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"Kakashi, you be captain alright? Take with you a minimum of two jounin." orders Minato. "We don't want a large team, so take able bodied nin with you. Of course, we have Jiraiya-sensei to help out too.

Jiraiya nods his head in agreement, "I'll handle everything. You guys just support me and help free Teruya-san, besides, I have a score to settle with my dear friend." he says seriously, and Minato understood what his sensei meant by that. 

"Kakashi, you have less than two hours, go and do what you have to do. I'll give this an S rank." states Minato and Kakashi accepts the mission.

"Hai, Hokage-sama!


"Yamato-taichou, you'll surely stay alive won't you?"

"Is that a threat, Naruto?" Yamato rolled his eyes, exasperated after having followed the Uzumaki's orders the whole day. 

Naruto exclaimed, "Heyy!! Stop teasing me." he huffed, lips dipped in a pout, clearly disappointed at Yamato's lack of enthusiasm. 

Yamato twisted his face, frowning as if he were handling a spoiled five year old brat. He sighed, fingers finding its regular place, calming his strained eyebrows, "instead of dying at the hands of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, I'd would have already died of your recklessness.

Naruto burst into sudden laughter, "Hahaha!! That makes sense!"  

Yamato had a soft smile on his lips as he muttered, "Surely, if not for my sake, but for you.

Naruto heard that and smiled.

Naruto had no tears left. Besides, they were useless in the current situation. His eyes would hurt and be puffy the next morning. 

"I'm sorry, Naruto." a quiet voice says, breaking the loud silence of the dancing leaves and howling wind. The sun decides to mourn death and the moon to comfort the ones left behind. 

"I'm okay, Kakashi-sensei," Naruto tries to smile, tries not to cry, tries not to look weak; but it hurts terribly. Kakashi gives Naruto a warm hug, once again saying, "I'm so sorry.

And once again, Naruto whispers, "I'm okay."

Tears escape those sad blue eyes, but nothing will ever comfort them. 


Tenzo stirs awake from the seemingly nightmarish dream, body burning as if he was under the sun the whole day, heart beating rapidly as if he had run a hundred laps around Konoha. 

The boy realizes that he had fallen asleep. 

It's already seven! I should hurry. Tenzo thinks, glancing at the clock. He shifts his blanket to the other side of bed and hurries, quickly dressing himself and finally placing the mask on his face. 

The door clicks close, and Tenzo forgets all about the nightmare. 

After a brief sprint to Orochimaru's lair, Tenzo catches his breath, brushing his hair off his face. Tenzo has a determined look on his face when he enters Teruya's room (not that anyone could see anyway). Of course, the first thing he smells are chemicals you clean hospitals with. Then everything else slowly seeps in. 

Tenzo steps in, door creaking at the slightest touch. He lightly places the tray of food on the table and approaches the sleeping figure. 

How much did he give Teruya-san?  

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