Chapter 33: Ascension

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On the ride of the new Arena called Olympus Luke, Loba, and the new legend Horizon stop by at the Bonsai Plaza and disembark from the Trident and look up at the at the tower.
Horizon: "alrighty lass'es, shall we see what's here a'bit before they come're." Loba looked around the place that looked familiar to her a time ago.
Loba: "this place... why here?" As for Luke this is a place full of luxury and riches... the opposite of what he went through during war.
Luke: (these people are here living the life while my own are living a hell... i wish i can destroy these to see so they feel how i felt...) when he enter the building he can see what's left of it but also see illusions of people dinning, smiling, laughing minding there own business then had a flashback of his parents and every civilian massacred in large numbers with town after town nearly wiped out. With the anger in him he single punch a nearby large window shattering it completely. he growled as Loba and Horizon rush to the scene finding shattered glass and a broken open window by Luke who snapped out of it..
Horizon: "what in god's sake is going on here?"
Loba: "what are you doing?"
Luke: "uh uh? i was trying to get a perfect opening?" they couldn't see his smile so he have thumbs up as he broken another one.
Luke: "damn it, too big again." Loba and Horizon looked at eachother and shrugged before resuming their looting. he leaned on the wall and sigh before he notice something far away flashing light. he squinted from his helmet visor before another flash below it. he ducked as a bullet whizz where his head was.
Luke: "sniper!"

Meanwhile Rampart fired a shot that Luke ducked into cover inside the Bonsai Plaza. Mirage and Pathfinder behind her peeking from cover.
Mirage: "did you get'em?"
Rampart: "nope." before they move on, a energy bullet hits Mirage head taking him out quickly. immediately Rampart ducks to cover while Pathfinder revive Mirage.
Mirage: "WHY!?"
pathfinder: "it's part of the game friend."
Rampart: "well we're shit on this spot, lets go somewhere else."

Back at the Bonsai Plaza, Luke reload a fresh mag in his triple take while his teammates are nearby ready to go.
Horizon: "is it clear yet?"
Luke: "scared them off, we should hustle outta here before they come back."
Loba: "agree with you babe." Luke runs to retrieve the Trident and drove back to pick up the ladies before driving off to another place.
Luke: "where to?"
Horizon: "to that broken rift in the north east."
Luke: "Rift? since you been here, what happen to this place?"
Horizon: "it's going to be a long ride tha're I'll tell you..."

(Wraith's POV)

With 4 squads left, she watches the injured Caustic crawl to the center and enter the rift. she tried to go after him but stopped by Bangalore.
Bangalore: "leave him, he will be dealt with."
Announcer: "three squads remaining."
Bangalore: "see told ya."
Wraith: "oh must have been out of the ring." all the sudden they heard Wattson scream as they rush to her aid and see her crouching down facing from her back.
Wraith: "Nat what happen?!"
Wattson: "look what i found!" she turns with something in her hands.
Wattson: "it's a nessie doll and it's cute."
Wraith and Bangalore sigh as their adrenaline drop.
Bangalore: "well... at least we're alive."
Wraith: "yet..."

(Luke's POV)

As they near arrive to the rift, Loba and Horizon question Luke after he rode over a "Speed bump".
Loba: "are you sure was a speed bump?"
Luke: "yeah we good some good air."
Horizon: "and that lass is true, we're here." when he stop the Trident and disembark, they enter the Rift finding the place almost destroyed with the actual Rift still working at the center of the area.
Luke: "so this is what happens when you put too much energy in."
Horizon: "once we finish off those last three squads, wee abit should win this."
Loba: "your right... but where are they?"
all the sudden a flare was thrown near them as bombs fell from the sky and planted themselves to the ground.
Luke: "you have to say that?"
Horizon: "up and away newt." she use her portable gravity lift to get herself up in the air, Loba throws her bracelet and teleports inside a nearby building leaving Luke standing like a deer looking at an incoming headlight in the middle of the bombardment.
Luke: "oy Блядь-" then explosions cover the area. the aftermath of the bombardment Loba heard a knock on the door and open to see Luke crawled in and saw her smiling.
Loba: "wow i thought you can handle it?"
Luke: "funny help me before they come here to finish us all."
Loba: "what's the word?"
Horizon: "hey we got a wee bit of a problem here!" when both heard gun fire outside, Loba quickly revive him and ran outside together with guns blazing as Horizon fired back at Wraith's team chargingat their position while Rampart's team fire from a distance.
Luke: "well shit it's a fuck fest, let me deal with Rampart's Acolytes you help the doc."
Loba: "will do." Luke under fire climbs on top of the building and shoot at Rampart giving the opportunity for Loba and Horizon fight off Wraith's team stalling their attack.
Loba: "Luke, we need the help!"
Luke: "come on, come on..." he took the shot and missed her head by inches but penetrate the Trident's engine behind them and exploded taking out her team.
Luke: "i got em?" then Pathfinder's head landed next to him as he picks it up.
Luke: "sorry bud, but it's either you or me."
Pathfinder: "I-I-I-I IT'S OK-K-K-k FRIE-E-E-ED." he shut himself off before getting tackled by an unknown figure and stopped a knife from stabbing him.
Luke: "hey sis."
Wraith: "sup bro." he managed to get her off and fought while the others still shooting at eachother.
Luke: "like the new outfit (she's wearing Airship Assassin) showing off?" she swings her blade and manage to cut him a bit.
Wraith: "thanks, you should change for a new one." he sends a fist at her and she dodge to attempt another stab. when that are a couple feet from eachother Luke pulled out his Data Knife and gets ready for a fight.
Luke: "really? if so will you help me oh great model?"
Wraith: "let me think about it." they rush eachother and clash knifes creating sparkes in the air swinging and blocking blows.
Luke: "damn where did you learn how to use a knife?"
Wraith: "self taught." when he finds a weak spot he was about to go for the kill but she immediately phases out of there.
Luke: "can you stay still!" he felt pain in his hip and turn his head to see Wraith.
Luke: "ok... you got me."
Wraith: "i guess i win." she pulled out the knife leaving some blood on it.
Wraith: "now here are the conditions-"
Luke: "hold on- ahn- before you say that, let- gah- let me tell you something."
Wraith: "what is it?"
Luke: "ты должен целиться в голову..."
Wraith: "what?" he quick draw he's smart pistol and hip fires to his Wraith in the chest.
Wraith: "gah- how did i not see that!?" she collapse to the ground next to Luke who layed down holding his wound.
Luke: "and that's gonna hurt tomorrow...."


Question... should i do a lemon?
maybe not.

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