S4E6: A Promise

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       Jess arises from her bed, full of energy as thoughts of her future training session crosses her mind. She displays a cheerful demeanor as this overwhelming sensation of optimism hits her.
       She's never shown the group any physical characteristics that would be deemed as useful. Her crude thoughts would always make her feel secluded and left out from the group, her only requirement being the medic.
       However, it's time to break out this lonely shell. She wants to feel wanted on this battlefield filled with hardship and misery. Jess doesn't just want to ensure her safety; she wants to ensure the safety of her friends.
       This small group now feels like a family to her, completely irreplaceable. They've been through everything together. The only aspect that's holding Jess back is her lack of confidence.
       These upcoming training sessions will be the deciding factor on whether or not Jess will break this endless cycle of self-torment. It won't just better her relationship with Myracle; it'll also better her performance in the harsh environment of the outside world.
       Jess takes one final deep breath before dashing over towards the front door. The light practically forcing its way into the dark room. She lays eyes on Myracle waiting patiently in the hall.
       "You ready?" Myracle asks playfully while leaning her head against the wall.
       It's not everyday where you see Jess and Myracle spending time with one another. They barely exchange in deep, meaningful conversation. Majority of their time is spent solely on surviving a series of battles.
       "Of course! Lead the way!" Jess says gleefully.
        They make their way downstairs to the designated training area. This opportunity doesn't always reveal itself. She'll do whatever it takes to blossom into someone new.
       This is Jess's chance to finally transform into the strong, confident woman she's always aspired to become. Not just for her, but for her mother and the friends that she's lost. 
       "Where's Jeannie? I'm excited to start our training process!" Jess groans impatiently.
       Jess and Myracle remain in the isolated training room, waiting for Jeannie's arrival. Oddly enough, Myracle hasn't spoken much throughout this whole process.
       She looks like an emotionless business employee about to step foot in the same office, this cycle of repetition and regret following their every move.
       Jess looks around the training area, noticing the poor aesthetic. Old, used mats are laid out on the floor while practically ancient medical equipment catches dust in the corner, sheets draped carelessly over them.
It's peculiar how little effort was put into this room. Compared to the rest of the hospital, this training area merely exists. It reminds Jess of the people she's traveled with as they wander this wildcard of a world.
They merely exist until the time of their inevitable deaths. It's never a certainty how long this paradise will last. Three years is a long time considering all the hardships they've faced. It's almost like she's expecting the worst.
She reestablishes her attention onto Myracle, zoning out in her own thoughts. Her blank, anxious expression almost looks like she's forced to satisfy this helpless group member. The last thing that Jess wants to think about is being a burden.
Panic starts to set in as she conflates her belittling thoughts with reality. Why is Myracle acting so conflicted? Is it about me? Does she feel forced to train me? Jess thinks to herself worriedly while she stumbles through her mixed emotions.
       "Myracle what's wrong? You're not obligated to train me you know," Jess says timidly.
       Myracle jumps from her statement, clearly surprised. It's strange; it looks like Myracle wants to explain all of her hardships to Jess, but she simply can't. She's too afraid to hear her response.
       "Oh! I-It's nothing, don't worry about it. Rest assured, it has nothing to do with you," Myracle states nervously, stuttering over her words.
       That answer isn't satisfactory for Jess's standards. She's well aware that Myracle is hiding something. It's practically eating away at her. If she wants to be a part of this group, trust is a huge factor.
       "I can tell that something is troubling you. It's written all over your face so just spit out," Jess says bluntly.
       Myracle looks away, clearly torn on what to say. Jess is way too alert and observing for her liking, it's challenging to keep any ounce of sadness away from her. She's about to crack.
       Just as Myracle's about to reveal her seemingly soul-crushing news, Jeannie storms through the doors like a bat out of hell, the aged, decrepit door nearly sliding out of its hinges.
       "Who's ready to work till they drop!" Jeannie proclaims with excitement.
       Those words of tenacity and boldness are even enough to scare Myracle. What type of challenges does Jeannie have in store for these newcomers? Jess chooses to bite her tongue with Myracle, focusing on the task at hand.
       Jeannie is practically beaming like a ray of sunshine. She absolutely loves training new clients or helping someone grow physically. It's a reminder of how life was like in the past.
       She's very passionate in her line of work. Being a personal trainer gives her motivation and strength that one would need in this deceptive world. A chance to retrace her steps and go back to her roots makes Jeannie's life worth living.
       She'd do anything to protect the people she loves while also training them to the brink of defeat. This is an opportunity for her to grow closer to her group members. Her training mechanisms can improve their chances of survival.
       "Alright Jess. I'll be formulating some typical drills while Myracle teaches you the technique on how to wield a sword properly. However, fitness is still very important when it comes to training," Jeannie rambles, not once breaking her intense smile.
       Jess was excited to grow physically during her training, but something tells her that this won't be a simple task. She's conflicted with feelings of excitement and regret. No one is aware of what's in store for them.
       Two hours pass as Jess proudly stands in the middle of the room, her dry hands tightly gripping the sword. Myracle remains behind Jess, fixing her posture as she swings the blade repeatedly.
       Judging from the way Myracle looks alone, Jeannie's fitness training has proven to be excruciating. She's practically sighing in relief from not having to participate in anymore physical activity.
       Jess sways her head back and forth as she holds the abnormally heavy sword, trying to avoid an immense amount of sweat dripping in her eyes. Her body has never been in this much pain before.
       The weight of this sword originates as tolerable but soon transformed into being unbearable. Her muscles ache, and her arms twitch from the pain.
       However, for the first time in her life, she's smiling from the pain. Although it may hurt now, it'll prove to be useful in the future. She isn't going to give up. She's going to keep on fighting, just like her mother would've wanted.
       She grunts in displeasure as the burn in the core of her body proves to be too much, her arms trembling from the weight of the blade. She sets her attention onto her own sweat, slowly dripping off her skin and to the floor.
       "Done! Great job guys. You killed it!" Jeannie says with enthusiasm.
       Jess and Myracle remain unresponsive, desperately searching for water like they're battling heat waves in the desert. The training was tough, but they've never felt more alive.
       "You guys can rest up. I'll put the equipment away," Jeannie states while grabbing pairs of dumbbells, hurling them back to her dormitory.
       "Ain't no way in hell am I lifting a dumbbell again," Jess says in between breaths.
       Jeannie chuckles while she exits the training area temporarily. Leaving Myracle and Jess alone, sitting in silence for a moment while they try to readjust their bodies.
       Myracle avoids eye contact, knowing that Jess still hasn't forgotten their previous conversation. She resorts back to a timid, nervous state, dreading the thought of someone knowing her secret.
       "So, you gonna tell me what's been bothering you now?" Jess asks intently.
       Myracle starts to sweat even more than when she was training. The nerves are building up in her body beyond belief. These types of confrontations create an awkward and terrifying atmosphere. She hates talking about herself.
       "You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone, especially Chris," Myracle says sternly.
       "I promise, but why not Chris? Don't you trust him the most?" Jess asks curiously.
       Myracle's behavior goes through this cycle of shifts. One second she's anxious while the next second she's stern and confident. It's important to know what Chris thinks of her.
       "I just don't want him to think ill of me," Myracle says while fighting back tears.
       To see this confident, powerful warrior fall under pressure to this one simple secret is a shock for Jess. Chris has proven time and time again to be both supportive and helpful.
       "When I first saw Tara, I was recently reminded of my upbringing," Myracle begins, showcasing a sulky expression.
       As Myracle pauses, Jess's mind instantly runs wild with predictions. What does she mean by upbringing? Does Tara have anything to do with this? Are they related in some type of way? Jess thinks to herself curiously.
       It takes a moment for Myracle to say the following words. She's practically choking back her tears as she reveals her deepest, darkest secret to someone who she just started communicating with.
       "Look I don't know how to say this, so I'm just gonna go for it. The reason why I was the head of my Bunker was solely because Admiral Johnson was my uncle. Tara is his daughter, and Laura is his wife," Myracle says boldly while forcibly shutting Jess out, afraid of her response.
       Jess is stunned. She's at a loss for words, completely taken back by that confusing information. Memories of Admiral Johnson instantly start rushing back; it's like reopening a wound.
       She still can't fathom how that monster of a person is somewhat related to Myracle. This only makes her wonder whether or not Myracle is hiding more than originally anticipated.
       A sea of questions race through Jess's mind, trying to contemplate how this came to be. How come Tara hasn't mentioned anything about Myracle's existence? Does someone in the family hold evil intentions like the Admiral? Do they know that he's dead? Jess thinks to herself frantically.
       Just before she responds, the sound of the loud speaker goes off. This only provides even more confusion. However, when Jess hears Tara's voice, she only grows more skeptical after every breath she takes.
       She isn't sure for certain, but something isn't adding up. How has Tara and Laura once again find themselves in a position of power? Are they both corrupt? Although the answer might not be clear, Jess won't let her guard down until she's absolutely certain that this hospital is truly a sanctuary.

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