise, welcoming the others based off Laura's orders.
"I'm sorry," Tara blurts out suddenly, Myracle taken aback.
"What w-would you be sorry for?" Myracle stutters nervously.
Normally, this would be atypical behavior for Myracle, acting nervous rather than portraying the aura of confidence and complete control. She typically doesn't get nervous around others, her main issue being too unapproachable and unsociable.
Perhaps, Tara brings out a more laid back personality in Myracle. That would explain why she feels so pressured to get to know her cousin. For if this were any other one of her family members, she would barely give them the time of day after their exclusive behavior.
"I'm sorry for being so awkward. I'm not really the best at starting a conversation. It's the mindset that was instilled in my brain by my mother just to keep to myself," Tara reveals, Myracle happy that she's communicating with her.
"I can't believe your mother treated you that way, but you don't have to hide who you are around me. I'm more than willing to hear what you have to say. We're family after all," Myracle says warmly, her smile shining brightly as if it were a beacon in the night.
They both glance at Lily, watching her frolic around while fidgeting with her one toy. It's surprising how well behaved she is in this world, especially after being born in the sanctuary where they had a reasonable amount of resources.
Being surrounded by someone who's trustworthy and responsible is everything for these two. Even if their relationship is in the beginning process of mending together, they're both glad to have been able to let their guard down. Thankfully, there is hope for formulating a family.
Tara looks back at Myracle, containing a newly founded respect for her. Despite all the hurdles she's faced in her every day life, she's gotten stronger because of it. If it weren't for her intuition and confidence in herself, then she would've never made it this far. Seeing this level of charisma and maturity is what Tara considers to be an honorable trait a person can contain.
"Thank you Myracle. I'm happy to call you my real family," Tara states gleefully.
"Of course Tara. I'll always be here if you need to talk," Myracle says reassuringly as they remain on watch, awaiting for the others to arrive.
It takes a moment, but the groups start piling in the main lobby of the bunker around a similar timeframe. Just by a glance, the presence of these individual groups is far more different than before. It's almost like they matured while being separated, becoming more in tune with their allies. This is a sight that Myracle has been dying to see for some time now.
She watches as Rosie reunites with Lily, all the fear and anxiety fleeing from her body. Just based on that fact alone, Myracle can already see how extraordinary of a mother Rosie truly is. The only person who needs to come to terms with that idea is Rosie herself.
Suddenly, someone catches Myracle's attention, noticing Chris's captivating gaze at the other side of the main hub. She tunes out the voices of everyone else, solely focusing on the man in front of her as they both walk toward one another.
If she's being honest with herself, she has no idea what's come over here. Typically, she despises the idea of being clingy, preferring to be more independent. However, Chris allows her to escape from her fears, and if they're going to be battling in a excruciatingly difficult fight, then she needs his sweet, calming embrace at least once.
They meet in the middle, tightly grasping at one another while enjoying their company. Although she hasn't been waiting for too long, being pried away from Chris felt like agony to her, as if he could be taken away by one singular wrong move. This simple hug is electrifying for her, granting her freedom for at least a moment.
"I missed you," the words escape Myracle's mouth, surprising herself as a blush sneaks it's way onto her face
"Oh, you missed me now didn't ya?" Chris states flirtatiously, catching Myracle off guard.
He's always been the serious, goal-driven type to Myracle. Seeing this rather passionate and tempting side of him is enough to make her play along. It's strange to witness him acting this way during such an important mission.
"S-Shut up! Just forget I said anything," Myracle says nervously, growing playful as Chris's smile is enough to hypnotize her.
Debbie watches them from afar, smiling as she's relieved to see Chris opening up more with Myracle, potentially forming a serious relationship in the future. A thought like that is enough to make Debbie smile, realizing that not all parts of their lives have faded away.
She admires the group until someone taps on her shoulder, whipping around to see Stephanie standing behind her with an optimistic expression. To think that she still has such a genuine, caring friend beside her in the apocalypse is mind boggling to her. How could she have gotten so lucky with the people she's aligned herself with.
"Oh hey Steph! What do you need?" Debbie asks curiously.
She's always found her best friend's smile to be infectious, lurking it's way onto another person regardless of any negative action taking ahold of their subconscious. Having that positive, relaxing quality in a world like this is impressive by itself. Reuniting with Stephanie has truly granted her with a more justified outlook on life.
"I just wanted to say thank you for all that you do for me, for your kids, for all of us! You really helped me establish a place for myself in the group. I really feel like I belong here!" Stephanie states enthusiastically.
"You don't have to thank me. Even if you don't see it, you've greatly impacted the kids around here by showing off your wisdom. I knew you would make a great fit. I'm so happy that you feel welcomed," Debbie says with a warm smile, Stephanie's attention elsewhere.
There's an awkward pause for a moment, confused as to why Stephanie looks so frightened, practically frozen in fear as she glances up towards the ceiling. Clearly, something must be wrong.
Stephanie gazes up at the rafters in shock, noticing Debbie follow her eyes as she quickly springs into action. If Debbie were to catch a remote glimpse of the situation, there's no way she'd respond in a tranquil manner. Most likely, it would result in dangerous and reckless behavior.
In the rafters, she locates such a terrifying sight; the sight of the skull crusher right above Lily. There's an intent to kill, preying on the innocent, the simpleminded as she wanders about just beside some of the others. However, the scariest part is that no one is aware of this predicament.
"Lily! Move!" Stephanie shouts frantically, catching the others' attention.
She shoves her fears aside, sprinting towards Lily as the skull crusher leaps down. The closer she gets to reaching Lily, the closer the creature gets to crushing her. The sound of screaming occurs behind her as Debbie and Rosie start following Stephanie's lead.
However, they're too far behind, Stephanie having the best chance of success as the others hold Chris back. If this little girl ends up meeting an unsettling fate, the group would officially collapse, absolutely no chance of repair.
Lily gazes up above her, perplexed as to why everyone's shouting her name. When she looks up, her heart sinks to the floor, failing to move as fear takes over. Her body refuses to cooperate, the creature just a few seconds away from ending her life.
Stephanie's overall panic has now finally fled, leaving behind a fearless aura as she dives out towards Lily, successfully pushing her out of harms way as she's left with no room to escape. Satisfaction rushes over her, realizing just how much she's truly benefitted this group.
Although she was only with these people for a short amount of time, they've managed to turn this concept of a lost world into a wonderful one; a world that can be revived. Reevaluating her life choices was a task she'd never even thought about doing, coming to the realization that these decisions truly made her a better person.
There was a consensus in her mind that she would never be of use, Ryan's death only confirming that fact as she now had nothing to live for. However, she couldn't have been more wrong as she properly dealt with the situation before her, watching the young survivors grow in the process. It was an experience that was irreplaceable.
Saving Lily has been her life's purpose ever since Ryan met his demise. Now that she's officially protected someone, her life is fulfilled. Finally, she can rest happily, knowing that she did indeed leave a positive mark on this soon-to-be wonderful world. All that awaits is her time up in heaven, her son right beside her. It's at this point where she's satisfied.

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