S6E6: The Skull-crusher

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The deafening sounds of these mutants reverberate through the tense atmosphere, setting the tone for such a gruesome battle that Myracle has volunteered for. Between the multitude of knights and the horde of creatures, this is proving to be emotionally taxing.
The fact that Eleanor sent her own clan into this arena is mind boggling. Although there's seemingly endless waves of these threats dashing directly towards her, the crawlers aren't just attacking her. The knights are battling against these creatures more than Myracle, so why would Eleanor do this?
Being completely brainwashed by power has altered her sanity. Not only is mercy nonexistent, Eleanor has somehow become less human. In this process of demoralizing these people to serve her every will, she's actually depleted her own humanity. She's dehumanized herself.
Myracle can't focus on the logistics of the situation right now. She has to focus on staying alive. Technically, she's vulnerable in every direction. It'll take complete charisma and concentration to survive this bloody war, along with a hint of luck.
Meanwhile, the remainder of the group isolates themselves in the cell, fear and anxiety taking a hold of them as they ponder about Myracle's well-being. They can't help but worry for her health. Who knows what this arena entails?
       They can't afford to lose another member, not this close to their inevitable escape attempt. Everyone's a vital source for making this process a success. However, the specific increments of their escape is still unknown.
       Once Myracle rejoins the group, they'll finally initiate the escape attempt. It's time for them to move on from this compound. All there is to remember is the constant emotional baggage and trauma they faced while being separated from their group.
       Although Lily's whereabouts are unknown, their willpower and determination will shine through. This won't end in failure; it isn't even an option. If they can all split up and look for Rosie's daughter, there's a high probability that they'll all flee the facility in a timely manner.
       This will be a stressful situation, but everyone must be present. They need a powerful leader like Myracle to help during a crisis like this one. Right now, all they can do is remain hopeful for her return.
       Mattie glances around, the silence becoming unbearable. They're all thinking the same thing, she can tell. A lack of Myracle's presence is causing the rest to grow uncomfortable, slowly questioning whether or not they are capable of escaping such an advanced facility.
       "Myracle will be back everyone. We have to remain hopeful during a stressful scenario like this one," Mattie blurts out, desperately wanting to end this silence.
       She's aware of how unnatural it feels to be placed in a cell, completely alone with barely any liberty. However, silence won't get them anywhere. If they want another shot at life, unity is key. Becoming a collective force will be the sole reason as to why they escape this compound.
       "I really hope so. Knowing the reputation of this arena, it's clearly nothing to laugh about. When I was with Eleanor, all of my fellow inmates were slain by this cruel method," Jimmy's hand twitches, the recollection alone being enough to send shivers down his spine.
       That day serves as a painful reminder, Eleanor's villainous smile forever haunting him. He wants nothing more than to flee this compound, it's all he's been thinking about for the past four years.
       Debbie comforts her husband, gently placing her hand on his. She's aware of how fragile he is. He's been living as a slave for far too long, used as a mere pawn to Eleanor's sadistic games. All of these memories are traumatizing to him.
As she shares this somber moment with Jimmy, her children slowly start to flood into her mind. Not knowing where Chris and Jeannie are frightening her beyond repair. It's her job as a mother to protect her kids, and she's already failing.
"I wonder how Chris and Jeannie are doing? Do you think they're looking for us?" Debbie asks aloud.
Rosie's aware of what her mother is trying to do. She's trying to reassure everyone that Chris and Jeannie are still alive and well, convincing herself in the process. It hurts to be away from family for this amount of time. She wants nothing more than to embrace her children in an elongated hug, having them escape reality for just a second.
A mother's support provides a distraction for her children. Chris and Jeannie had to adapt to such a harsh environment ever so suddenly. Their original personalities have fled, leaving room for solely a serious attitude amongst a world of danger and paranoia.
Being with a familiar face, especially their mother would provide a sense of vulnerability that wasn't present during all the battles they faced. Feeling loved is all they want at this point. In this precarious world, the only factor they can rely on is each other.
"Don't worry about Chris and Jeannie too much; they're strong. As long as their together, I'm sure everything will be alright," Mattie states reassuringly.
They all take a moment to themselves, recollecting all their prior thoughts. For Rosie, thinking about the escape attempt is her only source of inspiration. She will never stop thinking about her daughter, but at least she has something to fight for.
"How are we even going to escape this prison? Does anyone besides Myracle know the complete credentials?" Rosie asks the million dollar question, wanting to feel prepared before this significant plan is brought to action.
"All I know is that very few guards have a set of keys on them. If we can acquire those keys, then that's our ticket to freedom," Jimmy says confidently, eyes lighting up at the thought of exploring the outside world with his loving family.
Watching Jimmy grow more vocal and open with this group is a cheerful experience. Whenever he mentions the idea of the outside world, he grows vibrant and energetic unlike the rest. For him, all that matters is the people he spends time with. Even though they still have to fight for survival, he'd feel more comfortable with his loved ones by his side.
"He's right. Myracle informed me about that in the field one day," Mattie agrees, the others gaining vital information.
"Well, as soon as we get the opportunity, we'll strike. We're not far from our goal; we can do this!" Debbie says confidently.
They grow encouraged as their plan is finally established. After a couple of weeks, they've finally formulated a well-devised plan to return to their original group members. Finally, they can all be together again, prospering as one powerful unit.
An hour passes, Rosie and Debbie still deep in thought about all their struggles. Although everyone's alone with one another, conversation is still slim. The bland, dull atmosphere depletes the morale of anyone in the nearby vacinity. Being trapped in this cell is far too demeaning.
Rosie glances over at Debbie, trying to distract herself for at least a second. Whenever she would be in-distress, her mother tended to be the coping mechanism she longed for. Nothing has changed from then to now. Although no words are being shared currently, Debbie leaning closely to her daughter solely proves how often she thinks about her children.
Suddenly, a realization comes into Rosie's mind. It was something that she hasn't really though of until now, utter silence and boredom being the primary cause. In this moment of paranoia and skepticism, the first thought that originates in her mind is, How did her mom know Eleanor?
Such a simple question that was never truly brought to light. She's aware of Jimmy's dreadful experience, but her mother still remains to be a mystery. What led to this decision to become a part of this compound anyways?
She glances over at her mother, Debbie's eyes already being glued to her. She gives off a comforting smile, a smile that tells no lies. In this light, her mother looks like an angel. Sometimes, Rosie asks herself how she managed to move on without this source of motivation in her life.
"What's up Rosie? Is something on your mind dear?" Debbie asks worriedly, neurotic as ever.
In the past, whenever her mother would become frantic or hysterical over her children, it'd amuse Rosie. Besides the childish fact that she enjoyed teasing her mother, she also felt that this moment shows how much Debbie loves her. As a child, Rosie never once doubted the unconditional love this woman contained.
The more she thinks about the past, the more she looks up to her mother. She's always been a strong figure, becoming successful in her line of work to cater to her family's every need. They were the perfect family, nothing could tear them apart. Well, not until the apocalypse started.
"Mom, how'd you end up at Eleanor's camp originally? There's gotta be some story behind that, right?" Rosie asks curiously.
Debbie ponders for a moment, trying to remember all he memories of that dark, twisted compound. An idea that once seemed so evolutionary quickly transitioned into a regretful choice, leaving behind acres of sorrow and heartache.
"I had a feeling you would ask me that one day. Well, oddly enough, Stephanie resided in Eleanor's compound with us. You remember her don't you? We became friends by dropping off Ryan and Chris for their first get together," Debbie states informatively.
A sudden wave of skepticism rushes over Rosie, growing weary of Stephanie's true intentions. She never exactly seemed like a deceptive person, but there's nothing one can overthink in a world filled with mayhem.
"What did Stephanie have to do with you living here for a while?" Rosie keeps on pushing, treating this like an interrogation.
Clearly, none of them knew about Eleanor's villainous tendencies until time started to progress, but Rosie still craves more information. She needs to know all the credentials about how this relationship originated.
"She begged Eleanor for us to stay since it wasn't safe outside. If she hadn't said that, we would've been ruined. Working as a scientist helped her gain a position like this one. However, it all went to hell when Eleanor suddenly, changed. That's why we all tried to flee, but I was the only one to make it out," Debbie says in a somber tone, despising that vivid memory that's cemented in her brain.
Being placed in that dangerous position was life scarring for her. The compound she grew accustomed to quickly changed into something wicked, causing her to start anew without her husband and best friend by her side. At the time, that's what got her through all this suffering.
Rosie starts to feel remorse, realizing what strain she's put into her mother. This is clearly a touchy subject, yet she opened up to please her daughter. This further emphasizes the true description of what a mother should act like.
"I'm sorry you had to face that all alone. I've been there before, and it was really challenging," Rosie portrays a fake smile, recalling all the horrid moments she's endured outside of the bunker.
"It was all worth it Rosie. Although we're in a tough situation, at least we all met up again. It was destiny! As long as I have my family, I'm happy," Debbie exclaims, reeling her daughter in for yet another elongated hug.
Rosie missed this. The warmth, the security, the vulnerability. All of these factors are what she's been longing for; it's enough to make her cry. If she were to have battled through this without her family, there's no telling what would've happened. They might be risking their lives with this escape attempt, but as long as their together, they'll be satisfied.
       Back in the arena, corpses pile on top of each other, serving as Myracle's natural shield against the remaining creatures. However, the ending of this treacherous battle is in sight, all the knights already taken care of. The ones that she didn't eliminate where defeated by the mutants.
       Her legs wobble from the immense exhaustion, this being one of the hardest battles she's ever been a part of. If she made even one simple mistake, she would've been dead a long time ago.
       The last wave of crawlers come rushing in, Myracle getting a sudden rush of adrenaline. There's no way she will fall today, not now. She has people to protect, information to deliver. As soon as this terrible night has reached a conclusion, she can finally return to the comfort of her group.
       She practically slides on the floor, demobilizing several mutants in one clean swipe. Using all her might, she finishes off the stragglers as if she were a character from an action move. Myracle and her katana is a symbiotic relationship of itself, her charisma providing an advantage during this life or death scenario.
       She backpedals, finishing off the remaining crawlers and quickly turns around out of habit. However, there's only silence. All of the waves have stopped, leaving behind carnage in its path. Severed body parts and corpses fill the floor as the concrete has transformed into a dark shade of red.
       Shock is all that encompasses her. She's in disbelief, wondering how she managed to battle through this major obstacle. Just by looking at the aftermath of this bloody massacre, it looks impossible to overcome.
       Although she persevered through this challenge, she's mentally scarred. That task wasn't just physically demanding, it toyed with her mind as the agonizing screams of the men still echo in her ear. She doesn't want anyone else to experience the trauma that she's endured. They need to escape as soon as possible.
       Suddenly, a door screeches open, revealing Eleanor, Laura and her posse. The knights look at Myracle in an honorable manner, stunned that she managed to survive this gruesome event. Even Eleanor is impressed with her abilities, it's written all over her face.
       "Oh, you survived. Good for you," Laura states sarcastically, clearly trying to get under her skin.
       "Oh shut up you insolent bitch," Myracle growls ferociously, giving off a threatening glare. 
       After such an intense conflict, her adrenaline is heightened, containing the courage to stand up to this power driven maniac. It's Laura's bullet that killed Ryan, and that will never be forgiven. How dare she have the audacity to utter a single word to her?
       "Now now, let's all settle down. We'll walk you back to the cell," Eleanor states rather calmly.
       Conversation is slim, the tension still floating in the atmosphere. She was put in that arena to die. In the back of Eleanor's mind, behind that fake smile, she's disappointed to see Myracle's head still intact with her body. She wants nothing more than to gloat about the death of this stubborn, leader-like woman, further tearing down her prisoner's spirits.
They haven't fully devolved yet. What Eleanor's looking for is slaves. Although they might be imprisoned, their hope drastically depleting, they still have their own voice. This tyrannical woman will go through extraordinary measures just to dwindle their spirits even further, eventually dehumanizing them.
They reach the metal door leading to the prison cell, Myracle's excitement practically through the roof. However, they aren't all out of the woods yet. There's no telling what this cynical woman has in store for them.
As soon as she walks through the door, everyone's facial expression lights up. This marks one of the first positive outcomes to occur at such a demeaning facility. This small victory will lead them to finally achieving the goal of freedom. Perhaps, their hope can be restored from Myracle's return.
"Myracle! Are you okay? I'm so glad your back," Mattie blurts out, glad to see her ally alive and well.
Myracle has been Mattie's source of solace during times of grief and stress. She has always lend a helping hand, allowing Mattie to concentrate on her primary responsibilities. It's difficult to take the role of the ringleader. She's satisfied to be cooperating with Myracle once again about the plan for their future.
Rosie glances at Myracle, noticing how battered and bruised she's become. She has slashes her face, her clothes completely torn from all the sudden movements. Whatever she went through in that arena, it must've been hell on earth.
"You look injured. Can you walk properly?" Rosie asks nervously, pleading for an optimistic answer.
It isn't just important for Myracle to stay alive, buts it's also vital for everyone to be physically prepared. If Myracle is terribly injured, getting caught would mean immediate death. This isn't just a common question Rosie's asking; it's a question that will determine their next course of action.
"I-I'm alright. I've been through worse," Myracle states vaguely, getting the hint.
       Just as Myracle starts to enter the cell, Eleanor tightly grips her shoulder, leaning towards her in a secretive notion. Whatever she has to say, it's clearly important. Changing her demeanor in the blink of an eye is just one mere factor that terrifies Myracle. The one thing she knows for certain is that Eleanor is a wildcard.
       "You better not doing anything reckless. If you do, trust me when I say you'll regret it," Eleanor warns Myracle, leaving her in a state of panic.
       Eleanor isn't one to joke around. If she has a thought on her mind, she'll go through any extremities to fulfill her desires. For now, Myracle will have to brush this altercation off her conscience. They need to focus on the task on hand, fleeing the compound.
She finally walks into the cell, receiving a barrage of questions and support. Although she went through a painful experience, she's happy to have found her way back with her people, her family. If staying alive signifies time with the group, then she'll never stop fighting until the very last breath.
Suddenly, Jimmy notices Eleanor intent stare, her glare being ominous and daring. It's almost like she's spreading a wild urge of animosity through the air. Knowing her, this spells trouble for the group. They shouldn't be celebrating yet, for Eleanor has a plan.
"Sorry to intrude on your useless conversation, but we aren't done yet," Eleanor reveals, cutting off the others.
Silence encapsulates the group, their hearts sinking to their feet as that familiar feeling of hopelessness returns once again. Immediately, they assume the worst, but they need to know for sure. They deserve to know what they're up against.
"W-What do you mean we aren't done yet?" Debbie asks hesitantly, scared to hear the answer.
Eleanor smirks sadistically, Laura portraying a high and mighty attitude just beside her. Whatever she's about to say will change the course of the group's trajectory tenfold. There's no telling how wicked Eleanor can be.
"Someone needs to go to the arena, now," Eleanor states boldly.
That sliver of hope, that reassuring glimpse of power and liberty has now vanished in the blink of an eye. This woman won't stop until someone is dead. There's no possible way to sugarcoat it. She wants to watch the group slowly deteriorate over time.
Mattie looks around the room, identifying the people beside her. Just to her left, there's a well-functioning family, desperately craving to see the remainder of their loved ones again. The emotional trauma they've endured is immense. They don't deserve to have another obstacle to worry about.
She glances to the right, seeing the inspirational survivor Myracle return as a victor, her stamina drained while her physicality has reached a stalemate. Everyone's important to this group; there's no easy way to nominate anyone. If Myracle goes into that arena again, she'll be killed.
Finally, Mattie thinks back about all her past decisions, realizing how cowardly she's truly been. She allowed Eleanor to walk all over her, damaging the lives of many in her sanctuary while a future traitor was brewing in her own council.
The pressure would always get to her, leaving a mere teenager to get the job done alongside Debbie. Although she considered herself as a busy businesswoman, all she really was an inconsiderate, weak soul.
She's grown from her past self, but she has something to prove. At this point, she needs to stand up for her newly founded group. They can't keep taking on these treacherous battles. It's time for her to step out of her comfort zone and join the fight.
"I'll do it!" Mattie states confidently.
The rest of the group look over in shock, knowing that Mattie doesn't have the best combative experience. In their eyes, this is a death sentence. They wouldn't be able to live with themselves if Mattie were to be killed in battle.
"M-Mattie. Don't be ridiculous. I can go next," Jimmy stutters, hesitant about Mattie's decision.
He has a history with the arena. In his mind, overcoming this cruel game that Eleanor designed would be a way to finally escape his cruel past. Defeating this arena would set him free, leaving behind all the painful memories.
       "You have a family Jimmy, a granddaughter too. Please just enjoy your time with them, you earned it after those years of torment you endured. I'll take care of this," Mattie says reassuringly, trying her best to conceal her nerves.
       "Perfect! Laura will just be outside to escort  you there. Good luck darling!" Eleanor acts all giddy, leaving them alone.
       There's a moment of silence as Laura and the knights accompanying her step out, awaiting for Mattie's arrival. She rises from the floor, preparing herself mentally for whatever hell is about to be bestowed upon her.
       Myracle quickly springs up, stopping her before walking through that cell door. If she's going to enter this arena, she'll need to know what to expect. This won't be a simple battle; it'll be an excruciatingly difficult fight for survival.
       "That arena is no joke. There was waves upon waves of both knights and mutants in a rather small space. They will provide you with a weapon, but nothing else. You're vulnerable from all sides, so you'll have to be careful. Hopefully, the crawlers will focus primarily on the knights, so be on the lookout for that," Myracle rambles on, paranoia rising within her.
       Judging by her tone, this must be a serious challenge. If Mattie doesn't stay alert at all times, she'll be defeated. This might be out of her comfort zone, but adaptation was something she's always strived in. Hopefully, her decision making will provide a sense of security during such a dire situation.
       "Thank you Myracle, for everything. I'll be back soon, so please stay safe everyone," Mattie waves goodbye, trying to maintain her forced smile.
       Although this was her decision to battle in that arena, her fear is overwhelming. To think that her life could come to an end today is surreal to her. It's horrifying to walk into an unknown hazardous place like the arena. All she can do is fight to the best of her ability, that's the only option.
       Mattie walks out the cell, not glancing back once. She needs to focus if she plans on getting back to her group members. When opening the metal door, she locks eyes with Laura, some unsaid feelings starting to brew up inside her.
       "Ready to meet your demise Mattie?" Laura provokes her, looking to alter her concentrated mindset.
       "This isn't the day I die Laura, it's the day for me to thrive," Mattie states confidently, completely disregarding Laura's belittling words.
       They don't share another word as they start this walk, the candlelit hallway growing dimmer and dimmer by every step. It's time for Mattie to prove not just to the others, but to herself that she has what it takes to be considered as a survivor.
       Back at the cell, Jimmy and Debbie help Myracle stabilize, her body pulverized from that fight. Her muscles ache as exhaustion begins to set in. However, she comes to the realization. She lived through that arena; she can finally inform the others about Lily.
       "W-Wait, Rosie I have some good news," Myracle sits up, gaining her full attention.
       "What's up?" Rosie asks curiously.
       Myracle can't help but smile, the joy building up inside her body. This was the good news that they've all been begging to hear. All this emotional trauma and physical labor will finally be pushed out of their minds.
       "I saw Lily. She's residing in a separate room that's near the arena, and she looks perfectly fine," Myracle states cheerfully.
       Rosie's at a loss for words, happiness completely engulfing her. Tears instantly start gushing out, satisfied to hear that her daughter is still alive and well. She wants nothing more than to hold her child, time being swept away by Lily's innocent, heart melting smile.
       She reels Myracle in for a hug, thanking her for everything. To know that they have people to lean on for support is reassuring during these trying times. Myracle finally feels a part of a well-functioning group. This is her family, this is where she belongs. This is her new life.
       Meanwhile, the arena doors fling open, revealing an isolated room, a sharpened knife lying in the middle. Mattie takes one step forward, the doors quickly shutting behind her. This is it. This is the moment where she proves herself. It's time to fight back against the odds and obtain victory.
       Her heart beats a mile a minute, the nerves getting the better of her as she ultimately picks up the weapon. Her arms tense up, shaking from the anxiety and terror building up in her fragile body. It doesn't take long for the passageways to open up, unleashing the first wave of mutants.
       This will be difficult, but she's prepared. She won't go down that easily. Their snarls reverberate as Mattie courageously charges ahead, taking care of the stragglers first. Oddly enough, there's no knights this time around. Perhaps the arena changes for every new contender?
       She takes slashes at the mutants, taking her time to perform well formulated attacks. So far, she's adapting rather well to this harsh environment. In fact, it's only fueling her fire even more. This adrenaline boost is providing her with enough stamina to outpace these mutants, something she'd never even think of accomplishing.
       An hour passes, the waves starting to dwindle down until there's only a few remaining crawlers left. Her arms in agony, but she has to keep pushing. It feels so close to the end, driving the knife into the last crawler's dilapidated skull.
       The black blood splatters on her torn shirt, leaving behind mangled corpses in her tracks. She awaits for the next set of mutants, but to her surprise, none appear. Myracle was gone for far longer than Mattie was, there must be another factor to this fight.
       More time passes, Mattie starting to grow bewildered. All she could think was, Is the fight over? Nothing's for certain, but she isn't letting her guard down until she walks right back into that jail cell, her allies waiting patiently for her arrival.
       Suddenly, the ground starts to shake, a loud thumping sound heard from all over. It seems to be coming from the walls, but the situation seems unnatural. Whatever's causing this sound is a force that no one has dealt with before.
       Although the intimidation level is high, Mattie will be the first person to experience this peculiar scenario, soon conquering it completely. She resides towards the middle, following the pathing of the loud banging.
       However, her heart sinks to the floor once a    vast creature creates a hole in the arena, sending debris in every direction. Mattie quickly dodges the rubble, getting an enhanced look at this creature. This is by far the most horrifying mutant she's ever laid eyes upon.
       The creature's leg by itself towers over Mattie, it's foot being the size of Mattie's wingspan. She glances at the creature, noticing the abnormal structure of its nails. If she gets impaled by those sharp razor blade like nails, then she'll be finished. In order to survive she'll have to avoid the mutants at all costs.
       She attempts to move, but she's frozen in shock, fear flowing throughout every limb in her body. This mutant has a skull for a face, its body covered in multiple layers of muscle as the nails nearly drag on the floor.
       The skull-crusher gives off an almighty roar, startling Mattie to eventually start moving. It charges at her, looking to smash her body into the wall. If that brute force were to impact her, she would've already lost this battle.
       She does a combat role, tightly gripping her knife with determination. That satisfaction for correcting her past mistakes is something that she craves. Defeating this massive creature would allow her to start fresh as a survivor. She needs to eliminate this beast in order to protect the group for future arenas.
       She defends herself against the creature's attacks, desperately trying to locate a weak spot on the creature. Her energy is depleting at a rapid pace, there's nothing left in her system. If she could just demobilize it, then she can attempt to slay the creature.
       Finally, an opportunity reveals itself, sneaking up behind the tall figure, facing its back. If she can just slash its legs, it'll make the creature immobile. As long as the mutant isn't facing her, the plan should work.
       She aims for its legs, victory in sight as she charges at the gargantuan creature with full confidence. It's at this point where she's realize how far she's come from her days in the sanctuary till now.
       All those years ago, she never stepped out of her shell, never having the courage to speak her mind. At the time, Eleanor had completely taken over her livelihood. She was just a coward, nothing else.
       However, she's learned that there's more to life than living in the shadows. In order to achieve her goals, she needs to be confident and determined. The only person that was truly holding her back was herself. It's time to evolve from that cowardice and become extraordinary.
       She goes for the cut, adrenaline pumping until the unthinkable happens. The creature chuckles, foreseeing Mattie's plan as it traps her in a tight grasp. Her weapon remains on the floor, her body completely contained by the skull crusher.
       Upon a closer look, she notices the three layers of teeth, providing a menacing look to an already hopeless situation. It's facial expression is terrifying, displaying Mattie's vessel of fear. All of her heroism and confidence has now faded, subduing itself back to terror and vulnerability.
       However, the creature itself wasn't the scariest part. The fact that a mere mutant outsmarted her, developing its own trap just showcases how advanced and intelligent it truly is. No mutant matches remotely similar capabilities as the skull crusher does. It has a mind of its own; it's almost human.
       Mattie tries to break free once again from its immense grip, but it's no use. The pressure is too great on her body; she can't even move a muscle. Who knew that a mutant could contain such intellect?
       The skull-crusher raises its other hand, placing two fingers on either side of Mattie's head. The only thought running through her mind was, Is this how I die? It's difficult to accept, but there's no way she can fight out of this creature's grip.
       She recalls all the memories formulated in the sanctuary, realizing how she took those supportive people for granted. All that's left to do is wonder about how her newly founded allies will move on front this demoralizing death. Will they find a way to persevere?
       Although she's reached the end, her evolution has been remarkable. She's still in awe as to how much she's grown as a person, and it's all thanks to Chris and the others. They're the reason why she still has faith in humanity. They're the future of this world.
       The creature starts to slowly apply pressure to her head, the pain growing to be unbearable in an instant. The transition feels like the worst migraine imaginable until it's all over. The deafening sound occurs, fragments of Mattie's head splattering all over the arena.
       Blood drips down from the ceiling as the skull-crusher drops what's left of her disintegrated corpse. Just like that, Mattie has been killed. The creature rummages back through the hole it created, leaving behind its remnants.
       The doors to the arena swing open, revealing Eleanor as she gazes at Mattie, relating her to an art piece one would find in a museum. All she does is smile, acting prideful and victorious.
       She unleashes her sadistic laugh, tears building up from the pure amusement. Mattie's body lies on top of other mangled corpses, blending in with the crawlers. The knights come flooding in as Eleanor gazes at Laura through the doorway, her minions cleaning up the arena floor.
       "One down, five to go," Eleanor gives a sinister grin, walking into the dark ominous hallway, back towards the cell.

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