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"Gosh if I'm late like this I'll be killed."

A certain Uchiha was rushing to get to his destination. He couldn't afford to be late today. Not at all. It was an important day right?

Jumping from tree to tree was easy, but not losing balance was the key to-

"Whoa whoa!!" His leg was caught by a vine, resting on top of a branch which he did not see. He fell to the ground, expecting a huge thump but surprisingly did not hear anything. 

He slowly opened one eye, then the other only to realize that he was actually being carried. Flustered, he tried escaping but instead heard a familiar voice.

"Hey it's me Obito-kun."

He slowly looked up, disregarding the sunlight in his eyes and met with a pair of blue eyes.


"We're running late."

Obito flinched. "Oh yeah I-no we are."

Teruya looked down to the young boy infront of him. Oh how did he end up in the hands of Uchiha Madara? He walked forward grabbing the boy bridal style without warning.

Obito's eyes widened. He opened his mouth to speak but seconds later, he was infront of his teammates.

They shunshined, to the meeting spot, though not surprising anyone. The teen dropped the boy as quick as he had appeared.

"T-thanks Teruya-san." Obito was stunned.

"Well, did we make it?" the blond asked, helping Obito up.

"Tardiness is a word that should not exist when referring to a shinobi." a stern voice said.

Teruya did not say anything but just dipped his head in greeting. Kakashi was always serious about the shinobi rules.

Obito wanted to reply back but was stopped at the tug of his sleeve.

"I'm sorry Kakashi-kun, we just had to take a small detour because some old people needed help carrying their luggage." said Teruya, without a hint of wavering in his voice. He glanced at the young boy who seemed confused at the terrible excuse the teen had just given.

Kakashi, "That was a lie wasn't it?"

Minato who was sitting calmly on the rock turned back, and said, "That's enough Kakashi."

"They had to help the migrants with their heavy luggage so it should be fine."

"You are too lineint sensei." Kakashi replied, turning back to face his teacher. "And besides, isn't that the excuse Obito uses every time he's late?"

He continued. "Those who break the rules are scum. Isn't that so?" he said in a provoking manner. He certainly knew how to get on people's nerves.

Minato could only reply with a nervous chuckle. 

"Don't you have a shred of kindness on your heart?! All you ever talk about are the rules and regulations! What matters is your self control." Obito replied, crossing his hands like a child who just had a fight with a friend. 

"Stop it all of you. We're all on the same team." a calmer voice said, trying to cool down the heated atmosphere.

"You're too easy on Obito, Rin." Kakashi said. "This is an important day for me too."

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