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"...you're a kage bunshin?!"


Obito was currently having doubts on Teruya's real power. The Kage bunshin technique was different from a Bunshin technique. The shadow clones were a real thing; you could touch it, talk with them and they could even eat.

Basically, a physical copy of the real body. 

Whereas the normal bunshin technique was just like an illusion. A genjutsu. It wasn't real, it can't do anything a real human being does.

He was mind blown. 

"I never knew how much chakra you had Teruya-san!"

Teruya gave him an eye-smile. "Ya know, it ain't too hard. Uchihas have a lot of chakra too. You can do it if you copied it."

"I'm stupid Teruya-san. Moreover, I just unlocked my Sharingan like a few minutes ago. I can't turn it off." Obito replied. 

"It's good that you know how dumb you are." Kakashi remarked, earning a scowl from the Uchiha. But it did not faze him. 

"Anyway," Teruya changed the topic. He didn't want the boys fighting now. "You guys can go save Rin right?

"Yes!" the Uchiha replied. Teruya smiled. "My real body is actually quite close but he's bleeding his guts out, so he's trying to recover." Before Obito could gasp, the blond haired man had already poofed out of existence. 


"Shit, this is really bad." Teruya struggled to speak. "I didn't feel this wound until you woke me up."

Kurama scoffed, "Obviously. Don't be so stupid Naruto."

"Kurama not now please?"


Teruya shut his eyes tight as he tried tying the bandages even tighter. It hurt so much yet he couldn't do anything. Even Kurama could only do so much for the kit. 

"Ugh, this is fucking killing me." Only silence answered the Uzumaki. Feeling sentimental, he sighed. 

"What am I doing here? How did I end up here? What am I supposed to do?"

Those questions lingered in his head as the memories of his bunshins started coming to him. They were all getting killed by this unknown enemy Teruya knew he couldn't handle in this state. Minutes seemed like hours as the agony of the pain just increased. 

Was this going to be the end? It had been only 2 weeks since he came to the past but he had to come at the wrong time. Would it have helped if he had come earlier?


This was a miraculous chance he got just because he had Kurama. In many ways, this old fox was a blessing to him too.

"It's funny.




Startled, the Uzumaki jolted awake, wanting to get up, but an electrifying pain shot up his legs, making him fall back.


"You feeling alright?"

"He's obviously not."


Naruto found himself in a white space, surrounded by the mini-version of his dead friends. 

idk man [discontinued]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin