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Tenzo had actually left Orochimaru and wasn't serving as ANBU any longer. But he had stayed to observe the red haired hostage. Something was telling him that he was important to learning about the strange dreams he was having about him

As Tenzo was falling deeper into his thoughts, a new presence startled him. 

It began with meeting dark eyes and silver hair. 

"What's a kid like you doing in these forests?" questioned Kakashi, eyebrows raised in skepticism. He was training as usual, when he entered a place hidden with the help of genjutsu. So carefully, he entered without trying to set off any traps that would've been laid. 

"What are you doing here? You shouldn't have entered here," replied Tenzo, calmly. He recognized the boy, it was Hatake Kakashi. The young jounin who had lost an eye in battle. 

Kakashi took refuge on a big rock and sat on it, eyes travelling to the small figure. A small girl, maybe around nine to ten years old.

"Hatake Kakashi, right?" said Tenzo in a knowing tone, "this forest is part of Training ground forty-two. You must've lost your way, so you can leave through that path." He pointed to a small clearing with clear markings of a path being walked upon by people. 

"I don't think having a place protected with high level genjutsu is a training ground," Kakashi remarked, very nonchalant about it.

Tenzo was not surprised. "It doesn't really matter to me anyway," he shrugged his shoulders, "I'm here to get someone out," Tenzo said, "don't try to enter any buildings, you might get yourself killed."

And with the simple conversation, Tenzo walked away, leaving the silver haired teen alone. 

That girl, have I not see her before?

Poor Tenzo, Kakashi mistook him for a girl. 


Let me explain the situation a bit. Orochimaru was indeed caught for experimentation on children and had escaped, but it happened a with less commotion due to the focus on the war. 

Forces were sent to go after Orochimaru and while they were not able to catch him, it was confirmed that he had not successfully escaped Konoha. 

Indeed, Teruya loves talking to himself very much. 

My beautiful red hair is gone, how the hell am I going to face the outside world now?

A frustrated noise leaves him, "Arghh!! I can't think of anything!! Think dumb brain, think!!" he shouts at himself, banging his hair against the bed. The bed shakes violently when suddenly, he senses a presence.

The whole room becomes as quiet as it was before, the air had become sharper, his own breathing was softer, and his gaze sharpened upon the presence that decided to grace itself. 

For some  reason, it felt familiar. 

Footsteps from above could be heard, trampling upon the fallen leaves left during autumn, a cold light wind blew in through the small ventilation window on top of the room. 

Teruya peered into the ventilation bars, as far as the chains allowed him. His dark blue eyes rested on the feet that stood close to the small opening.

There's actual people here??

Teruya opened his mouth to speak, but his voice refused to come out. A desperate expression fell on him, This can't be happening right now!!

(Teruya, please don't forget about the secret stash of chakra you had saved up.)

Thoughts raced through his head, thinking of way to catch the attention of the person outside. 

"Teruya-san, what did you get yourself into?

The timbre of that voice, the hint of childish innocence: It was Kakashi!

Teruya forced his voice to come out, "Kakashi!"

A disgusting feeling rose from his throat and came out from his mouth, Teruya coughing hysterically before he finally managed to get the blob of blood out from his system.

The bastard sealed my voice box, he flicks his wrist to get rid of the red.  

Kakashi bent down, eyes meeting Teruya's, but he flinches. Slightly.

"Teruya-san, what the hell happened?"

Teruya had lost his iconic red hair.

"Long story, kid." the Uzumaki managed to say, "how did you find me here?"

"That's a long story too," replied Kakashi. Teruya snorted, "Seems like both of us have long stories. But before we embark on our long journey of story telling, any chance that you could get me out of this place?"

The fourteen year old suddenly got up and turned around, and Teruya realized that another person was there. 

"I have some help," Kakashi's voice become softer. 

Teruya strained to hear him, "Huh, what did you say?

"Teruya-san, my name is Tenzo and I am here to get you out." said a voice and Teruya was a little surprised. 

"Taichou! What are you doing outside?

Tenzo ignored the nickname, "I shall come to serve you dinner tonight as well. Your weapons and seals will be returned so please remain calm."

Now that was a change. Why would this Tenzo want to get him out? 

"Thank you, Tenzo." Teruya says sincerely, and Tenzo just hums in slight affirmation. Then he looks to Kakashi, "Kakashi, don't let shinobi rush here. We've got a wild Orochimaru here, I think he would've already figured out your presence.

Kakashi wants to say something, but he hesitates. 

Tenzo turns around swiftly and he leaves. Kakashi follows him, "Stay safe."

Teruya swears that Kakashi said something, but he brushes it off. With all that excitement, Teruya momentarily forgot that he was hostage of the Snake Sannin. 

"Kid, have I not seen you before in the Academy?" Kakashi asked before Tenzo could leave his sight completely. Tenzo turned around, "I used to study there, although I was a grade lower than you." he replied. 

Kakashi got up and walked closer to the "girl". He looked down, carefully observing "her" eyes. 

"She" wasn't lying. 

"You mentioned that you had someone to save,

Tenzo snorted, "Pfft, I guess. I need to break your captain out from prison.

The hostility in Kakashi suddenly rose, "Teruya-san?"

Tenzo did not flinch, "He was kidnapped a few days ago, was he not? It's the work of Orochimaru, and I need to get him out before he's killed."

"And how do I know that you're not the one who kidnapped Teruya-san?" questioned Kakashi, muscles slightly tensed. He didn't need to show that he was concerned. 

Tenzo was amused at the thought, "I could never kidnap your captain."

Kakashi looked at "her" and again for some reason, could see that "she" was not lying. Not a second later, Tenzo turned around, "If you want to tag along, you can, otherwise suit yourself.

Of course, Kakashi did not fail to catch up to "her". 

written; thursday, 24 march 2022

published; friday, 25, march 2022

idk man [discontinued]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat