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30 chapters already. Not going to lie, I'm proud of myself that this book has lasted this long! :)


As if it were perfectly timed fate, the shinobi of Konoha started materializing from a whirlwind of leaves as Hanzo's forces were slowly dissipating. 

"Don't kill, but render Hanzo's forces unable to fight." Jiraiya commanded as he was catching his breath. I mean, hey, he's a 40 year old man for Pete's sake! 

The chunin that were summoned were confused, but nevertheless followed Jiraiya's orders. 

"You heard the man." a voice commented. The chunnin had already left by then, but the voice was not directed at them.

"Master!" Konan exclaims as she carries her two friends in the wings of papers she levitates with. Yahiko and Nagato jump down as the female lands lightly on her feet. With hidden excitement, they run to greet the old man.

Jiraiya turns back at the call of his name. The voice bears a familiar ring as he sees three figures approaching. But as they come closer, the red, orange and purple hair are unmistakably recognizable. 

The serious face that looks foreign on him quickly vanishes as a smile curves his chapped lips. Their names are at the tip of his tongue.

Oh come on, don't tell me I've forgotten their names!

"Master Jiraiya!" Yahiko excitedly runs to the Toad Sage, and a piece of the old man's seemingly snaps in place as the orange haired man grins at him. 

"Yahiko!" Jiraiya returns in equal enthusiasm, a small sigh relief escaping his lips as he finally remembers the others. 

"Konan and Nagato!" Jiraiya pats all the three on their heads. Jiraiya takes a good look at all three of them as compliments start escaping his mouth. 

"You've become quite beauty Konan. You paper jutsu has improved so much!" Konan seemed to beam at the compliment as she says, "Thank you."

"Did your hair become even redder Nagato?" Jiraiya jokingly asked, looking to the Uzumaki, "I almost thought I was seeing a living rose.

Yahiko laughs at the comment while Nagato mutters a shy 'thanks'.

"You've become the tallest eh?" said Jiraiya, "But still shorter than me." he chuckles, patting Yahiko's head in playful mockery. 

Yahiko pouts, "You've given them good compliments while you insult me!

"When did I ever say that? Didn't I tell you that you were awesome?

"H-Huh?" Yahiko stops as Jiraiya's laugh becomes even louder, "You're still so fun to tease Yahiko!"

The other two seemed to laugh at their orange haired friend, "Stop making a fool out of yourself Yahiko." says Konan, dragging the male back to his place. 

"You've grown so much. I almost didn't recognize you." Jiraiya said as old memories stir in his eye. "Even so much that you'd start an organization. Honestly, I'm very proud you of you guys. I actually thought you guys were dead because I never heard any news about you three.

"How did you end up here, sensei? Did you know that we were being threatened?" Yahiko inquired, curious as to how the white haired man seemed to appear to them like the goblin when the flame of a fire was blown out (reference to The Goblin, a Korean drama).

Jiraiya immediately thinks of another Uzumaki at the question asked of him. "Eh well, I have my ways." he answers.

Yahiko raises and eyebrow but decides to let go of the matter, "Well nevermind! It's great to see you again sensei."

"It is indeed. What happened though? How'd you get involved with Hanzo?" Jiraiya turns around to see the passed-out Hanzo. As if feeling his pain, his eye twitches as he says, "Ow, he's going to have some major back pain.

Konan ignores the comment and answers the question, "We were fooled. We were too naïve with the decision to trust him.

The three immediately become quiet at the statement. But Jiraiya tries cheering them up, "Heyyy things happen okay? You just happened to face someone that's too big for you. And besides, Hanzo is a sly bastard. He would never want an organization like yours becoming more influential than him."

"By the way, how did you defeat Hanzo so easily? Did you become even stronger?" Yahiko asks as the topic drops. As expected of the positive guy in the group of introverts. 

"Oh me? Of course! I've become stronger! I've even achieved Sage mode." Jiraiya grins, eyebrows bouncing in playful mirth. "But Hanzo has weakened considerably as well. I wonder how a ninja as great as him had fallen so much."

"He indulges in money and never engages in battle, so I doubt he's fought in a while." Nagato adds silently. The pouring rain has stopped and the clouds seem to be a little bit clearer. The smoke from the exploding tags waft into their noses (which all of them honestly finds disgusting. Smelled like burnt human if that was a thing.) and all three of them stop chatting, looking at their surroundings.

It was a battle field. Some people dead, some half alive and some injured. It was the cost of peace in the land of the Ninjas. 

"I never intended such chaos to happen." Yahika mutters dejectedly. 

"Don't mind it Yahiko. It's something all of us agreed on, so all of us are responsible." Konan says and Nagato silently agrees, standing next to the orange haired male.

"It's not only yours, but ours too.

Jiraiya can feel his heart warm at the sight, but he's got no time for it. He's got a lot of explanation to do, and he definitely has an angry Namikaze questioning him the next day morning. 

He sighs unfortunately as he catches the attention of the three friends, "Sorry to cut it like this, but I really gotta go back to Konoha. I've got a heck load of explanation to do." he says, pointing at the still passed out Hanzo. And yes, he's still out in that uncomfortable position.

"Oh, that's a shame. I thought we'd catch up on stuff!" Yahiko says, visibly dejected. "But it's okay. We can visit you in Konoha can't we?" he asks, his mood changing almost immediately. 

Jiraiya smiled. This kid was still that positive guy. "Of course. Now stay safe, and tell the Konoha nin to follow protocol 3A. They'll understand."

And with that, the man turns around, grabs Hanzo and starts walking, footsteps stepping into water puddles once in a while. 

"Let's go Yahiko." Nagato says, "We've got some cleaning up to do." And the Uzumaki is off. Konan follows shortly after, wings of paper balancing her as she jumps down the cliff. Yahiko stares at the back of the Toad Sage for a little while longer before his eyes is off of him.

"Wait up guys! I'm coming!"


written; thursday, 2 december, 2021

published, thursday, 2 december, 2021

And that marks the end of the Akatsuki arc! Phew~

I feel like I might have a third season for this book. Maybe some time later, I'll announce a short hiatus cuz I'm going to my homeplace and excited af. I'll try to publish some chapters before that happens tho!

Have a wonderful week-end ahead of you! (even tho it's still thursday lol)


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