Chapter 13: Fire And Ice

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Luke was pinned down by rapid gun fire all alone by himself moving to a different position trying to not get shot.
Luke: "for fuck sakes, where are they!!!" he looks up in the air and see smoke trails of his team's color fading away.
Luke: "you got to be joking!!!"


After landing on the roof of the train station Luke entered the building finding his worst nightmare.
Luke: "ok... ok... is this a joke? finding a mozambique- oh wait here's another... *Smiles in disappointment* this is fine..." he also founds an hop up for the mozambique and a peacekeeper but noticed something was not right looking around to be alone.
Luke: "where are they... what?"

Mirage's POV

Mirage and Crypto landing further away from the Luke's position.
Mirage: "let's make a deal, if one of us got the most kills, they get bragging rights, deal?"
Crypto: "deal..." they search for weapons finding better weapons (better then Luke's loot) and spread out from eachother to different locations.

Crypto's POV

As he entered the Abandon City he spots a team Leaving a building so he pulls out his drone to scout the area to make sure it's just them then gets his drone closer and activates his EMP to destroy there shields and pick them off one by one his this charge rifle eliminating the team.
Crypto: "thats three..." then he casual walks off to the death boxes.

Mirage's POV

Mirage: "this is going to work im sure of it." He sets his last hologram and hid as bloodhound enters a game of guess who.
Bloodhound: "this is not what a expected." he shoots each of the holograms of mirages until mirage throws a gernade under bloodhound making him fly off a cliff.
Mirage: "and that's one- wait are we missing someone?"

Luke's POV

Pinned down by an enemy team shooting him he only have close range weapons with a peacekeeper and mozambique while they have AR's and Sniper rifles.
Luke: "this is so fair, just great, i prefer going solo then be with a team!" he threw his guns out and went on a ranting spree.
Luke: "like everytime im being fucked over by logic, if i can take notes about about my fucking issue of team, IT WOULD BE 20 TO 30 PAGES OF BULLSHIT, i have teammates that become loot whores, AFK, leaving the squad in the beginning of a match, teammates leaving after they get knocked down, rushing in because their kill hungry!" (wow like breaking the fourth wall im i right).

He stands up taking off his pilot helmet and threw it to the ground while still being fired upon before the enemy team stop shooting him and watch him ranting out loud.
Bangalore: "is he really that pissed?"
Gibraltar: "well he's not wrong about all of that."
Ajay: "that must been a drag, what do want to do?" they get out of cover watching his every move hearing Luke more clearly of his anger.
Luke: "so hippity hoppity fucking fuck, can we fucking have solos like come on blisk, if you were in my shoes, you'll be wanting the same thing!!!"
Bangalore: "hey what happened to your team?" Luke looks at Bangalore with his angry expression.
Luke: "well howdy partne  how was your day?"
Bangalore: "huh?"
Gibraltar: "are you ok brotha?"
Lifeline: "we heard your yelling, wanna talk about it?"
Luke: "wanna talk about it, wanna fucking talk about it-*pulls out his smart pistol getting a quick lock on and shoots them in the head*" he eliminated the team by himself and throws his smart pistol away and continues ranting while looting the deathboxs. until he heard a train passing by a bridge and explosions with Mirage and Crypto falling down.
Mirage: "but im not an idiot!" they both fell in a pool.
Crypto: "your welcome..."
Mirage: "i thought your going to shoot me." they get up and find Luke ranting.
Mirage: whoa boomer, chill what's going on?"
Luke: "where the fuck we're you both?"
Mirage: "uh what are you doing?"
Luke: "go before i go berserk, can you play the objective?"
Mirage: "what-"
Luke: "PLAY THE FUCKING OBJECTIVE!" he quickly jumped up and scout ahead while Crypto stared in silence before Luke calms down.
Luke: "sorry you have to see that, who are you?"
Crypto: "just call me Crypto, you must be Vasily everyone was talking about."
Luke: "yeah... lets go, the ring is coming." he follows Luke to Mirage as the next round started with four squads left.
Mirage: "so Luke what's going on?"
Luke: "don't worry about it, if i we're Bloodhound, where's would i be... i say we go to the train station, it would be Pathfinder's new territory."
Mirage: "how do you know?"
Luke: "because he's aiming at you right now." he pull Mirage into cover before a bullet past by his head.
Mirage: "how do you know!?"
Luke: "im a force sensitive... net i saw a sniper glare."
Mirage: "so whats the plan, shoot them?"
Luke: "well that and-

Crypto: "they are getting attacked."

They pop out of cover and see Wattson and Wraith attacking Pathfinder, Octane, while Bloodhound and Caustic
Charge at them causing a third party.
Mirage: "i got an idea, let's fourth party!"
Crypto: "geuneun dangsinboda apseo issseubnida."
Mirage: "what did you say?" Crypto points at the direction where the fight is at and sees Luke charging into the battle.
Mirage: "hey no fair those are mine!"
Crypto: "you still have a long way to go."
He follows Luke with Mirage going after them joining the fight.

Mirage's POV

Mirage sends a decoy running at the third party (Bloodhound and Caustic) before they noticed the decoy and shot it.
Bloodhound: "it's a decoy."
Caustic: "enough with your childish tricks!" before he can pull his gas gernade out, Mirage jumps on top of Bloodhound and use his gun to shoot Caustic's gernade that exploded in his hand, Bloodhound kicks him off and runs to cover before blowing him up.
Mirage: "yup that's three." Mirage gets up and toss the pin away and heads towards Crypto.

Crypto's POV

Crypto Scans the sniper's position (Pathfinder and Octane) with his drone and calls it back before pushing them using the zipline to get up to the cable car and see Octane and Pathfinder shooting at a team.
Pathfinder: "i see our friends attacking us."
Octane: "look it's the Pilot get him first." before he can answer Pathfinder was kicked put of the cable car as Octane pulls out his peacekeeper all for it to be kicked out of his hand and wacked by his drone using it as a melee weapon.
Crypto: "five..." before he can get out, Pathfinder grapples back up to attack Crypto to he kicked off again leaving an explosion in midair.
Mirage: "thats four sorry kid."
Crypto: "four kills, let's get the last team."
Mirage: "last one there has a rotten egg!" Crypto roll his eye's before advancing towards Luke's fight.

Luke's POV

After his team wipes two squads, he sees Wattson and Wraith shooting him.
Luke: "alright, it's time for a gun an run... let's show these legends how the militia really fight." holding his spitfire he gets up and runs while firing and wall running forcing them to take cover.
Wraith: "damn it, we're pinned!"
Wattson: "let's fall back and hold that position." they ran back as Luke followed them before running out of ammo.
Luke: "ok then, plan b." he sees Wattson activating a electric fence and set up her pylon as he throw gernades which were disseminated midair.
Luke: "ok plan c." he them as they turn around and fire at him. he fell the bullet hit his body but he kept on going until he gets through the electric fence feeling electrocuted and fall on his knees facing them.
Wraith: "what are you made of?"
Wattson: "you shouldn't be here by now?"
Luke: "i... i know... but... do you want to see my ring?"
???: "gernade incoming!" he takes shows them his hand with gernade pins before wraith can react, Luke leaps forward towards them before blowing up taking them with him. meanwhile Mirage and Crypto made it after the fight ended seeing Luke knocked out along with Wattson and Wraith.
Mirage: "is that all?"
Announcer: "We have an new Apex Champion." they look at the banner shows Luke, Mirage and, Crypto on the board.
Mirage: "what? Luke got the most kills?"
Crypto: "but he wasn't in the bet so i win."
Mirage: "no i won the bet." they turn and saw Luke barely standing before falling again.
Luke: "a little help here kids." Crypto rolled his eyes and help Luke into the jumpship that landed and both him and Mirage retrieve Wraith and Wattson and left the arena.

Hours Later

Luke was on his desk writing down into his diary until he felt a hand on his shoulder.
Wraith: "hey."
Luke: "what?"
Wraith: "listen... i want to say sorry for being a jerk."
Luke: "da..."
Wraith: "huh? that's it?"
Luke: "da."
Wraith: "what-" a picture slip out of his book and slide through the opening of the door to the otherside.
Luke scrambled on his feet and open the door to see Wattson holding the picture with Mirage and Bangalore.
Wattson: "who's picture is this?"
Mirage: "wow what a hotty, hey Luke who is this milf?"

Luke took the photo back and put it back inside his diary.
Luke: "that milf is my wife."
Mirage: "wait what's the other pic-"
Luke quickly swipe the pic closed the door and breath a huge sigh before noticing Wraith was still there.
Luke: "aren't you suppose to leave my room?
Wraith: "i never told you my name... im Renee Blasey, i learned what my name is before we left king's canyon."

Luke: "Renee Blasey... lovely name."
Wraith: "thank you..."


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