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It was a cold day today. One of the few times Teruya actually felt the autumn cold. He was walking between the borders of Konoha and Amegakure, recruited for scouting. He pulled the shawl around him tighter as he was approaching the basecamp belonging to Konoha.

"Hey, captain!" he greeted as soon as he entered the tent, receiving cheerful waves and bright smiles. He was dispatched along with a small team that was hiding in Amegakure. They were experts compared to Teruya who had never gone to the village of Rain. 

"Ey Teruya-san!" the gruff man replied, patting the man on the back.

"How's it?"

"Fine," Teruya replied as he gladly accepted a warm cup of water from a medic, taking a sip, "But it's so cold!"

The older man laughed, "Ame has always been like this. I'm surprised it hasn't started raining yet."

"True," Teruya agreed. "Have any news about Konoha?"

"Nothing that seems to be important. Oh, wait! There's a letter for you." The captain took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over to the blond-haired man. "Minato-san told me to give it to you."

"I see," Teruya quickly unfolded the paper and went through the unruly handwriting.

'Must've been written by Obito.' he grinned as he finished reading it and pushed it into his pouch.

"Good news I assume?"

Teruya smiled fondly, "Definitely."


A lot of things had happened so far in the one month Teruya was in Konoha. The war, the infamous Kannabi bridge mission, the loss of Kakashi's left eye, and the temporary victory brought by Minato. Meeting Sakura-chan in his dream, the slow death of his long friend, and the sudden news of his own death was also something new.

It definitely confused the Uzumaki, but he couldn't do anything about it. His brain was tired from all the high-level thinking he had done the past few weeks.

'But I wonder... How did Obito end up with Madara??'

'Could you not use two question marks?" a deep voice growled, scaring Teruya out of his wits. "Oh my GAWD KURAMA!!"

The nine-tailed fox scoffed, "Hello to you too."

"Geez, I swear you'll kill me someday," Teruya muttered under his breath. "Slept well?"

"Whaddya think?"

"You don't have to be so irritated, ya know?" Teruya said, crossing his hands, trying to seem angry at the fox.

"Drop the act. Doesn't fit your ugly face." Kurama shot back.


"I can feel my power slowly seeping out every day, Naruto. I can feel that connection to Kushina like I did before."

Teruya sighed, "I can sense that. I don't even heal as quick as before."

"What are you going to do without me," Kurama shook his head, giving Naruto a pitiful look.

"You're kidding, right?" Teruya wanted to gag at the faked concern. "Don't need you, never will again."

"Well, that's true."

"Then when I am born, will this body die?" Teruya asked suddenly after the long interval of silence. Kurama opened his mouth to speak but paused.

"I...don't think so." But Teruya could hear the hesitancy in Kurama's voice. "But you'll die sooner or later anyway, so it's fine."

"Talking about death like it's someone else's." Teruya scoffed lightly, brushing Kurama's soft fur with his hands. "But yeah, it's a weird sensation."

"You'll reincarnate again, so it's fine."

"B-But what if I become a s-snail or something??!!" Teruya exclaimed in horror, suddenly realizing what the fox had said.

"Geez, calm down your ramen stacks! You'll be human."

"And how do you know that?" Teruya gave Kurama a suspicious glare, pointing a finger accusingly.

Kurama gave him a mischievous smile. "Unless I ask the Sage to make you one?"  Teruya gasped, "NOOOOOO!!"


Dear Teruya-san,

                                     How is the weather in Amegakure? Rin-chan asked me to write this letter, and she's here with me too. Bakashi is doing fine if you were curious. Every day, he c̶o̶m̶p̶l̶a̶i̶n̶s̶ says that it's hard to get used to living without his left eye. He even managed to get hit by one of my punches during training yesterday. I'm sure it hurt.

                                   Minato-sensei and Kushina-san are doing well in the village. Ever since the momentary t̶r̶o̶o̶c̶e̶ truce, team seven hasn't even had the time to sit down and eat for lunch together. We barely even get to have a b̶r̶a̶k̶e̶ break before receiving our next mission!

                                  Sensei is going to be the next Hokage, and all of us are excited. I think I'll get his autograph later. Also, I think Kushina-san is p̶r̶n̶g̶n̶e̶n̶t̶ pregnant because she isn't doing any missions lately (Rin's words, not mine!). I'm training hard with my Sharingan as well.

                                   I'm no longer that black sheep. Yass!! Or maybe more like white sheep? I don't know. Anyway, Rin is getting annoyed by all my s̶p̶e̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ spelling mistakes, so she will be writing from the next letter onwards. Stay safe!

Yours truly,

Team seven.       


wanted some happy stuff because I've been feeling down these days ;-; 

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