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In many cliché stories, the main character as a plot armor. And to some extent, Teruya also did have some plot armor. Unfortunately, he was kidnapped. Wondering who?

"Good job, Tenzo. Ro, go and keep him on the table." a voice orders and Ro immediately follows. Tenzo stays still, staring at the man before him through the mask. 

After Danzo had been seized one day, the Root ANBU had split. The many who were loyal and those who were not, had gone their own ways. The loyalists were planning a scheme to get Danzo out of jail while the others went into hiding.

They'd never want to come back to Konoha. They'd stay hidden for life, never to see any familiar faces. 

Tenzo had no where to go and was brought over this man who claimed to be Danzo's second hand man. But Tenzo already knew of this man.

He was one of the Three Sannin, Orochimaru. 

Danzo and Orochimaru never got along, so there must've been another reason for the snake-like bastard to take over. 

"Tenzo, you are dismissed." said Orochimaru as he finished helping Ro keep their hostage on the table. 

"Hai," Tenzo gave him a deep bow and was about to leave when Orochimaru stopped him,

"Ah sorry, I meant that you were dismissed. You can stop being ANBU."

Tenzo raised an eyebrow under the mask. What was this crazy guy saying?

"I have no use for you and you're not so useful yourself. Get rid of that mask. Your mouth shall be sealed tight about this matter." Orochimaru continued. Tenzo hesitated. Was that it? His entire purpose for living just gone like that?

"Yes?" Orochimaru motioned for the mask the male still had on his face. Tenzo faltered. 

Orochimaru had an unreadable grin on his face. Tenzo didn't know whether it was supposed to be a good sign or not. With one hand brought over his face, Tenzo turned away from the male and took of the mask. He placed it gingerly on the table and walked quietly out of the room. 

Orochimaru chuckled, "Naïve child."


"I can't believe this has happened over night. What happened to the chunin stationed at the hospital?" Inoichi questioned Niruno who had come teleporting out of nowhere to inform that unidentified nins were attacking Teruya who was still recovering at the hospital.

Niruno flinched, "S-Sir, they...died."

"How? What happened?!" Inoichi pinched the bridge of his nose in slight vexation. 

"Teruya-san was being attacked by intruders. They covered themselves with masks, moreover, they were attempting to kill Teruya-san. He was injured, asking for a medic. We arrived but then it was too late. He had disappeared. The only thing we could find were the strips of bandages that were used to cover his wounds. We've confirmed it to be his blood." Niruno explains carefully and Inoichi listens without saying a word. He thinks a little and comes to a conclusion he's not really fond of. 

"Ahh, we're screwed." Inoichi groans, "Minato is gonna kill me."

"Who's going kill who?

Inoichi and Niruno are startled by the new presence. Minato had teleported right into the room and had managed to get the last part.

"Argh, Minato! That jutsu of yours in going to be the death of me!" Inoichi exclaims, scared out of his wits. He wasn't even able to sense a sliver of chakra. 

Minato chuckled, "I've heard some interesting things on my way here. Did something happen?" he asks Inoichi and the Yamanaka internally rolls his eyes.

This guy already knows what happened but he's still asking anyway, Inoichi thought, forming sentences in his brain which would sound less serious than the actual situation.

"So," Inoichi begins, "Teruya-san is misplaced.


Ugh, that made no sense. Inoichi tries again, "Um, missing? Missing seems to be the right way of saying it.

"I've stationed guards to watch over his place but it seemed like they were killed." Minato says, having gotten serious. "Whoever wanted Teruya really went the extra mile to make sure their plan was executed without a hitch. You won't find anyone having enough power to do something like this in Konoha."

"Are you implying that this could a scheme of another nation?" Inoichi mutters under his breath loud enough for the Namikaze to be able to hear. 

Minato turns to face the female chunin and gives her a polite smile, "Niruno-san, you are dismissed. Please be vigilant as you guard the hospital." he says and Niruno affirms with a nod.

"Hai, Hokage-sama!

And she's gone. 

Minato wears a serious expression on his face. "I've heard of a certain snake doing some interesting work these days, you know?


Teruya is trapped in himself. It's like when he communicates with Kurama except that Kurama isn't there. The cage that looked too small to confine Kurama was now dauntingly huge, humongous. 

Teruya wonders what he's doing here. Was he knocked out that badly for him to go to his unconscious state of mind? Where's Kurama when he needs—


Oh yeah, Kurama is dead. 

Definitely didn't need to remember that. 

The Uzumaki takes this chance to think of all the things he's done ever since he arrived. It's been maybe around four months? No biggie, maybe technically change the future a bit?

Obito is alive, Zetsu is captured, Danzo is also caught (but he doesn't really remember how he contributed to that, but Jiraiya kept saying that Teruya had helped him).

Searching for Kaguya would come later. Unless some idiot decided to unleash that seal, shit would be safe. He had to also search for Jigen, otherwise also known as Ishikki. The fucking bastard that managed to destroy humanity to the core. 

How did he manage to survive? He was like a little bug, desperate for survival. 

Oh and yeah, Teruya has realized something. His hair was turning red for something. His hair was a little long and so he trimmed it up a bit, and that's when he realized that his roots were turning into a ruby red, just like his mom's.

But it's weird. 

His eyebrow also needed a shaving but it's turned red too. 

Really weird. 

Teruya tilts his head, staring at the reflection of himself on the water he was standing on. He stared at himself for a while. No, maybe for a really long time. But that's when a realization dawned over him. 

"Heh, seriously?"

The Uzumaki unconsciously brought a hand over the hair-reddening,  

"Is this what Sakura-chan meant by being full Uzumaki?" Teruya scoffed, "That's like the worst way to say that you're going to die when you're finally yourself."


Sooo hello everyone. sorry, it's been a while since I've written so this chapter may seem a little amateurish. 

i feel like i've given enough hints to what's going to happen next. expect a huge plot twist :D

written; monday, february 07, 2022

published; wednesday, february 09, 2022

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