S5E7: Too Late

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The pool of blood slowly starts to expand underneath the hopeless cadaver, white tiles transforming into a dark, horrifying shade of red. This resembles a scene one would see in a horror movie.
Chris still hasn't registered what he's staring at. He's in denial, the pale complexion of his best friend practically haunting him. Ryan lays lifelessly in the floor, struggling to sit up.
Tara looks down at Ryan's helpless body, tears hindering her vision. This all happened in a blink of an eye, just like that, Ryan has found himself to be in a life or death scenario. She cradles his head in her lap, desperately trying to apply pressure in order to stop the bleeding.
"P-Please stay with me Ryan," Tara sobs uncontrollably as Ryan winces from the immense pain.
Jess forces her way through the chaos, carrying the first aid kit frantically towards a fallen ally. She looks extremely worried, looking at Ryan as if he were a lost cause. The gunshot is detrimental for his health.
       "Y-You can save him right?" Tara asks nervously.
       "I-I'm going to need all hands on deck," Jess stutters anxiously.
       The bullet entered his chest, causing a crater like wound as blood oozes out. Tears preemptively starts dripping down Jess's cheek, worried about this high possibility of death. She can't have this on her conscience, not another dead friend to mourn about.
      Chris walks toward Ryan, hands shaking as he gazes at his best friend's ignorant smile. He helps in the process of stopping the bleeding, clearly dazed by this heart wrenching sight.
       Ryan, the person who's experienced every moment with Chris, through every high and every low, is now laying on the floor motionlessly. It's absolutely surreal to witness. They used to distract one another, forgetting about the horrid world that's encasing them.
       "You gotta pull through Ryan. I can't do this without you," Chris says suddenly, not once glancing at Ryan, fearful of the somber look in his eyes.
       He can't see his best friend, practically his own brother die in his arms. He takes a glance back at the rest of his group, withstanding Ryan's decaying will. Instead however, he comes to another realization.
Chris looks at his group longingly, noticing how the numbers keep dwindling each day. He has absolutely zero control of this situation, no one does. These kidnappings have put its fair share of torment on the group, a death would only worsen this irredeemable scenario.
Suddenly, Ryan assembles the courage to speak, portraying a rather defeated yet satisfied smile. It's almost like he's accepting his fate. Tears stream down his face as he gazes at the frantic facial expressions of this loving family that was arranged from this detrimental apocalypse.
"It's okay. It's okay. I'll be perfectly fine," Ryan says silently with reassurance, his smile not once diminishing.
Ryan's vision starts to grow hazy as he moves his attention past Chris and Tara for a moment. He sees the rest of the group in shambles, his longtime friends completely disheartened from this dreadful sight. They're practically frozen in shock.
However, Ryan still can't help but smile. The mark that he's left on this dreadful world will never be forgotten. He's appreciative of his growth and having the opportunity to protect the ones he truly cares for with Chris and Tara. He's aware that this sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Although he longs for the day of embracing his mother once again, the memories he made with this unified group means the world to him. It's everything. It's all he ever wanted. He wants what's best for his group in this world.
If he can't live freely, then Chris and Tara better thrive in this world. Although it'll be a challenge, they can persevere, it's what they do best. Their survival is the upmost importance. He can only be cheerful to have gotten the opportunity to grow close with these two over the years.
"I need you to keep fighting Ryan! You can't give up," Jess's voice cracks, choking back her tears.
"She's right Ryan! We can't lose you too!" Jeannie shouts frantically, kneeling next to Ryan's pale complexion.
Jeannie gazes over at Chris, shocked to see a blank expression upon his face. There's no tears, no fear, no worry, just endless pain. She can practically see the pain in his eyes, seeping it's way through his pores, soon traveling in his bloodstream.
"T-Tell Simon that I'm sorry for my behavior. A-Also, thank you for h-having my back," Ryan says breathlessly with his croaky, brittle voice.
Simon tries to brush aside Ryan's current state, but it's impossible. He hasn't made up with him yet, there's been zero opportunities to. His desire to at least bicker with him might not even commence. This could be the last time he ever sees Ryan.
Ryan resides back to his peaceful demeanor as the pain slowly starts to prevail. He can feel his energy draining from his body, blood following. These circumstances might've not been what he craved, but life is never perfect. He's grateful for simply spending time with his group; that's all he needs.
Chris starts to tremble from the agony building up within him. He watches a huge factor of his wonderful childhood disappear. An important soul who made his life worth living has given up. He can't handle all this strain.
"Ryan! Don't you dare fucking leave me! I need you with me through this treacherous battle we're about to endure. Please don't give up!" Chris roars emotionally, his held back tears finally catching up to him.
His vision grows foggy from the build up of tears, noticing them fall from his cheeks, meshing with the blood on the floor. Chris has cracked. This brought about all his unsaid emotions as survivor's guilt takes hold over his consciousness.
Ryan smiles weakly, eyes fluttering after noticing Jess's worried expression. Whatever she's doing clearly isn't effective. He rests his hand gently on Chris's arm, showcasing his typical supportive nature, the same nature that kept Chris alive all this time.
Suddenly, Ryan's grip grows limp, his hand sliding off Chris's arm. He's completely unresponsive as denial floods the atmosphere. He didn't make it. Ryan has died because of Laura's malicious action. They were too late.
"H-He's gone. We were too late," Jess says timidly, wiping away her tears.
Everyone grows weary from this catastrophic loss. A huge part of their lives has just been taken away. Ryan's humor served as a vessel for everyone to feel comforted amongst a world filled with savage-like mutants.
Myracle glances at Chris, completely stunned as to what just occurred. Amongst all this sadness and misery, all she could think was, How's Chris going to get through this? He will never be the same. There's no telling what's to come for the future of their group.
All she wanted was to make Chris comfortable around her, showcasing a vulnerable side to release him from the stress of the real world. She wanted to be Chris's rock throughout this dire situation.
However, all she managed to be was a memory of what once was a happy relationship. A memory that now turns to distain and torment. She's merely just another body in this sacrilegious world.
The mutants' snarls reverberate in the distance, the sound inching closer and closer towards them. The gunshot must've given away their location. However, no one is moving. They're completely demoralized from this death that could've been avoided.
Matthew fights back this endless feeling of guilt, knowing how careless his decision making was. He cannot reconcile this feeling now. There needs to be an escape attempt. It's time for them to finally flee this dreadful sanctuary.
"G-Guys, we have to move. The mutants are getting closer by the minute," Matthew states quietly, trying to dwindle the amount of backlash.
Jeannie simply gives off a judgmental stare, reminding him once again of the pain he's caused. Although he's trying to change, this cycle seems to be inescapable for him. He will forever be a hindrance.
Chris remains motionless, shattered from the sight of his best friend's corpse. He now knows the harsh feeling Simon felt during Sarah's death. The gore is absolutely haunting to him. He will never unsee this vivid image of his deceased friend.
Ricky can sense the ferocious mutants approaching, this mourning soon getting cut short, just like Jill's. This is an undesired reminder of his old flame's demise as the group is forced to abandon their own people, their family.
The danger is at an all time high as well as these overwhelming emotions of depression and guilt. If only they had prevented Ryan from wandering outside. Perhaps, he would still be alive, and everyone would maintain a proper mindset for this escapade.
"H-He's right. We need to keep moving. It's what Ryan would've wanted," Skyy says optimistically.
Simon is about to ready to explode. He's contained a mass majority of his extreme thoughts and emotions, but it has become unbearable. He needs to silent this insignificant woman from speaking about Ryan.
"Cut the crap Skyy! What the hell did you know about Ryan?" Simon asks angrily, reminiscing amongst their dreadful thoughts and ideas.
Before Skyy rebuttals, Tara jolts up, causing the group to set their full attention on her. She looks absolutely livid, rightfully so. She just watched her significant other die in front of her. If Tara can battle through this, the others should be able to as well.
"Ryan was brave. He was fearless. All he ever cared about was the well-being of the group. He showed me the feeling of comfort and love. The least we could do is live in his honor," Tara says emotionally, adding a inspirational touch.
A touching moment arises as they recall all the endearing moments with Ryan. They've all gotten out of this excruciating trans. All but Chris. Jeannie remains closely by his side, contemplating on confronting him despite their argument prior to this death.
Although they are going through a rough patch, Chris needs her more than ever. He needs her by his side whenever it all feels hopeless and lousy. Forget about petty altercations. Chris's life is at stake.
Ryan's life might've gotten brutally taken away, but Chris is still breathing. He must live for his best friend. It's what he would've wanted for his closest ally. They will never stop until they avenge their comrade's sudden death.
"Chris, I know it's hard, but you have to keep going. Do it for Ryan," Jeannie says boldly.
Chris turns over to her, the mutants' oddly close demonic grunts barely fazing him. It's like he's completely trapped in is own strenuous world. He's encasing himself with self-deprecating thoughts, blaming himself for his best friend's expired body.
"I can't Jeannie. Don't you see that? I'm all alone now. I will only be a hindrance. Just leave me here so I can die," Chris says carelessly, infuriating his sister.
Although death is a touchy topic, she can't let her own brother dig his own grave. She must convince him that living his life to the fullest is at the upmost importance. He can't make anymore reckless decisions, it'd destroy her.
"Enough Chris! Never talk like that again, or so help me God I'll make sure you regret those words. Ryan's dead, but you're alive. He wouldn't want you to stop fighting. That's not the Chris that he knows. You have to keep fighting Chris; we need you," Jeannie says promptly, gathering the courage to reveal her feelings.
The group awaits for Chris's answer, hoping for a rational response. They must escape the scene of the crime before the mutants catch up to them. It's a matter of life or death.
Finally, Chris bounces back, walking tenaciously amongst his army of brave warriors. Although they just lost one of their own, it'll never stop their drive. In all actuality, this will fuel their fire to get revenge on Laura and Eleanor Hall. They must pay for Ryan's demise. This day will never be forgotten.
The group moves in a unified matter as the collectively battle through the mutants blocking the exit of the sanctuary. Myracle is located at the front as she violently plunged her katana through the mutants' deteriorated skulls.
Everyone is contributing an equal amount. They're all absolutely furious as to what happened with Ryan. They need to relieve some frustration. They're all overdue for a positive attribute to formulate in their pitiful lives.
Throughout this battle, the group has been fighting with fury and sadness. All the painful memories of old deaths return to their consciousness, causing a wide variety of strain and animosity.
They have to escape this building. This mission is absolutely vital not just for their survival in general, but it's also for the survival of their humanity. Sanity has been shrunk down beyond repair. It's time for this war to finally be over and done with.
Suddenly, the exit comes into view, absolutely no threat in sight. All they have to do is enter the lobby, and finally, dash out this hellhole of a hospital. They've never been closer to freedom.
Excitement rushes over Myracle, practically jumping at the opportunity to escape with her allies. They all need this victory. If they can can escape this hospital, then they can persevere through anything.
"Guys! It's just ahead. Let's end this!" Myracle shouts excitedly, aggressively pointing to the exit like a toddler at a vibrant toy store.
Myracle finally makes her way through the lobby, the others shortly behind. However, the unthinkable happens. Knights flood out from the side doors, blocking the entrance. What seemed as a ray of sunshine and hope has turned into madness and mayhem.
The remainder of the Knight brigade blockades the lobby, separating Myracle from the rest of her allies. Mutants and vicious warriors stand in their way of seeing Myracle and liberty once again.
"Myracle! No!" Chris's rage roaring through the sanctuary.
This group can only achieve so much. Lack of hope is starting to affect their productivity when it comes to escaping this hospital. They will have to be prepared for a bloodbath. This will not be simple. They need to stay alive, not just for themselves, but for Ryan.

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