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"Kakashi, don't! Rin's the one who's always keeping us safe with her medical knowledge hence she's important! We can't just abandon her like that!" Obito screamed at the silver-haired boy, glaring at him with his Sharingan eyes.

It had one tomoe already.

Kakashi looked at the boy conflicted. Of course, he knew Rin was a vital person in their team. These days he's been having a change of heart but he didn't know why.

"But, we're in enemy territory now so it'd be good if you could shut up Obito." Kakashi said softly, not sounding angry at the Uchiha but rather annoyed.

Obito's eyes widened as he quickly threw a shuriken behind Kakashi. The Hatake was caught by surprise. He swiftly turned around to lock eyes with a pair of eyes he didn't recognize.

In an instant, he slit through his neck, blood gushing out like a fountain of water.

Breathing heavily, the two teens stared at each other before coming to one conclusion.

They'd go save Rin.

"I didn't expect you to come with me, Kakashi." Obito remarked as he jumped across the thick branches of the trees on the borders of Konoha. Kakashi just hummed, looking forward. He didn't know why either but he just decided.

Maybe a different choice could lead to something new, he thought.

"Wait Kakashi, I see something!" Obito exclaimed, squinting his eyes in front of a cave. They both stopped.

"I can see Rin's chakra but, it looks so chaotic."

"She must be trapped in a genjutsu." Kakashi huffed, trying to catch his breath.

"I see two other chakra signatures and both of them seem to have less chakra."

"I saw three of them, look again."

"You sure?" the Uchiha looked at Kakashi. His Sharingan would've caught everything anyway.

"Tsk, just do it already." Kakashi glared at the boy.

"Sheesh, alright don't get all mad like that."

A small blob of blue caught Obito's attention as he looked towards the gigantic trees. He strained his eyes, attempting to detect the unidentifiable object.

"Wait, there really is one. But like really far away."

"It must be a trap, likely because they've already seen us."

Obito gasped, "If they've seen us already, doesn't that mean that they're waiting for us?"

Kakashi nodded his head. "But we can't go in now. Our chakra levels are low. I wouldn't be surprised if you dropped dead by now."


"Shush you, idiot." Kakashi slapped a hand over Obito's mouth.


"Teruya-san slapped a seal on me and gave me some more for today's mission." Kakashi muttered, recalling how "discreetly" the blond-haired man had stuck a seal on his back.

"I see." Obito replied, glancing at the small paper tag on Kakashi's back that managed to keep itself hidden.

"Try putting some chakra into it. I'll give you mine."

"When'd you become so generous?" The Uchiha raised an eyebrow suspiciously at his teammate, always yapping about shinobi rules and whatnot.

"Unless you wanna die, go ahead." Kakashi shot back.

"Ugh, forget what I said. I don't even know what Rin likes about you so much."

Kakashi managed to fish out the crumpled seals Teruya gifted him in the afternoon of today's mission. He spotted some speckles of red at the right corners of the seal he never really saw before.

'Must be blood.' Kakashi simply thought before handing one to his teammate. Teruya seemed like a childish man to him. Very annoying and zero speaking skills. He didn't even know how to tie up people!

But he seemed to have gotten the trust of his sensei so soon but he never really understood why.

Though one thing Kakashi was sure of was Teruya had his fair share of battles. He had his share of losses and pent-up emotions too.

"Whoa, this is a ton of chakra. Is this Teruya-san's?" Obito piped up after the long silence on the enemy territory.

Kakashi snapped out of his thoughts, warning himself not to think too deep in missions like these again.

"Of course."

"He has a lot of chakra, doesn't he? I can even see it from over there."

"From where!?" Kakashi looked up to the Uchiha.

"H-Huh? Wait actually-"

A voice cut off the boy.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Rin?"

It caught the two boys by surprise but the mystery voice succeeded in keeping them from moving.

Black eyes widened as they locked with a pair of blue ones.


"Shh!" the blond-haired man silenced the Uchiha.

"W-When did you get here!?" Obito whispered as loudly as he could, trying not to scream.

"Sorry, I separated from Minato-san and came by here to check up on things."

"Aren't you supposed to be helping sensei?" Kakashi asked, looking at the man.

"I took down a fair share of enemy nins so he should be doing fine." Teruya shrugged off. Obito looked at him dumbfounded. Why would this man leave his sensei just like that on the battlefield? Sensing Obito's urgency to know the answer to his question, Teruya just smiled.

"He ain't the Yellow Flash of Konoha for nothin' kid."

Somewhere on the battlefield.


Blood splattered on the ground as a head rolled down. Another life was lost to the Yellow Flash of Konoha.

Every time Minato killed an enemy shinobi, a "ping" sound would be heard. But Teruya wasn't sure if he was imagining it or not.

He just calmly sat behind the no man's land and saw from a safe spot where he could see everything. An enemy shinobi would sometimes pop out of nowhere before they simply disappeared in a flash of gold.

"I've never seen any war up close my entire life." Kurama commented as he saw everything through the eyes of his vessel.

Teruya sighed. "I gave tou-san the excuse that this kage bunshin could help send information to headquarters but, I don't even have the chakra--"

"Oh!" Teruya cut himself off. "We've got an ambush coming from nine!" he screamed to the commander and nodded in reply.

"Formation everybody formation!" the fierce-looking commander shouted as he screamed orders at his unit to prepare for a pincer.

"I hate war but, I don't know if Naruto realizes it."

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