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Publishing date: 30.12.2020


"Us ANBU will handle this. Whoever was there at the scene, please stay in the office." a voice said, muffled with the mask the man was covering his face with. Teruya turned to Minato.

"I'll go grab Rin and come back."

Minato nodded.

A few minutes passed by before a bob of brown could be seen entering the room. The blond sighed in relief looking at her injury-less body.

"What happened Rin?" the jounin asked first as she sat on one of the seats. Rin sat inbetween both the males.

"I was training." she began as the memories started replaying in her head. (Ugggh so cliché !!! But that's the point of this book :D)

"You sure Rin? I'm glad to help you but I feel like this is too dangerous." an unconvinced voice said with a hint of worry. Rin just replied with a smile.

"This is to protect myself and protect Konoha."

Obito with great hesitance had agreed to help Rin with her training. She was probably the weakest link in her team. Even Obito was better than her although she was a medic ninja. She would be excellent in the field of Genjutsu and the usage of poisin.

"Well then, come at me!"

Obito immediately dashed towards her with a kick. She side-stepped returned with a punch but the Uchiha merely blocked her before sending a kick with his left leg, sending her flying a few feet away from him.

Obito gasped. "H-Hey Rin, you're alright...right?

He liked Rin. Hurting her would be like killing himself. Using his vulnerability as an advantage, she let him come close to her when she sprang up and gifted him with a standing kick to his face.

"Oof!" His lips stung. He wiped his mouth to see blood smeared on his hand.

"Like I said, come at me with all you've got,Obito-kun."

The boy smirked. She was serious about this.

This continued for hours (2 and a half to be more precise). They took breaks here and there, practicing ninjustu and training in the art of Genjutsu. She didn't know how to cast one until Teruya-san had taught her, errr well rather, he "told" her about it.

Teruya-san said that he had large chakra reserves so casting one would be nearly impossible. Minato-sensei also didn't know much about it so she had to turn to Kurenai, the Genjutsu specialist of their batch. 

She was kind enough to teach her the basics and how to make them even more severe. 

But training her genjutsu with Obito was...difficult. Being an Uchiha meant that genjutsu would be your forte with the Sharingan and all but with Obito, it just wasn't happening. He was called the black sheep of the Uchiha family although sometimes it's strange calling him a black sheep. Don't all Uchihas have black hair?


So after all of that had happened, it was starting to get dark. The sun was slowly setting and so they parted ways. Rin decided that she would collect some medicinal herbs on the way home through the forest but then she caught a whiff of an unfamiliar chakra.

Having been alerted, she quietly went away, casting a genjutsu over herself to not raise suspicion but those ninja were smart enough to recognize the illusion they were under.

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