S7E4: A Real Family

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The number of allies plummet almost in an instant, Myracle watching as the mutants and other hostiles slowly take over, the skull crusher before them in all its glory. The situation has escalated rather quickly, leaving everyone to their own devices.
       She takes a brief moment to look past the presence of the skull crusher, watching as Chris whips around the corner, out of her perception. To her right, Jess and the others slowly retreat further back, aimed to walk down the hallway to fight their own battle.
       Finally, she looks beside her, spotting Tara, her only remaining ally that's left; her only remaining family member at that. Although her fears are amplified, showcasing constant worry for Chris and the others, there's still one benefit that she has during this pinnacle moment. She isn't alone.
Myracle's grown accustomed to the idea of being alone, proving as self-sufficient by conquering any mishap that comes her way. The mutants never truly impacted her, meeting up with others being the sole reason as to why she acted so stern and focused. For it was never about fearing the concept of dying, she feared for the lives around her.
However, that mindset never truly sparked until she got to know Chris, soon developing feelings for this one person after living in a world filled with disenchantment and a widespread of casualties. To put it simply, it was the unified group that served as her weakness, forcing her to worry about every little inconvenience that came their way. She cared too much for them, and that revelation terrified her.
However, although it practically corrupted her old mindset, meeting these wonderful, outgoing personalities, it also saved her. This was what life should've been for her, experiencing all these complex, bewildering emotions based off the ones you care deeply for. For even if she were scared of losing them, it would also mean that she has something to lose.
Throughout this wild journey, Myracle has blossomed into the best version of herself, learning how to love and bond with others. She may have more senses of responsibility, the occasional anxiety interfering with the peace, but the memories she's made are irreplaceable. She's been granted with a fresh start, this group being a symbol as her safe haven.
If she was still out in that old, worn down campsite that she made shortly after the incident at Bunker 02, then that wouldn't have been considering as living. Finding Chris and the others was the best thing that ever happened to her.
However, she can't help but worry for Chris's life, watching him go after Eleanor, their time together growing slimmer and slimmer. She wishes that something as simple as this wouldn't affect her as much, but the pain is just unbearable, practically suffocating her as the thoughts of reaching his lifeless body circulate through her mind.
For the majority of her life, she's forced herself to be strong, easily adapting to whatever the world prepared for her. But, watching the love of her life leave without even a hug goodbye is almost like the world is crashing down on her. She can't lose him. She can't lose anyone! If anything were to happen to Chris, she'd be lost, all fragments of hope evaporating into thin air.
Tara rests a hand on her shoulder, Myracle peeking up as she meets her cousin's gaze, coming to a sudden realization. Although it seems like the group is slowly breaking away, piece by piece, she still isn't alone. Here lies the last remaining member of her family, supporting Myracle through every step of the way. For even if the plan goes haywire, Tara will stick through it till the end, right by her side.
"Myracle! Are you okay? You need to stay focused!" Tara states frantically, noticing her bloodline's peculiar behavior.
       Myracle takes a moment to respond, realizing just how lucky she's been on this grueling journey. Even after they've all separated, she finds herself to be relying on her cousin, granting her with a second chance to form a familial bond.
       Although she was trapped in this unhealthy habit of pushing others away, this apocalyptic scenario allowed her to reevaluate this damaging mindset, learning what it means to care for someone. Meeting the others was a wake up call, serving as inspiration for her to do all she can for the group.
Right now, she has to fight in order to survive, but it isn't just for herself. She's fighting for her newly founded family, all the while Tara accompanies her through every step of the way. It's at the upmost importance for Myracle to be mentally prepared; second chances don't come by often in this world.
"D-Don't worry I'm fine. Let's just think of a plan," Myracle stutters, pondering about how to handle this behemoth before them.
There's a strong possibility that Tara and Myracle can both outwit this creature, but there's too many factors in the mix. For now, their main objective is staying alive using any method necessary. However, the presence of the mutants and knights are just limiting the amount of actions they can partake in.
Jess glances over at the skull crusher, capturing the seemingly hopeless situation. Ricky and Skyy continue to strike down their enemies, stragglers branching off from them onto Myracle and Tara. All it takes is for one distraction to cost the group a precious life, and that's a chance that Jess isn't willing to take.
"Hey! Douchebags! Come follow me!" Jess steps forward, calling out to the other mutants to draw them closer.
In order for everyone to make it through this, they'll need to work in unison, even when they're apart. Ricky and Skyy begin to catch on to Jess's plan, finishing off the remaining hostiles as majority of the creatures swarm over to them.
"Myracle! Tara! We'll draw the attention away from you guys, so just focus on surviving," Jess calls out confidently.
Myracle locks eyes with Jess, witnessing the tremendous amount of growth she's gone through these past few years. It wasn't too long ago where she taught Jess how to handle a sword, this moment utterly baffling her. It's extraordinary just how much leadership qualities she truly contains.
"Thank you Jess, stay safe," Myracle says with a consoling smile, watching as they dash away in a hurry, a trail of mutants following them.
Her eyes realign onto the skull crusher, joining reality as Jess's last words to her repeat in her mind. Just by glancing at the main hub, staying alive is easier said than done. No matter how much creatures the others attracted, a fair amount remain, causing Myracle and Tara's workload to increase.
"What should we do?" Tara asks worriedly, their time growing slimmer by the second.
If they can't formulate a reasonable plan, then there's no way they'll make it out of here in one piece. In order to stay alive, there needs to be a system set in place, guaranteeing the best possible outcome for the two. However, considering the amount of enemies encasing them, even an organized system might not be enough to stop all these forces at once
"Focus on the mutants and the knights. I'll take care of that beast over there. If you see an opportunity to attack the skull crusher, then you take it, but remember that the main goal is to escape. We can't tackle a challenge like this alone. I'm counting on you to stay concentrated at all times, so please be careful," Myracle says with paranoia, fearing for the life of her relative.
At this point, the pressure has kicked into high gear, hitting her at full speed as she looks for any opportunity to protect her kin. This is the only person left in her family. It's up to her to ensure that Tara makes it out of this hellhole alive.
"Got it. I'll be with you every step of the way," Tara says tenaciously, leaping into action as she clears a way for Myracle.
Just like that, their individual battles of grit and fortitude begins, Myracle immediately analyzing the situation. The skull crusher has already charged at her, killing some crawlers in the process as severed limbs soar in the air from the impact. However, that isn't enough to startle Myracle, remaining calm as she spots the first issue at hand.
She's in a corner, ultimately trapped until Tara takes out more mutants. There isn't much she could do besides wait for a proper opening, the small convenience stores and food courts not close enough to escape through. If she plans on seeing Chris again, she must remain levelheaded and have faith in her cousin.
The creature inches closer and closer towards Myracle, the ground shaking just beneath her feet as an arrow pierces a knight's throat just beside her. With that, she's takes the chance and dives towards safety, barely evading the crash of the skull crusher's wrath.
She stabilizes, looking at the damage, eyes widening at the revelation. Pieces of concrete slabs and old cement covered in soot fall to the ground, creating a massive crater in the side of the main hub. If Myracle was caught in that attack, it would've been lethal.
Glancing to her left, she spots Tara, bow in hand as she takes a breath of relief. Clearly, that was an intense moment for her as well. For if she fired that arrow just a second later, it wouldn't have cleared the pathway for Myracle, most likely resulting in her demise.
After all the death she's witnessed, constantly putting the blame on herself, losing Myracle is something that she can't bear to witness. There's no way she'll experience another devastating death like that again. She's much more content with the thought of dying while saving someone else. That is what it means to be a hero.
"Thanks Tara, you saved my ass back there," Myracle says with a chuckle, grateful to her cousin.
"No problem," Tara says somberly, lacking enthusiasm as she puts on a fake smile.
Myracle grows bewildered, noticing a change in Tara's tone. It's rather peculiar, her being so driven and tenacious while acting melancholy at the same time. That forced smile said it all, revealing the pain and sorrow that she seems to be neglecting.
Although she may not know a lot about her cousin, there's something clearly off here. She's been keeping her responses to a bare minimum, looking for any possible way to get her hands dirty. It's almost like she doesn't value her life, searching for a reason to keep living, that reason in being the savior or guardian amongst the group.
However, even if Myracle's speculations are making her neurotic, she has to remain focused on the mission at hand. The skull crusher roars in frustration, charging at them in full speed. Almost instantly, Tara and Myracle are on the move, maneuvering their way through the fallen chairs and decrepit tables of the hub.
At this stage, slaying mutants has become the norm, these stragglers solely being an extra hurdle as they face one of the biggest challenges in their lives. No matter how fast they're going, this persistent creature is trailing them nonetheless.
Myracle draws the pistol out of her holster in the heat of a moment, taking the opportunity to fire potshots in hopes of slowing the behemoth down. She maintains a reasonable distance, establishing a steady rhythm until her jaw drops, disrupting her seemingly unstoppable system.
The gargantuan creature continues to unleash its savage-like tendencies, hurdling dilapidated objects around the lobby while Tara takes on a barrage of hostiles. Instead of keeping her distance, she decided to take on the brunt of horde, ultimately trapping herself as Myracle watches the horror commence.
In that moment, witnessing Tara act recklessly by taking aim at the skull crusher as well as the other enemies, that's when Myracle realized just how little Tara cares about her self-worth. She'd rather sacrifice herself, gaining the title of being hero to fulfill this desire of being useful instead of taking the rationale route, being strategic during this strenuous altercation
However, what she's actually doing is secluding herself, becoming more susceptible to the dangers of this world by putting her life on the line. In her mind, she believes that she's helping Myracle, ensuring the fact that she stays alive, but it only reveals just how shattered Tara is from the past events.
Even if this is her twisted method of coping, sacrificing her own life to grant herself with satisfaction, then Myracle won't allow it. Tara dying would only send her into a deepened depression, potentially sabotaging her level of focus amongst all the chaos this bunker has to offer. There's no way Myracle will watch her last family member die right before her very eyes.
Depression has always had a hold on Myracle, tampering with her ability to remain cheerful and lively. In this day and age, the feeling of uselessness and pessimism is rather common, psychologically breaking down a person's will little by little. It's a disease that breaks your emotional barriers, morale plummeting as these negative thoughts take over your conscience. The last thing that she wants is for her insecurities and emotional baggage to be unleashed, distracting her from what's in front of her.
That's why it's important for Tara to stay alive, giving Myracle the courage and drive to keep pushing forward. Despite how hard this battle will be, no longer how long it'll take, she'll be satisfied as long as her cousin lives. She's due for a happy ever after.
She dashes toward the danger, Tara slowly moving forward as the skull crusher grows significantly closer. Upon a closer look, Myracle can see just how worn down Tara truly is, her movements growing uncoordinated and less calculated. From the looks of it, she's on the verge of giving up.
To think that Tara went this far, pushing herself to the brink of exhaustion just to achieve an honorable death is mind boggling to Myracle. It just goes to show how little knowledge she contains of her bloodline. How could she hide such emotions like this from her family?
Gunshots ring in Myracle's ears while simultaneously wielding her katana, persevering through the knights and remaining mutants in fear of Tara's lack of urgency. If she doesn't pick up her pace soon, it could very well signify the end.
She glances to her left, spotting a simple food court not too far from where they are. Suddenly, a plan arises in Myracle's mind. If she could just reach Tara before the skull crusher reaches them, they could leap over the counter, buying them extra time to assess the situation at hand.
They're in dire need of a saving grace, every second being vital to their survival. For if there's even one miscalculation, the skull crusher, matching the same strength as a Goliath, would tear through them both. There's no room for error here; both of their lives are at risk.
"Tara! Grab my hand," Myracle shouts intently, showcasing a wide eyed expression.
Tara glances behind her, Myracle handling the remaining hostiles. She can't help but freeze, wondering just what she put her cousin through. If she would've just followed Myracle, then this situation could've easily been avoided.
Oddly enough, it entices her to go through with her plan, her sacrifice potentially making up for this immature, naive decision that she's made. However, the more she thinks about it, the more she realizes how incorrect she is. Even if she submits to the creature's wrath, Myracle would be placed in worse situation, leading to her demise as well. It's in her best interest to listen to her cousin, but not for her sake, death being a factor that Tara doesn't mind.
Finally she takes her hand, dodging the skull crusher's attack as it rams into a stone pillar. In just a blink of an eye, they've already leaped over the counter due to their adrenaline rush, evading certain death yet again. However, they aren't safe just yet, crawlers tumbling over the counter ever-so-persistently.
Myracle scans the miniature store, eventually locating a back room, serving as their finish line. If they could just get inside safely, they'd be able to catch their breath, giving them the energy to finally complete their mission. The end is near, but they'll just have to keep on fighting until tranquility is finally before them.
"In there," Myracle whispers, practically dragging her along with a mixture of fury and panic.
It's still beyond her as to how someone could act so careless during such a life altering event. She wanders into the back room of one of the food courts, carefully shutting the door just before giving off a menacing glare at Tara. Clearly, even she knows that Myracle has a lot to say.
She's relieved that Tara grabbed onto her last minute, but the question still simmers in her brain, Why did Tara think that was a good idea? There might've been a lot of emotional trauma that Myracle wasn't present for, but she never thought for it to affect her cousin this much. It's troubling to watch someone you care for struggle with their mental health
Although she hasn't gotten the opportunity to spend enough quality time with Tara, there's still a longing to grow closer over time. She's aware that her opening up will take some getting used to, but she's ready for the emotional rollercoaster. When it comes down to her last remaining relative, Myracle would do anything to develop a remarkable relationship.
"What was that back there? You could've gotten killed!" Myracle says scoldingly, resembling a disappointed look.
Tara looks away, growing nervous as that look of disappointment brings back memories of her overbearing mother, constantly bombarding her with a lengthy lecture, typically ending with the usual verbal abuse. It was something that she always aimed to avoid, growing uneasy by Myracle's pained expression.
Unlike Laura, Tara is aware that Myracle is acting this way because she cares for her, but that still doesn't take away all the emotional baggage that a mere expression could unleash. There's a desire to come clean to Myracle, and fully open up to her, but the trauma is simply too much of a burden to bring into discussion.
"I-It was nothing," Tara says vaguely, only fueling the fire as Myracle becomes even more enraged.
Just like the beginning, she's remaining secretive, giving off vague answers while suppressing hidden emotions. It's the type of behavior that Myracle understands, but it's also incredibly demeaning for one's character. Speaking from experience, withholding your true feelings will only prolong the process, making it that much more difficult to let out all your insecurities and fears.
She's aware as to why Tara is choosing this route, focusing on the present rather than all the crippling hardships. However, if this torturous behavior continues, it will eventually kill her. Myracle said it before they started this battle; it's her job to protect Tara.
"Oh cut the shit Tara, you need to tell me what's going on. You need to let it all out in order to successfully escape," Myracle states bluntly, fed up with her cousin's isolated nature.
Tara aggressively shuts her eyes, failing to tune Myracle out as all the foul memories of Laura and Admiral Johnson play on repeat in her mind. Although this argument isn't that extreme, it's still enough to serve as a reminder, causing Tara to grow fidgety as rage and sorrow encapsulates her body.
"Good God, Myracle, stop acting like you know me! We practically just met, so I don't even know why you'd care in the first place," Tara snaps, the volume in her voice attracting mutants.
The demonic-like growls reverberate closer to the door, harmonizing with displeased sounds of the skull crusher as its footsteps inch towards the small food court. These unsettling sounds are enough to make their hearts drop, one mere noise being enough to give them the disadvantage.
Myracle takes her time to admire the surroundings in the room, Tara ignoring her as they both await for the mutants' snarls to disperse. There's nothing to note inside this small, cramped space besides it being a pantry, a wide variety of empty cans and old ingredients scattered along the floor. It almost looks like this vicinity was raided rather than torched in the fire, an odd sight considering Bunker 03's history.
       Tara gazes back over at Myracle, the awkward tension fusing together with the suspense of the predicament they've found themselves in. After her sudden outburst, Myracle hasn't even attempted to reason with Tara. Whether she's choosing to remain quiet due the multitude of crawlers or is leaving her be, it's still baffles Tara as to why Myracle is trying so hard to get through to her.
       Granted, she wants the opportunity to formulate a strong bond with her last fragment of family after such a foul history, but it just seems out of character for Myracle. From what she knows about her cousin, she's a strong, cold hearted warrior who's challenging to understand. Why would she be wasting time on someone like her?
       Tara grew up with the mindset where she was inferior to everyone around her, constantly having to prove her worth one way or another. It was tiring, emotionally taxing even, but she still managed to persevere with a positive attitude. That's why breaking free from her chains of the sanctuary, as well as Laura, emphasized her second chance on this earth.
       She wanted to be opinionated, she wanted to find her voice in this precarious environment. However, her mother and the nature of the sanctuary never let her. With these newly founded allies, she finally thought that this was her chance to be more than ordinary. Perhaps, all she really needed was a tiny spark of motivation, allowing herself to come out of her cage as an independent solider.
       However, with due time, she would soon see just how wrong she was, the deaths of Ryan and Matthew having brought forward this new feeling of guilt, survivors guilt specifically. It started to take a toll on her sanity, a piece of herself getting lost in the midst of all the chaos.
       That revelation wiped away any form of liberty and pride she felt the day where she decided to take on this ruthless world with this flourishing group. For once, she was finally free, officially considered as a separated entity rather than being connected with her overbearing mother. Only, the fact that remained to be true was how she was inferior, this harsh world draining all hope and courage from her body.
       She started to realize just how meaningless she truly was, never being on the frontlines to protect the others like Ryan and Matthew. However, she still finds herself to be breathing while the people who should've lived become nothing but a memory, left to rot as if they were useless.
       That's why she tried to fight off those hostiles in the main hub, hoping to find the hidden determination and courage within her to avenge the ones they've all lost. If they died, it has to have been worth something. It didn't matter if Tara had to be reckless, she just wanted to see herself as useful, avenging the fallen in the process.
       After some time, she glances over at Myracle, her eyes already locked onto hers. Clearly, she hasn't given up on her yet, a realization that's enough to make Tara smile, actually smile. Because even when Myracle and her are at odds, a real family never gives up on each other.
       Tara goes to speak, hesitating slightly as her old habits interfere. However, Myracle deserves an answer from her. After all, she's the first person in her family to genuinely care for her. Even though they haven't gotten to known each other to the fullest potential, simply having someone like Myracle love her is enough.
       "T-Tara," Myracle begins timidly, cutting Tara off.
       At this point, Tara is all ears, giving her complete, undivided attention to the one person who never gave up on her. Although it might've taken her a long to accept this sudden relationship, Tara can finally see what a true, supporting family feels like.
       "I may not know a lot about you, and you may not consider me as family yet, but that won't stop me from caring about you. So, you can continue to hide your emotions for now, but that's only because I'll still be here for you when you're ready to open up," Myracle says reassuringly, Tara stunned from her bloodline's endearing words.
       In that moment, sitting in that worn down back room, that's where Tara first experienced the beauty of family. Finally, she has someone to lean on, a shoulder to cry on. For if they can defeat this task before them, then they can conquer any hardship this world throws at them.
       Tara tries to speak, hoping to relieve Myracle's sense, knowing that she is family! Her eyes light up, filled with excitement and joy as she finally has found a reason to be hopeful once again. Even if she's experienced quite an ordeal, she's still breathing, the support of her allies driving her to succeed.
       However, just as she begins to utter the first word, the skull crusher crashes through the store, rubble beginning to pile over them as Myracle frantically yanks Tara out of the way. It's as if this is occurring in slow motion, her body growing limp as she zones out.
       In a blink of an eye, they're back in the action, forced to fight for survival yet again. Moreover, even though their used to adapting to the unexpected, Tara remains frozen in fear, shocked to have barely survived that attack thanks to Myracle.
       "Tara, Come on! We need to move, now!" Myracle shouts in a frenzy, breaking Tara out of her dazed state as she tightly grips onto her knife, bow strung behind her back.
       That's right. They're in a battle; it's time to focus. She springs into action, following Myracle as they look out for an opening, both of their eyes scanning the immediate area. The skull crusher regains its balance, growing more wired as the targets grow to be insufferable, leaping over the counter back into the main hub.
       Myracle takes care of the remaining mutants, giving Tara the opportunity to glance for an opening, anything to help them. Finally, she sees it, the light at the end of the tunnel. The hallway where Jess and the others fled is now clear, granting them the opportunity to finally escape.
       "There's a hallway that's clear down there! If we're quick enough, we should be able to take a left and hide in a room, completely uncharted. Sound like a plan?" Tara says suggestively, reestablishing her outgoing personality.
       "Nice thinking Tara! We got nothing to lose anyways, so be ready to run," Myracle agrees, setting off as the adrenaline assists them.
       They move together in an organized fashion, avoiding as much confrontation as possible while also taking care of the stragglers. For the first time in this fight, they seem to be working in unison, Tara matching the same speed and mindset as her bloodline.
       Perhaps, establishing a familial bond was what she needed, serving as inspiration to keep on fighting in this unsettling world. Her once sulky and defeated demeanor has now shifted due to Myracle, realizing what prosperous future awaits for the two of them after this battle. With due time, they can achieve a normalized state, surrounded by the people they love.
       The run becomes a blur to them both, reaching the end of the hallway after their combattive teamwork. Finally, with this one act, they can rest easy, officially out of harms way. After all the pain this one fight put them through, the end of this hallway resembles the finale of a grueling race as they cross the finish line.
       Suddenly, amongst all the celebratory thoughts in their mind, they hesitate, standing completely still after making the turn. For what's awaiting them is just another challenge waiting to unfold. All they can see is a barrage of mutants' backs facing toward them, only one attentive crawler needed to ruin the plan.
       The main goal was to disappear without a trace, reality withholding yet another belittling factor. For if even one mutant remotely spots the two, it'll result in instant death, ultimately being trapped as two hordes conjoin into one. That's a force that two people alone can't handle.
       The horde contains all types of variants, from crawlers, to super humans, to cloners. All mutants that they've dealt with before have multiplied, serving as the wrench in their seemingly flawless plan. They're coordination is now disrupted.
       Tara quickly jerks her head to the left, one door next to her, Myracle being the closest while still frozen in fear. If they continue to waste more time, then this all would've been for nothing. For majority of this journey, Myracle has been protecting her, but now, it's time for Tara to step up, saving the life of her cousin.
       On impulse, she shoves Myracle into the doorway, out of harms way as the loud, awkward thud attracts the other mutants. Tara takes a moment to herself, noticing the fear in Myracle's eyes. Yet again, Tara thought about someone else's life rather than her own.
       Myracle goes to speak, only to be interrupted by Tara, signaling her to remain quiet as the horde of mutants come charging at her. The worm-like creatures burrow into the floor, the soarers and other terrifying creatures showcasing their typical bloodthirsty attitude.
       Finally, she goes for the door, Myracle obliging to Tara's request while still reaching out her hand. She lays there, awaiting for her cousin's hand, forced to stay quiet. In her life, Myracle always thought that fighting would be the most difficult task she'll partake in, her theory being proved incorrect as she silently watches the suspense heighten.
       Tara reaches for Myracle's hand in between the crack of the door, but it's already too late, a cloner grabbing her leg. Even though she manages to barely grasp the doorframe, there's not nearly enough time to pull her into the room.
       She struggles on the ground, looking through the crack of the door as she prepares for the immense torture she's about to witness. However, before succumbing to this inevitable fate, she glances over at Myracle, tears streaming down her face while continuously holding out her hand.
       It's funny when Tara further thinks about it, admiring how no matter what odds there are of her cousin's success, Myracle still takes her chances. Even though there's no redeeming quality in this situation, her stubborn, caring self still hangs on to that sliver of hope until the very end.
       In that moment, Tara does the unthinkable and smiles. Although she'll soon be met with a gruesome death, she smiles, recalling just how amazing Myracle truly is. Even though her time will be cut short, she can't help but remain grateful for having the opportunity of learning more about her relative.
       After all, she's the best influence compared to anyone else in her corrupt and twisted family. Myracle doesn't deserve to witness her death up close like this, but Tara can't help but honor the fact that she'll be sharing her final words with someone who loves her unconditionally.
       Although she never got to tell Myracle how she felt in the back room, the memories made with her will never be forgotten. If it weren't for her, she would've broken down a long time ago, leading to a series of poor decision making. So, her time may be running out, but she'll smile anyways, knowing how spectacular her one family member is.
       "I love you Myracle. Keep on fighting," Tara says affectionately, that smile refusing to escape.
       Myracle pauses, watching her cousin get viciously yanked away, the sound of her blood curdling screams being enough to send shivers down her spine. She watches the slaughtering of her family in between the crack of the door, forever instilling it's place in Myracle's mind. It's a vivid image that will haunt her till the end of time.
       It begins with the heartbreaking sound of Tara's voice, screaming in agony as the superhuman rips her to shreds, limb by limb while the cloner contorts her body. Finally, the horrid scene will conclude with the worm-like figure piercing her chest as the mutants gather around her mangled corpse as if it were a feast, the door shutting.
       Myracle remains in the same spot for a moment, her view of the excruciating death officially coming to a halt as the screams come to an abrupt stop. The brutal scene might've ended, the door acting like the curtains at the end of a tragedy in a musical, but the gut-wrenching sound of those beasts feasting fulfills her eardrums, refusing to stop until Tara's a pile of bones.
       However, that isn't even the worst part. There's a desire to cry, grieving the loss of her last remaining family member, but she isn't allowed. For if she even makes a sound, then Tara's sacrifice would've been for nothing. The act of crying would jeopardize her, requiring her to shove down her emotions, further dehumanizing herself in the process.
       Just when she finally found someone to call family, they've been taken away. How could she ever get over that? How could she ever forgive herself for not trying hard enough. How could she forgive herself for not providing enough effort to get to know her cousin when she had the chance? All these thoughts reminisce in her head as her time to mourn is nonexistent. There's nothing else to do, except breathe, slowly, in and out.
       What could've been an inspiring story of the last survivor of the sanctuary, persevering through all life's obstacles to finally find their place in the world is now dismantled. After all, the apocalypse is no fairytale. There could never be a happy ending. For if this truly were a fantasy being brought to life, then Tara would still be alive, many others alongside her.
       So, all Myracle can do is sit quietly to herself, keeping the sobbing to a bare minimum as she's forced to not feel once again. Even if she's incredibly lost without the presence of her vibrant and outgoing relative, she still must survive. For the miracle, the dream that could've been glorious, was trampled on, leaving nothing but sorrow and remorse as this unforgiving environment strikes again.

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