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22 march, 2022: edited this chapter!


Teruya's eyes darted around nervously. 

Right infront of him, was a Ibiki Morino (who strangely did not look any younger than he was in the future) staring right through his soul. To make matters worse, the damn Hokage was standing outside the room, observing him through the windows.

It was scary. 

It was downright scary.

He was sitting on a really uncomfortable chair, with two ANBU level nin outside the door just incase anything went wrong. A little light bulb and a small vent to allow air in. Perfect for an interrogation. It was going to be impossible to escape.

He sighed.

Was Konoha always this rough? Even during his time, at least the seats were cushioned.

"So you are Uzumaki Teruya correct? Ninja registration number zero, one two, six, zero, seven." the interrogator said, word by word very carefully.

Teruya nodded. He dare not speak. Especially when he was such a blabber mouth. And he wasn't good at lying as well. 

"Funny, your registration number is not there in the books. So tell me, who are you?" his eyes narrowed to the Jinchuriki's, making him look more intimidating than he already was. The teen gulped.

"Uzumaki Teruya."

"Ah now don't give me that bullshit. Of course all spies would say that." Teruya wanted to look away. Why was this man always so scary? It gave him the chills.

"Well, I can't really say because it wouldn't make sense." He took a risky move there. Ibiki raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, and what would it be, Uzumaki-san?"

Teruya bit his lips. Would he tell them or not? It was not wise. It definitely was not wise. Why did Ibiki have to be here, of all days?

He opened his mouth to speak. "I-"

 "Ibiki-taichou! We've got Iwa spies for interrogation!"

The man turned around, getting up from his seat and gave a look to the male. Teruya was relieved at the sudden interruption, thanking the spies for disturbing this interrogation. Now since Ibiki was obviously going to go because of those nins, another was going to replace him.

A few moments passed by. He made eye contact with the Morino one last time before he left the room. Teruya collapsed, leaning his body against the table. The ANBU were slightly alarmed by his sudden movement.

What could he do anyway?

He was bound by seals that did not allow him to use his chakra. An annoying mechanism.

The door slowly creaked open, revealing a familiar face. 

Inoichi Yamanaka. What was he doing here? 

Why was he-Ahh, it was dumb of him to think that it was going to be this easy.

Yamanakas were known for their mind jutsus. Teruya experienced that first hand so he knew the extent of his jutsu.

He eyed him nervously as the young teal eyed man in front of him slowly sat on the chair across him where Ibiki was sitting 10 minutes ago.

Why didn't I think of this situation? This is bad, he cursed, fidgeting around in his seat. It was going to get serious here.

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